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Riga, Latvia nice.........

Riga, Latvia nice.........

Quote: (06-14-2010 03:32 PM)MiXXmaster27 Wrote:  

Cool. It's on my agenda for August. Based on the hottie blonde girls that responded, it made me confused as they were literally telling me how much they love Miami. One flat out gave me her skype ID so we can talk. I emphasized that I am Latino(which they can see from
my tan pics on facebook as I sit on the beach) I also said I'm a salsa dancer and really dig Lykke Li [Image: smile.gif]

should check out ratemybody too. Ive been going on lately and having good luck with the Euro chicks. Lots of blondes [Image: banana.gif]

Riga, Latvia nice.........

Riga is ridiculous, you can’t even eat breakfast without being constantly distracted by the barrage of stunning specimens on display. The chicks here are SOOO HOT!!! I highly recommend it. Currently just €15 Dublin to Riga, gotta love it.

I have a [Image: heart.gif] Riga Report [Image: heart.gif] if anyone wants to check it out...

Riga, Latvia nice.........

nn: Digging your blog but may i suggest you write out those acronyms.



It reads like computer code. I've visited your site many times but I still don't have them memorized. I think it disturbs the flow of your guides because I'm thinking "what's stl again?" Otherwise keep up the good work.

Riga, Latvia nice.........

Quote: (06-17-2010 06:29 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

nn: Digging your blog but may i suggest you write out those acronyms.



It reads like computer code. I've visited your site many times but I still don't have them memorized. I think it disturbs the flow of your guides because I'm thinking "what's stl again?" Otherwise keep up the good work.

Thanks for the input Roosh. I think I'll do that.

Riga, Latvia nice.........

Quote: (06-17-2010 05:37 PM)naughtynomad Wrote:  

Riga is ridiculous, you can’t even eat breakfast without being constantly distracted by the barrage of stunning specimens on display. The chicks here are SOOO HOT!!! I highly recommend it. Currently just €15 Dublin to Riga, gotta love it.

I have a [Image: heart.gif] Riga Report [Image: heart.gif] if anyone wants to check it out...

Stop it pleeease!!!!! I'm really trying to focus on Calgary man! This is killing me! Anyone who knows me, knows how I die for blondes!



Riga, Latvia nice.........

they are the hottest I have seen, though I have been tempted by many a canadian girl, who I hear nothing but good things about as well

Riga, Latvia nice.........

Wonderfull both are nice, even though the right one is stunning and I like them with a danish beer.. [Image: smile.gif] I have to see that soon!

Riga, Latvia nice.........

Naughty - same advice as Roosh - don't use those acronyms - eg - COH -

Great blog - love the niche.

Didn't see a report on Serbia or Croatia- any plans to go? I'm dying for a country report.

Riga, Latvia nice.........

I will a good contributor and even tell you guys that are going to Riga, there is an internet service provider called Lattel something or other, they are in the airport and all over riga. A password for free internet is

USER: vecriga
PASS: Klondaika

Riga, Latvia nice.........

As I sit in the sunshine on this glorious day in London I'm already dreaming about girls in Northern Europe. WTF have I been doing with the last 10 years of my life. I'm surrounded by people everywhere in this overcrowded city and I haven't seen one hot girl yet! The constant stream of hots girls in Estonia and Tallinn have given me a sore neck. I can only imagine what it would be like to actually settle down in one of these countries. I would not however... apart from a nice walk around an old town these places have little else to offer and I could see myself going stir crazy quite quickly. Plus the weather kinda sucks. I lived in Spain for a year when I was younger and that was easy because it was nice and sunny all the time.

Ok.. so a report... I certainly would NOT come here to try and pull women. In fact Id say your chances of getting laid are pretty slim unless you are going to stay here for longer than a few days, and then your going to need to fill your time with something. If anyone else has had a different experience I love to hear it. I met a bunch of Aussie guys who reckoned they were getting laid every night!!.. I really dont know if they were bullshitting me or were getting so drunk they ended up paying for hookers and were too drunk to remember. I think the latter. The local girls all think that foreigners... (not just the Brits might I add).. come over here to try and pull their women because they are easy. They are very respectable people and have more self worth than a one night stand. Also its a small town so everyone knows everyone to some degree so it really isn't a good look if your caught going home with foreigners every night of the week. Which was driving me crazy since they dress very provocatively! brings a tear to my eye just thinking about how hot some of these chicks are. Looks are also not that important to the girls out here. A lot of them have boyfriends who back home would normally be punching way above their weight. Most of the people are really friendly.. I was out every night with a different bunch of girls till 7 in the morning . I was on my own and did my best not to look like another tourist... so if your a load mouth American or obnoxious Brit abroad you should be ashamed of yourself and you have no chance. I would however like to add I did actually get lucky on my last night. Dreams can come true ; )

Riga, Latvia nice.........

Hummmmm. Dang man. Unfortunately, I nay only have 3 weeks to game. Am I getting your message clear than from you Viewpoint, getting laid is too much to aim for with non-pros, and no matter how many solid dates you have it's near impossible in Latvia/Tallin? Your post did not give me the warm and fuzzies i was hoping for.

Riga, Latvia nice.........

Yup, residents rule, tourists get thrown to the bottom of the totem pole. It's just how it goes.

Riga, Latvia nice.........

3 weeks is a good amount of time so chin up. If you have good game its possible for sure. I had 2 days in each city! ...and when I said I certainly would NOT come here to try and get laid what I actually meant was 'don't EXPECT to'. You shouldnt really expect to pull in any country for that matter. Most of its down to luck in my opinion.. being in the right place at the right time. A pretty face and and a personality to match obviously helps after that.
If there was any city in the world where all the women where hot and easy we'd all be living there!!... wouldn't we?

Riga, Latvia nice.........

"You shouldnt really expect to pull in any country for that matter."

Except America, of course.

Riga, Latvia nice.........

Quote: (06-22-2010 09:55 AM)Richie Wrote:  

3 weeks is a good amount of time so chin up. If you have good game its possible for sure. I had 2 days in each city! ...and when I said I certainly would NOT come here to try and get laid what I actually meant was 'don't EXPECT to'. You shouldnt really expect to pull in any country for that matter. Most of its down to luck in my opinion.. being in the right place at the right time. A pretty face and and a personality to match obviously helps after that.
If there was any city in the world where all the women where hot and easy we'd all be living there!!... wouldn't we?

ummmm. You've never been to Colombia. I can tell now for sure =)

that's the problem with Colombia, it us the exact opposite and spoils the hell out of foreigners. Residents go to the bottom if the totem pole there. [Image: wink.gif]

but I wanted something different than Latina women.


Riga, Latvia nice.........

Quote: (06-22-2010 11:19 AM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

"You shouldnt really expect to pull in any country for that matter."

Except America, of course.

Allow me to add Canadian women. All the party traits of US women, none of the attitude.


Riga, Latvia nice.........

Columbia is definitely on my list. But I think my experience with women in Brazil and Argentina has put me off South America a bit.
I feel another thread coming on.. but out of interest what cities are the easiest with the hottest in the US? I have been to Miami and LA and I definitely wasn't feeling it there but I think thats because I didnt know what the fuck I was doing. Newyork I had some good times though.
Yes yes yes.. MOntreal and Calgary... We've heard it all before... sounds like a safe bet ; )

Riga, Latvia nice.........

Quote: (06-22-2010 11:52 AM)Richie Wrote:  

Columbia is definitely on my list. But I think my experience with women in Brazil and Argentina has put me off South America a bit.
I feel another thread coming on.. but out of interest what cities are the easiest with the hottest in the US? I have been to Miami and LA and I definitely wasn't feeling it there but I think thats because I didnt know what the fuck I was doing. Newyork I had some good times though.
Yes yes yes.. MOntreal and Calgary... We've heard it all before... sounds like a safe bet ; )

Look into some of the Major Sunbelt Cities...Houston and Atlanta are EASY with good looking women from all over, good COL, Universities, climates, dining/nightlife and good job economies and is inexpensive compared to other major cities in the US. Also I heard good things about Denver which has alot of people with a good healthy active lifestyle and plenty to do with the mountains and it offers plenty of sunshine as well.

Riga, Latvia nice.........

It was a while ago, so I don't really remember any specifics. But I had an exceptional time in Atlanta.

The women were very attractive. Sexy southern accents. I met a sexy, super fit Asian girl w/ a southern accent that I found myself incredibly attracted to.

Great clubs, lots of colleges, great food, great weather - throw in the women, and I d say it's the most overlooked city in the US.

Riga, Latvia nice.........

Quote: (06-20-2010 06:27 PM)Lief Wrote:  

Naughty - same advice as Roosh - don't use those acronyms - eg - COH -

Great blog - love the niche.

Didn't see a report on Serbia or Croatia- any plans to go? I'm dying for a country report.

I was in Serbia, hooked up with a Norgwegian, so I can't comment on the nightlife. I will be in exploring the Adriatic coast (incl Croatia) at the end of September and will make a report for you [Image: wink.gif]

Riga, Latvia nice.........

Quote: (06-04-2010 05:45 PM)hydrogonian Wrote:  

We need more on-the-ground pics of hotties from the travels of forum guys... Thats one big missing component here, generally..

Maybe a dedicated sticky thread?

Riga, Latvia nice.........

Quote: (06-04-2010 01:00 AM)clr Wrote:  

OH fuck yeah...... hotties, these girls were just walking by as I got off the bus, of course I played the tourist card, but I really did need directions. Right when I got off the bus [Image: smile.gif] hung out with them for a bit at a club later on, kinda turned to shit with the ones bf showing up and her having to dip out of the club, I was so whooped from partying my ass off the night before I had to bitch out and go to my hotel room.

They were super friendly, and the other girls in the club were OMG hot, everywhere. Being from NYC is definitely a value boost. I was very surprised most of the people here dance really good in the club, many of the girls can move like a latina! [Image: smile.gif]

Nice lookin Riga this what one can expect in the Baltics?

Riga, Latvia nice.........


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