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I usually don't post or read stuff like this, but it showed up on my Facebook and it just made my head hurt.

It's just 12 pictures of how some women would act differently if they were boys. Keyword: boys, not men.


[Image: SBMF-276111.jpg]

Somebody saw #AmericanGirlsBeLike

"Men willingly believe what they wish." - Julius Caesar, De Bello Gallico, Book III, Ch. 18


WB 1, 2, 4, 5, 8,9, 10, 12

Others...after a few drinks...exept 7

These are above avg chics in general. Note to EliteDaily, get average (fatter, uglier) women and stop being so misogynistic.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”


Yeah, it was really a good idea to give these broads the right to vote.
Democracy is such a stupid idea.

Deus vult!


If you were a boy, you wouldn't be posing for a photograph holding a sanctimonious, passive aggressive placard with a fucking smirk on your face.


If you were a boy you wouldn't give a shit about any of the things on those place cards.

"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis


The captions underneath the pictures are even worse....

“Because this is my face and no man gets to tell me what I should do. If I want to smile, I’ll smile. No one has the right to dictate my feelings.”

Just fucking smile. It'll make you happier and you'll stop being such a bitch.

Not to even mention how petty every single one of these "issues" are...


Yep, probably the best response. If they were boys, no one would ever take pictures of them for anything. They'd be invisible to everyone until they became a man.

These chics have no idea what it's like to not be on anyone's radar by simply showing up. They have no idea the ridiculous amount of attention they receive for simply having a vagina (and not being fat).

Even #7 WNB...she gets attention for simply showing up. Oh well, they'll figure it out when the sun sets on their abbreviated fertile lives.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”


From a girl in the comments...

#ifiwereaboy i would be angry with these 12 for making assumptions about me.
#ifiwereaboy i might mistake your kindness as flirting and try to take it to the bedroom.
#ifiwereaboy i'd ask if you're okay, if you said fine i'd believe you are actually fine. if you aren't please "express" yourself.
#ifiwereaboy i'd tell you to smile, because it's more beautiful than a frown.
#ifiwereaboy i'd never pay for a girls drink. a girl never refuses a free drink.
#ifiwereaboy i'd believe women are already equal, and have no need to educate myself on feminism.
#ifiwereaboy i'd demand to be treated with respect and called a man. do i look 12?
#ifiwereaboy i'd demand the seat was always left up. we are equal right?
#ifiwereaboy i'd refuse to pay child support to a women who doesn't get an abortion. your body, your choice.
#ifiwereaboy i'd would wish i was stylish like a girl, but girls would probably be offended because they are sensitive.
#ifiwereaboy i'd ban all memes because they are racists or degrading to some people. memes should not exist.
#ifiwereaboy i'd only grab girls who looked easy.
#ifiwereaboy i wouldn't try to have a conversation at 1 am. that's not the time for that. [Image: wink.gif]


We need to troll this.

"If you were a boy... you couldn't get laid."

"If you were a boy... your drunk sex would be rape."

"If you were a boy... you'd have no birth control."

"If you were a boy... you couldn't do one approach."

I'd like to see these patronizing bitches try to make it as men.

Read my work on Return of Kings here.


Why do girls have such a big issue when someone says 'smile' to them? I don't get it. It seems very trivial but I've seen it a few times now so it must hit some special nerve.


Quote: (08-06-2014 10:13 AM)Espresso Wrote:  

Why do girls have such a big issue when someone says 'smile' to them? I don't get it. It seems very trivial but I've seen it a few times now so it must hit some special nerve.

Those who gets offended by this are cunts who never smile.
Healthy, happy girls beam and smile all the time, you do not have to tell them.

Deus vult!


If I were a boy.. I'd have testosterone running through my veins and assuming I had a working set of balls, the first thing that would cross my mind is .."how am I going to have sex with these women?"

It wouldn't be anything to do with "feminism".
It wouldn't be anything to do with leaving the toilet seat down (actually why can't women leave it UP for a change?)
It wouldn't be anything to do with "having a conversation" (unless it leads to sex)

It would be to do what God programmed us to do and shag (to ensure the survival of the human race).

The solipsism of these women is fucking mind-blowing. They don't have a bloody clue.


You know an ideology is powerful when it manages to poison one of the most basic words in a language.

The word "boy" is basically an unusable cant word right now. I can't use it.

"So I met this gorgeous boy last night..." (spoken by a marathon running cougar or a young bespectacled "science" fag)

[Image: barf.gif]

same old shit, sixes and sevens Shaft...


To show how far we've regressed in the world of political correctness, consider this clip from the 1987 movie "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles."

Would a movie today show a female employee getting ripped into like this, even as a joke? I doubt it. I really doubt it. If this were done now, it would be some neckbeard behind the counter.

Judge for yourself:



#ifiwereaboy I wouldn't be working a hard job in the HR

No ugly women, just lazy women.


You can't be mad at them. Their brains are a third of the size of ours. It's science.

[Image: 51013751.jpg]

God'll prolly have me on some real strict shit
No sleeping all day, no getting my dick licked

The Original Emotional Alpha


#ifiwereaboy I'd be 30 percent more likely to flunk or drop out of school

#ifiwereaboy I'd be four times more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD

#ifiwereaboy I'd be less likely to go to college, and more likely to drop out

#ifiwereaboy and I got a girl pregnant, I'd get no say in whether that child is allowed to live or gets aborted


Spot the feminine women who you would probably enjoy spending time with. I count one that looks kind and pleasant. This one isn't lecturing anyone - she wants to feel a genuine connection with a man, she smiles, and doesn't look like she has a chip on her shoulder:

[Image: RH6Dv3G.jpg]

This one could be nice as well, her message is more lighthearted and she isn't afraid to be girly with a smiley face:

[Image: 8ILupVQ.jpg]

There are pleasant women in the West, they are just a small minority.


Someone needs to start



#IfIWereACunt I'd start the hashtag #IfIWereABoy

Team visible roots
"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis
Quote: (02-11-2019 05:10 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  
I take pussy how it comes -but I do now prefer it shaved low at least-you cannot eat what you cannot see.


Why don't we counter this with a #IfIWereAGirl twitter movement? I'd be down with that... Make a Kings article about it, get some buzz going. It could certainly go viral.


If I were a girl, I'd be holding an iPhone instead of this sign.


[Image: SBMF-272311.jpg]

This women looks like a slut but complains about being "cat called".......


Quote: (08-06-2014 09:26 AM)TheWastelander Wrote:  

[Image: SBMF-276111.jpg]

Somebody saw #AmericanGirlsBeLike

If she was a boy she would be a beta as fuck white-knight

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