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Fort Worth, Texas Data Sheet November 2013 Update (Greater Tarrant County)

Fort Worth, Texas Data Sheet November 2013 Update (Greater Tarrant County)

Ladies & Gentleman...or rather...just gents..I present to you a data sheet on "Where the West Begins" being Ft. Worth, Texas. What does this mean? This means a Dallas data sheet is imminent in the near future because who really gives a shit about Ft. Worth right? (Jk) As for you other RVF members, you are more than welcome to take the initiative on a Dallas Data Sheet if you dare, but I will go ahead and make my own in the future regardless based on experiences living here in the DFW Metroplex.

I wouldn't recommend going out of your way to visit Ft. Worth from long ways out, but with many people relocating to DFW for work or temporary stays...I think utilizing the resources Ft. Worth possesses at times every odd weekend would be a good change of pace from Dallas. It's however NOT a great idea to actually live in Ft. Worth for a young professional that is looking to game as the Dallas area just offers a higher variety and density of single females.

Background on Ft. Worth -
As of 2013, there is an estimated population of 6+ million in the Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex as it is considered the fastest growing area in the nation. Dallas is obviously the main component of that equation as most of your professional networking/career opportunities are situated there whereas Ft. Worth is classified as the secondary region with a higher quality of living. The limited industries in Ft. Worth consist of A) Medical Field, B) Small Businesses, C) Old $$$ Law Practices, and D) Government Work. The exceptions in terms of major corporations would be A) Alcon Pharmaceuticals and B) Lockheed Martin though they do have another location in Grand Prairie, which is a town situated between Dallas and Arlington.

Btw, Dallas = Dallas County and Ft. Worth = Tarrant County

Natives here love to claim that American Airlines is headquartered in Ft. Worth, but that's a load of horseshit. I'll elaborate on that later on in my neighborhood breakdown though AA is technically in FW city limits. As a side note, DFW Airport is the biggest one in the United States as one must definitely check out Terminal D with all the international gates. There are direct international connections to Tokyo, Seoul, Buenos Aires, São Paulo, Santiago, Rio de Janeiro, Amsterdam, Paris, London, Madrid, Frankfurt, Sydney, and various cities in Mexico/Canada. Direct flights to Shanghai and Hong Kong will be added to that rotation as well starting May 2014.

Terminal D at DFW Airport -
[Image: JeffFagan_3.ashx?db=master]

Personality Traits of Ft. Worth Locals
There are various nicknames of Ft. Worth that range from A) Funky Town, B) The Funk, C) Cowtown, D) FW (Pronounced F-Dub) and E) Ft. Worth-less, which was obviously given by their neighbors to the east in Dallas.

The overall consensus of old school Ft. Worth peeps is that it's a city predicated on spiting Dallas. If you asked people here to describe themselves, they would refer to themselves as being
A) "more laidback than Dallas,"
B) "nicer than Dallas,"
C) and lastly "so much better than Dallas."

Ah yes city rivalries...interestingly enough, only 20-25 miles separate the westernmost tip of Dallas and the easternmost tip of Ft. Worth on Highway I-30. As you can tell, it's a place with a chip on it's shoulder. Ft. Worth is indeed it's own respective encompassing town though some have the annoying tendencies of carrying themselves as arrogant suburbanites who try to act like "hardass city slickers." That's what I like about some of the other suburbanites around DFW like Lewisville & Arlington in that they're all about having a good time & can acknowledge that they are indeed suburbanites opposed to being something they're not. Folks in the F-Dub are always complaining about how pretentious & chaotic Dallas-ites are though they are just as overly prideful about defining themselves based on the city limits they reside in.

Ft. Worth-ers however tend to be much friendlier & more polite than their counterparts in Dallas though it is much harder to crack their personal space as they possess more of an closed-market mentality. There's many more transplants in Dallas whilst residents of Ft. Worth have primarily been born & raised there. I went to a grade school with many people in West Ft. Worth though I was from a suburb in Northeast Tarrant County just outside of city limits so I have many great connections in the "heart of the city." For those that grew up in a different part of town in other spheres, they wouldn't necessarily have that "in" like I do though it's an environment that doesn't really excite me nevertheless.

If you are a transplant considering relocation into the DFW area while trying to start your own business, I would recommend not living in Ft. Worth. I once met a person who moved into DFW from Colorado wanting to start her own law practice through a professional networking group. Even though she got a good start in Dallas & didn't even consider Ft. Worth, she noticed that it was much harder for one to get a foot inside FW since the legal system there is run like an old boys club.

In any other professional field however, FW = Closed Market whereas Dallas & Surrounding Suburbs = Open Market. That was the motto of an old networking colleague. I'd have to wholeheartedly agree.

Quality of Living
Quality & cost of living in Ft. Worth is for the most part much better than Dallas. Residing in the Dallas area (even in Irving/Los Colinas slightly outside) is a much better value because you get to interact with cool locals but also a much higher abundance of transplants & personalities from all over the US & the world within the Dallas area.

If you want to go to a salsa dancing mixer, attend different meetups concerning different cultures/languages, reunite with an alumni chapter for college football games, and join various professional networking groups, it would be highly disadvantageous to domesticate yourself in West Ft. Worth because all of those resources are located in guess where (Dallas). Want to attend a cool French language practice mixer with cool peeps and hot bitches? Eager to have drinks with the Auburn Alumni Group while attending a watching party for football games? It's not happening in Ft. Worth.

Good clip by Roosh though I relate this video as to why you should live closer to Dallas instead of Ft. Worth as a young professional -

Excitement > Comfort

Main Neighborhoods (See Map)
[Image: 10813163895_38a8432381_b.jpg]
Map Legend
A) Downtown Ft. Worth (Nightlife, Offices, Family Activity-Related Crap)
B) West 7th (Family Activity-Related Crap/Nightlife)
C) TCU Neighborhood (College Bars/Restaurants)
D) Camp Bowie Blvd (Typically Good Restaurants, Charming Old Money Neighborhood, Ridglea Country Club)
E) Dallas/Ft. Worth Airport & American Airlines Headquarters (DFW)
F) Texas Motor Speedway
G) Historic Stockyards

When discussing nightlife venues & other lifestyle options in Ft. Worth, I will elaborate on the neighborhoods in the next post. The topic at hand however is the Headquarters of American Airlines being right next to the airport. I'm not exactly sure how locals in Ft. Worth will claim that AA is based out of Ft. Worth insinuating that transplants should live in the "heart of the city" if working at AA, which is totally misleading. Dallas/Ft. Worth airport is technically situated in farther Northeast Tarrant County on the cusp of Grapevine, Colleyville, Euless, and then a small portion of Ft. Worth. If you lived in West or Downtown Ft. Worth, that is easily a 55 minute commute with traffic. Might be 35 minutes without but almost an hour with. Another reason to NOT reside in Ft. Worth if you are being relocated by AA to live in the DFW Metroplex.

Mira Vista Country Club Just Southwest of Texas Christian University
[Image: loadheader.asp?dName=&Nsection=]

Crime isn't really so bad so long as you're not living in certain neighborhoods like the outskirts of North Side and Predominantly East/Southeast Ft. Worth (Home or Car Breakins).

There is a bad problem with Car Breakins near the TCU area whether it be residents there or with college students. The new area for partying is West 7th though there are some new upscale apartments with "secure" parking garages near Montgomery Plaza. As is the case with the TCU area, cars are getting broken into with frequency in the garages of these new complexes unfortunately.

The parking situation is getting a lot worse with towing/ticketing around West 7th as well.

Bad News - The number of single guys above age 22 seems to be much higher than gals in the Ft. Worth area. With that being said, many of the dudes tend to be of the southern frat daddy variety whether from TCU or ones visiting home in the Summer from other universities like Texas A&M, Tech, Oklahoma, etc etc.

Good News - Male students at TCU are heavily outnumbered by female students.

Outside of the fratty types, many of the guys in the Ft. Worth area are very towny-ish that dress outrageously to bars & clubs. For example, black dress shirt, black khakis, and a red tie with a bad hairdo even though they're not working a shift in the service industry. The other denomination would be the townie hipsters. Lot of these guys are originally from Ft. Worth. If they're not living at home with their parents still, then they are renting or have bought a small home near their families for God knows why they hell they are doing that besides being able to toke out whilst not being caught. I've essentially concluded that they are after all townies that refuse to step out of their comfort zone & branch out while going back to dating girls they knew from high school.

This is one reason I hate going out in certain areas of Ft. Worth because it's always an unintentional high school reunion running into the past. Drink prices in Ft. Worth are typically cheaper than that of Dallas are so that's why it's just so much more affordable for them...though the rewards are much less. For example, a well can range from $2.00-$5.00 in a FW establishment whereas that same vodka club soda could be $4.00-$8.00+ in Dallas. But still, a high school reunion atmosphere where guys sit around talking about how their side of town is so much better than Dallas as they struggle to expand their social circles is really an oxymoron.

('re not working in the service industry....)
[Image: will_chase_black_shirt_red_tie.jpg]

I think Ft. Worth females are naturally prettier than Dallas ones. They have more of that classic natural beauty with a semblance of southern belle flair. Even many guys in Dallas would agree too. It's not the classic southern beauty that you get in say Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, or Kentucky yet it's as close as it can get in Texas, which I consider to be it's own world opposed to the "Deep South." Don't forget the hot Hispanic women around Ft. Worth that possess a very smooth clean look too.

As mentioned above, there are much more female students at TCU than male students. A good portion of them are all about their immediate Greek Life scene or university-based social circles, but even those same gals are very open-minded about dating outside of those spheres. They generally have no choice due to outnumbering dudes at that school.

Upon turning 21, they will go out around the Downtown Ft. Worth/West 7th area first though others will prefer the edgier more happening Dallas scene while gradually learning the ropes of nightlife in the Metroplex. This is also why I recommend guys live closer to Dallas because it'll be more convenient for them to sleep at your place (wink wink) while you can always have an excuse to visit Ft. Worth. Really the perfect formula for a cross metro harem as a few of my buddies have capitalized off this system boning a chick in Dallas while on other weekends hosting a TCU gal who will make it out to a party in the Big D so she can return the favor some other time in her part of town. (FYI this bears good results with gals from Texas Woman's, North Texas, UT Arlington, etc gals when living in Dallas).

TCU gals can have that intimidating rich girl aura about them, but are typically much more outgoing than their SMU rivals from my experiences.

While that is semi-positive news, let's get back to more bad news shall we?

I want to say that TCU makes up about 30%-maybe 40% of the nightlife circuit in the main Ft. Worth bar areas. That leaves a good 60% remaining. In that 60%, you're going to have
A) Returning townies that are settling down in Ft. Worth again after marrying some dude from college,
B) Returning townies that are single but then eventually marry someone from their high school,
C) Townies that never quite branched out altogether while marrying a high school friend,
and D) The rest.

"The Rest" is primarily composed of many many thirsty dudes competing for the young professional women of Ft. Worth. In many bar venues, there is usually a surplus of couples, girls having a night out minus their boyfriends/husbands, and then single girls. These single women are complete cock teases and have every bit of leverage in the world because they're essentially unicorns who are intensely pursued by thirsty townie dudes as competition for them can be rather intense with a heavy dosage of complimentary drinks, overload of attention, etc etc.

Majority of the single women in DFW crave the excitement of Knox Henderson/Uptown/Lower Greenville not to mention their entry level work opportunities from worthless AD/Public Relations backgrounds are a better fit in Dallas so that's why there is such a dearth of talent amongst working professionals in Ft. Worth unless you're a married health professional or government employee. So why do the single women in Ft. Worth stay there? They enjoy cheaper prices, less competition, more attention, their choice of eager cock, and even cheaper prices again after conning dudes into free drinks while living in a less hectic atmosphere.

Ft. Worth women are generally more open at first for an opener though they can be real two-faced bitches when attempting to get into their personal space. Hence...the wall. In Dallas, you're more likely to experience some bitch shields and resistance at first but if you hold your own...then it's game time.

[Image: SE+Louisiana+TCU+Football_33036557_632076.JPG]

I'm sure most of you now are thinking "what incentive do I have for visiting Ft. Worth now?" There are some bright spots to the city if you venture out of the mainstream areas while doing a bit of driving. In terms of nightlife, gastronomy, day gaming, and other special events worth your time, that is something I will elaborate on in my next post as we'll let these original thoughts sink in.

(To Be Continued.....)

Fort Worth, Texas Data Sheet November 2013 Update (Greater Tarrant County)

Before elaborating on nightlife, I wanted to say the other big corporation in the Ft. Worth area is Radioshack. They are headquarted on the outskirts of Downtown FW.

As another note, you can smoke indoors in most Ft. Worth bars, which I'm not a fan of. I stopped heading to FW around 2008 unless a friend dragged me out because I hated smelling like a chimney afterwards. I can't say that I came to downtown many times out of my own will but was mainly influenced under peer pressure.

There are two parking garages next to the AMC Palace/Barnes & Noble that are free on weekends or weeknights. Free and safe. Doesn't get any better than that.

A) Downtown Ft. Worth takes pride in being much safer than Dallas's or any other American city. The truth is that every other American city treats their downtown as more of a work space where all the convenient stores & restaurants might close a bit early while happening neighborhoods are say 10 minutes outside. In Atlanta, Virginia Highlands and Midtown are the cool areas slightly outside while nothing happens in Downtown. With regards to Dallas, Uptown, Oaklawn, Victory Park, and Lower Greenville are the it spots outside of their downtown. There are quite a few things to do here in terms of nightlife, but it's really considered to be a little more obsolete with the emergence of West 7th, which I will discuss next.

- Flying Saucer/8.0's - There used to be a very well-known outdoor patio with occasional Spring/Summertime country concerts known as 8.0's just outside of the AMC Palace Movie Theater. A long-time Ft. Worth staple, they closed about a year or two ago unfortunately because business was not good enough in the Autumn/Winter.

When they were open however, Wednesday and Friday nights were off the hook filled with townie hotties galore as it provided to be a good pickup spot or place to loosen your date up. Of course this was conducive towards the season being Spring or Summer. I could see why they did close however because business was just not good enough overall in the colder months as there were absolutely no business. It also sucked that those seasons were just sausage fests with all couples domesticated inside.

Since then, the Flying Saucer which was located in another part of downtown took over that space. The Saucer is of course a chain that can be found in Addison or Houston, TX as well. Forgive me if they have locations elsewhere I forgot to mention too. You'll have some decent approach opportunities at this Saucer though it's more of a go drink with your friends place. Felt kind of tame meeting friends here this past Summer opposed to the liveliness of 8.0's.

There is a new version of 8.0's in West 7th as I'll be sure to cover that later on called Capitol Bar, which I'm a fan of.

- Library Bar - For those living in Ft. Worth, this is another staple though it's also a chain with a location in Austin, TX too. Fridays and Saturdays can be overwhelming with a good number of women that are approachable. Closing is however another issue. I used to hook up with an employee there as we knew each other before her tenure so free beverages were an occasional benefit. Pretty hot staff too I must say. Sometimes a $3.00 cover was required on weekends.

As douchey as the Library was and still is, there are good opportunities to pull. One of my friends pulled a hot chick that just moved in from California so he was at the right place at right time. However, there's too many usuals that I see way too often & they tend to be nice cock teases. For example I made out with a chick one week while three weeks later saw her go home with another dude thinking "wow why didn't I close?" Trivia events and drink specials occur all throughout the weeknights as I prefer the more laidback atmosphere with still just enough targets to work on. Then again this place is a chimney and inevitable high school reunion waiting to happen for me so no thanks on a return anytime soon.

Bar 9 - Underground bar where people are required to have dress shoes. Good place for a pickup. It's been ages since I've visited this place (or Downtown FW period) as they have a small bar section on the level first floor with another DJ in the basement. I've pulled once while having other opportunities in the past as it's a manageable venue. The basement is typically a much better bet than the level floor.

Red Goose Saloon - Downstairs is a restaurant whereas upstairs has hip hop DJs. Not a bad place. Friendly people overall & typically good music. Been to a couple of special theme parties here in the past.

Embargo - Cool salsa dancing specialty bar though it can be harder to find. Just google it on your Iphone as it's slightly farther off from everything else in downtown. They have specials at times & have been known to be kicking on weeknights.

8.0's Early Summer Evening (Or Daytime?)
[Image: 8patio.jpg.728x520_q85.jpg]

8.0's At Night
[Image: 8.0spazmatics11.standalone.prod_affiliate.117.jpg]

Fuck No Don't Come to These Downtown Venues
Pete's Dueling Piano Bar - There's another location in Addison/North Dallas that might be better with more single bitches, but all the chicks here are with guys or have boyfriends sitting at home while partying with their girls. Super lame atmosphere as cover can be anywhere from $10.00-$20.00. Worthless townie environment

Durty Murphy's - This is a small bar right next to the Library. For those overwhelmed by the neighboring venue, they come here for a more laidback feel infested with too many thirsty dudes trying to fuck even the ugliest girl in the bar. I remember meeting up with another group of girlfriends that wanted to go come home with me that night. All I had to do was ignore them momentarily while the desperate assholes distracted them with their persistence. Referring to "dirty" as "durty" is a reoccurring theme in the Ft. Worth bar scene. The intentional & witty mispelling is apparently supposed to be catchy while promoting the city as a "funky" competitor to what Dallas has to offer.

Houston Street Bar - Ok fuck this place. This is essentially a bigger version of Durty Murphy's except they have an upstairs outdoor patio. While being decently sized with a big capacity, there are only two restroom stalls in the bar...yes you heard me right two stalls. There's a one stall women's restroom and the same for men. Now imagine how unbearable the lines can be when times get desperate.

I ran into some bitch from the past telling out of town guests how much better Ft. Worth was than Dallas. There are many reasons to rip on Dallas too, but keep in mind this was coming from an average looking cunt who was constantly swarmed with attention unattainable 20 miles east on Highway I-30. With that being said, yeah this is the same desperate sausage fest Durty Murphy's except bigger yet with much smaller the ring of two stalls combined for both genders.

Fox and Hound - This place isn't obnoxious or anything, but it's a chain restaurant bar with overpriced generic food that isn't as good as Flying Saucer's. This venue is more suitable for groups of friends catching up, but I think Saucer is a better bet with more specialty beers & unique food selections. I believe the new Flying Saucer at the old 8.0's serves liquor now too? Just don't come here...unless you want to play pool...but why drive to Downtown Ft. Worth to play pool? Find a place in the suburbs to kick it, lol.

Paddy Red's - I have memories of bar hopping with friends that have resulted in venue switches to Paddy Red's as if it was such a game changing bar full of different redeeming qualities. Well, it's nothing special. Just go to a local dive bar in the burbs. There's no point in driving all the way to Downtown Ft. Worth period these days let alone especially for this generic dime-a-dozen bar all my old peers seemed to pedestalize.

Other Specialty Venues

Reata Rooftop Restaurant & Lounge - It's visually nice but not my vibe. Also known for having a a high end chicken fried steak I believe? Haven't tried it, but I do have other options for chicken fried steak in the area.

Scat Jazz Bar - Really a place for couples with you guessed it live jazz. Just mainly townies have a good laidback night out.
4 Day Weekend Comedy Club - Improvisational comedy. Never been, but I hear it's good. A Ft. Worth staple. I can't imagine going to this consistently as it's more of a go once never go again.

Hyena's Comedy Club - I think the original location was in Arlington, Texas as that was where comedian Ron White got his career jump started. Is the Arlington location still open? Not sure. Anyways this is a 2nd location with standup comedy.

Notable Downtown FW Closings
Barnes & Noble Book Store - A big staple in Downtown next to the AMC Palace. One of many Barnes and Noble closings in the US, but this location was a visually stunning one where families would chill after dinner while reading books & magazines.

Billy Miner's Burgers - Cool burger joint in the past. Long-time owners decided to retire as they couldn't find a buyer. Good people overall. They always closed at midnight or 1AM in the past, but it was fun getting your eat on while getting liquored up at same time. The motivation to bar hop afterwards was often tranquilized with the combination of food and alcohol though it satisfied.

[Image: 2788.jpg]

Be careful venturing outside of the main bar areas in Downtown at nights. Had one friend who was robbed gunpoint while another living in the same perimeter was just jumped for no reason. Be careful and keep your senses sharp. Other than that, this is still very safe place compared to other downtowns in typical American cities.

Texas A&M University Law School
The actual university is located in College Station obviously, but their law school is situated in Downtown Ft. Worth. It used to be known as Texas Wesleyan Law School. I'm hoping the A&M brand & alumni base increases the reputation label of the institution as far too many students were going into debt under the lesser Weselyan Law name. Speaks volumes when peers from my past decided to live out in Dallas while commuting to school here in Ft. Worth, lol.

In my next post I will detail venue summaries & descriptions for the newest & most upcoming neighborhood being West 7th. Sorry for breaking everything up, but I feel like the data in this thread overall would be more manageable if split into portions. Also easier on my brain too, haha.

Fort Worth, Texas Data Sheet November 2013 Update (Greater Tarrant County)

Great Data Sheet! I used to live in Athens, Texas in Henderson County near Tyler when I was a teen, which was an hour and a half west of the Dallas/Forth-Worth area. Texas is absolutely my favorite place to live in America. I loved everything about the state. The bbq, the souther culture, the Tex-Mex feel, warmer winters (compared to Chicago anyway). I also liked the fact that you guys have many big cities like Dallas, Forth-Worth, Houston, El Paso, San Antonio, Amarrillo, Corpus Christi, only a drives way. I also like the fact that is relatively close to Mexico and you can just take a bus there for cheap.

I really want to move there one day and live my life as a young professional there. My plans are to live abroad for a few years but relocate to Texas in the near future.

Fort Worth, Texas Data Sheet November 2013 Update (Greater Tarrant County)

Appreciate the input bro! Yeah Tyler is up and coming these days as one of my best friends lives out there. Yeah go abroad when you can. DFW in general a pretty good place to be.

I still have a longer ways to go in this sheet with more neighborhoods to cover but will conclude everything with details about Northeast Tarrant County being North Richland Hills, Hurst/Euless/Bedford, Southlake, Grapevine, etc etc in this very same thread.

I will also start separate threads for these areas as well:
1) Arlington/Grand Prairie
2) Dallas/Addison

Fort Worth, Texas Data Sheet November 2013 Update (Greater Tarrant County)

Before I shift onto the West 7th neighborhood, let me give a good shout out to Piranha's Killer Sushi in Downtown Ft. Worth. The original location is in Arlington, but I believe this location in Downtown is superior with a cool vibe on the inside.

West 7th is a fairly recent development that was blueprinted around 2006-2007. The old Montgomery Plaza building was a landmark in Ft. Worth at one point but dilapidated and became obsolete as time wore on. Like many American cities, neighborhoods just outside of uninspiring downtowns were the trend. I made comparisons earlier like in Atlanta where you have Midtown/Virginia Highlands outside of downtown as the same came be said for West 7th. Bars started opening up around 2008 as everything started coming into fruition around early 2011.

The new upscale apartment buildings around West 7th are primarily filled with just some big money people who use it as a 2nd home or 2nd property. These are merely overly prideful Ft. Worth enthusiasts as you're not going to find many young professionals living there because the industries & career opportunities are still fairly limited. Though I'm not a fan of the neighborhood in general, here goes a data sheet on venues here.

The parking situation in West 7th is the most problematic feature of the neighborhood. It is extremely regulated here as security guards and cops will only let you park in certain places depending on which bar you head to. This is not a problem in Uptown Dallas, but in West 7th yes as there still exist many shades of gray based on the lots. Just be careful and ask while driving around.

Like the Downtown FW nightlife scene, gals here are easy to open but tough to get into their personal space. The formula usually goes along the line of 1) Approach, 2) Hit it off well thinking you have a connection, 3) Girl walks off for a bit, 4) Girl is immediately pursued by other thirsty dudes so you go talk to other gals, 5) If reconnecting with that original girl, she will pretend like she never met you and proceeds to get offended if attempting to get into her personal space. This is the opposite of the Knox Henderson/Uptown scene in Dallas where girls will likely turn you down immediately or give a first impression bitch shield while giving you an opportunity to crack them with each passing minute. There's way too many people here that were born & raised in Ft. Worth as an outsider going up against that will need much more time to crack circles that are not as rewarding as the ones in Dallas anyways.

Like all of Dallas/Ft. Worth too, closing time is 2AM. Some people may mind that, but I'm ok with it.

[Image: 20110604084639.jpg]

Gone But Not Forgotten
Love Shack - The most well-renowned chef in the city of Ft. Worth goes by the name of Tim Love. Originally from the state of Tennessee, he made a name for himself here with his restaurants being Lonesome Dove in the Stockyards neighborhood and his locations of the Love Shack, which is a gourmet burger with a special quail egg inside them. The other two are in the Stockyards and in Denton. Location in West 7th was hot at one point, but died out due to bad renovations in the neighborhood. Changes in the parking infrastructure made it absolutely impossible for customers to enter the place so the business tanked meaning you need to visit the Stockyards location in Ft. Worth. Cool vibe and excellent burger.

[Image: rMTFB.St.117.JPG]

Gold Standard/7th Haven - I used to get good drink specials & comped beverages here at times for just being polite. Anyways, it's a rooftop bar with a downstairs area too as many usuals drank here. I didn't find it all too special, but the bar somehow just phased away.

Oldest Tenant in West 7th
Fred's Texas Cafe - Good place to have a burger and a beer. Just stay inside as there is usually some underwhelming idiot on a banjo playing outside on the patio. This place has been in existence for ages even before West 7th was constructed as the new "it" neighborhood. I would rate the Love Shack Burger as being superior, but this is the best option & oldest landmark here with the prior being closed.

Active Bars
Capital Bar - With the disappearance of 8.0's in Downtown FW, Capital Bar is pretty much the same thing except it is much more massive with many more young people. There's a large outdoor patio with multiple counters for drink orders and two indoor bars to choose from. All of this is really depending on the season. Early Autumn, Spring, and of course Summers are the time to be in Capital Bar as the live bands outside are in full swing.

I would say avoid Capital during the colder months being November to Mid-March. With one indoor bar active in the Late Autumn and Winter, place becomes dead. The crappy indy bluegrass played can be unbearable indoors during those times. I last went to Capital two times in 2011 as I got to experience both seasons.

Capital is different from 8.0's in that you have much less old people (who are still catching on to West 7th..especially if they're from Arlington or Northeast Tarrant County) whereas you have higher energy levels with the wide array of young people there. In order to sustain itself for a longer period of time, those older people who frequented 8.0's need to make their way out here. There are good swoop opportunities here in the warmer months. I had a good chance one time yet deferred to a friend who didn't capitalize, meh. Best nightlife option by far in West 7th if you're thinking about a place.

Pourhouse - They might charge a cover on Fri/Sat nights. Normally, I refuse to pay this cover but the talent on the inside is more favorable than other places I will mention later on. The first location in FW was Downtown (not a fan of that one), but they closed. Worked out because I like this one more. You can easily get a sneak peek of the talent before entering from the windows.

The Durty Crowe - It's a small open door bar right next to Capital. I'm not sure why this place exists because you're honestly better off at Capital. Decent gaming opportunities here, but I refuse to give them business solely based on the fact that dirty is once again spelled durty. It's a Ft. Worth thing trying too hard to portray a failed attempt at coolness.

Boomerjacks - Another generic chain with generic bar food. Go to the location in Bedford or Arlington as they are better. Don't go to this location.

Shamrock's - Cool laidback bar. It's a good place to get some approaches in. I prefer it moreso than the next place I'm about to mention.

Pug Mahones - In theory this is a pretty decent place to game chicks and get approaches in. The TCU crowd that comes in tends to stick together whereas there are just too many couples here or gals with boyfriends. This means that the single women who come in here are going to be swarmed with attention and overly eager thirsty dudes.

Had a friend who was talking to a gal for a good 20-30 minutes. Next thing you know, her jealous boyfriend comes up and gets defensive. The boyfriend tried punching my friend who ducked so the bf connected to his gf's chest, haha. My fondest memory at Pug Mahones was hitting it off with two gals while my wing man tagged along. The chicks then invited us out to Downtown at the Library only for us to find out they also invited two other dudes & ended up going home with them. For various reasons, we now refer to this place as "Thug Mahones" or "Punk Mahones." I'd say go to Shamrock's instead of this place.

Lola's - It's a small concert venue with a $10.00 cover charge. I last went there with two other guy friends for the sole purpose of catching up so didn't game. The girls in there possess a classic natural Ft. Worth beauty with a light touch of the artsy look. It's mainly late 20's to late 30's crowd, but the women in there are worth the entrance IMO. The cover ensures that you will get a more sophisticated clientele that conducts themselves appropriately unlike the douches of Punk Mahones so this might be worth a visit if I ever head back to Ft. Worth. Btw dudes do not approach the chicks here unlike Pug's.

Images from Capital Bar
[Image: 9147665908_e80bf7ce85_b.jpg]

[Image: IMGS4548-1.jpg]

The staple restaurants in West 7th nowadays are:
A) Brownstone's,
B) Chuy's Mexican being a chain,
C) Max's Wine Dive also with an Uptown Dallas location,
D) Blue Sushi (Nebraska chain)
E) Woodshed (Another Tim Love restaurant)

I would elaborate on those restaurants, but never went to any of them. Have heard nothing but good things however.

The only place I have been to is Taco Heads, which is a food truck situated right outside of Pug Mahone's and Shamrock's. This is the perfect compliment to your drinking or post-drinking.

In conclusion, West 7th is Ft. Worth's answer to Knox-Henderson and Uptown in Dallas. It's aesthetically decent, but overall lacks the personality and young professional demographic predominant in Dallas while coming off as way too towny-ish. Nicer people in the main Ft. Worth nightlife areas yet they tend to be more insular if the goal is building closer relationships...not to mention lamer overall not worthy of your time & energy.

The good news is places like Lola's and Capital Bar are definitely worth your time & commute especially if the weather is nice in the warmer months. Nothing like that can be found in Dallas.

The Ft. Worth data sheet will conclude with an overview of:
1) The Stockyards
2) Medical Distrcit
3) TCU Area
4) Miscellaneous Offerings Around Town
5) Special Events in the Calendar Year

Not sure how many more posts it will involve yet (2-3), but it will get done eventually.

Fort Worth, Texas Data Sheet November 2013 Update (Greater Tarrant County)

Not really Fort Worth but Downtown Dallas: Hit "Synn" on Main St. Saturday night. We did bottle service lite for $180 total. Other groups in bottle service could not wait and got theirs early. We strategically had gotten ours at 12 am but the sparkler only lasted 15 seconds. We had a bottle of Ciroc and two juice mixers. Very nice club on interior. High quality women with a decent 1 to 1 ratio or better. 1:30 am last call sucked. High heels was the dress code for women. Logistics is nightmarish in the DFW, especially for a weekend trip. A week there or better, one can do damage, major damage.

Fort Worth, Texas Data Sheet November 2013 Update (Greater Tarrant County)

What's the name of that bowling alley bar in West 7th? I forget, but it was pretty decent the few times I'd been there. Also bar on the corner, again forget the name but it had 2 floors of bars and an outside deck too.

Fuck I am missing that area big time now. So many good spots and so fucking cheap.

Fort Worth, Texas Data Sheet November 2013 Update (Greater Tarrant County)

Quote: (11-25-2013 11:58 AM)Checkmat Wrote:  

What's the name of that bowling alley bar in West 7th? I forget, but it was pretty decent the few times I'd been there. Also bar on the corner, again forget the name but it had 2 floors of bars and an outside deck too.

Fuck I am missing that area big time now. So many good spots and so fucking cheap.

Can't remember bowling alley name.

That bar with two floors and outdoor patio was called 7th Haven. Late 2012, new owners took over calling it Gold Standard. Now it's closed altogether as it will become a 2 story taco shop according to my sources...I always got free drinks there for being polite dude.

I'd maybe dig Ft. Worth a little more if it wasn't such an unintentional high school reunion for me each time. Geez...I need to bust out more reports on other neighborhoods & happenings in the area, haha.

Fort Worth, Texas Data Sheet November 2013 Update (Greater Tarrant County)

Though West 7th and Downtown are the most well known areas of Ft. Worth, the remainder of this report is a testament to why I love the city as the surrounding areas have more personality. The real Ft. Worth might I add. Let's start with the Stockyards.

Stockyards Neighborhood

This is arguably the biggest tourist attraction in Ft. Worth as the emphasis shifts towards "Where the West Begins:"

It's a bit far from everything, but there are cool rewarding happenings around the area.

[Image: 11093341285_cf4470abdb_b.jpg]

Restaurants & Happenings
Ft. Worth Stockyard Rodeo - Never been myself, but it's a well known thing around here. There is usually something happening every Saturday.

Risky's Barbeque - Apparently the best and most well known location is situated here int he Stockyards. Definitely worth a try.

Joe T. Garcia's - The most well known restaurant in the Stockyards. I would say the food is quite overrated though it's a very scenic restaurant with a jammin patio in the warmer months. By the way, it is cash only. Joe T's is owned by the same people as the place next door known as Esperanza's Bakery & Cafe. The food next door is less gringo-ish and more authentic. My suggestion is to eat at Esperanza's while then having drinks at Joe T's for gaming. If you are to eat at Joe T's, go for the enchiladas instead of the fajitas on the limited menu. Enchiladas are the best offering at the restaurant.

[Image: 1gOGkK.St.117.jpeg]

Esperanza's - A more authentic version of Joe T's. Bring cash only.
Lonesome Dove - High end country eating by Tim Love. Never been though it is critically acclaimed.

Love Shack Stockyards
- I mentioned this burger place by Tim Love in the West 7th section. Since that location closed, try the well known Stockyards location as it's the only one in Ft. Worth these days.

Nightlife - At nights, many lots will charge anywhere from $5-10.00 for parking. There has got to be a way around that, but I haven't figured it out yet.

Billy Bob's - This is apparently the world's largest "honky tonk" bar. It's all country music all the time. Plenty of nice ladies around with opportunities to square dance. If you ask a lady to dance, she will gladly oblige though don't expect anything too serious from it. If you've got good game, you should be able to escalate here. There is always a $10.00-$20.00 cover charge on Saturdays because that's when the big bands come so try to go on a Friday night. I've only been twice with friends, but was kind of a party pooper since I wasn't too fond of the atmosphere.

PR's - Oh yes. The guilty pleasure bar of your OP. It's a country hip hop venue where they'll play two rap songs where slutty country chicks will grind all over the place and then things will shift towards a slow country followed by a faster paced country song. Lots of sluts here. Keep in mind smoking is allowed so you will end up smelling like a chimney. Best to wear a nice flannel dress shirt and jeans that can be washed immediately afterwards. Not sure if anything happens Thursdays, but Fridays & Sundays are where it's at. Especially Sunday's. Cover is usually $3.00-$5.00, but drinks were dirty cheap like $1.75 per well or beer. Definitely worth it. Every other Sunday might be a Bikini contest now? Not sure...but I'll take the unapologetic cheesiness of PR's over any other bar in Downtown or West 7th because it feels like such a hardcore country atmosphere opposed to an extension of an over glorified suburb.

If I'm not mistaken, this place is 18+ so males under 21 would have to pay a higher cover.

[Image: l.jpg]

[Image: 318688612_640.jpg]

Neon Moon - Same thing as PR's plus the age thing too except a little more spread out. I like the congested tightly packed setting of PR's more as you don't have to walk a farther distance to approach chicks. I was actually picked up by a gal here one time though I'm not too proud of that moment, lol. Yeah..would rather not get into that...biggest regret in life was not getting a hotter chick from the Stockyards at a younger age with less responsibilities...but it's never too late to come back with my boys & relive the good ole times. I still prefer Neon Moon and PR's more than Billy Bob's.

I'm a very big fan of the Stockyards. This is a "major neighborhood" that will offer the best swoop opportunities though the gals may be cooouuunnn-tryyy, but man are they primed for boning.

Medical District Revitalization

The Medical District is well..full of health care-based offices, hospitals, etc. Who would've thought? Ft. Worth professionals are starting to move here now as it was a formerly dilapidated neighborhood on the rise again.

Massey's - Well-known chicken fried steak at a very reasonable cost. Try it.

Bars -
The Usual - Upscale martini bar in Ft. Worth. I'm not a fan. You can skip it. No single chicks here. Just a bunch of people trying to be "big city-ish" though nobody is really for the taking. Going to a Martini Bar in Dallas should yield better results. I'm not paying $12.00 for a martini if there are no single bitches present.
Chat Room - Pretty neat dive bar next to the Usual. There is even a lady inside serving cash only tamales to drunk's with the urge to munch. Go here inside of The Usual
Rahr Brewery - Not really a bar, but this is the most well-known brewery in Ft. Worth. Go on a Saturday tour of the brewery for $10.00-$15.00, and you get a free glass at the end. Great beers though I'm not a huge beer enthusiast. Worth a visit.

TCU Neighborhood -

Berry Street /University Drive - All the TCU bars are lined up around here. It's not just students but people of all kinds. Not a bad place to bar hop.
Buffalo Brothers - Great restaurant with a nice bar area to pre-game and talk to women. Originally from city of Buffalo as they offer pizza, wings, and sandwiches. Start a night out here I must say.
Blue Mesa - Great Friday happy hour with good talent around. Try it. Chain with locations all over DFW.

Hulen/Camp Bowie/Interstate 30-

Lot of restaurants and bars around here. Pretty suburb-ish, but definitely worth a try.

Gingerman - Beer/wine establishment also with a Dallas location. Probably a better day drinking establishment than a night one. Even the Dallas location is more about friends drinking with each other opposed to gaming. Some good talent in the daytime based on past visits.

Miscellaneous Venues Around Ft. Worth Area -
Margie's Italian - Kind of overpriced Italian restaurant near Camp Bowie South. Cool venue though with plenty of hotties around and good food. Very atmospheric.
Mancuso's - Tony Bennett's favorite Italian restaurant whenever visiting or performing in DFW. It's way the hell out of nowhere in Ft. Worth. Never been as they have funny hours, but I hear it's splendid.

Haltom City Area - Various Mexican/Vietnamese markets & restaurants. Will find some good tacquerias around this area. Worth visiting for those great ethnic eats.

There's a chain Chinese cash only restaurant known as First Chinese BBQ in the Metroplex. The best location is for some reason in Haltom City even though there are not too many Chinese in Tarrant County period (mainly Vietnamese if we're talking Asians)

Showdown - Country bar off Bryant Irvin and I-20. Townies and hoes.
Rack Daddy's - Chain restaurant and bar for pool tables. Location off Bryant Irvin and I-20 is the best for talent. They even have a ping pong table. Love this place.
Yupp's Karaoke Bar - Small dive bar with karaoke. Takes forever to perform a song. Lots of townie talent in here. One of my favorite venues in DFW period. Near Crowley Road and I-20.
Ozzie Rabbit Lounge - This is borderline Arlington, but technically in Ft. Worth city limits on the east side off Lancaster and I-820. Owned by the same people as Cave's in Arlington. Have pulled a couple gals back with a friend though he blew it with socially awkward comments at the end, lol.
BBQ - Barbeque is well known in Ft. Worth as the most well-known spots are:
Angelo's - Just slightly northwest of Downtown Ft. Worth. I love the sandwiches, fresh draft beer, environment, and sides. What's not to love about that and some sweet tea too?
Railhead - This place has better barbeque and sauces than Angelo's. Never been to the actual restaurant, but had Railhead catered at a wedding rehearsal dinner. Near Hulen/I-30.
Cousin's - Multiple locations across FW. Good bbq. I like to buy sweet tea by the gallon from here.
Sammie's BBQ - Haltom City. Very underrated. Excellent Ribs. Go!

I'm sure any BBQ enthusiast around Tarrant County could mention more, but that's the info I can provide for now.

Other attractions
Kimball Art Museum - Critically acclaimed art museum. They even have a pretty good Sunday brunch.
Ft. Worth Zoo - Better than Dallas Zoo.
Botanical/Japanese Gardens - Definitely worth a visit. Scenic greenery.

Events Worth Attending -
Colonial Golf Tournament - This occurs right after the Byron Nelson Classic in Dallas. Or rather the week after. While the Byron in Las Colinas/Irving is known as more of a hoochie mama pick up event, the Colonial is more about families & well I guess golf.

The course is also much more scenic as well. Happens mid-late May. I think there would be more sluts at the event if it didn't occur on Memorial Day Weekend on some years. During that time, most of the hoes head to the lake (most noticeably Lake Lewisville for Party Cove). Justifiably so. I love the hoes on Lake Lewisville & Sneaky Pete's near Denton.

Nice pic here..but I would prefer to trade preppy dudes & families for the hoes of the Byron Nelson -
[Image: nicholscol_0527spo022.JPG]

Cystic Fibrosis Dinner (Wine & Food Extravaganza) - This event usually occurs in the Autumn around October/Early November. Happens on some dude's badass ranch party in southwest Ft. Worth with plenty of hoes around. If you can get tickets...go.

If you want to volunteer, go to this website & contact the proper authorities:

I used to volunteer at this event with friends. Passing up on free food, wine, booze, and cougars would be no bueno. Try to's fun..and you might get to take home tons of alcohol for free, haha.

[Image: Image%20Updated1.png]

Main Street Arts Festival - I would say avoid this event in Downtown Ft. Worth. Driving around downtown is a mess as finding parking can prove to be a real headache. I've mainly seen couples at this event opposed to single chicks around. Some decent outdoor bands to attend occasionally. A comparable in Dallas is Taste of Addison mid-late May whereas this event is sometime around April.

Nascar in April - For those that like Nascar, this occurs at Texas Motor Speedway north of the city every April.

Concluding Thoughts on FW City Limits
Overall, I'm a big fan of Ft. Worth. There is something to be said about having friends and peers all over the Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex since it's an area with much to offer. Not a bad place to settle down though the distance from Dallas-based resources is painful. I would like FW more if it wasn't such a small world full of townies I went to high school with. It's not that I hate townies...but seeing the same ppl over and over again while telling them what I'm currently doing in my life is meh. Revolving my social life around that scenario as a young professional just isn't worth it.

While the two main "going out" areas are West 7th and Downtown, I believe the "heart" of Ft. Worth lies within driving your car around and getting lost in the aforementioned neighborhoods mentioned in this specific post I've just typed up.

Hope this was helpful to those that might be relocating in DFW. If you're willing to drive (need a car in area regardless), Ft. Worth is a piece of the Metroplex puzzle worth getting acquainted with as you really cannot run out of places to try or things to do with the proper adventurous mentality.

I will conclude my reports in this thread with an overview of Northeast Tarrant County including North Richland Hills, Hurst/Euless/Bedford, Grapevine, Colleyville, and Southlake. There will probably not be as much to discuss though it is the mention

The Dallas data sheet is becoming more and more imminent by the day....or at this pace, a couple of months since I'm feeling pretty lazy lol.

Fort Worth, Texas Data Sheet November 2013 Update (Greater Tarrant County)

Quote: (11-25-2013 11:24 AM)RougeNoir Wrote:  

Not really Fort Worth but Downtown Dallas: Hit "Synn" on Main St. Saturday night. We did bottle service lite for $180 total. Other groups in bottle service could not wait and got theirs early. We strategically had gotten ours at 12 am but the sparkler only lasted 15 seconds. We had a bottle of Ciroc and two juice mixers. Very nice club on interior. High quality women with a decent 1 to 1 ratio or better. 1:30 am last call sucked. High heels was the dress code for women. Logistics is nightmarish in the DFW, especially for a weekend trip. A week there or better, one can do damage, major damage.

Thx for that contribution...a Dallas data sheet in another thread is imminent...logistics here are a pain in the ass too, haha

Fort Worth, Texas Data Sheet November 2013 Update (Greater Tarrant County)

NETC or rather Northeast Tarrant County consists of the suburbs surrounding the southwest side of Dallas/Ft. Worth Airport.

The older neighborhoods consist of Keller, Roanoke, Hurst, Bedford, Euless, and North Richland Hills. Let's just say that your OP was basically raised around the vicinity of these areas. It's predominantly middle class residences with some in the lower and others in the upper echelon. It's very homely to me as I tend to be attached to the resources around here. Good for overall gaming? Probably not. But there are some redeeming qualities & some windows of opportunity. Trinity Euless High School is a powerhouse winning state in football mainly due to the big strong Tongan kids residing in the area...sounds weird..but as a DFW resident, that's a well-known fact as they dominant on the gridiron.

The newer neighborhoods consist of Grapevine, Colleyville, Southlake, Westlake, and Trophy Club. This is where many athletes & big shot suburbanites live. As you can tell, it is mainly upper class. The huge advantage of this area is that it is right next to DFW Airport. For professionals that travel quite a bit, they would be at a huge advantage living here though it's probably best to live in the Las Colinas/Irving area for a single male. Southlake Carroll High has a tremendous football team that has won state quite a few times. Many attribute that to the influences of the pro football players that have bred children and been a good presence around the team. Greg McElroy of the 2009 Alabama Crimson Tide Ntl Championship team played here going undefeated his senior year. Next door, there is Colleyville Heritage High School where current Minnesota Vikings QB Christian Ponder attended.

Prominent Employers in Northeast Tarrant County
1) Bell Helicopter (Hurst)
2) Verizon Wireless (Southlake)
3) Fidelity (Westlake)
4) Dallas/Ft. Worth Airport (Euless/Colleyville/Grapevine Border)
5) American Airlines Main Headquarters (It's located in Euless..not Ft. Worth)
6) Probably more I can't think of

[Image: 4aadfw.jpg]

Highlights of Northeast Tarrant County
1) High quality of living on par with that of West Ft. Worth neighborhoods. Great school districts.
2) Lacks the arrogance of defining themselves based on where they live. Maybe it's more prevalent in say Southlake/Trophy Club, but everybody knows they're just suburbanites instead of glorifying themselves.
3) Northeast Mall in Hurst - Possibly a good daygame place. Really a nice pleasant mall that isn't too cluttered while offering great stores.
4) Tarrant County College - A community college in the area. Free parking next to the tennis courts and free computer lab in main library even for non-students. Some good looking older chicks doing a wide variety of certs here too. Very nice campus. Great tennis courts & jogging trail too.
5) Proximity to Dallas/Ft. Worth Airport with Airport Freeway and back roads such as Highway 26 or Highway 10 are a plus.
6) Great restaurants...especially tacquerias and non-chain ones.
7) Bit closer to Ft. Worth nightlife
8) Women bred in these areas tend to possess a beautiful girl next door feel.

Disadvantages of NETC
1) Airport Freeway (Highway 183) is a complete clusterfuck and will continue to be for ages.
2) Still a relatively long commute for those living here while working in Dallas. Las Colinas/Irving is actually not too far off, but highway 183 = ugh
3) Not a whole lot of nightlife options as the venues can be exhausted rather easily
4) I would hate driving back here after a night out partying in Dallas.

Old Northeast Tarrant County Highlights (Roanoke, Keller, NRH, Hurst, Euless, Bedford)

Zonga's - Cool new bar off Highway 26. On the inside, they have a dress code for the dance floor. The outside is a pretty chill place to drink, eat good Middle Eastern food, and try different variations of hookah. Very lively scene. I recommend.

Volcano's - Great burgers here. Plenty of pool tables. Harwood Road.

Witten's - Nice new dive bar near Northeast Mall. Plenty of good looking women on Tuesday's for whatever reason. Open 24 hours on weekends though they stop serving alcohol at 2AM anyways. So instead of driving home drunk, have your drunk binge there while sobering up. Plenty of pool tables too.

Duke's - Decent place to mack on chick's at the bar. Can get pretty crazy. It's a chain with an Addison location too.

Boomerjack's - Like a low key version of Duke's. Another chain...though the Bedford location like Duke's can be pretty fun.

Big Shot Sports Grill - It's a bar with 2 other places in the same shopping center. Another townie place with plenty of pool tables.

Rick's Cabaret - Chain strip club with a location next to DFW Airport. I hear the talent isn't all that great though. This place opened maybe a year and a half ago as the community voiced their displeasure about the location not being suitable for the airport's reputation. Still in operation.

There are other strip clubs on the border of Euless/Arlington, but they will probably be mentioned in the Arlington data sheet later on.

Notable Eats - There are many good mom and pops type restaurants around this area, but here are some that stand out.

Babe's Chicken Roanoke - It's a chain now, but this was one of the original locations. Chicken is like crack...lots of good looking townies around in a very catchy shopping center. Go to this specific one.

Alvarado's Tacos - One of my favorite tacquerias that is open 24/7. Get the Chile Relleno or the Carne Asada Tacos. Many different salsas too. Free chips if you dine in. Located on Davis Blvd. off Highway 26.

Taco Shop Near Tarrant County College - Changes names all the time. Closed on Sundays, but it's a great tacqueria off Highway 26.

San Diego Tacos - Yet another great tacqueria off Highway 26.

Thai Tippewan - Great cheap Thai food off of Harwood Road.

New Northeast Tarrant County (Grapevine, Southlake, Westlake, Trophy Club, Colleyville, Grapevine)

Lake Grapevine - Not as crazy as Lake Lewisville. But if you have a friend or a connection to a boat in Lake Grapevine, do not pass it up. Some great talent out there as you would really need an "in," which is the case in Lewisville too...but moreso here.

Gaylord Hotel/Glass Cactus - Gaylord Hotel is really an attempt to be a multi-dimensional lodging facility with options for young adults or the traditional family. It is absolutely massive and has that country theme going for it. The big club in Gaylord is the Glass Cactus. If not a hotel guest, I'd say avoid Glass Cactus. $10.00 for parking and then $10.00 for cover with expensive drinks on the inside full of just bachelorette parties. Oh's pretty lame too. I wouldn't go to Glass Cactus if you paid me as I could fill that weekend doing more enjoyable shit...but maybe I'd go if you comped my drinks & hooked me up with a social circle lay.

Chill - A restaurant/bar with free valet parking in Downtown Grapevine. Interesting place. Lots of cougars & stupid townie sluts. Might be an ok visit.

Central Market Southlake - They have a patio full of scheduled events with people mingling in the warmer months. I mean yeah its just a grocery store, but check the schedule for these cool events with food, drink, and chicks.

Jack's Porch - This place used to be called X's and O's. It was known as "THE" cougar bar in town. Came close to having my first ever harem from an older gal here, but couldn't seal the deal with her. Some good talent. Located in Southlake Town Center.

Grapefest - Annual event around early Autumn each year in Grapevine. Worth a visit.

Great Wolf Lodge - Chain hotel/water park for families. Are there any single chicks there? Not sure, never been...but it's a popular attraction.

Picture of Glass Cactus Interior
[Image: EA+Sports+Madden+Bowl+Party+Z8e8qKjitTXl.jpg]

Writing about Greater Tarrant County has brought up feelings of nostalgia whether it be in regards to game, the great people I grew up with, small business owners that have been great resources, and my upbringing in general. Might not be the most popular topic to discuss, but I went ahead because this information might be useful to the transplants constantly flowing into Dallas/Ft. Worth. I meet a lot of them especially since this is the fastest growing metropolitan area in the US with 6 mil plus ppl.

Northeast Tarrant County has some great redeeming qualities with regards to living. If you want a good balance as a single male professional, I would recommend living in Las Colinas/Irving as it gives you good accessibility to Northeast Tarrant County, DFW Airport if flying out for business frequently, Carrollton/Lewisville, and of course Dallas.

The one missing component I failed to mention was Arlington, but that will be covered in another thread. Though not overly significant, I will combine Grand Prairie/Arlington together since there are a decent amount of attractions all while being home to the Texas Rangers and of course "America's Team." Dallas as reiterated in previous posts will have its own new thread especially since International Mixx's sheet was full of holes.

Fort Worth, Texas Data Sheet November 2013 Update (Greater Tarrant County)

Great write-up here. Bumping this thread as I've got a potential to relocate here for a job. The place does seem maybe a bit "towny" at first glance but it feels so charming, compact, and clean compared to Houston...

Latin American Coffee Guide
-What other people think of you is none of your business.

Fort Worth, Texas Data Sheet November 2013 Update (Greater Tarrant County)

Exhaustive list, great stuff; I lived in the DF Dub for 7 years, but back in my bluepill days. Did one of my internships in FW but I had to haul ass at the end of the day to my second job at night back in Denton. Did a tour of south FW (grimy) and even visited homeless shelters down there for work. What irked me about downtown the most was the lack of good food; I usually drove into Haltom City for Viet or the like at lunchtime.

Fort Worth, Texas Data Sheet November 2013 Update (Greater Tarrant County)

Fort Worth definitely has some nice places. It's not as quite as densely populated as Dallas. I also think it has more room to grow and expand.

Fort Worth, Texas Data Sheet November 2013 Update (Greater Tarrant County)

^ I think the best play would be to live in Dallas yet get an Airbnb to mack on TCU chicks for certain weekends. Once you connect on that, aforementioned TCU chicks can stay at your place in Dallas on other weekends. That's a home run play right there.

Despite the growth in FW, it still is a bit towny-ish. The "main" areas are really not my scene though the people in residential areas are quite chill.

Fort Worth, Texas Data Sheet November 2013 Update (Greater Tarrant County)

Felt I should give a brief update on the West 7th Area of Fort Worth.

1. Pourhouse has closed and Capital Bar just closed as of this past weekend.

2. Shamrocks is now called The Abbey Bar. It is a cool bar and good for pre-gaming but it tends to clear out at night.

3. Mash'd- this is an interesting bar and restaurant that also has a large patio area. It attracts a nice, attractive crowd during the day although thins out heavily at night. Not ideally suited for pickup as it is mainly a bunch of tables but not a bad place to hang out during the day.

4. The Social House- this place is practically next door to Mash'd although has more of a sports bar setup. But it also has a lot of tables and and a large patio. It tends to have more of a college football watching crowd and is much more active at night than Mash'd. It is also a little bit easier place for pickup with a bigger bar than Mash'd but it is harder to talk to people at the tables because of a barrier between the bar and tables on the bigger side. Still, I felt more girls were open to be picked up here but maybe that was also because it was more active at night. Barmaids are overly flirty here so keep that in mind as well.

5. Bar Louie- this place tends to attract a more ethnically diverse crowd than Mash'd and The Social House which tend to be overwhelmingly white. It is setup well for pickup and on busier nights I am sure can be a great spot. This place also has a dance floor that makes it distinct from the other two previously mentioned places.

6. Varsity Tavern- did not go in this bar but it seemed to attract a similar crowd to the Capital Bar so mainly college crowd, 20 somethings.

7. Local Bar- this is a nice bar that is in the same area as Varsity Tavern. This bar has a bit of a younger crowd but is a very good bar for pickup. Plenty of places to talk women up and the environment welcomes interaction. Was a good place to go later in the evening. Also, seems to have a decently diverse crowd as well.

8. Gloria's- they have several locations around DFW and tend to have a blend of latinas and whites crowd. However, this location does not convert into a nightclub. After talking with the bartender, it seems the most popular place for Latinas after Embargo closing is Luna Azul. However, this is not in the West 7th Area and have not yet visited.

9. Patio Game places- on the same street as Gloria's (and including Gloria's itself) are a number of outdoor patios for bars/restaurants. As the OP said, the popularity for outdoor patios makes for some more potential gaming opportunities.

Also, it should be mentioned that I have noticed that Fort Worth offers free parking in the West 7th Parking Garages but you need to get the ticket validated at the restaurant or bar you attend. Otherwise, you can get charged a good amount to park. They also have a similar setup in certain parking spots in Sundance Square although they also have your typical pay lots like most downtown cities too.

Fort Worth, Texas Data Sheet November 2013 Update (Greater Tarrant County)

There's a good reason Fort Worth is called Fort Worthless....shots fired.

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

Follow the Rustler on Twitter | Telegram: CattleRustler

Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

Fort Worth, Texas Data Sheet November 2013 Update (Greater Tarrant County)

Eh, Fort Worth isn't bad at all.

No place in the DFW has it all; I constantly had to go from one place to another in the metro area to get to the good stuff. If I wasn't in Denton I was working in FW, or going for the best Viet food in Arlington, or training kickboxing in Plano, or heading to Deep Ellum, or Greenville, get the point. Same as Houston, I was all over that city.

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