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feeling like an asshole, charge it to the game?

feeling like an asshole, charge it to the game?

Not a troll thread.

Just wondering how you seasoned players deal with shit like when girls you've been banging eventually don't put up with your shit anymore and say fucked up shit to you like..."you actually disgust me, don't ever call or talk to me again" "you aren't a man, your still just a boy," etc. stuff like this. does it ever take its toll on you, how do you deal with it?

i mean yeah for all the alpha beta talk, it still doesn't exactly feel great knowing you've made someone else so upset...i don't do it on purpose...i'm a nice dude and i was a nice guy before i learned game, so this whole asshole/fuck feelings shit doesn't come first nature to me.

what really made me feel like a dick and make this thread was last night i was hanging out with a girl for the third time, the second time we banged, and after we hooked up we just started talking about shit, i thought i had made it very apparent that we were just going to keep things casual, but for some reason as we kept talking she just got more and more worked up and upset. its only the third time we've ever hung out mind you. eventually she starts crying (not bawling), just tearing up, and tells me "you should just leave." wtf? so naturally i leave...i dont know if i should apologize to her or just let it be. i haven't banged 20+ chicks or anything like that so forgive me for sounding a little naive, but how do you guys deal with shit like this. do you just charge it to the game?

feeling like an asshole, charge it to the game?

You take it to heart, become more beta, stop getting laid, and then post on hate forums saying how game doesn't work and Roosh is hairy.

feeling like an asshole, charge it to the game?

What did you tell her that made her so upset?

feeling like an asshole, charge it to the game?

This is normal player shit. You better learn to handle your emotions bro.

Girl I've been banging spent the night is in the shower right now.

I just got this text half an hour ago from a different girl I was banging for a few months:

"U are cruel heartless and so dishonest that u don't even deserve me not even as ur friend. I don't wish u happiness cuz u don't deserve it. u played with me for sex unil u found someone else. I am not whore and i was just looking for respect. I don't use people like u. what the fuck i fucking hate u."

She followed up to emphasize her feelings with:

"Fucking garbage"

I won't lose any sleep over this.

feeling like an asshole, charge it to the game?

"charge it to the game" - I see this phrase being used more often on here, or maybe I wasn't paying attention b4. Does Tariq get credit for this terminology or someone else?

feeling like an asshole, charge it to the game?

If you want to be the sort of dude who goes through life making people feel this way, whether on purpose or indirectly, then you simply need to keep going and bang enough chicks and dump enough chicks so that you chip away at the side of you that empathizes with another human being.

Eventually, dumping chicks and the hysterics that come with it, whether they're honest or manipulative in their expression, will simply roll off your shoulder. This is also right around the time you start realizing that you may never really be able to trust a woman anymore, which means you'll find it more and more difficult to deeply care about them, connect with them, etc.

I don't believe in karma but I do believe that I'm significant enough to a person to carry some emotional and psychological weight in their life through my actions and the feelings they create or created in others. Think of all the manipulative women you've been with and how shitty and drained (emotionally not sexually heh) you felt during and after they were gone. The question you must ask yourself is, am I okay thinking of myself as creating these exact same responses in the girls I come in contact with. Don't think about how SHE will think of you. Whatever a girl thinks of you is unimportant. The important thing is what you think of yourself.

feeling like an asshole, charge it to the game?

Yep, i've been in the same boat as you and still get effected if someone who I'm close with says that.

The thing to remember is yes, that person means that at the one point in time. But your 'self' is a holistic 360 degree concept, and your personality has some of that selfish asshole in it at some points in time, but can also be generous, warm & charitable in other points of time.

Same goes for the accuser: due to that person's emotions at THAT particular point in time, she believes you're of being a selfish prick, but a day before (or a day later) she believed you were a warm, loving guy. So her statements are just a reflection at that ONE POINT IN TIME, and not an overall aggregate summation of your character.

Hope that helps a little bit.

For this particular chick, if you want to keep seeing her which it sounds as if you do, give her 3-5 days space then re-initiate with a text. Search the archives there's a lot of helpful info.

feeling like an asshole, charge it to the game?

Become a psychopath. Bang more.

feeling like an asshole, charge it to the game?

Reverse the situation and ask yourself, would she feel bad for you?

That's who you're dealing with.

“I have a very simple rule when it comes to management: hire the best people from your competitors, pay them more than they were earning, and give them bonuses and incentives based on their performance. That’s how you build a first-class operation.”
― Donald J. Trump

If you want some PDF's on bodyweight exercise with little to no equipment, send me a PM and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

feeling like an asshole, charge it to the game?

you saved her from her boring life devoid of romance before she met you, you should feel good. girls, unlike men, want to feel a range of emotion, good and bad. they don't want stability which is why push/pull is an effective tactic. trying to make her feel good all the time and acting supplicative is a turn off.

when the candle burns out and she can't have you, she will start to rationalize why you aren't good enough for her, or why you're a bad guy. she will come up with a laundry list of things wrong with you and try to make you feel bad. the best was few weeks ago after i blew a girl off she told me i use my hands too much when i talk and it seems feminine. ironically i reflected on her comment and improved my game because of it.

feeling like an asshole, charge it to the game?

She was pissed when she sent the message, but she probably cried afterward, missing you. That was a temper tantrum, just like a child will sometimes scream "I hate you mom" because mom won't buy him a new toy. She's mostly angry with herself for giving away her pussy and not getting "happily ever after" in return, but the hamster won't let her be honest so she has to blame it on you because she doesn't want to admit to herself that she is a slut.

feeling like an asshole, charge it to the game?

Quote: (02-10-2013 01:49 PM)Ovid Wrote:  

She was pissed when she sent the message, but she probably cried afterward, missing you. That was a temper tantrum, just like a child will sometimes scream "I hate you mom" because mom won't buy him a new toy. She's mostly angry with herself for giving away her pussy and not getting "happily ever after" in return, but the hamster won't let her be honest so she has to blame it on you because she doesn't want to admit to herself that she is a slut.

Pretty much this exactly. Did you ever have a girl break up with you when you were younger and said to yourself and to your friends that she was a stupid slut who only cared about herself or something similar? You were angry at the time and meant it at the time, but on the whole that's not how you really felt about the chick.

feeling like an asshole, charge it to the game?

will you break down when your future 3 year old kid tries to manipulate you with sobbing to get candy?

Brought to you by Carl's Jr.

feeling like an asshole, charge it to the game?

I just re-read the OP and sticking to the game advice, as opposed to psychology/life advice, you really need to increase the plausible deniability in your casual interactions.

Unless a chick outright proposes a Fuckbuddy Agreement before you start hooking up, she is probably using her sexual availability as a strategy to reel you in long term. Most young chicks have nothing valuable to offer a quality guy besides On Demand pussy, so whenever she spreads her legs for you, regardless of whether or not she's attached to someone else, she is saying that she finds you attractive/interesting/hot and probably wants for something to develop from it. Your role as a seducer is to keep feeding her scraps of hope that you may see yourself "together" some point in the future but you're just enjoying the now and don't want to complicate things too quickly.

Done correctly this will make her invest more and more in you while you enjoy some hot, unattached sex with a very willing girl. The hopeful girl thinks you're the exciting, unapologetic, alpha dude she's been dreaming of. The hopeless girl simply feels used and discarded, and she'll avoid feeling hurt by calling you out for being inconsiderate of her feelings. We all act from a fear of getting hurt. Not just women, everyone. You have to preempt that by throwing some bread and the floor and watch the pigeons swoop on down and squeal in delight as they fight for more and more food.

What I'm trying to say is, you didn't lead her on, so she feels used. It makes no sense, I know. Women...

feeling like an asshole, charge it to the game?

Apologize? For what?

You want to know the only thing you can assume about a broken down old man? It's that he's a survivor.

feeling like an asshole, charge it to the game?

When a young player sees a chick cry, he wants to console her.

When a vet sees a chick cry, he sees her as trying to manipulate him.


feeling like an asshole, charge it to the game?

I love when girls get angry when they feel a guy used them for sex as if they don't do the exact same thing. Girls just have it inverted.

If a guy primarily wants sex, a girl wants attention and emotional investment. Thus we typically make a trade — her pussy for your love. What we have learned is that it is not necessary to make the trade, you can still get the sex without making the emotional investment. In fact, this only makes her want to give her half of the deal to you even more because it makes your emotional investment seem more valuable. So these girls get hooked on the *promise* of the trade coming in the future and they get all bent out of shape when it turns out they were wrong about the way the world works.

But girls do the exact same thing. They do it to their beta orbiters. If a guy comes around willing to lavish care and attention on a female without her giving him sex — even though she knows he wants her — she will take that care and attention 10 times out of 10 with no intention of EVER giving it up to that guy ... and she will leave the dude on the side of the road like a sack of garbage when something better comes along.

OP — you say you are a "nice guy" deep down. If I had to guess, I'd say you probably got into game because you were on the other side of the equation a time or two and you weren't happy with the results you were getting. So when you get those kind of texts, just smile — you've successfully flipped the script. Well done.

"If you live among wolves you have to act like a wolf." - Nikita Khrushchev

feeling like an asshole, charge it to the game?

Women have their own ideas about what they want from you, regardless of your words and/or actions. Nothing you say or do may be in line with what they ultimately want from you, but hearing definitively that YOU want something different during one of these serious talks will still bring anger/disappointment/tears, and the inevitable charge that you somehow used her. I'm all about men being honest with women, because if you present a strong confident frame, you'll still get plenty of women to go along with it, even if it isn't what they really want. Every now and then, you'll get a chick that walks away, and walks away mad. You can't do anything about that. If she gave you the ass quickly hoping it would get her what she wanted in return, that's on her. That was her decision, and she has to live with that, not you.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

feeling like an asshole, charge it to the game?

Never take anything that women say seriously.

Feel the fear..then do it anyway.

feeling like an asshole, charge it to the game?

Unless I know I did something absolutely terrible, I take things like this as a compliment. I love it women call me an asshole or jerk because I know I'm ultimately a decent guy...I just won't let them walk all over me and they probably want sex/relationship from me deep down so they use that term. These women wanted more than you were willing to give them and they want to hurt you because of how that makes them feel. That means you're doing it right.

feeling like an asshole, charge it to the game?

Since you're relatively new, just remember that entire tirade was a complete lie. All she is trying to do is get you to commit to her, as soon as you do though she'll be cheating on you within a year.

I would not worry about it as much for now just go keep having fun and no need to lead her on if you dont want to.

When you've hooked up with enough girls, then pull a few married women. That will be your last eye opener. Married girls are the most ridiculous creatures on earth (will have sex quick and have no remorse for their husband). Oh it will also solidify that all her crying acts above that you went through were complete lies.

Overall a quick answer, just chalk it up to the game for now, you can worry about long-term management when you're older.

feeling like an asshole, charge it to the game?

Quote: (02-10-2013 12:29 PM)JayMillz Wrote:  

"charge it to the game" - I see this phrase being used more often on here, or maybe I wasn't paying attention b4. Does Tariq get credit for this terminology or someone else?

Actually the G Manifesto gets the credit.

feeling like an asshole, charge it to the game?

thanks for all the help everyone, its much appreciated. i'll keep all of these suggestions in mind going forward, and in fact-just charge it to the game. hopefully this thread will help out others in the same or similar situations as well.

feeling like an asshole, charge it to the game?

Quote: (02-10-2013 01:49 PM)Ovid Wrote:  

She was pissed when she sent the message, but she probably cried afterward, missing you. That was a temper tantrum, just like a child will sometimes scream "I hate you mom" because mom won't buy him a new toy. She's mostly angry with herself for giving away her pussy and not getting "happily ever after" in return, but the hamster won't let her be honest so she has to blame it on you because she doesn't want to admit to herself that she is a slut.


What you encountered is the typical anti slut shit test. The best way to handle that shit is to simply disappear for a few days, no calls, messages, no facebook. Don't forget to calmly accuse her of being ungrateful for your company and time before you are gone. After a week at most she'll call you and will fuck you without ever bringing that subject again.

feeling like an asshole, charge it to the game?

“Charge it to the game” is a phrase dope-dealers and people on the block were using long before any of us were around. The best articulation I’ve found still does not capture 100% of the meaning, but its as close as written word allows:

In pimp slang we often say charge it to the game and this is our way of saying that something is a loss, but a lesson learned to it. There’s no way you can think you’re going to get into the game without learning a few costly lessons along the way. Sometimes you might have a bitch that makes you a lot of money but one way or another you end up messing it up and need to charge it to the game and learn from it.

Charging it to the game is an important aspect of pimping because some young pimps will assume that any situation is fixable and they’ll chase trying to fix them. A pimp never chases and only replaces so by charging it to the game you’re learning from your mistakes and moving on. Charging it to the game is often considered the pimp’s way of paying taxes.

Quote: (02-10-2013 12:29 PM)JayMillz Wrote:  

"charge it to the game" - I see this phrase being used more often on here, or maybe I wasn't paying attention b4. Does Tariq get credit for this terminology or someone else?

Check out Pimp Game, Picking Up Strippers, The Fun Way!, Weaponized: Add Cold Reading to your arsenal! and Tarot Game.

Game isn’t what I use to get what I want out of women.
Game is what I use to get what I want out of life.

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