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DC Happy Hour Game

DC Happy Hour Game

I just moved to Court House, kinda wary about the social scene in Arlington too but I am quite keen to check out Galaxy Hut which I have heard good things about, anyone else?

DC Happy Hour Game

Quote: (10-19-2012 12:10 PM)americanbk Wrote:  

Quote: (10-18-2012 08:51 AM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

As for Clarendon, may seem uptight but you really can't call it until you've actually tried to game there. Daygame is probably uncharted territory here.

I've lived in this section of Arlington for almost two years now and learned alot from the crowds and my own friends.

Clarendon is a massive sausagefest because the local dudes are one or more of the following: too lazy to dress up for DC, too cheap to pay for a cab to DC, or they got too drunk at home and lost the motivation to follow through with their plans for DC. It is also thee place to move after you graduated from one of the local colleges (VA Tech, UMD, JMU, etc.) so many people head out to bars like Clarendon Grill with their little mixed-sex social group of couples and old college buddies. Clarendon becomes less of a bar scene and more of a place for lazy social circles to hang out and take photos so they can appear like they are still fun, exciting people on facebook.

However, if you go out with lazer focus and the balls to interact with mixed sets, girls will respond. I have two VERY sexy female friends in my own lazy social group that are single and always wonder why they never get approached. One is an 8+ and complains that she hasn't gotten laid in months, but always wants to come out with the boys. When you're a single chick surrounded by 6 guys friends, 99% of dudes aren't going to come say hi. Be that 1%. and you can do serious work. One time, my friend pulled a chick to our after-party and she brought a guy friend. He knowningly escorted her; he chilled and drank in the living room with us while my friend fucked the girl (very loudly) in the basement. He's one of my best wingmen now [Image: lol.gif]

Also, for people just outside of Arlington (Vienna, Fairfax county), Clarendon is a big night out on the town for single chicks. They are often DTF, but it does make it more logistically difficult because they have to drive 20 mins+ to get home and they don't want to get stranded from their girls.

I love daygaming at the Barnes and Noble there. There are a couple cafes where you could do some damage also. Definitely a daygaming hotspot.

In summary, drinking establishments here are tough at all times because of the huge social circle culture and packs of lazy, drunken male losers destroying all of the ratios. Stay focused on the task at hand and try your best to ignore the sea of dudes. Or, just wait until Sunday afternoon and creep on the streets.

Agree with AmericanBKs assessment. I've lived in Courthouse/Clarendon area for 9 years now and rarely have any luck here, ROI in DC is much better and even the ratio in DC is slightly better. Obviously I do not fit the stereo-type of the loud, recent college graduate who hangs out in a mixed or large group with his old college buddies so for that reason Arlington disappoints me more often than not. If one is more of a "lone wolf" places like Clarendon Ballroom, Clarendon Grill, SpiderKelly's will frustrate you! Specifically I wanted to mention that for us older players (I am 33) who love suited game DC lounge game should be at the top of the list. I am thinking of hitting up Founding Farmer's as I've been seeing a lot of hot, slightly older women in their late 20s/30s there. Have any of you guys been there for HH?

DC Happy Hour Game

Quote: (10-23-2012 10:10 PM)BCZalgyris Wrote:  

Quote: (10-19-2012 12:10 PM)americanbk Wrote:  

Quote: (10-18-2012 08:51 AM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

As for Clarendon, may seem uptight but you really can't call it until you've actually tried to game there. Daygame is probably uncharted territory here.

I've lived in this section of Arlington for almost two years now and learned alot from the crowds and my own friends.

Clarendon is a massive sausagefest because the local dudes are one or more of the following: too lazy to dress up for DC, too cheap to pay for a cab to DC, or they got too drunk at home and lost the motivation to follow through with their plans for DC. It is also thee place to move after you graduated from one of the local colleges (VA Tech, UMD, JMU, etc.) so many people head out to bars like Clarendon Grill with their little mixed-sex social group of couples and old college buddies. Clarendon becomes less of a bar scene and more of a place for lazy social circles to hang out and take photos so they can appear like they are still fun, exciting people on facebook.

However, if you go out with lazer focus and the balls to interact with mixed sets, girls will respond. I have two VERY sexy female friends in my own lazy social group that are single and always wonder why they never get approached. One is an 8+ and complains that she hasn't gotten laid in months, but always wants to come out with the boys. When you're a single chick surrounded by 6 guys friends, 99% of dudes aren't going to come say hi. Be that 1%. and you can do serious work. One time, my friend pulled a chick to our after-party and she brought a guy friend. He knowningly escorted her; he chilled and drank in the living room with us while my friend fucked the girl (very loudly) in the basement. He's one of my best wingmen now [Image: lol.gif]

Also, for people just outside of Arlington (Vienna, Fairfax county), Clarendon is a big night out on the town for single chicks. They are often DTF, but it does make it more logistically difficult because they have to drive 20 mins+ to get home and they don't want to get stranded from their girls.

I love daygaming at the Barnes and Noble there. There are a couple cafes where you could do some damage also. Definitely a daygaming hotspot.

In summary, drinking establishments here are tough at all times because of the huge social circle culture and packs of lazy, drunken male losers destroying all of the ratios. Stay focused on the task at hand and try your best to ignore the sea of dudes. Or, just wait until Sunday afternoon and creep on the streets.

Agree with AmericanBKs assessment. I've lived in Courthouse/Clarendon area for 9 years now and rarely have any luck here, ROI in DC is much better and even the ratio in DC is slightly better. Obviously I do not fit the stereo-type of the loud, recent college graduate who hangs out in a mixed or large group with his old college buddies so for that reason Arlington disappoints me more often than not. If one is more of a "lone wolf" places like Clarendon Ballroom, Clarendon Grill, SpiderKelly's will frustrate you! Specifically I wanted to mention that for us older players (I am 33) who love suited game DC lounge game should be at the top of the list. I am thinking of hitting up Founding Farmer's as I've been seeing a lot of hot, slightly older women in their late 20s/30s there. Have any of you guys been there for HH?

My friends rave about the HH--I've never been but FWIW Express (the newspaper you pick up at metro stations) rated FF's bartender one of the best in the city. They will be busy this winter I can assure you that. They also make a killer grilled cheese if you are hungry.

DC Happy Hour Game

Quote: (10-22-2012 01:21 AM)redstar Wrote:  

I just moved to Court House, kinda wary about the social scene in Arlington too but I am quite keen to check out Galaxy Hut which I have heard good things about, anyone else?

Galaxy Hut is a nice change of pace from the rest of Clarendon, but it's usually a dick farm. Great beers, though.

DC Happy Hour Game

I've spent the past few weeks wholly focused on going out in DC, (happy hour and night) and can report that I'm pleased with some of the girls I have closed on, from cute American blondes to a hot Ukrainian. I managed to land some 8's to 8.5's.

My biggest gripe is that some nights in the city are total misses. I mean no targets. It's one thing for there to be girls and not finding success, but another when you go to venues and don't see any remotely approachable girls. This is often the case when going out on weekdays. The ROI just isn't really strong. But it can also be hit or miss. I met a Ukrainian on a Wednesday night in Chinatown and she was an 8.5.

Another thing is that the typical DC girl has a pretty boring and conservative life. By conservative I don't mean their world view or politics but that they are typically passionate about their careers and don't spend much time socializing beyond that during the week and not as much as you would think on weekends. Basically a lot of 8+ girls are usually at home. So even when you do hookup and give her the best sex of her life, her career comes first so if you're interested in a round 2 and beyond it may not come right away even if your game is puro. The same thing with number closing. You could have gotten a number after having good rapport and escalating on a girl but she may flake or take her merry little time in getting back to you. You can't let any of that get to you. DC is no small town so the best way to get in the mindset is to constantly go out and keep approaching girls so that your mind is not consumed by onegina.

My biggest surprise would be the level of receptiveness of girls in the city. In spite of the heavy DC presence on this forum, there doesn't seem to be a lot of guys running game in the city, at least on the girls I've talked to. There's also some decent chicks in the city that are really no different from other places. Chicks in DC are really from all over the country (the world even) so it can be hit or miss in terms of what you get with their personalities. I would also stress going to non-traditional venues. Don't only go to places where people assume that's where hooking up goes down. Hit up resto bars, happy hours, beer places, etc. Indirect openers should work out for you.

I no longer post pics due to privacy concerns but I'd be happy to share them with people I trust relatively speaking. I've hung out with Rakishness a couple of times and have tried to link up with Menace but we keep missing each other. I don't need a wing but I'm available for intel or linking up on the field and chatting for a bit.

DC Happy Hour Game

Nice work HC. Have you or anyone else ever pulled from a language table (I.e. when you go to learn a language)? I'm thinking its probably not that productive because there's tons of guys, not many girls, and you can never be sure who comes and who you sit next to.

As I told HC, I was at One Lounge last night and it was basically deserted, although I got there at 8, which may be late for HH.

DC Happy Hour Game

Menace - It's really funny you mentioned language classes. When you text me last night I was at Capitale for an Embassy meetup. I keep getting e-mails about embassy events but I've heard mixed things and didn't feel like shelling out the bucks for tickets (which usually run over $50) and play dress up when it could be a total cockfest. The reason I went to the meetup yesterday was that it was free and a social mixer so I figured it would be a good way to measure the potential of "embassy game."

The embassy meetup was EXACTLY as you described your assumption about language classes. Hard to see how any girl in there would not feel like a queen considering how the ratios were clearly in their advantage. I would say it was around 4/5:1 last night. The best looking girls were never free from beta orbiters. I didn't see any of the guys as competition so I approached girls but there really wasn't anything inspiring. I'd say the best girl in there was a 7.5/8, but considering the number of guys, she probably felt like a 10 no lie.

I talked to these young recent college grads and got a number of one of them. She was a butterface though. Incredible ass and the body would make a good lay but the face is very uninspiring. Seems like she's dtf so we'll see. I'm working through a roster right now so I'm not feeling needy at the moment but I think I'll hit her up tonight to gauge what she's about.

FYI, some other points I want to make:

Teachers and nurses are some of the freakiest girls you'll find. Jump on them if you meet them. Escalate, escalate, escalate....

Girls from the Midwest have the lowest bitch shields and are more likely dtf than others.

There's lots of girls from Ohio and Michigan in DC. I also have met some from Chicago (the Ukranian) and Missouri. These girls are more open in my experiences. The past few weeks have confirmed that but I've felt that way for a long time. Consider it a positive sign when you meet girls from here.

That being said, DC still sucks and you have to work like a mule to get results. You need Roosh's work ethic pretty much. The ROI still isn't as good as other places. I know I'd be doing much better quality wise in a place like NYC or Miami.

DC Happy Hour Game

Hen speaks the truth. DC girls are the epitome of sexual camels. Most women, even if they aren't actually looking, will make time if you peak their interest. In DC, you can peak their interest, you can actually get the bang, but they're still likely to move on, because they're too busy with work or their social calendars.

This is a tough town in which to put together a solid rotation.

DC Happy Hour Game

Not to inject race into this thread, but DC is known for their light-skinned mulatta women. What's the scoop on them? One of the more attractive females I met in NY was actually from D.C, and fit into this type. Can you find them at happy hours?

DC Happy Hour Game

Quote: (11-09-2012 10:55 AM)RougeNoir Wrote:  

Not to inject race into this thread, but DC is known for their light-skinned mulatta women. What's the scoop on them? One of the more attractive females I met in NY was actually from D.C, and fit into this type. Can you find them at happy hours?

This is a good question. I'm very familiar with this side of DC that I know Roosh doesn't really know about.

There's attractive black women in DC for sure. The Park would be the spot for the upscale crowd. Recess as well. You just gotta get in with the promoters and soon you'll be swimming in social circle which is a lot of what this scene is based on.

Happy Hours. Sure. Do U St.

DC Happy Hour Game

Quote: (11-09-2012 09:31 AM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

Menace - It's really funny you mentioned language classes. When you text me last night I was at Capitale for an Embassy meetup. I keep getting e-mails about embassy events but I've heard mixed things and didn't feel like shelling out the bucks for tickets (which usually run over $50) and play dress up when it could be a total cockfest. The reason I went to the meetup yesterday was that it was free and a social mixer so I figured it would be a good way to measure the potential of "embassy game."

The embassy meetup was EXACTLY as you described your assumption about language classes. Hard to see how any girl in there would not feel like a queen considering how the ratios were clearly in their advantage. I would say it was around 4/5:1 last night. The best looking girls were never free from beta orbiters. I didn't see any of the guys as competition so I approached girls but there really wasn't anything inspiring. I'd say the best girl in there was a 7.5/8, but considering the number of guys, she probably felt like a 10 no lie.

I talked to these young recent college grads and got a number of one of them. She was a butterface though. Incredible ass and the body would make a good lay but the face is very uninspiring. Seems like she's dtf so we'll see. I'm working through a roster right now so I'm not feeling needy at the moment but I think I'll hit her up tonight to gauge what she's about.

FYI, some other points I want to make:

Teachers and nurses are some of the freakiest girls you'll find. Jump on them if you meet them. Escalate, escalate, escalate....

Girls from the Midwest have the lowest bitch shields and are more likely dtf than others.

There's lots of girls from Ohio and Michigan in DC. I also have met some from Chicago (the Ukranian) and Missouri. These girls are more open in my experiences. The past few weeks have confirmed that but I've felt that way for a long time. Consider it a positive sign when you meet girls from here.

That being said, DC still sucks and you have to work like a mule to get results. You need Roosh's work ethic pretty much. The ROI still isn't as good as other places. I know I'd be doing much better quality wise in a place like NYC or Miami.

I'm going to back up Hen on this one easily. Midwestern girls are definitely where its at, tons of transplants in DC and I've had more luck with girls from these areas as well. I also don't believe DC is nearly as bad as what its made out to be on here, however there are definite problems with it. You do need a good worth ethic and RUTHLESS attitude to go after chicas here, but not a lot of guys here have decent game-which is also why in the alpha/rich thread I said alpha/dynamic personality over money. PLENTY of dudes in DC have decent money, not a bunch but definitely enough keesh-yet I don't see a bunch with a whole lot of game or chicas-bunch of puny/insecure biatches who have NO idea of style even if it slapped them in the face. My brothers, for the love of God don't be afraid to stand out!!

DC is also diverse as hell and very international, find those pockets.

Also-the nurses and teachers things-TRUE TO A T. Nurses have very different hours and struggle to find guys because of this, they also LITERALLY deal with SHIT for work. They therefore are usually more giving and put up with more stuff than others will (let alone work rotation won't mess with your schedule or meeting others), which is good for ALL. Same can be said about teachers, but I would think teachers are usually more feminine/caring/compassionate/patient towards others after dealing with kids for so long-which both are good things (at least for me).

HOWEVER, as stated-it is hard to lock chicas down around DC. They are SO focused about career, that thats where their mind and worries always go first. It can kinda suck at times, because you can legitimately like a chick/be thinking long term, and shes ALL about her career. UGH. Oh well though, on to the next one.

I've also literally had a friend (let's call her F) getting a conversation with her other friend (G) , who was maybe a 6 (G) (on a GREAT day) and this is how it went.
-F-You should meet more guys.
-G-You guys need to introduce me to more...
-F-We do! Remember when we introduced you to that one guy and you said no because he was literally wearing BLUE SHOES!

And this girl is a 6....AT BEST! It's happening. Now does that mean all the women are like that here? Hell no. But does it happen? Yes, and its kind of a bit scary. The Hypergamous truth is out there....however, adapt or die people.

DC Happy Hour Game

It really seems like DC is just a very niche-focused city. You're not going to find hot girls all over the place like NYC and Miami, but instead you have to sniff them out in their little hideyholes like a pig sniffs for truffles.

The above info can also serve as a pretty efficient screening tool if you can approach a lot of girls in a reasonable amount of time: find out in 5 minutes if she's a nurse/teacher/similar feminine profession and also where she's from Midwest/West Coast/NE and how long she's been here (if too long, then poisoned, so next).

DC Happy Hour Game

Quote: (11-09-2012 12:43 PM)Menace Wrote:  

It really seems like DC is just a very niche-focused city. You're not going to find hot girls all over the place like NYC and Miami, but instead you have to sniff them out in their little hideyholes like a pig sniffs for truffles.

Agreed! That said, I will offer up the following for the group's consideration; adult ed/continuing education courses and LivingSocial-type events (horseback tours, whitewater rafting day trips, etc.)

I swear to god, the typical DC Male-to-female ratios are flipped!

Good hunting and keep up the fine work.

DC Happy Hour Game

Has anyone spent considerable time in Old Town Alexandria? I was just there today and I was impressed by the blocks among blocks of restos, boutique stores, and coffeeshops. It seems to have one of the better logistics for day game in the DC area. I doubt there's much in terms of dedicated bars for nighttime exploration but I wonder what it's like usually during the day. I didn't spot any cute single girls by themselves. They seemed to be with a boyfriend but I did spot a couple of milfs jogging. Overall I could see it having potential but I'm not sure the ROI justifies venturing out there.

DC Happy Hour Game

Yes, I live in Old Town. Nighttime is good for dates only. I can tell you this - girls love Old Town. On the weekends during the day you will find plenty of talent walking around solo or in small groups. I think Old Town has the appeal to girls that Georgetown did years ago. There is an Anthroplogie store (a Mecca for girls) so they Metro over and take the free trolley down King Street. You can approach in OT as a tourist and ask directions / recommendations etc...hope that helps!

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