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Dude returns to America from Russia

Dude returns to America from Russia

Gives breakdown on the reverse culture shock.


Dude returns to America from Russia

I can definitely agree with the drunk girls part. Some girl begging for your attention while she throws herself at you will always lose against the demure girl giving you the "fuck me" eyes.

Dude returns to America from Russia

Guys everywhere? Is NYC becoming a cockfest?

Dude returns to America from Russia

Quote: (04-13-2014 04:31 PM)Kish Wrote:  

Guys everywhere? Is NYC becoming a cockfest?

Yes, I am noticing the same thing. Cockfests everywhere on East coast from DC, to Philly, to AC, to NYC. The only large city that is still somewhat decent is Baltimore but that has its own issues as well.

I miss Russia, going to clubs and being one of the few custom suited guys in places where ratios were easily 70f/30m

Dude returns to America from Russia

Chicks that can't walk in heels. They look like baby giraffes on roller skates. Definitely un-lady like.

"Feminism is a trade union for ugly women"- Peregrine

Dude returns to America from Russia

Quote: (04-13-2014 04:31 PM)Kish Wrote:  

Guys everywhere? Is NYC becoming a cockfest?

NYC gets a lot of hype on RVF, but you only have to fly for a short vacation to Southeast Asia or Eastern Europe to realize how much of a cockfest it is and how guys are treated like shit at clubs. Yes, I know that many other cities are worse, but I don't bother going there, at least not for the nightlife.

Dude returns to America from Russia

He makes it sound awful for American men in terms of ratios. I watched the vid before I saw this thread earlier this morning and it definitely reaffirmed for me that I want to visit Russia.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

Dude returns to America from Russia

I agree with everything he said.

"'s the quiet's for someone who's been through the struggle and come out on the other side smelling like money and pussy."

"put her in the taxi, put her number in the trash can"

Dude returns to America from Russia

Oftentimes, I am being asked in Russia why we have such shitty ratios in America - and I have no real answer! I just can't explain it logically! Statistically the ratios should close to 50-50..but in reality it's never the case. I have taken pictures in Miami night clubs with only 2-3 girls in them..
I can explain favorable ratios in Russia - many guys are the working class type and have no time or money for nightlife or entertainment. Women on the other hand are always looking to settle down with the top 20% guys who have careers,are educated,good looking..etc. So they take good care of themselves and are out to "hunt".

Dude returns to America from Russia


Girls get enormous attention just by sitting at home and checking okcupid and tinder - why go out ? She doesn't have to put make up and dress classy, isn't that a dream of every snowflake in USA.

Dude returns to America from Russia

Here is a theory offered to me by a family member and you are welcome to dispute it.

I was told that the ease of lizards is directly correlated to the economy of the place. The better the economy, the more shytty little office jobs will erect and hence give lizards a sense of empowerment and start to wean out and all imagine they are entitled to the top tier men.

In more blue collar cities, lizards won't be so full of shyt and swooping them will be a lot better.

For instance, the city I am in has a shytty economy (from what I see) and lizards only ask that you have your own place (negotiable), that you work (negotiable) and that you drive (negotiable).

In other places, any x's on those forementioned relegate you to the recycle bin.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Dude returns to America from Russia

Just wait for the US economy to implode. It will happen and it will be glorious. Lots of girls with boring office jobs becoming unemployed are going to understand what it is like to be a strong independent woman when she has no money for food or rent.

Dude returns to America from Russia

Damn!!! I totally understand its been almost six years since I left Russia it took a long time to get used to the states again but ya the one thing I saw as soon as I got off the plane at the airport was American girls tripping over themselves in high heels, ha ha its reality that hits HARD. Although Russian girls will play you hard if you don't tighten up your game but its only for a few bucks or a few days unlike American girls who will fuck your life over on a whim. Killing your social circle false rape claims, etc.

Dude returns to America from Russia

"Why do Russian women feel they must put on makeup even for the simplest things like going to the bakery? Do their men only like them for their looks? If so, Russian men must be really shallow."

This is a how this video makes a fat american feel... and this is her comment to make herself feel better about life [Image: american.gif]

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

Dude returns to America from Russia

I've just came back from Lviv (what he says fits probably all FSU countries) and I was shocked early on Monday (8am local) seeing one girl walking from party I guess and being totally wasted. It was my 3rd trip back there and I don't remember seeing local girl so wasted before, so - just like he said - it really stands out. You see girls wasted all the time in Poland example.

Dude returns to America from Russia

Good timing... back in DC I feel like I'm on a different planet.

Dude returns to America from Russia

@Moma - great analysis and very true.

USA economy imploding may make things better socially but not sure about everything else.

Our New Blog:

Dude returns to America from Russia

"you guys gotta basically fight a bunch of guys if you wanna meet a girl here in most places. not literally fight, like compete with a bunch of guys. in Russia there's no competition."

- Sounds like nyc's got nothing on Moscow.

"Apparently I look serious at times I'm not supposed to, that's definitely from Russia. When I look at someone i don't know, I typically give them a bad look, I definitely get that from Russia. ... Got a serious face, not gonna change, gonna keep these Russian habits, gotta keep these habits so i don't go over there and look stupid."

[Image: laugh2.gif]

I developed the same face coming back from Europe last year. People either asked why I was angry or tried to please me in hopes that I would smile. Amazing how the poker face drives Americans nuts.

Dude returns to America from Russia

Quote: (04-14-2014 10:30 PM)unbowed Wrote:  

I developed the same face coming back from Europe last year. People either asked why I was angry or tried to please me in hopes that I would smile. Amazing how the poker face drives Americans nuts.

In American culture you're expected to act like a fucking clown and people "have fun" by bouncing around and acting like idiots. If you actually take anything seriously that's seen as lame or awkward. You're supposed to just waste your time doing dumb shit and never think twice.

Dude returns to America from Russia

Quote: (04-14-2014 09:53 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Good timing... back in DC I feel like I'm on a different planet.

We would all be interested in an elaboration on this comment.

Dude returns to America from Russia

[Image: IJnEwlG.gif]

I burst out laughing at this part, when he remembered the fat people at the 6:03 mark. I felt it was gif worthy.

Any man who has spent time abroad and returns to North America comes to this disappointing conclusion. It's a right of passage, really.

Good video.

Dude returns to America from Russia

I've been traveling around Eastern Europe the last month and I've literally been in Moscow, Russia for less then 36 hours and I matched with 20 ladies. To say the least they are hurtin for a squirten. Now I'm glad I missed my connecting flight back to LA. I was advised not to leave the airport ;(.. But this place is on my radar big time now!!!

Dude returns to America from Russia

Quote: (04-15-2014 03:52 AM)International_Casanova Wrote:  

I've been traveling around Eastern Europe the last month and I've literally been in Moscow, Russia for less then 36 hours and I matched with 20 ladies. To say the least they are hurtin for a squirten. Now I'm glad I missed my connecting flight back to LA. I was advised not to leave the airport ;(.. But this place is on my radar big time now!!!

Haha I've matched with some of those girls.

"'s the quiet's for someone who's been through the struggle and come out on the other side smelling like money and pussy."

"put her in the taxi, put her number in the trash can"

Dude returns to America from Russia

You must be loving it here!!!! The ladies at the airport even seem down but I wasn't in the mood after forking up another G for a flight . How long you here for? Seems like a high percentage of the girls are attractive here but are with lame looking guys. I just don't understand it haha

Dude returns to America from Russia

Kudos to him for what he's created for himself, but some of the stuff he goes off on at the end of the talk, oh boy...

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