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Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Quote: (05-17-2012 02:27 AM)chochemonger1 Wrote:  

Quote: (05-17-2012 01:54 AM)Deb Auchery Wrote:  

Quote: (05-16-2012 10:52 PM)Vacancier Permanent Wrote:  

I just opened an account on DR Cupid and the talent there is so so to be honest. Is the talent on DR Cupid a good reflection of the talent on the grounds or is it better there?

I also browsed on Badoo, not my kind of girls unfortunately.

The ease of the girls in DR might be on par with the Philippines, if you have some spanish skills. And they have big botties and titties. But in terms of faces, not at the level of Colombia(maybe Santiago comes close). But I have nothing against cheap places with easy it might be in my calendar in the next 2 years.


That is a bold statement, comparing to Phils.

Definitely on my radar.

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Last night was an epic strikeout. Went to an event, and some of the locals thought I was the main event. Not kidding. There is a bit of a shock factor, and it is taking the talent a bit of time to warm up. The place had models, so I saw the top tier talent the country has to offer.

Brazilian Opener:

I start talking to a chica and ask where she's from. She looks at me funny and says "here". I look confused and shrug my shoulders. Then she asks why I asked, and I tell her she looks Brazilian. That one goes far.

But then, any small compliment works here.

After the event I taxied back to a casino, and opened a chick in a set of 3. They were local 8's. Unfortunately, she was the wrong one to hack at, as the other 2 were more interested. Dammit.

I can't stress how much status has to do with the big picture. More to follow. Going to a dance club tonight to try pure night game. So far I'm not in the right venues, and trying for the hotter girls, which is taking more time. Sorry to disappoint gents. I'm working on it.

If I was content on settling for 6-7's my notch count would be pretty decent now.

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Got laid again last night. Solid 8, great body. Gave the Hooters girls a go, and initiated a good convo, but couldn't get a number close. Those girls will take some work. Fucking hot though. Didn't wake up until around 4:30. Fucking killed.

So last night I called the chick to hang out. We ended up at the hotel, where at that point I just wanted to eat and go to sleep. Then this epic battle ensued over a blowjob. She wouldn't take no for an answer and got her way. I'm not complaining.

I forgot she spoke a little English, and was having a convo on the phone w/ emech about trying to fuck the Hooters girls. Yep. Epic fail. Gonna try to mend that one up. Good times.

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Quote: (06-03-2012 05:05 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

Got laid again last night. Solid 8, great body. Gave the Hooters girls a go, and initiated a good convo, but couldn't get a number close. Those girls will take some work. Fucking hot though. Didn't wake up until around 4:30. Fucking killed.

So last night I called the chick to hang out. We ended up at the hotel, where at that point I just wanted to eat and go to sleep. Then this epic battle ensued over a blowjob. She wouldn't take no for an answer and got her way. I'm not complaining.

I forgot she spoke a little English, and was having a convo on the phone w/ emech about trying to fuck the Hooters girls. Yep. Epic fail. Gonna try to mend that one up. Good times.

Good job man, but not clear on what exactly happened here.

Are you saying that she insisted on giving you a BJ even though you were reluctant because you were tired, or did you want to bang and she insisted on giving you a BJ instead? [Image: lol.gif]

And how did you pickup this girl?

At any rate, sounds like you're getting your feet on the ground there.

"If anything's gonna happen, it's gonna happen out there!- Captain Ron

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

@Mrxy- Yeah I was buzzed and slap worn out and just wanted to sleep and would have banged her in the morning. She was all about the sex, which wasn't bad. Her hair was colored and she stole my Redkin conditioner. That's what I get for running my mouth on the phone this morning. I hurt her feelings. Now I'm $20 down. This shit's hilarious. I went to a casino tonight and had a few beers and tried to talk biz. Too tired tonight to go anywhere, plus it's Sunday. Kinda slow round these parts.

Another gig on my part is eye contact. Normally I'll walk through a venue and see the options before approaching. Here when a girl looks at me and I break contact, she gets cold on the second round. From now on I'll approach immediately.

And you guys know I don't like the approach, but these girls aren't gonna open me. I've had to adjust my whole game style, which has taken time.

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

[attachment=6453]Think! Think![attachment=6454]

Unleash your inner Three's company an unlock the key to fine Spanish girls

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

hmmmm..... your finding in the DR are not quite what i was hoping for... specially after comming from Asia for me an the ease of the sleeze there.

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Ali, are you still in Santo Domingo?

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Quote: (06-03-2012 11:44 PM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

hmmmm..... your finding in the DR are not quite what i was hoping for... specially after comming from Asia for me an the ease of the sleeze there.

I'd say the ease with 6-7's is similar. I haven't even been slumming around yet.

Quote: (06-04-2012 01:23 AM)RioNomad Wrote:  

Ali, are you still in Santo Domingo?

Yeah I'll be here for awhile. You thinking of coming down?

2 Week Review

I’ve spent most of my time in the Colonial Zone, which is vanilla and a good place to get your feet wet. Plenty of girls roaming the main street, where the Hard Rock is. It’s a large area and takes some time to see it all.

China town
Went there one day, and was surprised to see Chinese girls speaking Spanish. DO NOT SMOKE THE CIGARETTES THERE!!! I woke up that night coughing up a lung. Didn’t do any approaching, and figure they are tight knit and won’t bite for a foreigner. Doesn’t matter, they don’t hold a candle to the Dominicanas anyway.

Bella Vista
Way down the beach, away from the Colonial Zone. Nice residential area with cheaper apartment. It’s a little too far out for my tastes. There’s a huge highrise with a helo pad which is in the vicinity. Use that as a reference.

Been through several points in between but don’t know the names of the barrios.

The city is massively sprawled out, and has been a daunting task to locate different places. Within a ½ block you’ll see a ghetto bar, then one selling $400 bottles of liquor. Because of this I’ve spread myself out too thin, as trying to cover a lot of area has taken up too much time. It’s been a daunting task to find a stronghold here. I have a couple but there not producing pussy.

Quality of girl
Get thumbs up from me. Exotic, well dressed, feminine. The diversity is impressive, anywhere from light to dark, with white, African, Caribbean, and Latino features. Every girl I’ve had in bed has been passionate. I get far more attention from the darker skinned gals, as I’m shooting for that or Latina, and have pretty much ignored the whiter varieties. They are bitchier anyway.

No idea on clubs yet. Was a little worried on going solo. The guy at the front didn’t seem too keen on calling a taxi. Will dig more into that soon, as it’s time to hit the clubs. I have on purpose been hitting smaller, quieter nightlife venues, like casinos, as loud music makes the language barrier that much worse.

Lessons learned
Not doing too bad considering I’ve been out the game for 6 months previous. Went through my phone and realized how many girls I’ve blown off. Been moving too fast, and determined to reach better talent. Local dudes will flake on you. Had several tell me they wanted to hangout, get my number, and never call. Happened today. Will be more aggressive when there is eye contact.
Learned that walking around too much in the heat will kill you for the rest of the day. My body is used to arid, not humid.
The conversation sputtered out with a Hooters girl, and I realized then I should have had something on my phone to entertain. Three’s company stuff works here. I tested the phone thing out at the casino last night, and got a good response.

I’ve had a great time here. Spent last night in the hotel, as the weekend was taxing. I extended my hotel stay, but will be back on the apartment trail. I’ve totally blew that mission off for titties and beer. Will hire a driver tomorrow to get me to Boca Chica, then around to some other areas. Gotta give a shout out to Emech for helping me navigate the city. Without his advice I’d be nowhere near where I am now.

Future Endeavors
Will increase my aggressiveness of approach, shrink my target area, stay outta the strip clubs, and use my phone as a tool. Found the party bus which runs on weekends, and will give it a try. Night clubs are a definite for this weekend. I will also have an apartment set up in a few days, so that’s on less thing off the plate. Am also considering a language school as something to do. I’m sure there’s some cute chicks there, and they coordinate events every day. I would have some value from speaking some Spanish, and could use that and my knowledge of the area to break girls away from the guided tour. Opinions?
Now that the honeymoon’s over it’s time to cut down operating costs and start working out again. I’ve seen some fine talent here, and worked up to an 8 the other night, but want to bring it up another notch.

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

I prefer Santiago to Santo Domingo because it is easier to get around.

Zona Colonial is not a good area. It is a dirty tourist area. Girls with money don't go to that area. Stay around Bella Vista, Naco area. Near Acropolis, Blue Mall. Try hitting the university and malls to avoid the heat.

Don't become friends with local guys unless they have money. The others you will have to pay for everything. They aren't going to throw any girls your way. You will ask them to translate and they will be trying to pick up the girl for themselves.

Any other questions, ask me.

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Quote: (06-04-2012 05:14 PM)patron Wrote:  

I prefer Santiago to Santo Domingo because it is easier to get around.

Zona Colonial is not a good area. It is a dirty tourist area. Girls with money don't go to that area. Stay around Bella Vista, Naco area. Near Acropolis, Blue Mall. Try hitting the university and malls to avoid the heat.

Don't become friends with local guys unless they have money. The others you will have to pay for everything. They aren't going to throw any girls your way. You will ask them to translate and they will be trying to pick up the girl for themselves.

Any other questions, ask me.

Patron are girls from Santiago easier than the girls from Santo Domingo or is it the same thing?

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Overall, girls are easier in Santiago. Santo Domingo is like Miami where as Santiago is like Fort Lauderdale.

There is nothing wrong with Santo Domingo, it just takes time to adjust to a new places. Find good places to go, learn the culture and meet people. A town like Cabarete is easier, because it is one street and lots of gringos to hang out with. But, if you invest the time, places like santo domingo and santiago are gold mines.

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

The streets of Santo domingo call you. They call you out late and the non-stop car alarms call you out in the morning. It's a great place.

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Went to Boca Chica yesterday. Not much going on but still plenty of targets running around. I was more focused on biz. Stopped off at a bar and me and the driver sat on his hood ouside loitering. The waitress enticed us to come in and I had him get her number. Downloaded a bunch of pictures of me and play phone game. Its set to a timeline and I practiced the storrytelling in Spanish. Very effective. Downside is my fucking wont work today. So it's off to the store to buy a Galaxy S 2.

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Quote: (06-06-2012 02:17 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

Went to Boca Chica yesterday. Not much going on but still plenty of targets running around. I was more focused on biz. Stopped off at a bar and me and the driver sat on his hood ouside loitering. The waitress enticed us to come in and I had him get her number. Downloaded a bunch of pictures of me and play phone game. Its set to a timeline and I practiced the storrytelling in Spanish. Very effective. Downside is my fucking wont work today. So it's off to the store to buy a Galaxy S 2.
Don't waste your money on that brick. It's too big for down there carrying in your pocket all the time. They make a smaller one but you should get an iphone and be done with it. Some retard told me a new Iphone 4s is only 200 there brand new.

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Iphone 4s in the DR for $200, yeah a knock off from china. Electronics are very expensive in the DR. Phones are status symbols in the DR. Even the poorest girl, living in the barrio, will have a blackberry.

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Aliblahba, huge tonight in Juan Dolio, about 15 minutes from boca chica, you will see the hottest girls in DR there. Caribbean Music Festival. Trust me!!!

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Quote: (06-06-2012 02:25 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Quote: (06-06-2012 02:17 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

Went to Boca Chica yesterday. Not much going on but still plenty of targets running around. I was more focused on biz. Stopped off at a bar and me and the driver sat on his hood ouside loitering. The waitress enticed us to come in and I had him get her number. Downloaded a bunch of pictures of me and play phone game. Its set to a timeline and I practiced the storrytelling in Spanish. Very effective. Downside is my fucking wont work today. So it's off to the store to buy a Galaxy S 2.
Don't waste your money on that brick. It's too big for down there carrying in your pocket all the time. They make a smaller one but you should get an iphone and be done with it. Some retard told me a new Iphone 4s is only 200 there brand new.

I would not buy anything in Boca Chica, they are pros at ripping off gringos. About the girls there, while they are not all hooking, Boca Chica is a poor town, and if you have sex with one, she might confess her undying love for you, at which point she will hit you up for some money. Don't be offended by it, that is just the way it is there. Those girls with the new cell phones, how do you think they got them?

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Boca chica is shit hole, sosua is a shit hole. Full of pro's and people wanting to take your money. If you stay in a real city, you will find real girls with real jobs. Santiago is a good opition. You can always travel to la vega, jarabacoa, moca, moa, bonoa, sfm, lots of little cities less than 1 hour away from santiago with cute girls!!! You can take a bus for around $2.50 or less. Go and hang out by the colleges, you will always find cute girls.

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

One thing cool about that little cesspool is you can drink all day and run hookers down on a fourwheeler at high speeds. I'm going down there soon to help Ali with his sex addiction and told him we should get a room at the aparta and do that one night for kicks. You can catch some cuties from Sd getting off the bus to hang at the beach though but the locals told me the "classier" people go to Juan dolio to avoid that scene.

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Quote: (06-06-2012 06:43 PM)patron Wrote:  

Aliblahba, huge tonight in Juan Dolio, about 15 minutes from boca chica, you will see the hottest girls in DR there. Caribbean Music Festival. Trust me!!!

You should also hit the Juan Luis Guerra concert in Santo Domingo on the 16th.

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Quote: (06-06-2012 08:50 PM)Tigre Wrote:  

Quote: (06-06-2012 06:43 PM)patron Wrote:  

Aliblahba, huge tonight in Juan Dolio, about 15 minutes from boca chica, you will see the hottest girls in DR there. Caribbean Music Festival. Trust me!!!

You should also hit the Juan Luis Guerra concert in Santo Domingo on the 16th.

Patron thats a bit late notice, if you said few days before i would probably fly there in time, but if you know about any other events please let us know.

Tigre thanks for mentioning that Juan Luis guerra Concert, im sure it will be packed.

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

A few months ago, I went to the Enrique Ingles and Pitbull concert and it was filled with hot girls. I have seen pictures of the beach parties in juan dolio and they are crazy. Sort of like a rave.

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Quote: (06-04-2012 01:40 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

Yeah I'll be here for awhile. You thinking of coming down?

It is for sure on my list, but I am here in BKK for a couple more months, possibly longer. Don't see myself making it to the DR anytime soon. Gonna have to live my DR adventure vicariously through you for a while. They do have good Jiu Jitsu there in Santo Domingo though, so it is high up on my list.

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

@patron: agree with you that boca chica and sosua can be grim. [Image: smile.gif]

haven't been to santiago in a long time. do the cruisers still hang out at the monument on, what is it, thursday nights?

can you share more intel on the smaller inland towns? i've heard that la vega has potential but don't know about any other towns. any touristy attractions in case you want to take a short break?

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