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Where is GManifesto?

Where is GManifesto?

Must be just taking a break. He wouldn't leave without saying goodbye. That would be, well, unlike a gentlemen.

Quote: (03-31-2012 10:34 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

Quote: (03-31-2012 10:16 PM)MSW2007 Wrote:  

I've found some of his blog and forum posts to be entertaining, but I take anyone who claims to have friends that are "up and coming young guns in the Mossad" with a grain a salt.

[Image: lol.gif]

If you've read enough of his stuff then you know that he has admitted that his writings are artistic expressions. Who knows how much is real and how much is "art", but, my point is, that he never claims to be a non-fiction writer. If you dig through his writings you will find subtle mentions of this.

I see him much in the same way as the other authors of Street Literature:

Iceberg Slim
Donald Goines

And, like the rappers:

50 Cent

Is it that hard to believe that someone could have a criminal background and also a passion for writing, music, art, fashion? It's all connected.

I was just watching tv and I saw a show called "Mob Wives". Criminally connected people doing a fucking tv show! Crime and art is a great combo! People love it.

That's probably why there are no threads asking.."Where is Rocco81?"


Where is GManifesto?

G might be sitting in Bangkok right now as he was talking about going around April.

Where is GManifesto?

Quote: (04-01-2012 01:47 PM)Timoteo Wrote:  

Quote: (04-01-2012 02:20 AM)RioNomad Wrote:  

The forum will be just fine without G and Mixx. Solid posters will come, and they will go. No one person leaving will have a huge impact on the forum, not even Roosh. This places strength is in the community, not in any one or two individuals. It would be nice to have Mixx and G around, but if they choose to not come back, others will fill their shoes. IMO, HC has been the most valuable poster since I have joined, and he has only been here since November like I have. So we lose G and Mixx, but gain HC. Maybe we will lose HC eventually, but someone else will step in to fill his shoes. Things will keep movin on regardless of who comes or who goes.

Real talk. I hope guys don't take this particular post as hating though - on the internet people are quick to attack just about everything as negatively as possible if they disagree, instead of truly reading what someone has written. There are plenty of instances where someone focused on one or two words within a post, and went off on a nonsensical riff when they obviously didn't understand the post they read. I enjoy reading the posts and bantering with many of the guys mentioned. And lets not forget, some have their own blogs that you can easily drop in on. Others are maybe using this as the impetus to start their own thing. But lets also not forget that some of them decided to withdraw and withhold their contributions because of decision Roosh made, with hopes that the forum would be weakened, thus forcing Roosh to reverse the decision. That's selfish, no matter how you slice it, no matter what the justifications. I try to respect men, but I don't worship anyone. Instead of bemoaning the departures, step your own game and contributions up. I'm sure even the departed would agree with that.

I also think part of the ebb and flow of the forum is due to the fact that you go through periods where there really isn't anything new to discuss. There's annoyance when someone starts a dupe thread, but it's also possible that the previous thread didn't come up in the search (or yes, they didn't search thoroughly enough). Or someone bitches because someone bumped an old thread, when in fact that might have been the right thing to do instead of starting a new one. From time to time some of the veterans were a bit intolerant. New people are continually joining and lurking, so these things will happen. Occasionally stepping away might actually be good for the individual, and the forum as a whole.

[Image: potd.gif]

Where is GManifesto?

What happened to Hooligan Harry?

Where is GManifesto?

As the forum has been operational for years, I can tell you that members drop in and out all the time. Asking where a forum member is would be like a guy asking why some girl hasn't called him back.

Where is GManifesto?

Quote: (04-01-2012 04:52 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

As the forum has been operational for years, I can tell you that members drop in and out all the time. Asking where a forum member is would be like a guy asking why some girl hasn't called him back.

Hey, hey, hey! That's not what I meant. [Image: lol.gif]

Where is GManifesto?

I like G and all, but maybe he's doing a little time. Let's face it: shit happens.

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Where is GManifesto?

I don't care whether G posts on the forum or not. I like his blog, but he can become annoying on the forum when he gets into little battles with other members and resorts to name calling and posturing, which can be extremely annoying in an online community.

I haven't been on as much myself lately due to long hours at work, so I didn't know if I missed out on something. Perhaps G made a "grand exit" similar to Mixx that I wasn't aware of. Seems like he just quietly stepped away.

Either way, G and Mixx had a big presence on the forum. Very colorful personalities.

Where is GManifesto?

I pretty much agree with Hencredible here.

TBH neither Mixx or G have had a big impact on my game. In fact most of the golden nuggets of information that I've gained from RVF have been from members with under 100 posts who drop in and drop out, along with one or two of the more prominent members (who have posted in this very thread).

However, Mixx and G are colourful personalities and add flavour to the forum. Roosh's writings have drawn in a great mixture of men from all backgrounds and having to deal with their behaviour and ideals (which may conflict with your own) is one of the things about the forum which doesn't make it a Reddit-like aspie circle-jerk.

Although again, like so many others have said, it's probably good to have some time off and chill - else you become a Keyboard PUA who only lives the playboy lifestyle in their head while actually spending their time arguing with trolls.

Where is GManifesto?

Historically he takes a break every now and then.
Maybe he's busy, or who knows? He could be swooping in Barcelona, or possibly he broke his hand boxing and cannot type. You also might find the answer if you read the 48 Laws of Power.

Where is GManifesto?

Quote: (04-01-2012 04:36 PM)scotian Wrote:  

What happened to Hooligan Harry?

I think he got sick of people disagreeing with his deeply libertarian views on social spending and taxes. I read a very angry post of his about it shortly before he stopped posting.

Where is GManifesto?

Quote: (04-01-2012 05:24 PM)The_CEO Wrote:  

Historically he takes a break every now and then.
Maybe he's busy, or who knows? He could be swooping in Barcelona, or possibly he broke his hand boxing and cannot type. You also might find the answer if you read the 48 Laws of Power.

Given that GManifesto is a colorful poster who writes volumes about swooping fly lizards and jetting around like Mayweather yet has asked for advice on this forum about Ryanair and has never been verified by anyone, I miss his contributions even though I read them for entertainment.

Where is GManifesto?

Quote: (04-01-2012 08:13 PM)Keyser Söze Wrote:  

Quote: (04-01-2012 05:24 PM)The_CEO Wrote:  

Historically he takes a break every now and then.
Maybe he's busy, or who knows? He could be swooping in Barcelona, or possibly he broke his hand boxing and cannot type. You also might find the answer if you read the 48 Laws of Power.

Given that GManifesto is a colorful poster who writes volumes about swooping fly lizards and jetting around like Mayweather yet has asked for advice on this forum about Ryanair and has never been verified by anyone, I miss his contributions even though I read them for entertainment.

[Image: lol.gif] Where is that post where he asked about ryanair? That's hilarious.

Nothing is more shocking though than him saying he was going to put out a thread about how to get by in Southern California without a car. That's just ridiculous...

Where is GManifesto?

Quote: (04-01-2012 07:00 PM)P Dog Wrote:  

Quote: (04-01-2012 04:36 PM)scotian Wrote:  

What happened to Hooligan Harry?

I think he got sick of people disagreeing with his deeply libertarian views on social spending and taxes. I read a very angry post of his about it shortly before he stopped posting.

He also famously had a meltdown about the "casual racism" on the forum because afronoob used the term "snow hoe." That was particularly entertaining.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

Where is GManifesto?

Quote: (04-01-2012 08:36 PM)Timoteo Wrote:  

Quote: (04-01-2012 07:00 PM)P Dog Wrote:  

Quote: (04-01-2012 04:36 PM)scotian Wrote:  

What happened to Hooligan Harry?

I think he got sick of people disagreeing with his deeply libertarian views on social spending and taxes. I read a very angry post of his about it shortly before he stopped posting.

He also famously had a meltdown about the "casual racism" on the forum because afronoob used the term "snow hoe." That was particularly entertaining.

Dont be a fucking idiot your whole life please. The day I start taking shit personally on here is the day Ill throw myself in front of a bus

Im currently travelling for work where I had limited internet access, and I am off again tomorrow. Ill be back in about two weeks from the looks of it.

Where is GManifesto?

Quote: (04-01-2012 08:26 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

Quote: (04-01-2012 08:13 PM)Keyser Söze Wrote:  

Quote: (04-01-2012 05:24 PM)The_CEO Wrote:  

Historically he takes a break every now and then.
Maybe he's busy, or who knows? He could be swooping in Barcelona, or possibly he broke his hand boxing and cannot type. You also might find the answer if you read the 48 Laws of Power.

Given that GManifesto is a colorful poster who writes volumes about swooping fly lizards and jetting around like Mayweather yet has asked for advice on this forum about Ryanair and has never been verified by anyone, I miss his contributions even though I read them for entertainment.

[Image: lol.gif] Where is that post where he asked about ryanair? That's hilarious.

Nothing is more shocking though than him saying he was going to put out a thread about how to get by in Southern California without a car. That's just ridiculous...

I spent 4 mos there without a car a long long time ago. Not fun, but doable.

Where is GManifesto?

Quote: (04-01-2012 09:16 PM)The_CEO Wrote:  

Quote: (04-01-2012 08:26 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

Quote: (04-01-2012 08:13 PM)Keyser Söze Wrote:  

Quote: (04-01-2012 05:24 PM)The_CEO Wrote:  

Historically he takes a break every now and then.
Maybe he's busy, or who knows? He could be swooping in Barcelona, or possibly he broke his hand boxing and cannot type. You also might find the answer if you read the 48 Laws of Power.

Given that GManifesto is a colorful poster who writes volumes about swooping fly lizards and jetting around like Mayweather yet has asked for advice on this forum about Ryanair and has never been verified by anyone, I miss his contributions even though I read them for entertainment.

[Image: lol.gif] Where is that post where he asked about ryanair? That's hilarious.

Nothing is more shocking though than him saying he was going to put out a thread about how to get by in Southern California without a car. That's just ridiculous...

I spent 4 mos there without a car a long long time ago. Not fun, but doable.

There's definitely no life to be had without a car in Socal. Period.

Where is GManifesto?

Quote: (04-01-2012 09:34 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

Quote: (04-01-2012 09:16 PM)The_CEO Wrote:  

Quote: (04-01-2012 08:26 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

Quote: (04-01-2012 08:13 PM)Keyser Söze Wrote:  

Quote: (04-01-2012 05:24 PM)The_CEO Wrote:  

Historically he takes a break every now and then.
Maybe he's busy, or who knows? He could be swooping in Barcelona, or possibly he broke his hand boxing and cannot type. You also might find the answer if you read the 48 Laws of Power.

Given that GManifesto is a colorful poster who writes volumes about swooping fly lizards and jetting around like Mayweather yet has asked for advice on this forum about Ryanair and has never been verified by anyone, I miss his contributions even though I read them for entertainment.

[Image: lol.gif] Where is that post where he asked about ryanair? That's hilarious.

Nothing is more shocking though than him saying he was going to put out a thread about how to get by in Southern California without a car. That's just ridiculous...

I spent 4 mos there without a car a long long time ago. Not fun, but doable.

There's definitely no life to be had without a car in Socal. Period.
Yea that would have been a losing battle unless you had a private car 24/7.
The last time he took a break he said he was twisting knives into his rivals so maybe he's busy with that.

Either way he's good here and adds a high road type of element to the forum. So if you're reading this G start posting again or I'll have my IT buddies virus up your blog.

Where is GManifesto?

He's pulling some Machiavelli (Makaveli) shit.

Where is GManifesto?

Can someone find the thread where Ali called him out

Where is GManifesto?

Quote: (04-01-2012 08:13 PM)Keyser Söze Wrote:  

Given that GManifesto is a colorful poster who writes volumes about swooping fly lizards and jetting around like Mayweather yet has asked for advice on this forum about Ryanair and has never been verified by anyone, I miss his contributions even though I read them for entertainment.

I'm not going to make personal attacks here, but, I've been fortunate & unfortunate to meet a lot of people I met online over the past 10 years. Some have been the most legit, stand up guys I've met in my life. Others so awful I'm surprised when I hear they aren't in prison yet. (This is really amplified when it comes to business stuff.)

May be G doesn't want to deal with that shit?

However, it seems strange to me that a prolific poster wouldn't meet a single forum member in person, most especially when they are nearby geographically. That is weird.

I've met one forum member here in person and was pretty impressed. Too bad he got banned, haha.

Where is GManifesto?

Quote: (04-02-2012 12:29 AM)houston Wrote:  

Can someone find the thread where Ali called him out

I found this:


Hencredible Casanova Wrote:
(02-07-2012 11:35 AM)MikeCF Wrote:
(02-07-2012 11:31 AM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:
Nothing you've written on this blog could incriminate you in a court of law.

Years ago (long-time fan of G), he wrote a post on breaking into a home. Went into supplies needed, etc.

If he's doing gray or black market stuff, why post a pic on the Internet?

It would only make him a target to prosecutors or underworld enemies.

The Internet seems huge, but any blogger will tell you that there are real-world implications to putting your face and ID out there.

So why post a pic?

To get "street cred" from a bunch of Internet guys?

If G were selling books or making a profit, I'd get the calls for him to prove himself.

He's not asking for anything...He's just a guy - regular, or not-so-regular - trying to have a little fun on the Internet.

All these cries for pics and details distracts from what a good Internet forum is - a place for guys to chill, banter, and have fun.

"Why so serious?"

I actually saw that post on his site. That didn't even remotely detail an actual crime. There's nothing on that article that would even come close to constituting an actual crime. People write stuff about that all the time. I could actually google that topic and come across thousands of links before seeing G's article.

There's been a few people calling G out on this. Right before he reappeared after a hiatus for a few months, I think Ali or someone was saying why he wouldn't link up when they were both in the same area.

I don't care. But for someone who is so active in the community, it would only serve to help at this point (or it should), especially when they are being called out and disrespected. G is up there with Mixx and Roosh, but no one really knows him or has seen him, unlike the other two. Every other guy with a website presence has a picture or has linked up with other cats on the forum (Gmac, Skywalker, Naughty Nomad, etc).

G has every right to not want to reveal himself just for the F of it, but I don't think those reasons hold up. Just sayin'.

There has been people calling me out for 6 years.

As far as Alibaba, we weren't in the same area. And I have made it clear that I wouldn't meet up with someone who wears wetsuits out at night and lacks a basic sense of humor.

No offense to the guy, I am sure some people dig a lack a humor and people that dig hanging out people wearing wetsuits at night. Some don't. We are all different.

Posted by Giovonny - Today 04:04 PM
G - I feel like I already know G. I have family members very similar. In fact, I think there's a chance that G is my second cousin Danny that I only see once or twice a year.

MikeCF and Giovonny are both California guys.

I have noticed that I get more support from fellow California guys as they are more familiar with a personality like mine.

I might be a regional/cultural thing, hell I don't know, and I don't really care.

That all being said, there are two members of the forum that I had plans to meet up with.

We didn't meet up, for reasons on their end.

This has been mentioned on the forum before. This is no secret. These were both two of the most well respected members of the forum.

So we can put all this stuff to rest.

That is until it gets brought up again in a couple months like clockwork.

Where is GManifesto?

Quote: (04-01-2012 09:34 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

There's definitely no life to be had without a car in Socal. Period.

I'll wager you a bar tab...contingent upon us being in the same area and wanting to hang out.

I'll describe a highly desirable life in SoCal - indeed, a life better than post people will ever live - that doesn't require a car.

It's a practical lifestyle involving income, good times, and access to girls.

By now, most guys know that although I am direct and to-the-point, I don't bullshit. There are no tricks. It's an honest bet.

Wanna take the wager?

Where is GManifesto?

Quote: (04-02-2012 03:51 AM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Quote: (04-01-2012 09:34 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

There's definitely no life to be had without a car in Socal. Period.

I'll wager you a bar tab...contingent upon us being in the same area and wanting to hang out.

I'll describe a highly desirable life in SoCal - indeed, a life better than post people will ever live - that doesn't require a car.

It's a practical lifestyle involving income, good times, and access to girls.

By now, most guys know that although I am direct and to-the-point, I don't bullshit. There are no tricks. It's an honest bet.

Wanna take the wager?

Just flesh it out here. Why the secrecy? Unless you have a private driver (which invariably means a car), you won't have no life in Socal. Cabs are extremely expensive and distances between places are great. It's a well-known fact that Socal is a place where the car factors heavily into one's daily life.

Where is GManifesto?

Quote: (04-02-2012 01:12 AM)babelfish669 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-01-2012 08:13 PM)Keyser Söze Wrote:  

Given that GManifesto is a colorful poster who writes volumes about swooping fly lizards and jetting around like Mayweather yet has asked for advice on this forum about Ryanair and has never been verified by anyone, I miss his contributions even though I read them for entertainment.

I'm not going to make personal attacks here, but, I've been fortunate & unfortunate to meet a lot of people I met online over the past 10 years. Some have been the most legit, stand up guys I've met in my life. Others so awful I'm surprised when I hear they aren't in prison yet. (This is really amplified when it comes to business stuff.)

May be G doesn't want to deal with that shit?

However, it seems strange to me that a prolific poster wouldn't meet a single forum member in person, most especially when they are nearby geographically. That is weird.

I've met one forum member here in person and was pretty impressed. Too bad he got banned, haha.

Not sure why people are piling on the guy in this thread.

And frankly, being a member of a f'ing internet forum, does not make you obligated to meet other members in real life. If you want to, fine. If not, who cares.

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