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Are you black pilled?

Are you black pilled?

The black pill: the belief that the current state of the world is too far gone, and even keeping up with current events is pointless and depressing. A state of nihilism.

Usually countered by "just work on yourself and your own affairs". But there is no denying we are part of the larger system and sometimes things are just grim.

I have been feeling supremely black pilled lately and wondering if its all in my head, or if things are really as fucked as they seem. Have you been through and out the other side?

Dr Johnson rumbles with the RawGod. And lives to regret it.

Are you black pilled?


What do MGTOWs, incels, game denialists, and "black pillers" all have in common?

Nihilism. Or otherwise known as defeatism.

Life’s too short to not go down swinging.

Are you black pilled?

Quote: (12-27-2018 10:55 PM)The Beast1 Wrote:  


What do MGTOWs, incels, game denialists, and "black pillers" all have in common?

Nihilism. Or otherwise known as defeatism.

Life’s too short to not go down swinging.

Are nihilism and defeatism really the same thing? Nihilists often have a kind of zeal and self-assuredness behind their actions. They believe in "nothing" yet they believe in doing as they please.

But regardless, I wouldn't say black pillers are either nihilists or defeatists. The black pill seems rooted in a kind of idealism and a desire for order--which is in a way antithetical to nihilism. It's the state of limbo between an unwillingness to accept things the way they are and the realization that there isn't much that can be done. This may entail a sense of paralysis which may seem like defeatism, but I don't think the bp necessarily means giving up on yourself or the things you enjoy. More like adjusting your expectations of others based on everything you've learned. Take "preppers" for instance: are they defeatists? If anyone plans to go down swinging, it's them.

Are you black pilled?

Good idea for a post. I like it when we get philosophical instead of all chiming in on the day's big news story which will be forgotten tomorrow.

On to the question. Am I Black Pilled?

No. But I'm gradually becoming "black blanketed." I find as I get older, the world gets darker. Not because of any cliched "end times" scenario I imagine, but because all things lose their luster after a while. It's as if someone has thrown a dark blanket over your worldview.

The concept of "experience" is a great thing when you're in your thirties. It helps you along. But by the time you hit your late forties and early fifties, it can start grinding you down.

The novelty of a cute girl or a great movie doesn't seem so novel anymore. It seems like a cliche you've experienced too many times. People become predictable and therefore less interesting. Where it was once "Hey -- hippie dude!" It becomes "Oh no, not another pretend hippie."

You can already guess what people are about when you meet them, because chances are you've met a "version" of them before: The career shrike, the Earth Mother, the Company Man, the Stoner, the White Knight, and the Pseudo Intellectual -- which is what I probably became.

The Internet has helped this along. Because we're communicating in written form, we can be precise and nuanced. Speech seems blunt and primitive by comparison and therefore people seem more one-dimensional.

One of the unconscious benefits of youth is that when most people are older than you are, you assume those people are somewhat competent and have acquired a certain wisdom that comes with age. But as you actually age, you start to realize most people your age never really gained much wisdom or insight. They're the same screw-ups you knew in middle school, only fatter and balder.

As such, relationships between people change. You no longer pile into the car with your friends and act wild. Everybody's too reserved. Everybody has something to lose. Everyone is on guard to a much greater degree.

Another weird thing is that the years themselves become blurred in your memory and more monochromatic. In my twenties and thirties, each year had a distinct personality and feel, and I could remember all of them with specific visual pictures in my head. But when those years start piling up after about age forty, they become faceless and start to blend into one another. So even your memories start to become dull.

And so, as time goes on, you feel less and less like traveling, meeting new people, or even dating. A general feeling of disgust and inertia begins to creep in, like life is a song you've heard too many times. It's hard to shake the feeling once you've experienced this.

I get why old people are miserable. Beyond the aches and pains, the world doesn't seem like the same place it was when you were young. It feels like a ghost town, or an empty shopping mall during a recession. Trying to change also feels like going through the motions, since chances are you did that before.

So, a gradual darkening of the senses sets in. Maybe this would not have happened to me if I hadn't gotten divorced and/or Red Pilled. But maybe it would have and I wouldn't have understood it while being in a Blue Pill cocoon.

Hence, my new term "The Black Blanket," which is a bit too awkward to coin as a phrase, but it's all I can come up with tonight.

Are you black pilled?

The black pill is not in any way the same as nihilism. The black pill is looking at an imploding leviathan like a civilization whose glory days are behind it and accepting that, no matter how great you are on an individual level, you will not be able to save the empire from itself and completely turn the place around in a single lifetime because the problem is almost entirely external (from you) and whether or not it gets solved has virtually nothing to do with what you do but what the majority of your other fellow citizens decide to do and they will decide to be fat and worthless because they are low-IQ cretins who are chemically and habitually addicted to all of the things that are killing them and the once unrivaled civilization whose wreaking hollow carcass they are squatting in.

This is not the same as saying that what is happening is not wrong, that it should not be different, or that we should not fix ourselves on an individual level and work within reality to get the best that we can and achieve all that we can. It also does not mean that we should not fight back as ferociously as we can in the same way that we fight against the specter of death even though we know it will one day take us no matter what we do.

The black pill does not necessarily equate to apathy, Atheism, or postmodern moral relativism. It is Stoic/Epicurean realism when faced with something that is legitimately out of your control such as the stupidity of the majority or time, which will eventually age and weaken you regardless of how positive your thoughts may be (if it even gives you enough of itself for you to grow old and weak), and heroically resisting anyway as Atlas refuses to lay down and let the weight of the world crush him even though he knows it is his fate to bear it upon his shoulders forever. The black pill does not mean that you do not care or that you are not still going to do everything you can. It only means that you are willing to accept the distinction between what is within your control and what is not. As someone said once, when you can't control what is happening, try your best to control the way in which you respond to what is happening.

Nihilism, by contrast, is giving up and saying that nothing is true, nothing matters, and that you are just going to lay down and take whatever others decide to throw at you without a fight. Even if everything were great, it would not matter because greatness is subjective, truth does not exist, and it's all for nothing anyway. Nihilism is surrendering yourself to mediocrity and malaise no matter how good or bad things are and apathy is trying to fool yourself into thinking that whatever tiny part of you that still wants to live and strive for something greater has no problem with that. Nihilism and apathy are dangerous for a man (and for a woman honestly). They make you dead in every way but physically. As someone else said once, live for something or die for nothing.

The red pill is waking up to what you can control. The black pill is waking up to what you can't. Both will kill you if you can't handle the dose. Both will save you and make you more effective if you can. We all have a choice to make.

[Image: ?]

Are you black pilled?

Blackpilling just seems like giving up. I understand that it's deeper than that, but I strongly believe that we shouldn't indulge black-pill thought too much.

A lot of short, brown dudes who don't look like Brad Pitt manage to make something of themselves after all.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Are you black pilled?

Whatever color pill says 99% of your demons are upstairs, I'm that one.

Are you black pilled?

Quote: (12-27-2018 10:51 PM)RawGod Wrote:  

The black pill: the belief that the current state of the world is too far gone, and even keeping up with current events is pointless and depressing. A state of nihilism.

Usually countered by "just work on yourself and your own affairs". But there is no denying we are part of the larger system and sometimes things are just grim.

I have been feeling supremely black pilled lately and wondering if its all in my head, or if things are really as fucked as they seem. Have you been through and out the other side?

I got that sense too this year. In fact the latter half of the year I've been fighting hard against the growing Black Pill inside me, even having thoughts like "I wish I hadn't taken the Red Pill" because I look at people I know that are clueless to this stuff, yet they seem to just move along in life just fine. If I hadn't become woke to this stuff, sure I'd probably be a beta bux to some random 5 with a couple of dumb wiener kids in tow, but I would have things to do and people to do those things with and we'd all live our happy little lives as cogs in the machine until we die.

Quote: (12-27-2018 10:55 PM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

Life’s too short to not go down swinging.

This is the proper response. I think. This coming year will make or break me.

Are you black pilled?

After enough deep thinking it becomes clear that the entirety of your existence - everything that you know, and are, and have experienced, in sum - is just a giant black pill. This is because the act of pondering the existence of everything that is, and that you are, necessarily invites the uncomfortable cognitive exercise of pondering the nonexistence of the very same. And in doing so it becomes terrifyingly clear that everything that you are, and know, and have experienced is not only entirely ephemeral in nature but completely beyond your capacity to control. Your existence is so utterly fleeting and meaningless in the face of the abyss of nonexistence that its impossible to properly convey. It's like a single spec of dust compared to the entire Earth. The void of nonexistence is infinite and all-encompassing and will erase everything that has ever happened on this planet. This is the inevitable conclusion any philosopher ultimately reaches after lengthily pondering a godless, material universe. The weight of this conclusion is so overpowering and oppressive that there are only two ways to deal with it. The first is basically to ignore it and pretend it doesn't exist. Denial and distraction. The second is to look outside the material world - which is intrinsically and inevitably doomed by its very physical structure - and seek the Eternal which exists beyond it.

tl;dr God is the only actual escape from the black pill that is what we know as reality. Everything else is denial, distraction, or despair.

[size=8pt]"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”[/size] [size=7pt] - Romans 8:18[/size]

Are you black pilled?

Quote: (12-27-2018 10:55 PM)The Beast1 Wrote:  


What do MGTOWs, incels, game denialists, and "black pillers" all have in common?

Nihilism. Or otherwise known as defeatism.

Life’s too short to not go down swinging.

You're misappropriating terms. Pure nihilism is really just logic and realism. It is the rejection of religiously derived moralizing in favor of viewing the world rationally and acting according to the principles of consequentialism (ie that which is "good" and "right" is that which leads to a favorable outcome). I expect the reason the term has a bad rep around here is that people have wrongly grouped the pathologies plaguing our society under its aegis. These people think SJWism and all the rest of the extreme ills derived from the modern Left have their roots in nihilism whereas in reality the exact opposite is the case.

The reason the West is on the brink of annihilation is that our "judeo-christian" morality, which even under the best of circumstances carries within it seeds of evolutionary poison, has been completely weaponized to destroy us. We're surrendering our lands to foreign invaders and baring our necks to the sword not because of a "lack of morals" (nihilism) but because of an overwhelming, all-consuming submission to an insane system of morality that rejects reason and logic (nihilism) in favor of perverse virtue signaling. What drives an SJW is rabid adherence to a disgusting belief/moral system, not nihilism, which is the total absence of any such system.

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQuiKKJUtVkfZ8oYJIOEzf...6NhPHb2ppY]

A nihilist views this image and thinks, "if these people come to my lands, they will lead to my ruin. They must be stopped or I will suffer adverse consequences, that is obvious based on both simple logic and empirical evidence from history". This is the healthy response, based on logic and reason and it results in the correct action- resistance by any means necessary to invasion which if not stopped will lead to death or slavery in due course. The nihilist sees all this clearly because he is unburdened by inflexible notions of "right" and "wrong" that can at times seek to completely override even the most basic of survival instincts.

What does a sick Western cuck think when seeing this picture? "these people need my help. I must let them in, this is the right thing to do. It's the moral thing to do, based on what the bible/TV-man/Schlomo has told me".

The difference here is obvious. The Western cuck is destined to death or slavery precisely because of his slavish devotion to a perverse morality that forces him to ignore easily foreseeable causes and consequences in order to subjugate himself to "morals" where something is "moral" based not on Reason but what the bible/TV-man/Schlomo has said you should do even when your basic human instincts send you flashing warning signals.

I'm not saying nihilism is the best or even a good worldview. But it sure beats what we have right now in the West. If we as a People rejected our (((moral values))) in favor of nihilism, we might not end up with a pleasant, polite society but boy oh goy our road to extinction would be reversed so fast it'd make your Yarmulke spin.

Are you black pilled?

Quote: (12-28-2018 12:15 AM)scorpion Wrote:  

After enough deep thinking it becomes clear that the entirety of your existence - everything that you know, and are, and have experienced, in sum - is just a giant black pill. This is because the act of pondering the existence of everything that is, and that you are, necessarily invites the uncomfortable cognitive exercise of pondering the nonexistence of the very same. And in doing so it becomes terrifyingly clear that everything that you are, and know, and have experienced is not only entirely ephemeral in nature but completely beyond your capacity to control. Your existence is so utterly fleeting and meaningless in the face of the abyss of nonexistence that its impossible to properly convey. It's like a single spec of dust compared to the entire Earth. The void of nonexistence is infinite and all-encompassing and will erase everything that has ever happened on this planet. This is the inevitable conclusion any philosopher ultimately reaches after lengthily pondering a godless, material universe. The weight of this conclusion is so overpowering and oppressive that there are only two ways to deal with it. The first is basically to ignore it and pretend it doesn't exist. Denial and distraction. The second is to look outside the material world - which is intrinsically and inevitably doomed by its very physical structure - and seek the Eternal which exists beyond it.

tl;dr God is the only actual escape from the black pill that is what we know as reality. Everything else is denial, distraction, or despair.

This realization is ultimately empowering, because then you can identify what does matter in your existence (family, friendship, love, God) and the one thing that you can change (yourself). Most everything else are merely ways of passing the time.

Are you black pilled?

Everyone should watch this. It's Richard Nixon after he resigned the Presidency talking about the purpose of life.

I have my concerns about the US/western society but I know from experience, experiences where I've adapted and overcame shit situations that ultimately, it' not over til you're six feet under. And until it's over, you fight.

Life is a privilege and I'm not rolling over voluntarily. Never ever.

How many people in human history (even today) have been in horrible shit situations and overcame the odds?

I'm sure when the Founding Fathers were in the UK debating about what to do about their situation, a lot of folks told them: "It's hopeless. Why bother?" -- But they fought and never gave up. They had their purpose and they did not relent. Worked out pretty well for the most part despite not being easy by any means.

I think these black pill feelings come from the simple fact that most folks were sold on one image of a good life that isn't very attainable anymore. It's not fair, it's complete bullshit, but that's the way it is. Unfortunately, these are the cards we've been dealt. But instead of adapting and moving forward towards a reformed purpose, folks just want to throw up their hands and say: "fuck it why bother?" Instead of doing nothing, I say:

1. Trump like populism is growing across the world; not shrinking. Trump might not get everything done that many people hope for but he has let the cat out of the bag on many things that will continue to be addressed long after he is gone.

2. The internet allows for culture change, for better or worse, to occur at a accelerated pace greater than any other time in history; despite Big Tech's efforts to censor undesirable speech. We have and should continue to use that to our advantage. Cultural shifts that took a generation or longer to occur can now be done in a matter of years. Again, for better or worse.

3. Look up Lee Kuan Yew, the guy who basically built up Singapore from backwater shit port town to a city with one of the best standards of living in the world within his lifetime. Go watch him talk about building up from nothing and managing/maintaining a society. If he just said, "Fuck it, I'll just go be a fisherman", where would many Singaporeans be today quality of life wise? Seriously, go watch some videos of him talking; he drops a ton of red pill truths. More importantly, you will see in his demeanor the iron will to fight for a better tomorrow.

4. We could be the Founding Fathers of the 21st century that creates a new government of sorts for all we know; built on USA ideals but reinforced from lesson learned from USA/western world 1.0. The USA could split and we establish the foundations of a new state. Sounds nuts but I'm sure leaving the UK a couple hundred years on a boat and going to the true unknown sounded a bit nuts at the time as well.

The point is, no matter the situation, be it in life, politics, relationships, etc... you never give up. You accept the situation for what it is, figure out what your ideals are, organize, and then you go fight for it. Because if you don't fight for it, some other bastard is gonna come and take whatever you got away and then some.

"We have to live with not only the past but for the future... and I don’t know what the future brings. But whatever it brings, I’ll still be fighting."
- Richard Nixon

Are you black pilled?

Earlier on in your life - teens, and 20's - before you have had the chance to build anything for yourself or before you have a good understanding of people and the world - I think the black pill can hit you hard. It certainly did to me.

But, one thing I have learnt is that if you live in the West and you haven't had any major life setbacks (health problems, financial problems or debilitating events) - you are in an incredibly good position to change yourself and the world around you. Some people even experience health or financial or other issues, and are still in a much better position than someone trying to flee a war torn country like Sudan with nothing but the clothes on their back.

It just takes commitment, focus, and sacrifice over a sustained period - usually about 5-10 years (to set yourself up and get some really good positive momentum going).

The question is whether guys want to take on that responsibility to improve and change and mature, or shirk it, take the easy path and be dictated to by the world and stay on the level of other average or below average people for the rest of their life.

Everything in life is what you make of it or what you create. You have to change your mindset, actions and habits around to believe that on the deepest level. It doesn't happen straight away - the more action you take, the more you will see results over the long term that will start confirming it in your mind.

Yes, everyone has limitations and different capabilities, but you have to learn to work around or with those limitations as best you can.

Everything starts with and ends with you. That's all you can control directly - you can't directly control what others do. Learn to have realistic expectations of the external world, and learn to have a disciplined and realistic approach to managing your own emotions about what happens around you.

Look at your own life - where do you keep making the same mistakes? Where are you not accepting reality and mentally thinking the same thoughts or physically doing the same things that are getting you the same sh*tty result?

There are other good and determined people out there that can help make a positive impact with you once you are ready - you might have to look harder for them and it might take longer for them to cross your path. But, eventually you'll start seeing them in the circles you want to start establishing your life in. (I will admit - you can spend long periods of isolation mentally in your own head when you self improve. It's a numbers game - the more you improve yourself and the more you learn - the harder it will be to relate to most people and connect with them. But, connect with them on a more basic level about common things. Find things to laugh with them about.)

I think it's also important to give your best effort over a long period and be happy with the result. Nothing is guaranteed in life - you can only try your best with the external environment that you encounter. Sometimes things will fall as you want, and sometimes they won't. Do your best with what you've got, keep trying different things, and learn to accept the outcome and improve where you realistically can based on past lessons and mistakes. Constantly be thinking about the variables to different life scenarios and change them around as you need to to get different results.

Are you black pilled?

Quote: (12-28-2018 12:34 AM)The Black Knight Wrote:  

Everyone should watch this. It's Richard Nixon after he resigned the Presidency talking about the purpose of life.

I have my concerns about the US/western society but I know from experience, experiences where I've adapted and overcame shit situations that ultimately, it' not over til you're six feet under. And until it's over, you fight.

Life is a privilege and I'm not rolling over voluntarily. Never ever.

How many people in human history (even today) have been in horrible shit situations and overcame the odds?

I'm sure when the Founding Fathers were in the UK debating about what to do about their situation, a lot of folks told them: "It's hopeless. Why bother?" -- But they fought and never gave up. They had their purpose and they did not relent. Worked out pretty well for the most part despite not being easy by any means.

I think these black pill feelings come from the simple fact that most folks were sold on one image of a good life that isn't very attainable anymore. It's not fair, it's complete bullshit, but that's the way it is. Unfortunately, these are the cards we've been dealt. But instead of adapting and moving forward towards a reformed purpose, folks just want to throw up their hands and say: "fuck it why bother?" Instead of doing nothing, I say:

1. Trump like populism is growing across the world; not shrinking. Trump might not get everything done that many people hope for but he has let the cat out of the bag on many things that will continue to be addressed long after he is gone.

2. The internet allows for culture change, for better or worse, to occur at a accelerated pace greater than any other time in history; despite Big Tech's efforts to censor undesirable speech. We have and should continue to use that to our advantage. Cultural shifts that took a generation or longer to occur can now be done in a matter of years. Again, for better or worse.

3. Look up Lee Kuan Yew, the guy who basically built up Singapore from backwater shit port town to a city with one of the best standards of living in the world within his lifetime. Go watch him talk about building up from nothing and managing/maintaining a society. If he just said, "Fuck it, I'll just go be a fisherman", where would many Singaporeans be today quality of life wise? Seriously, go watch some videos of him talking; he drops a ton of red pill truths. More importantly, you will see in his demeanor the iron will to fight for a better tomorrow.

4. We could be the Founding Fathers of the 21st century that creates a new government of sorts for all we know; built on USA ideals but reinforced from lesson learned from USA/western world 1.0. The USA could split and we establish the foundations of a new state. Sounds nuts but I'm sure leaving the UK a couple hundred years on a boat and going to the true unknown sounded a bit nuts at the time as well.

The point is, no matter the situation, be it in life, politics, relationships, etc... you never give up. You accept the situation for what it is, figure out what your ideals are, organize, and then you go fight for it. Because if you don't fight for it, some other bastard is gonna come and take whatever you got away and then some.

"We have to live with not only the past but for the future... and I don’t know what the future brings. But whatever it brings, I’ll still be fighting."
- Richard Nixon

I agree with you brother.

You could try and you could fail.

But, you could try and build something great or give someone else a chance to build something great.

But, you'll never know either way unless you keep trying, and keep yourself in the game until you can't physically or mentally go on anymore (do this in a sustainable way though. Don't redline yourself so intensely that you burn yourself out).

Are you black pilled?

Don't know if this is a source of "hope" or not but lately I've discovered that there is sort of a webring (I know, an outdated concept) of influencers on the internet, most of them on Youtube, who are all only a few degrees of Kevin Bacon separated. Over time these figures have begun to sort of bump into each other to the point where the messaging is starting to cross-pollinate. I think men's interests have been sort of under seige from different fronts for several years now and these things are sort of converging. While one subgroup may not see eye-to-eye with another on the details, there's common ground on the nature of the problem: namely SJW/NPCs, hypergamy, and feminist overreach.

I don't know where this sort of thing can lead but I can feel it picking up momentum and I think that's a good thing.

Are you black pilled?

I used to be black pilled in the past due to constant browsing on the chan's and apocalyptic themed discussion boards. I realised that it's futile and vain to think about negativity for more than a moment as it can strike your mind and overtake your life if you're off your guard for too long.

Ecclesiastes 1:13 [color=#006400;">&amp]& 17-18 (KJV)[/color]
13 And I gave my heart to seek and search out by wisdom concerning all things that are done under heaven: this sore travail hath God given to the sons of man to be exercised therewith.
17 And I gave my heart to know wisdom, and to know madness and folly: I perceived that this also is vexation of spirit.
18 For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.

I think the black pill is one of the most insidious honey traps out there. It's an attempt by "the god of this world" to induce hopelessness in people so that they desire to give up and risk the second death.
Quote: (12-27-2018 11:40 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

I'm gradually becoming "black blanketed." I find as I get older, the world gets darker. Not because of any cliched "end times" scenario I imagine, but because all things lose their luster after a while. It's as if someone has thrown a dark blanket over your worldview.


One of the unconscious benefits of youth is that when most people are older than you are, you assume those people are somewhat competent and have acquired a certain wisdom that comes with age. But as you actually age, you start to realize most people your age never really gained much wisdom or insight. They're the same screw-ups you knew in middle school, only fatter and balder.

As such, relationships between people change. You no longer pile into the car with your friends and act wild. Everybody's too reserved. Everybody has something to lose. Everyone is on guard to a much greater degree.


Hence, my new term "The Black Blanket,"
which is a bit too awkward to coin as a phrase, but it's all I can come up with tonight.

How about "The Unseen Hand"? When negativity enters a person's mind, "The Unseen Hand" caresses their heart. When a person loses all hope, "The Unseen Hand" crushes their heart.
[Image: cec.gif]
The unseen hand of an agent of "the god of this world".

Quote: (12-28-2018 12:15 AM)scorpion Wrote:  

tl;dr God is the only actual escape from the black pill that is what we know as reality. Everything else is denial, distraction, or despair.

Quote: (12-07-2018 01:39 PM)velkrum Wrote:  

The next [last?] Pill...

... is the White Pill.
[Image: probiotics.jpg]

It's when one seeks for the unadulterated truth in as many things in life as possible. It requires unwavering faith to maintain this path.

Some Bible verses to consider:

John 8:12 (KJV)
12 Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.

John 8: 31-32 (KJV)
31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;
32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

Revelation 2:7 (KJV)
7 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.

Revelation 2:10-11 (KJV)
10 Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.
11 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death.

Revelation 2:16-17 (KJV)
16 [color=#FF0000;">Repent]Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth.[/color]
17 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.

Revelation 2:25-29 (KJV)
25 But that which ye have already hold fast till I come.
26 And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations:
27 And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.
28 And I will give him the morning star.
29 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

Revelation 3:5-6 (KJV)
5 He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels.
6 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

Revelation 3:11-13 (KJV)
11 Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.
12 Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name.
13 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

Revelation 3:18-22 (KJV)
18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.
19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.
20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
21 To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.
22 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

There are two things to consider from the verses:
  1. The meaning of "church".
    Quote: (10-24-2018 07:21 AM)Built to Fade Wrote:  

    In fact, the Greek word translated as "church" is "Ekklesia". The translation of "Ekklesia" into English means "called out assembly or congregation", effectively meaning "the called out ones to the Eternal Living God" using the Christian context. Just like how we're called out of the NPC world by being here, the same applies to spirituality & religion.
  2. When it comes to the truth, beware of all kinds of deceptions.
    Matthew 24:4-14 (KJV)

    4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
    5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
    6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
    7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
    8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.
    9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.
    10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.
    11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
    12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
    13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
    14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

Quote: (12-07-2018 03:30 PM)corsega Wrote:  

Yep. If more guys acknowledged this, there would be no more debate.

No need to take sides in this Game.

Blue pill, red pill, black pill, looks, game, everything is important and everything should be emphasized and maximized.

When one seeks the truth, you will begin to disassociate yourself from various worldly things. Regardless of ones convictions, all upright truth seekers will be travelling on the narrow path.

There's not much time left to take the leap of faith.
[Image: giphy.gif]

Remember, there's only two ways out of here...
[Image: narrow-is-the-way.jpg][Image: narrow-path.jpg][Image: wpid-wp-1415098349391.jpeg]

...and a man's dream will never die.
[Image: giphy.gif][Image: giphy.gif][Image: giphy.gif]
[Image: original.jpg]

Recommended Reading: _______________________________________________
"Bottoms up tonight. I drink to you and I `cause with the morning comes the rest of my life. And with this empty glass I will break the past `cause with the morning I can open my eyes. And maybe I will see a different destiny; like knowing you at all was only a bad dream. I want this to be my awakening." #255

Are you black pilled?

Quote: (12-27-2018 11:40 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

....On to the question. Am I Black Pilled?

No. But I'm gradually becoming "black blanketed." I find as I get older, the world gets darker. Not because of any cliched "end times" scenario I imagine, but because all things lose their luster after a while. It's as if someone has thrown a dark blanket over your worldview.

The concept of "experience" is a great thing when you're in your thirties. It helps you along. But by the time you hit your late forties and early fifties, it can start grinding you down.

At your age, all of your experiences and knowledge are meant to be taught to your children. Through their young eyes, everything old is new again to you, and the world becomes lighter. That is the circle of life.

When women deny it, they get punished. So do men.

Always love your posts, DOBA, but I can see them getting darker and darker over the years.

Are you black pilled?

I really don't understand this coming from a bunch of able-bodied men.

I have my down days, though, for sure.

And then I think of my mom and pop. No way I'd ever check out, mentally or physically, while my mom and pop are still around. It would be a betrayal of everything they lived their entire lives for, that is, my siblings and I.

So then I just think of a reason to keep going. And eventually it passes.

Now if I didn't have that unconditional love...then yeah, the world would be a much colder place and I could then understand a thread like this.

Are you black pilled?

I'm going through a black pill phase.

Quite simply, I have zero respect for my father... and I hate it.
Even one of the core tenants of Christianity is to respect your parents. And I'm quite simply unable to comply.

I'm going on 4 years here in Kiev, I do my best to communicate with my father as little as possible. Talking to him on the phone became infuriating so I minimized our communication to an email every few months.

Just yesterday, my brother called me on Skype, when I picked up my Dad was on the other end with him. His first fucking question: "Hey hows it going with that Martial Law out there?"

He always says stupid shit like this and is completely serious. He gets all his information from mainstream sources, doesn't think for himself or question anything. All I could muster was a "I have no idea what you're talking about."

It fucking ruined the rest of my day and I'm still angry this morning.
Speaking to him serves as a reminder of what I'm terrified of becoming.
Don't know what to do about this

two scoops
two genders
two terms

Are you black pilled?

Quote: (12-28-2018 12:15 AM)scorpion Wrote:  

After enough deep thinking it becomes clear that the entirety of your existence - everything that you know, and are, and have experienced, in sum - is just a giant black pill. This is because the act of pondering the existence of everything that is, and that you are, necessarily invites the uncomfortable cognitive exercise of pondering the nonexistence of the very same. And in doing so it becomes terrifyingly clear that everything that you are, and know, and have experienced is not only entirely ephemeral in nature but completely beyond your capacity to control. Your existence is so utterly fleeting and meaningless in the face of the abyss of nonexistence that its impossible to properly convey. It's like a single spec of dust compared to the entire Earth. The void of nonexistence is infinite and all-encompassing and will erase everything that has ever happened on this planet. This is the inevitable conclusion any philosopher ultimately reaches after lengthily pondering a godless, material universe. The weight of this conclusion is so overpowering and oppressive that there are only two ways to deal with it. The first is basically to ignore it and pretend it doesn't exist. Denial and distraction. The second is to look outside the material world - which is intrinsically and inevitably doomed by its very physical structure - and seek the Eternal which exists beyond it.


Quote:scorpion Wrote:

tl;dr God is the only actual escape from the black pill that is what we know as reality. Everything else is denial, distraction, or despair.

God is not an escape from the black pill. God is the original black pill. God is the thing which is, more than anything else ever possibly could be even in theory, entirely and forever outside of our control. God is the escape from nihilism, from the delusion that we who did not create ourselves could decide the purpose for which we came into being, and from the crushing psychospiritual overwhelm of holding the belief that we are the almighty rulers of our own cosmos as nihilists do and eventually having to contend with it, as they inevitably will, once the increasingly depraved sensory distractions of an aimless hedonistic lifestyle lose their novelty and cease to provide them with the same pleasure they once did, and they are forced by circumstance to either find something transcendent to grasp onto or admit that they have had all that they can ever have and been all that they can ever be as they meekly offer their final surrender to oblivion before it extinguishes their light which could have, tended by other more noble hands, possibly chased away the choking miasma, even if only for a short time, and illuminated the way for countless others in their own time and on into eternity. He who lights the candles must move in the darkness which lies between them. His comfort is that, when all else is black, only the light can be seen.


Are you black pilled?

I would recommend the Book of Ecclesiastes to anyone ungoing the Black Pill stage. It returns perspective to life.

Listen to this with headphones or a good speaker system.

Are you black pilled?

Quote: (12-28-2018 03:00 AM)Spaniard88 Wrote:  

I really don't understand this coming from a bunch of able-bodied men.

I have my down days, though, for sure.

And then I think of my mom and pop. No way I'd ever check out, mentally or physically, while my mom and pop are still around. It would be a betrayal of everything they lived their entire lives for, that is, my siblings and I.

So then I just think of a reason to keep going. And eventually it passes.

Now if I didn't have that unconditional love...then yeah, the world would be a much colder place and I could then understand a thread like this.


Whenever I feel down, my dad's stories of his youth would come to me and put me back in a good mood.

My dad grew up in a communist country. His family used to be wealthy capitalists, then the communists took power and robbed them clean, sending some to re-education camp just to add some extra salt to injury. Most of his childhood stories involved him looking for food because everyone was starving due to war and communism. He weighed 27kg at 17 years old, and owned 2 sets of clothes (only 1 set up to 14 years old). He was so skeletal that in order to get into university (where he would get fed), the doctor had to look the other way so his friend could put a foot on the scale to help him crack 30kg (the requirement). As a young adult, he had Dating Police, Fashion Police and Language Police (actual police forces) to deal with in his dating life, any "inappropriate" move as deemed by the communists meant he could spend some time in prison. He lived through the communist hell we read in books and watch movies about these days.

Yet my old man only laughs now when recalling those stories, he is very upbeat about life. What I have to deal with are so much easier than what he went through, and he toughed it out for me. Because of his giving me a chance at life, I will always keep on going, and getting up whenever life knocks me down.

Are you black pilled?

Why was hope the last thing in Pandoras box? Is hope evil?

Don't debate me.

Are you black pilled?

Quote: (12-27-2018 11:43 PM)Waqqle Wrote:  

The black pill is not in any way the same as nihilism. The black pill is looking at an imploding leviathan like a civilization whose glory days are behind it and accepting that, no matter how great you are on an individual level, you will not be able to save the empire from itself and completely turn the place around in a single lifetime because the problem is almost entirely external (from you) and whether or not it gets solved has virtually nothing to do with what you do but what the majority of your other fellow citizens decide to do and they will decide to be fat and worthless because they are low-IQ cretins who are chemically and habitually addicted to all of the things that are killing them and the once unrivaled civilization whose wreaking hollow carcass they are squatting in.

This reminds me of Julius Evola's image of riding the tiger (of modernity):

The principle to follow could be that of letting the forces and processes of this epoch take their own course, while keeping oneself firm and ready to intervene when ‘the tiger, which cannot leap on the person riding it, is tired of running.’ ... One abandons direct action and retreats to a more internal position.

Are you black pilled?

Excellent post by DOBA (sorry, having problems quoting your post because I’m on mobile). What you said sums up what I’ve been feeling lately, better than I could have said it myself.

I recently turned 50 and I’m feelong the same. I just can’t derive enjoyment from many things anymore. It’s not aches and pains of age (I’m make sure to stay in decent shape with exercise and diet) but more like things are just... boring. I haven’t even done a lot in my life, didn’t travel much until recently, yet new experiences which I thought would be novel and enjoyable are still just ... meh. This includes women, food, movies and tv shows (there are prescious few that can hold my attention these days).

I know that failure to derive enjoyment from life’s daily activities could be equated with depression, but I don’t think that’s it. It’s more like the “experiences” DOBA talked about, and how even the new ones are more or less variations of previous ones just like most people are variations of others I have known in my life.

It’s sad, like a song I used to love and kept playing over and over until it no longer elicited the same feelings of happiness. Now instead of listening and dancing it’s just on in the background for comfort and familiarity but is mostly ignored. And when I look for a new favorite song I can’t find anything interesting (this is true figuratively but also literally- I can’t find any new music that I like. It’s weird). I too feel like I have lost entire years to this mundane continuum of background noise and routine or unsatisfying activities. Things that were so important are meaningless now because I can barely remember why I was so concerned. Events that I thought were so memorable- that concert I was dying to see, the new restaurant that everyone is talking about, finally kissing that girl that I wanted so badly for so long- I can hardly remember names anymore, let alone what the food or kiss what’s like that I so agonized over. As I age I realize now why old people are so grumpy- nothing is fun anymore. That’s the true curse of growing old, not the occasional shoulder pain or aching knee. I’d roll myself around in a wheelchair if I could stop being like this and get some real enjoyment out of life.

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