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The Jeff Bezos thread

The Jeff Bezos thread

Quote: (01-16-2019 04:38 AM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

I'm giving this thread a bump to point out that the U.S. media has "black holed" this story. In other words, they're not covering it.*

They're making issues out of everything BUT what looks to be the biggest divorce settlement in history. Gee, could it be because Jeff Bozo's job is to advance "The Narrative" through his Washington Post?

Whatever the case, the Brits are on the case. The Daily Mail has a hilariously nasty article about Bozo's new flame, Lauren Sanchez.

The story tells of how she cheated on her former football player fiance, Anthony Miller, who played for the Denver Broncos. More importantly, it notes that she "expected him to pay for everything and then kept their engagement ring when they split after four years together."

It's being speculated that Bozo stands to lose about $68 BILLION over this affair when he gets divorced. Think about that. This woman is almost 50 and has a track record of not only cheating on her fiance, but cheating on her husband with Bozo!

What can we take from this? Well, if you've ever felt like you wasted a few bucks on a woman who wasn't worth it, it could be worse. A lot worse. $68 billion worse.

* A new saying I saw online somewhere, regarding the media: "If they're covering it, it's not important. If it's important, they're not covering it."

Completely agree that this is being desperately memory holed.

Thanks for sharing the link to that article. This Sanchez woman is far worse than I thought, and Besos is bigger retard than I thought. I am convinced more than ever that many uber rich people are there by sheer luck and timing more than anything else.

We have been saying in this forum that Sanchez is hoe-ing up, but reading that Daily Mail article showed that she is even more pathological than we thought. She was engaged TWICE before marrying her first ex, both were NFL players that she cheated on. Her first husband is built like a Mac Truck and was a tight end for goodness sakes. She primed out her good years for super masculine men, then immediately pivoted for access to fame, and now that that is getting old (as Hollywood's clout in general is waning), on to fortune with Bezos.

To bring this back round to Bezos: here is a guy who is sending impish teenager texts to a woman who's vulva has been pulvarized in ways that should get PETA rallying for help. What is he thinking as he sends dick pics to this woman? That she'd be impressed over the pro NFL guys she's had?

"I love your mind", texted Bezos to Sanchez. I wonder if he was referring to her biting wit and insightful commentary when she hosted "Good Day LA" with intellectual powerhouse Pauly D from the Jersey shore.

If he really did love her mind, he's got a hamster that rivals most women's. Most likely he is too self absorbed to see what a ridiculously bad choice of paramour he was making. All of the businesses and lives he's ruining matter not when Seattle cocktail party washed up MILFs are on his eye.

DOBA is right to bring this up. This is the most expensive divorce in history. Nothing even comes remotely close. These are numbers that exceed the GDP of many countries. This is true history being written yet the media silence is deafening. Also what is to happen with Bezos and Sanchez? Are they going to be dating publicly, with the whole world knowing and laughing at Bezos for giving it all up for a Jack Nicholson lookalike with boobs?

Money aside, as people learn more and more about Sanchez, Bezos will lose most of his gravitas, even if they stop dating. He can never retain the dignity he had before. Perhaps he will try to make a housewife from a Hoe, but people will always know. Amazon and it's staying power was always just an mirage, and so is the "genius" of Jeff Bezos.

TL;DR: the most liked comment of the article (1862 likes to 8 dislikes) says it best:

she looks like a comic character. Well done, Bezos you are officially a global laughingstock

[Image: attachment.jpg41107]   

The Jeff Bezos thread

Shit like this is why I'm a little suspicious of the conspiracy theory that a satanic cabal controls the highest levels of power in the United States.

If Bezos really was a high-ranking member of a sinister, globe-spanning syndicate who ruled the world in service to the powers of darkness, don't you think Satan would've hooked him up with a hotter mistress?

The Jeff Bezos thread

Quote: (01-17-2019 12:19 AM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

Shit like this is why I'm a little suspicious of the conspiracy theory that a satanic cabal controls the highest levels of power in the United States.

If Bezos really was a high-ranking member of a sinister, globe-spanning syndicate who ruled the world in service to the powers of darkness, don't you think Satan would've hooked him up with a hotter mistress?

I think you got it all wrong. This washed-up whore is the Satan.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

The Jeff Bezos thread

Quote: (01-17-2019 12:06 AM)Robert High Hawk Wrote:  

To bring this back round to Bezos: here is a guy who is sending impish teenager texts to a woman who's vulva has been pulvarized in ways that should get PETA rallying for help. What is he thinking as he sends dick pics to this woman? That she'd be impressed over the pro NFL guys she's had?

"I love your mind", texted Bezos to Sanchez. I wonder if he was referring to her biting wit and insightful commentary when she hosted "Good Day LA" with intellectual powerhouse Pauly D from the Jersey shore.
I was going to say something similar yesterday but got distracted.

Any girl who has ever had a pro athlete in her list of notches should be automatically disqualified as potential LTR material. Physically, a pro athlete is at a level that is not attainable by most people.

When it comes to fucking, you will never be able to compete. You will never be the fuck she’s thinking about or holds up as the best.

The Jeff Bezos thread

I wouldn't be surprised if there was a support group for super rich men and Bezos, Johnny Depp, and Elon Musk spent their evenings giving each other dating advice.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

The Jeff Bezos thread

Quote: (01-17-2019 12:06 AM)Robert High Hawk Wrote:  

[Image: 8374738-6578631-Sanchez_is_seen_with_Pau...523301.jpg]

Why am I thinking of the Joker's smile...


My Adventures in Game updates on the go: twits by Max Detrick

Unbowed. Unbent. Unbroken.

I don’t ever give up. I mean, I’d have to be dead or completely incapacitated.
-- Elon Musk

The Jeff Bezos thread

Quote: (01-17-2019 03:40 PM)ksbms Wrote:  

Quote: (01-17-2019 12:06 AM)Robert High Hawk Wrote:  

[Image: 8374738-6578631-Sanchez_is_seen_with_Pau...523301.jpg]

Why am I thinking of the Joker's smile...

[Image: h8DCB363F]

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

The Jeff Bezos thread

Say whatever you want about this woman but obviously she is quite skilled in making men feel something unique both mentally and physically. As far as I am concerned, game recognized Ms. Sanchez. She should be getting the toast of scotch GIF from this forum.

The Jeff Bezos thread

Quote: (01-17-2019 04:34 PM)LowerCaseG Wrote:  

Say whatever you want about this woman but obviously she is quite skilled in making men feel something unique both mentally and physically. As far as I am concerned, game recognized Ms. Sanchez. She should be getting the toast of scotch GIF from this forum.

Bezos is the ultimate beta Silicon Valley titan. He's a death dealing monster in the boardroom with his flunkies, but confronted by this witchy woman, he dissolves into a puddle of goo. 25 years of marriage to Mrs. Boringpants has left him with low-T and he needs to find a new solution.

After the divorce he'll marry Witchy Woman and she'll be set for the rest of her life.

The Jeff Bezos thread

Quote: (01-17-2019 04:34 PM)LowerCaseG Wrote:  

Say whatever you want about this woman but obviously she is quite skilled in making men feel something unique both mentally and physically. As far as I am concerned, game recognized Ms. Sanchez. She should be getting the toast of scotch GIF from this forum.

Yes indeed, she's a champion manipulative gold digging whore, kudos to her.

$68,000,000 is not the whole picture here, that's just the first of two installments for Bozo, cause he's going to end up paying half of what he is left with to that Sanchez hag-slut, who will dump him in 5 to 10 years, as soon as she is guaranteed to collect half of his remaining fortune. Which makes Sanchez the highest-paid prostitute of all time, at about $3 billion to $5 billion per year spent with Bozo. That translates to about $12,000,000/day, or $500,000 per hour...

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

The Jeff Bezos thread

It looks like every step of the way, each man she has snagged has been an upgrade in the alpha scale compared to the previous one:

1. Anthony Miller, respectable NFL WR
2. Derek Fisher, respectable NBA player
3. Tony Gonzales, Hall of Fame NFL player
4. Patrick Whitesell, Hollywood mega agent
5. Jeff Bezos, richest man in the world

This ho obviously knows how to play the game. And Bezos is the ultimate catch here, beta chump that he is in terms of game himself. Can she top him? Maybe next up is a head of state or loyal family member somewhere?

The Jeff Bezos thread

Boggles my mind what an idiot Bezos is. You could just amicably divorce and play the field but to pull this off in front of ur family is just bad.

The Jeff Bezos thread

This news puts me at odds. On one hand it sucks hearing about a man getting divorced after 25 years of marriage and four kids (three of them came from his wife and one is adopted). She looks amazing for a 48 year old woman and dutifully kept up her appearance for her man. After 25 years of marriage, your wife and family will become an inseparable part of your life. My endgame is to find “the one” and this make me uneasy about the future of society.


I think we all can see how retarded Jeff. Not only are you going to cheat on your wife but it’s not even an upgrade. If I were to cheat on my wife while I was the richest man in the world it would be with 12/10 at the minimum. The wife would have not even have left him if he were to bang other broads as long it was to feed his needs and the women were beauty she could not provide him with. She probably feels betrayed when she saw the lady Jeff cheated with because Jeff’s wife is comparable in looks. Now Jeff is going to lose half is fortune. Also I am happy Jeff is getting screwed. Fuck his leftist supporting ass and fuck the Washington post.

The Jeff Bezos thread

While this will definitely diminish Jeff Bezos in the eyes of those who are game-aware, I'm not sure if this will have a significant impact on the company as a whole.

One issue is whether she is going to dump Amazon shares once she gets her settlement. The consensus so far is no.

Is it time to short Amazon stock, and if so, what are some key events to look out for that will indicate that the divorce will have a negative impact on Amazon?

The Jeff Bezos thread

These are unlikely but if they happen....

Board of Directors declare Bezos must be replaced due to divorce being a distraction
Bill Barr really drops the hammer on tech
Alibaba gets involved through its media proxies or bought out politicians

My guess is there's some big players doing backdoor deals so Amazon doesn't tank. I doubt the wife will get her revenge where she obtains part ownership and burns the company to the ground. The media has already swept this under the rug.

Quote: (09-21-2018 09:31 AM)kosko Wrote:  
For the folks who stay ignorant and hating and not improving their situation during these Trump years, it will be bleak and cold once the good times stop.

The Jeff Bezos thread

She can't sell even a tiny fraction of her stock. What would she do with the billions in cash? She's already got more money than she can spend in 100 lifetimes.

No woman on this planet is going to "Crash the stock" to get revenge. That's not revenge. If anything, she'll be using any leverage to whip Jeff EVEN MORE to make the stock even more profitable so she is worth more money.

The Jeff Bezos thread

Fuck Jeff Bezos. That globalist piece of shit deserves everything he gets and then some. Commenters are right, he should've read Roosh's book instead of banning it. Would've done him good. And Bezos is an alpha?? First off, no male in the west in the year 2019 with a job of any kind is trully an "alpha". Even tops of major corporations. With the exception of a few ruthless murderers who really don't give a fuck. You can only be as alpha as the society in which you live, dictates. Second, his texts are pathetic. Cringe worthy, dripping of chumpiness, and comical. A 50 year old sending dick pics?! Packing heat or not, that is a real faggoty move. I know 21 year olds at my local gym who wouldn't even text like that or send something so amateurish. Is he powerful? Sure. Can he get most women based on status? Sure. Is he in good shape especially for 50? Yea I'll give him that. However, he is a pussy-ass geek mother fucker at the core. And it's isn't where you start it's how you finish, however deep down he's still that little faggot nerd who is genetically inferior to most. He's 5 ft 7 in. 5 fuckin 7!!! I don't care about his TRT use or biceps. That guy would get fuckin rocked if he put on the football pads. And I'd pay to see someone like Rob Gronkowski body slam him. I doubt hes swimming in as much top shelf pussy as people think he is. I forget who said it, but money and status and fame cannot cure beta. And too me, regardless of how ruthless he is, he's still that midget geek with goofy face and receding hairline who is unfortunately protected and safe from getting his head smashed against a table because of the day in age in which we live. He gets all giddy because of some post-wall Latina milf who's almost 50 is draining his balls? Relax dude. The way I see it, if he's swimming in top shelf pussy, that Sanchez chick, who is fuckable but her best years are behind her, won't be able to seduce him that seriously. Whether she's a pro at the game or not. Actually fuck Gronkowski, I'd like to get my helmet from HS on and get him in a good old fashioned Oklahoma drill...

The Jeff Bezos thread

Quote: (01-23-2019 08:36 PM)JoeSomebody Wrote:  

Fuck Jeff Bezos. That globalist piece of shit deserves everything he gets and then some. Commenters are right, he should've read Roosh's book instead of banning it. Would've done him good. And Bezos is an alpha?? First off, no male in the west in the year 2019 with a job of any kind is trully an "alpha". Even tops of major corporations. With the exception of a few ruthless murderers who really don't give a fuck. You can only be as alpha as the society in which you live, dictates. Second, his texts are pathetic. Cringe worthy, dripping of chumpiness, and comical. A 50 year old sending dick pics?! Packing heat or not, that is a real faggoty move. I know 21 year olds at my local gym who wouldn't even text like that or send something so amateurish. Is he powerful? Sure. Can he get most women based on status? Sure. Is he in good shape especially for 50? Yea I'll give him that. However, he is a pussy-ass geek mother fucker at the core. And it's isn't where you start it's how you finish, however deep down he's still that little faggot nerd who is genetically inferior to most. He's 5 ft 7 in. 5 fuckin 7!!! I don't care about his TRT use or biceps. That guy would get fuckin rocked if he put on the football pads. And I'd pay to see someone like Rob Gronkowski body slam him. I doubt hes swimming in as much top shelf pussy as people think he is. I forget who said it, but money and status and fame cannot cure beta. And too me, regardless of how ruthless he is, he's still that midget geek with goofy face and receding hairline who is unfortunately protected and safe from getting his head smashed against a table because of the day in age in which we live. He gets all giddy because of some post-wall Latina milf who's almost 50 is draining his balls? Relax dude. The way I see it, if he's swimming in top shelf pussy, that Sanchez chick, who is fuckable but her best years are behind her, won't be able to seduce him that seriously. Whether she's a pro at the game or not. Actually fuck Gronkowski, I'd like to get my helmet from HS on and get him in a good old fashioned Oklahoma drill...

You sound very angry and frustrated.

The Jeff Bezos thread


The Jeff Bezos thread

All that money cannot buy charisma.

The Jeff Bezos thread

Quote: (01-23-2019 11:15 PM)El Padrone Wrote:  

Quote: (01-23-2019 08:36 PM)JoeSomebody Wrote:  

Fuck Jeff Bezos. That globalist piece of shit deserves everything he gets and then some. Commenters are right, he should've read Roosh's book instead of banning it. Would've done him good. And Bezos is an alpha?? First off, no male in the west in the year 2019 with a job of any kind is trully an "alpha". Even tops of major corporations. With the exception of a few ruthless murderers who really don't give a fuck. You can only be as alpha as the society in which you live, dictates. Second, his texts are pathetic. Cringe worthy, dripping of chumpiness, and comical. A 50 year old sending dick pics?! Packing heat or not, that is a real faggoty move. I know 21 year olds at my local gym who wouldn't even text like that or send something so amateurish. Is he powerful? Sure. Can he get most women based on status? Sure. Is he in good shape especially for 50? Yea I'll give him that. However, he is a pussy-ass geek mother fucker at the core. And it's isn't where you start it's how you finish, however deep down he's still that little faggot nerd who is genetically inferior to most. He's 5 ft 7 in. 5 fuckin 7!!! I don't care about his TRT use or biceps. That guy would get fuckin rocked if he put on the football pads. And I'd pay to see someone like Rob Gronkowski body slam him. I doubt hes swimming in as much top shelf pussy as people think he is. I forget who said it, but money and status and fame cannot cure beta. And too me, regardless of how ruthless he is, he's still that midget geek with goofy face and receding hairline who is unfortunately protected and safe from getting his head smashed against a table because of the day in age in which we live. He gets all giddy because of some post-wall Latina milf who's almost 50 is draining his balls? Relax dude. The way I see it, if he's swimming in top shelf pussy, that Sanchez chick, who is fuckable but her best years are behind her, won't be able to seduce him that seriously. Whether she's a pro at the game or not. Actually fuck Gronkowski, I'd like to get my helmet from HS on and get him in a good old fashioned Oklahoma drill...

You sound very angry and frustrated.

Considering what Jeff Bezos has done to society and small business owners across the world, in addition to his ridiculous hypocrasy, I think JoeSomebody's analysis and tone is entirely appropriate. I don't think people can truly appreciate what damage Amazon has done to the middle class and small business owners, all the while subsidized by the US government through zero sales and subsidized mail. He has crushed, both physically and mentally, thousands of workers across the USA, with you - the tax payer - picking up the bill in the form of welfare and healthcare for these sad souls.

Speaking of souls, his behavior in this whole scandal is perhaps a small window into his. It's also a window in the soul of the media (as if they have one) that he is not getting reported on, but a smirking catholic highschool student is having his entire life dissected, his family's life being upset and the entire school being disrupted. Who of course is leading the charge? The Bezos Washington Post.

Lest all you think that Bezos does not have an active hand in WaPo, think again. He has a conference call or personal with their management at least once a week (as per a NYT expose on the life of Bezos from a few months ago). Think about that. WaPo loses money, and is easily one of the smallest of Bezos' businesses, yet takes up an large amount of his personal interest. Why do you think he bought that big house in DC?

So I would respectfully disagree, or at least say that if he sounds angry and frustrated, we ALL should be as well.

The Jeff Bezos thread

Quote: (01-23-2019 11:15 PM)El Padrone Wrote:  

Quote: (01-23-2019 08:36 PM)JoeSomebody Wrote:  

Fuck Jeff Bezos. That globalist piece of shit deserves everything he gets and then some. Commenters are right, he should've read Roosh's book instead of banning it. Would've done him good. And Bezos is an alpha?? First off, no male in the west in the year 2019 with a job of any kind is trully an "alpha". Even tops of major corporations. With the exception of a few ruthless murderers who really don't give a fuck. You can only be as alpha as the society in which you live, dictates. Second, his texts are pathetic. Cringe worthy, dripping of chumpiness, and comical. A 50 year old sending dick pics?! Packing heat or not, that is a real faggoty move. I know 21 year olds at my local gym who wouldn't even text like that or send something so amateurish. Is he powerful? Sure. Can he get most women based on status? Sure. Is he in good shape especially for 50? Yea I'll give him that. However, he is a pussy-ass geek mother fucker at the core. And it's isn't where you start it's how you finish, however deep down he's still that little faggot nerd who is genetically inferior to most. He's 5 ft 7 in. 5 fuckin 7!!! I don't care about his TRT use or biceps. That guy would get fuckin rocked if he put on the football pads. And I'd pay to see someone like Rob Gronkowski body slam him. I doubt hes swimming in as much top shelf pussy as people think he is. I forget who said it, but money and status and fame cannot cure beta. And too me, regardless of how ruthless he is, he's still that midget geek with goofy face and receding hairline who is unfortunately protected and safe from getting his head smashed against a table because of the day in age in which we live. He gets all giddy because of some post-wall Latina milf who's almost 50 is draining his balls? Relax dude. The way I see it, if he's swimming in top shelf pussy, that Sanchez chick, who is fuckable but her best years are behind her, won't be able to seduce him that seriously. Whether she's a pro at the game or not. Actually fuck Gronkowski, I'd like to get my helmet from HS on and get him in a good old fashioned Oklahoma drill...

You sound very angry and frustrated.

Being angry and frustrated is a sign of intelligence and righteousness.

If you're not angry and frustrated with this globohomo oligarchy, you're either too dumb to see what is going on, or too morally subverted to be upset about it.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

The Jeff Bezos thread

Quote: (01-23-2019 08:36 PM)JoeSomebody Wrote:  

Fuck Jeff Bezos. That globalist piece of shit deserves everything he gets and then some. Commenters are right, he should've read Roosh's book instead of banning it. Would've done him good. And Bezos is an alpha?? First off, no male in the west in the year 2019 with a job of any kind is trully an "alpha". Even tops of major corporations. With the exception of a few ruthless murderers who really don't give a fuck. You can only be as alpha as the society in which you live, dictates. Second, his texts are pathetic. Cringe worthy, dripping of chumpiness, and comical. A 50 year old sending dick pics?! Packing heat or not, that is a real faggoty move. I know 21 year olds at my local gym who wouldn't even text like that or send something so amateurish. Is he powerful? Sure. Can he get most women based on status? Sure. Is he in good shape especially for 50? Yea I'll give him that. However, he is a pussy-ass geek mother fucker at the core. And it's isn't where you start it's how you finish, however deep down he's still that little faggot nerd who is genetically inferior to most. He's 5 ft 7 in. 5 fuckin 7!!! I don't care about his TRT use or biceps. That guy would get fuckin rocked if he put on the football pads. And I'd pay to see someone like Rob Gronkowski body slam him. I doubt hes swimming in as much top shelf pussy as people think he is. I forget who said it, but money and status and fame cannot cure beta. And too me, regardless of how ruthless he is, he's still that midget geek with goofy face and receding hairline who is unfortunately protected and safe from getting his head smashed against a table because of the day in age in which we live. He gets all giddy because of some post-wall Latina milf who's almost 50 is draining his balls? Relax dude. The way I see it, if he's swimming in top shelf pussy, that Sanchez chick, who is fuckable but her best years are behind her, won't be able to seduce him that seriously. Whether she's a pro at the game or not. Actually fuck Gronkowski, I'd like to get my helmet from HS on and get him in a good old fashioned Oklahoma drill...

I never thought Alpha was always related to the physical ....anyone like Bezos etc can shoot test/steroids/HGH up their ass.

The Jeff Bezos thread

His girlfriend has a huge clitoris:

[Image: 8886588-6623479-I_wanna_hold_your_hand_T...617511.jpg]


The Jeff Bezos thread

^Jeff Bezos likes Roast Beer

He's looking pretty buff there

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