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The NBA Thread

The NBA Thread

Chicago woke up a sleeping beast.

Also, how about those Warriors? You think Klay is pissed off about fouling out? Still, I can't get too excited seeing him take a flamethrower to the Spurs after what happened in game 1.

The NBA Thread

Quote: (05-06-2013 10:36 PM)iWin Wrote:  

Quote: (05-06-2013 09:00 PM)TheRookie Wrote:  

Quote: (05-06-2013 06:35 PM)InternationPlayboy Wrote:  

Quote: (05-06-2013 05:19 PM)iWin Wrote:  

Quote: (05-06-2013 02:59 PM)InternationPlayboy Wrote:  

Well he technically was the best scorer during the regular season...

Second best in the playoffs...

This may have something to do with why people are saying he's the best scorer.

He's actually had that distinction waaaaay before this year(which was the first year he lead the league in scoring). The thing is that he has traditionally been very streaky and shot mediocre percentages. Before this year he was never really close to winning a scoring title, and didn't look elite last year. Compared to guys like Kobe, LeBron and KD to name a few his percentages are comparatively mediocre at best. I'm starting to think he's not an elite player when you look at his game in totality. He's a black hole on offense and scores purely off the volume of shots that he takes. When you're the focal point of the offense that's not impressive.

Fair enough. But he has played a big part in getting his team as far as he has this year. And this year #1 scorer. I would definitely consider him elite. He took the Nuggets to the playoffs year after year. It was just too bad he had to go up against my Lakers just about every year. 2 years of which they became champions, so you have to cut the guy some slack.

Melo is best as a scorer - that means catching the ball at his spots, one two dribbles, shot. Curling off a screen, lo, mid, high post. When he gets the ball deep on the wing facing the basket and starts to dribble the Knicks are in trouble.

There is no coincidence Melo's best year was '09 playing alongside Chauncey Billups, and this year playing alongside Jason Kidd/Felton/Prigioni. He is like a hot chick in that he needs a strong leader (point guard) to bring out the best in him. He needs a strong PG to lead the team and run the offense. Melo is not LeBron in that he can't get to the rim from the wing as easily as LeBron, nor pass as well as LeBron.

I agree, its somewhat disappointing how Melo's career has panned out considering the momentum his career had after his rookie season. I think most people thought they would be the top two players in the game respectively, but Melo really hasn't taken that next step and is far behind LeBon at this point. He simply doesn't impact the game consistently in any aspect other than scoring. In his current form, I don't ever see him getting a ring.

Melo is actually a solid rebounder for a small forward. Last year during stretches he was also responsible for bring the ball up and initiating the offense, as well as being the go-to scorer. A lot of what gets written about him is simply bad rap. Yes, he's much better when his teams have a legit point guard that can get the ball moving, and he can just worry about getting to his spots. Otherwise, you're asking him to do things his game is less suited to. Not everyone can have the complete game of a LeBron James, who's simply a freak. He's one of the best big-shot takers in the game - he's Kobe's equal as that last shot taker. He's one of the better tough, contested-shot makers also. He's gone through a bit of a slump lately, but he's also faced some vicious, physical defense and has a banged-up shoulder.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

The NBA Thread

Was getting flashbacks to that game 1 choke job, but the dubs managed to hold on to this one. No Richard Jefferson and not too many ridiculous Jarret Jack iso + shoot a jumper with 12 seconds on the clock, which was a much needed change. Their clock management and ball movement out of time outs was also markedly improved.

Now the series heads back to the loudest home court in the NBA! You have to believe the dubs will come away with at least one of their home games. Winning both would put an enormous amount of pressure on the Spurs. This team is growing up before our eyes.

The NBA Thread

Quote: (05-09-2013 12:55 AM)Professor Fox Wrote:  

Was getting flashbacks to that game 1 choke job, but the dubs managed to hold on to this one. No Richard Jefferson and not too many ridiculous Jarret Jack iso + shoot a jumper with 12 seconds on the clock, which was a much needed change. Their clock management and ball movement out of time outs was also markedly improved.

Now the series heads back to the loudest home court in the NBA! You have to believe the dubs will come away with at least one of their home games. Winning both would put an enormous amount of pressure on the Spurs. This team is growing up before our eyes.

They just keep falling apart at the end of their games don't they? Even with Denver, game 6 Denver was down by around 20 and almost came back to win it. Lucky for them Denver made some huge mistakes at the end. Everyone here in Denver kept saying, "That ball never went out!" Haha.

As far as this statement goes, "Now the series heads back to the loudest home court in the NBA!" You think the Warriors stadium is louder than OKC's?

The NBA Thread

Quote: (05-09-2013 01:02 AM)InternationPlayboy Wrote:  

You think the Warriors stadium is louder than OKC's?

I think at minimum it is on par with if not better than the Thunders. I will admit that it's not quite as amazing as it was back during that 2007 first rounder.

The NBA Thread

Yeah, both teams fans go off. Those folks back in OKC sure love their ball though. Even regular season that stadium is packed. I guess I never paid enough attention to the Warriors during the regular season to notice though. I'd love to see the warriors go to the finals.

The NBA Thread

Warriors fans are like this because they had to suffer the indignity of a horrid franchise for so long, 2007 miracle excepted. They are like a guy with a dry spell for months (years?) who have stumbled their way into poosy paradise and aren't quite sure how the hell the gravy train hasn't kicked them off yet, but damn if they aren't going to shout with all it's worth. Simmons wrote a great column nary a year ago about why a packed Oracle arena booed their owners at a ceremony and how the team got so wretched in the first place, which is a great background piece for fans new to these Warriors:

"The Warriors have fallen just about as far as a franchise can fall"

The NBA Thread

Quote: (05-08-2013 09:51 PM)Timoteo Wrote:  

Quote: (05-06-2013 10:36 PM)iWin Wrote:  

Quote: (05-06-2013 09:00 PM)TheRookie Wrote:  

Quote: (05-06-2013 06:35 PM)InternationPlayboy Wrote:  

Quote: (05-06-2013 05:19 PM)iWin Wrote:  

He's actually had that distinction waaaaay before this year(which was the first year he lead the league in scoring). The thing is that he has traditionally been very streaky and shot mediocre percentages. Before this year he was never really close to winning a scoring title, and didn't look elite last year. Compared to guys like Kobe, LeBron and KD to name a few his percentages are comparatively mediocre at best. I'm starting to think he's not an elite player when you look at his game in totality. He's a black hole on offense and scores purely off the volume of shots that he takes. When you're the focal point of the offense that's not impressive.

Fair enough. But he has played a big part in getting his team as far as he has this year. And this year #1 scorer. I would definitely consider him elite. He took the Nuggets to the playoffs year after year. It was just too bad he had to go up against my Lakers just about every year. 2 years of which they became champions, so you have to cut the guy some slack.

Melo is best as a scorer - that means catching the ball at his spots, one two dribbles, shot. Curling off a screen, lo, mid, high post. When he gets the ball deep on the wing facing the basket and starts to dribble the Knicks are in trouble.

There is no coincidence Melo's best year was '09 playing alongside Chauncey Billups, and this year playing alongside Jason Kidd/Felton/Prigioni. He is like a hot chick in that he needs a strong leader (point guard) to bring out the best in him. He needs a strong PG to lead the team and run the offense. Melo is not LeBron in that he can't get to the rim from the wing as easily as LeBron, nor pass as well as LeBron.

I agree, its somewhat disappointing how Melo's career has panned out considering the momentum his career had after his rookie season. I think most people thought they would be the top two players in the game respectively, but Melo really hasn't taken that next step and is far behind LeBon at this point. He simply doesn't impact the game consistently in any aspect other than scoring. In his current form, I don't ever see him getting a ring.

Melo is actually a solid rebounder for a small forward. Last year during stretches he was also responsible for bring the ball up and initiating the offense, as well as being the go-to scorer. A lot of what gets written about him is simply bad rap. Yes, he's much better when his teams have a legit point guard that can get the ball moving, and he can just worry about getting to his spots. Otherwise, you're asking him to do things his game is less suited to. Not everyone can have the complete game of a LeBron James, who's simply a freak. He's one of the best big-shot takers in the game - he's Kobe's equal as that last shot taker. He's one of the better tough, contested-shot makers also. He's gone through a bit of a slump lately, but he's also faced some vicious, physical defense and has a banged-up shoulder.

I'll give you that he is a solid rebounder. I wouldn't say that the Knicks were particularly successfully when he was running point-forward though and that was out of necessity. It's definitely not something that you can point to as a strength in his game. He does not get a bad rap. He's lazy on D, selfish, shoots a high volume to the detriment of this team at times, and does not consistently make plays for his teammates. He sees himself as an elite player when hes simply just a good player and great scorer. Ironically, his ability to make tough shots is exactly why his teams never seem to go far. He consistently forces the issue when he doesn't need to.

Like Kenny Smith from TNT said yesterday, if he operates in 4 seconds or less he's deadly, anything more than that and he said that he doesn't care for him. Finally look at his playoff numbers from the last series: 38% from the field, 26% from 3, and 5.3 rebounds while playing at the 4 a ton. He also touches the ball more than any other Knick and only mustered about 5 or 6 assists the entire series. Elite players simply don't do that in the playoffs.

The NBA Thread

Noah gets ejected and Miami fans show how classy they are.

[Image: qhhVUXx.jpg]

The NBA Thread

Quote: (05-06-2013 11:19 PM)TheSlayer Wrote:  

Quote: (05-06-2013 10:31 PM)iWin Wrote:  

I honestly think Chicago at full health is better than the Heat. All their strengths are MIA's weaknesses and they play extremely hard. Thibs has gotta be Coach of the Year. If only they can get that offense figured out, they're a perennial championship contender no question. It wouldn't shock me to see them win the series, though its extremely doubtful considering LeBron is probably going to have the eye of the tiger for the remainder of the series.

Gotta disagree on this. Chicago at their full strength are a solid opponent for Miami but I wouldn't go as as far to say that they are better than the Heat. I agree that Miami's weaknesses are Chicago's strength but at their best Miami's defense is the most suffocating in the league (even better than Chicago). Today the Heat were lackadaisical in the 4th and putting Allen on Nate was a mistake.

Ever since the 2011 beating of Chicago both teams are much better (when fully healthy) but LeBron is that good right now that he alone makes the Heat a favourite in any series. The problem is that when Rose comes back, he's a ball-dominant player and if you shut him down like LeBron did in 2011 their offense sputters.

Also, I am sure even Chicago would be surprised if the Bulls won this series. If the Bulls win this it will be one of the biggest upsets in NBA history. This Bulls team has no business taking the Heat to even 6 with a pretty healthy Heat team except for Wade.

Fair points, I shouldve said beat the Heat, not that they are necessarily better. The thing is that Chicago is much more well rounded with the emergence of guys like Butler, Robinson, in addition to Taj Gibson and the other pieces that they have. Its tough to discount Chicago since they compete so hard and it would be a tough series for sure.

The NBA Thread

[Image: 942159_10100816221292887_1821826259_n.jpg]

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

The NBA Thread

Not at all playoff related, but I've been watching this Kobe tribute non-stop. Probably one of the best summaries of his career.

The NBA Thread

I can't take watching Jarrett Jack throw away possession after possession down the stretch.

The NBA Thread

Loving the playoffs this year.

In three out of the four series', with GS-SA being the exception, the teams legitimately do not like each other.

While it's obvious in the Miami-Chicago series, I'll think you'll begin to see it in some of the other series' as we go a bit deeper. You can already see it in today's OKC-MEM game. Watch some of the off the ball stuff, and the chirping between/after plays.

The NBA Thread

Any thoughts on this Grizzlies squad? I think Chuck is right when he says they are favorites to get out of the West. Think they could take on the Heat?

Quote:Old Chinese Man Wrote:  
why you wonder how many man another man bang? why you care who bang who mr high school drama man

The NBA Thread

Quote: (05-14-2013 02:52 AM)2Wycked Wrote:  

Any thoughts on this Grizzlies squad? I think Chuck is right when he says they are favorites to get out of the West. Think they could take on the Heat?

I think the Griz have a shot. They have two towering big men who can kill the small ball heat on the boards. Conley has elevated to a higher level and can hopefully do some damage. Tony Allen is still a defensive great, so he can maybe contain Lebron. If they have enough offensive firepower, they can beat the heat.

The NBA Thread

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Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

The NBA Thread

I'm guessing that Russell Westbrook haters are going to be real quiet now.

The NBA Thread

Quote: (05-14-2013 02:52 AM)2Wycked Wrote:  

Any thoughts on this Grizzlies squad? I think Chuck is right when he says they are favorites to get out of the West. Think they could take on the Heat?

They're inside game is what will set them apart. Their series with San Antonio will go 6 or 7. As skilled as those Gasol and Randolph are, I don't think they've played a defense as fast or as relentless as Miami. Somehow, Miami forces so many live-ball turnovers, which turn into points for them. Conley is solid, but I don't think he's faced a blitzing P&R defense the way the Heat come at you.

I love what Memphis is doing with their bigs by establish inside first. The addition of Tayshaun Prince has done wonders for their perimeter defense, but I don't think they can match up with James and his ability to create shots for the other guys around him. Not riding anyone, just calling it like I see it. A lot of it would depend on what kind of scoring/playmaking you get from Conley and even an X-factor like Bayless. Would probably be the best challeneger left for the heat now.

The NBA Thread

Tayshaun Prince seems to be a little gun shy. He is always passing up open shots. But I think if everything plays out. The Grizzles should meet the Heat in the Finals and I would put my money on the Griz.

The NBA Thread

What do you guys think of the Spurs this year? Do they have it to challenge for the title this year? They were hard done last year as they were clearly the better team but lost somehow in some mysterious fashion as they threw away a series that was already in the bag. Have they learned from their mistake from last year?

The NBA Thread

Vacancier, bar injuries, I think it will be the Spurs vs Miami in the finals and it will go to game 6 in Miami's favour.

P.S. I'm not a Miami fan, per se.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

The NBA Thread

Quote: (05-16-2013 02:02 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Vacancier, bar injuries, I think it will be the Spurs vs Miami in the finals and it will go to game 6 in Miami's favour.

P.S. I'm not a Miami fan, per se.

I'd say it goes 5... That is the most disappointing thing to me about these playoffs, I don't think anyone can fuck with Miami.. Uncompetitive.. IMHO

The NBA Thread

Quote: (05-16-2013 10:00 AM)Clyde Wrote:  

Tayshaun Prince seems to be a little gun shy. He is always passing up open shots. But I think if everything plays out. The Grizzles should meet the Heat in the Finals and I would put my money on the Griz.

The series against Indiana will be a good indication of how Miami will do against Grizzlies. Indiana is the same team as Grizzlies except that their defense is even better (they were the #1 defense this season). If Miami can beat them comfortably in 5 or 6, I think Miami beats the Grizzlies without many problems (as long as Wade is somewhat productive). If Indiana takes them to 7, you never know what happens in the Finals.

Quote: (05-16-2013 01:33 PM)Vacancier Permanent Wrote:  

What do you guys think of the Spurs this year? Do they have it to challenge for the title this year? They were hard done last year as they were clearly the better team but lost somehow in some mysterious fashion as they threw away a series that was already in the bag. Have they learned from their mistake from last year?

I think the Spurs have enough to go to the Finals this year but their performance against Golden State has been mildly disappointing. Their loss last year wasn't as mysterious. Their aging core met with an emerging core which caught fire at the right time. And as horrible as Scott Brooks is as a coach, he did one thing right last year. He put Thabo on Parker and that in my opinion was the real game changer. After that Parker struggled and Spurs couldn't withstand the onslaught from Durant and Harden. I think this year they had a very good chance of going to the finals especially after Westbrook went down but they haven't regained their mid-season form in the playoffs.

Quote: (05-16-2013 02:02 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Vacancier, bar injuries, I think it will be the Spurs vs Miami in the finals and it will go to game 6 in Miami's favour.

P.S. I'm not a Miami fan, per se.

Yeah, I would love to see a Spurs-Miami Finals but I don't think Spurs get past Grizzlies given the way they are playing right now. TP isn't a 100% and Manu isn't consistent at this stage of his career.

With Miami a lot depends on the health of Wade. Wade is one of my favourite guys to watch and it is disappointing how these playoffs have gone for him given that he sat out almost 3 weeks of the regular season and had 10 days rest between the Bucks and Bulls series. If he continues to struggle, Miami becomes beatable. Bosh will have to step up even more if Wade goes down. Hopefully he can rejuvenate himself like he did last year.

Quote: (05-16-2013 02:18 PM)LoveBug Wrote:  

I'd say it goes 5... That is the most disappointing thing to me about these playoffs, I don't think anyone can fuck with Miami.. Uncompetitive.. IMHO

While the injuries have been disappointing, the playoffs have been quite fun to be honest (at least for me). Also, Miami is dealing with Wade's injuries and if he isn't very productive Miami could end up losing. I want to see a Spurs Heat Final just to see Miami's Big 3 against Spurs' Big 3 but it looks unlikely.

The NBA Thread

This is off the court biased shit, dont mind it.. but I appreciate the clouds of my teams (Kings) future finally gone.. The scum bag owners we've had that ran this team into the ground that sold the franchise to out of town poachers wishing to take this team elsewhere. Now we have a new, strong ownership group, a new arena, and a breath of fresh air that was vitally needed heading forward.

Good effort for the Warriors..

Spurs over Memphis in 6
Heat over Ind/Ny in 5

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