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LA vs Vegas living

LA vs Vegas living

CaP7 & PartyonBro, those aren't valid reasons since there are plenty of other places with decent weather and that offer a good lifestyle.

Again, I have met so many people who live in a small apartment, drive an average car and work a regular job in LA, and I wonder what they get out of living in LA? I really do wonder.

In LA, making $50k per year basically puts you in the lower middle class, and yet people come to LA and live basically a lower middle class lifestyle for god knows what reason. I personally wouldn't stay long term in LA unless I was on track to make at least $250k per year or more. Otherwise, you will basically never be able to own property in a decent area of LA and be stuck living a lower middle class lifestyle.

LA vs Vegas living

People come to live in LA because there is simply more to do than in Las Vegas or most smaller cities. You'll also make more money, have more opportunity and, as I said, won't be stuck in a bubble.

Sure, you can't have a 2000 square foot McMansion out in the burbs and safe schools, but really, I don't think a lot of us here are looking for that lifestyle to begin with. And if you're not in the hospitality business, what else is there in Las Vegas? Los Angeles is just endless with the amount of outdoor activities, events, things to do, places to see...what do you have in Las Vegas? A bunch of hotels, a lake and red rocks? Come on.

If you really have the desire to have a large house for cheap, then yes, Vegas makes sense. If you want to have more fun in your day to day life and get more culture and activities outside of suburban minimalls, go to LA. Like I said earlier, Vegas is just flyoverville that happens to have the Las Vegas strip attached to it.

LA vs Vegas living

Quote: (09-20-2013 02:01 PM)Easy E Wrote:  

CaP7 & PartyonBro, those aren't valid reasons since there are plenty of other places with decent weather and that offer a good lifestyle.

Again, I have met so many people who live in a small apartment, drive an average car and work a regular job in LA, and I wonder what they get out of living in LA? I really do wonder.

In LA, making $50k per year basically puts you in the lower middle class, and yet people come to LA and live basically a lower middle class lifestyle for god knows what reason. I personally wouldn't stay long term in LA unless I was on track to make at least $250k per year or more. Otherwise, you will basically never be able to own property in a decent area of LA and be stuck living a lower middle class lifestyle.

True. I used to live in LA a few years ago and was making around $50K/yr. I felt like I was barely getting by. Jumped ship to Austin, TX and now make $65K/yr in Austin and I live a pretty sweet existence. LA only makes sense if you are making six-figures, and even then it may not make sense if taxes and regulations keep going up.

LA vs Vegas living

Quote: (09-20-2013 02:08 PM)PartyonBro Wrote:  

People come to live in LA because there is simply more to do than in Las Vegas or most smaller cities.

More to do in terms of nightlife? Doubt it. Las Vegas has a big leg up with the all night partying. Not many american cities have that.

Most of LA isn't worth going to. East LA, south central, most parts of the valley. There's a sliver running from the beach towns over to weho, hollywood, and downtown.

LA looks good on film, but it's not that great when you really break it down, especially for the normal guy.

LA vs Vegas living

[quote='Akula' pid='538054' dateline='1379683767']
[quote]State Income Tax
.....The public unions are out of control and vote themselves more and more benefits that are basically unaffordable long-term. ....

Sorry, this is just factually untrue. The situation is the opposite.

Retirement age has been raised from 55 to 60 (except for cops) for people starting after 1-1-2013, they get smaller pensions compared to those grandfathered in, and Calpers has 260 Billion in investments. See below if you don't know about it.

I've actually downloaded and reviewed the investments, and the details are 300 pages and thousands of diversified industries all over the world, literally anything you can think of they have invested in . .

Sorry if you're relying on Social Security, which is very efficient ( 99% of what's paid in goes to recipients) but of course the assholes in Washington spend any extra that comes in. There's no real reserve in Social Security, but there is in the California pension fund

The scare tactics are just the usual anti-government, anti-tax campaigners. study at the above link if you'd like more information.

If you measure by patents registered, and probably many other metrics, California is to put it simply, the most intellectually productive state in the nation, and probably the most intellectually productive region in the entire world.

If we were a country we'd have the 12th largest economy in the world. Money talks, "The sky is falling" walks back to Vegas.

I live near a major university here and every other person seems to be studying genetics. The future is being born here. Sorry about the anti-smoking, "police state" stuff.
We don't want people blowing smoke in our faces, or thuggish bullies roaming around victimizing us. We put them in jail.

And, obviously, a lot of us are condescending pricks lol. Making friends here is next to impossible. The price of breakneck progress.
I'm here because I can't stand being around mediocre, dumb people that say the same things over and over and over again.

LA vs Vegas living

Quote: (09-20-2013 11:10 PM)Tenerife Wrote:  

Quote: (09-20-2013 02:08 PM)PartyonBro Wrote:  

People come to live in LA because there is simply more to do than in Las Vegas or most smaller cities.

More to do in terms of nightlife? Doubt it. Las Vegas has a big leg up with the all night partying. Not many american cities have that.

Most of LA isn't worth going to. East LA, south central, most parts of the valley. There's a sliver running from the beach towns over to weho, hollywood, and downtown.

LA looks good on film, but it's not that great when you really break it down, especially for the normal guy.

Sure, the actual nightlife here sucks, that's why I go to Vegas a lot.

However, the rest of the time living here rocks. I never run out of stuff to do, in fact I'm often turning down things. I will never run into the same people when I'm out and about.

Try to say the same thing in Vegas, once you tire of the LV Strip "scene" like many of those that I know that have lived there, its just boring. How much of Vegas is worth going to? A 2 mile strip of hotels and pools? Even in the non-prime areas of LA there is stuff to do, from work related parties, to events to a diverse array of restaurants, etc.

LA isn't for everyone, you have to have a gritty kind of mentality to be able to tolerate the city, find a niche. Its certainly not for those with the mindset of suburban life, comfort, and small town america. Its an international world city and one of culture and diversity.

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