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Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

The garbage the Daily Mail is writing is straight libel. Roosh should sue those limey fucks.

You want to know the only thing you can assume about a broken down old man? It's that he's a survivor.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

I would pull all the books off Amazon and just stick with selling on your website.

Many people have woken up one day and seen their account terminated, even though they have done nothing wrong and followed Amazon's TOS. Not cool especially if you depend on publishing on kindle for income

Make our guns illegal and we'll call them "undocumented"

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

If There Weren't Any "Rooshvees" You'd Have To Invent Them

Was just changing my avatar for the hell of it when I came across this. I only found out where it came from just now after changing it. It's a very clever sketch. It has nuance. In depth. For those with eyes to see.

I was going to post it elsewhere then I thought, no, this is the perfect place. The bells started ringing.

It broaches a difficult and controversial subject. One that is on everyone's lips, but few dare speak. So the actors become avatars themselves. Proxies to the thoughts that dare not speak their name. Vehicles for the sub-conscious as well as the conscious.

This is what Roosh does. He broaches very difficult subjects. Controversial subjects. He has created a 'playground' here for men from all cultures and creeds and races to say what they have to say. As long as they can say it respectfully; give some kind of argument.

And he keeps a tight hold of his ship as Captain. While he personally weathers the storms of life that don't let little old him off for any special treatment. He'll take his punishment like the rest of us. And he weathers the storm. He 'maintains'.

And this is why he is such a danger. Not so much his books, but his thinking. It has nuance. It has depth. For those with eyes to see and ears to listen. And many men do. And we are as much of a threat.

We get stuck in to the dirt with all the difficult questions of the day. The questions and thoughts that dare not speak their name. And the funny part is we are not sexist, we are not racist, we are not anti-semitic, hell, most of us aren't even homophobic.

The few comments up on this video I did a screenshot of:

[Image: Capture.pnghttp:]

Perhaps those two comments say all I want to say and more. Bravo.

I think Roosh fulfills two roles for the establishment, who by this point, I think we all can see are just toying with him:

1: He is not so much a 'useful idiot' but more a figure of hate in the vein of Emmanuel Goldstein. He is a proxy himself to manouevre the hate that should be directed at the satanic elite powers. The ultimate Straw Man. Burn him. Burn him. Burn the witch.

In psychological terms there is both displacement and projection going on here. From the point of view of the masses. All directed by the puppet masters. This shell game didn't just spring in to life. It was planned. Perhaps overnight, perhaps in the making for a long time and just waiting for the right moment. That time has come, either way.

Roosh has been useful so far. He will continue to be useful while he can be ratcheted up to play the role of Straw Man against the greater arguments I don't need to articulate here (that you all know). He will be allowed to exist a bit more. Then rolled out again on a whim at their Majesty's pleasure. Until he is no longer useful.

I think maybe they won't go for an all out cull on his twitter and youtube. After all, we are far too useful ourselves to data mine our deepest thoughts and fears. Talking about us lowly forum users here. Like it or not, fight it or not, this is a marking of our cards as much as Roosh.

2: He is a yardstick, a measure, a metric of how far they can push and pull the detractors and naysayers of the current status quo. The previous point about us all being good for data mining leads in to this point as well of course, but there's more action going on here than just simple data mining.

They want to know how far they can push until things really kick back. How much can they take a man and persecute him, nail him to the metaphorical cross for his beliefs, before his followers just fade away or get ready for the big fight. Will they just talk a big fight? Or will they actually 'do something'?

It's a good experiment to see as well just how much of a misery his life can be made. The dogs have been called out now. Roosh won't be safe anywhere in SJW land by himself (not without his wig anyway). Talk about dog whistles. This was a blatant call to arms and they know it. Roosh is now a marked man. That is why I took screenshots and posted those 'hate' texts up on the Daily Mail. They are getting salty. Roosh is in their sights.

Roosh is small fry. So was Alex Jones really. But then again, Roosh has an angle and a (insert fancy German word here) that Alex doesn't have.

Roosh has free thinkers. Men that aren't afraid to go at it hammer and tongs, to nail down the argument. It may be a bit pompous to label us a think tank. Then again, it may not.

This forum draws on many disparate cultures. It draws on many disparate types of men. We have our fair share of 'beta's here as well as the 'alphas' - it's what makes the world go round. And I'm happy to be a 'beta' here. To share the company of true 'alpha' men. They might heat up a bit. They might kick off now and again. But fuck it, this is not a fucking safe space. Few very rarely pull rank, and only on the odd occasion. They do not make a habit of it. We are all pretty much equal here. As long as you bring something to the table, you are welcome. If you give respect you will be shown respect.

It's quite remarkable what Roosh has created here. Whether by accident or design. This place exists. There is no place like it. I said in one of my previous controversial posts that all eyes are on us. That will be even more so now.

But the other sites Roosh has created have massive impact as well. His writing is top notch. It is not flowery, it is not over-complicated. It's not fussy or fancy. He doesn't use big words except for when a big word is all that can convey the message (insert long German word here). He has a light touch, a deftness that few who broach these subjects do. It's perfect for what it is, and it draws men in. I read quite a few of the comments on his recent youtube videos. He is reaching out and connecting.

[ And what is more, his writing has tenderness. He is open to new experience. To changing his mind. To admitting he was wrong. He does not tolerate, let promote, racism or bigotry in any form. He, like most of us here, just wants to make 'all this' work, to 'just get along'. But <<<they>>> don't want to allow that. ]

Am I saying that Roosh is the next Ernest Hemingway or William Faulkner? Of course not. But he is focused within his field of expertise and experience. But he may end up communicating more ideas and thoughts than both those two great writers put together just by virtue of the fact that it's a new day, a new medium and a new paradigm.

So anyway, yes Roosh is a good distraction on those days to bury bad news. He's a good figure of hate for the elites to displace their guilt and on which the proletariat can project their deeper sins.

He's a good rat in a cage (as are we all) with regard to what can be done, how far it can be pushed, and what can be gotten away with.

We've already given them a million ideas for their next purge. They've already gotten what they wanted. And in letting them know that we know that they know, well, their knowing got a little deeper.

If Roosh didn't exist you'd have to invent him.

Allow me to post this a second time:
[Image: Capture.pnghttp:]

When I say the world is watching and we should not fight among ourselves, that is not just platitudes I am spouting off.

If Roosh didn't exist, you'd have to invent him.

But he does, and so, he will have to be dealt with. As will we all. We will have to be contained, at the very least. That is what this is about: containment.

This is just the second wave. There will probably be a third and a fourth. Until there is none more at all. Just ride the waves and enjoy the surf. But know that a wipe-out is never far away.


Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Quote: (09-12-2018 12:24 PM)Off The Reservation Wrote:  

Quote: (09-11-2018 05:32 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  

Roosh is live now on JF's Public Space. Good so far.

Great job Roosh - your best interview.

JF, keep up the good work, GREAT channel.

Really good interview. And respect to JF for being so open with his praise, since a lot of his followers aren't big fans of Roosh because of the whole trad thot thing and also not thinking he's 'white enough'.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Most of the comments on that Daily Mail article are boomers, postwall women and paid disinfo shills.

Don't put too much into it. The people who will believe "pro-rape advocates" exist are absolutely lost causes and have ZERO power in society except writing small soul, low IQ nonsense with two finger typing.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Jesus, this is blowing up all over the place.

Even that faggot Stxy is getting in on the act:


He mentions our dear leader, Roosh.

Ok, busted. I was watching Styx. Not like I was watching fucking tranny porn or anything, is it? Ok, same thing...

I was trying to find out more about Article 13 (posted about it in the Everything Else thread earlier). Styx is good for some stuff. Fair play. He's still a fucking faggot though.

He has one foot in the political, and one foot in the technical. He's ok. For a faggot.

The Next Step in the War Against EU Censorship and Article 13

Die Spoonfuhrer mentions Pro-Rape-Campaigner =

"They've been de-platforming users, they've been abusing people for ideological reasons, they've been lying to congress about doing so, uh, you look at Amazon, just kicked a bunch of Roosh's books off. Now, I don't like his books. I'm not gonna read 'em. Ah. They probably do, I uh, ah. At a cursory glance they probably do violate TOS. But it's like they've been down there for years. So Amazon's getting involved, ah, you already have heavy handed copyright control..."

More and more I'm wondering if there is a connection here or just a bit of a coincidence.

(Styx is still a faggot though)

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Quote: (09-12-2018 03:47 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Most of the comments on that Daily Mail article are boomers, postwall women and paid disinfo shills.

Don't put too much into it. The people who will believe "pro-rape advocates" exist are absolutely lost causes and have ZERO power in society except writing small soul, low IQ nonsense with two finger typing.

[Image: latest?cb=20140623062832]

Are you sure about that nomadbrah?

I just finished a particularly heavy shift out lumberjacking, and me and the boys were just knocking back a few buckets of crab claws and bottys of vodka, when one of them came bursting in to the room, crying his little eyes out, shreeking even. Do you know what he said?

"Did you see that Daily Mail article today?".

"No", we all said. Wondering what all the fuss could be about, and just wanting to finish our crab claws and vodka..picking the splinters out of our large calloused hands...

"Well, it doesn't matter I suppose, I can't even... but I did write a reply on the internet page of their obviously very biased organ".

"Uh uh"

"If you trawl though all 4445 comments, you'll find me under 'Lumberjack69'."

So we all put our drinks down. We cleaned up our fingers, and we got digging.

Someone said: "I think most of the comments on this Daily Mail article are just boomers, postwall women and paid disinfo shills."

Before someone shouted out: "Fucking Bingo!".

"I think I just found 'Lumberjack69'".

Us, with all our mouths wide open: "Er, yeah, go on then..."

"He said: 'Says you!'"

It was pretty funny. Perhaps you needed to be there.

We just ordered more crab claws and vodka on the house. That's how we roll.


Love you really nomadbrah. Just. Sometimes. Can. Not. Resist...

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books


The firm took the rare step of banning self-published books by Barack 'Roosh' Obama (pictured) which detail confessions of rape. He is pictured here in 2016


They need to be sued. What confession of rape are we talking about here?

Is it the feminist definition of fart-rape or stare-rape?

There should be enough lawyers out there who are willing to sue, because they are simply going too far. Mainstream media is not untouchable. They are regularly paying out millions for libel or pushing the narrative too far.


Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

They have re-defined rape into "sexual assault" some cases of which aren't even criminal (settled in civil court). Yes, we have non-criminal sexual assault in this country.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Roosh on the Alex Jones show.
Interview starts at minute 21:48 of the 1st youtube video.
Might be wise to download it (or mirror it elsewhere) in case it gets removed.

Interview with Roosh continues in the first 5 minutes of the 2nd youtube video:


Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Quote: (09-12-2018 04:47 PM)Caduceus Wrote:  

Roosh on the Alex Jones show.
Interview starts at minute 21:48 of the youtube video.
Might be wise to download it (or mirror it elsewhere) in case it gets removed.

Interview with Roosh continues in the first 5 minutes of the 2nd youtube video:

Roosh on Alex Jones, this was awesome. Every cloud has a silver lining.

He who dares wins - Del Boy

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

The audiobook is still available to download on audible in the UK

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Quote: (09-12-2018 06:41 AM)Scoundrel Wrote:  

Amazon is really rubbing this in our faces. I went to the Amazon home page, and this is the first image I see:

A picture of Roosh holding a baby — drinking a bottle of white supremacist milk, naturally — with the slogan "Turn down the music."

Whatever, Amazon. You may think you've turned down the music, but believe me, this party is only just getting started! [Image: banana.gif][Image: banana.gif][Image: banana.gif]

Nothing meme worthy comes to mind but here's a blank for anyone feeling creative today.

[Image: YjQXqT0.jpg]

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Quote: (09-12-2018 04:41 PM)Enoch Wrote:  

They have re-defined rape into "sexual assault" some cases of which aren't even criminal (settled in civil court). Yes, we have non-criminal sexual assault in this country.

This issue comes from a passage in "Bang Iceland" in which Roosh says he slept with a girl who drank too much. It raises the question as to whether it's sexual assault if the girl is drunk.

According to feminists and the like, it's rape even if the woman agrees, since she's not able to give consent.

BUT, throughout history, it was not rape (unless it was forcible, of course). Women were held accountable for how much they drank in ALL occasions. If something happened the woman regretted, the answer was "Don't drink so much." Just like they say to men.

Now, feminists and liberals want to change that, but only when it comes to women's consent to sex. They want to infantalize women.

Here is a real life example of how this now works.

Last month in Baltimore, a 22-year-old woman named Callie Schwarzman got behind the wheel plastered and allegedly fatally ran over a nurse and her grandchild. She was indicted on six counts and is now being held without bail.

But if one of us had taken Callie to bed that same night when she was in the same state, she would NOT have been responsible for her actions. We would have been.

Got that? Make sense? I didn't think so.

Luckily, there are a group of anti-feminists like Ashe Schow who are livid about this double standard and speak out on it all the time However, Roosh is bearing the brunt of the hysteria.

And I'll throw in this: By saying women aren't responsible for their drunkenness when it comes to men, feminist and liberals are sending the underhanded message that they're not culpable AT ALL. Because everyone knows deep down you can't have it both ways.

THEREFORE, liberals and feminists are partially to blame for the MURDER of the aforementioned nurse and her granddaughter, because Callie Schwarzman had been caught drunk driving before but let back on the road again and apparently didn't care.

But, hell, why should she? Neither the judge, the feminists, the liberals, or her believe she's an adult who should take responsibility for her actions.

UPDATE!!!! The more I think about this, the more I think the dead nurse and her grandkid should be charged with crimes after the fact. After all, Callie was drunk. So she didn't give consent for them to be in her way when she was behind the wheel.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Alex Jones on the banned books: "Normal mammal dating behavior"

This should go on the back cover of Game lol

Seriously, Roosh should make a new cover with prominent people's quotes about the banning like they do with New York Times quotes, for example, in mainstream books.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Barnes & Noble is next to ban all of my books.

[Image: attachment.jpg40023]   

[Image: attachment.jpg40024]   

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Quote: (09-12-2018 05:16 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

Quote: (09-12-2018 04:41 PM)Enoch Wrote:  

They have re-defined rape into "sexual assault" some cases of which aren't even criminal (settled in civil court). Yes, we have non-criminal sexual assault in this country.

This issue comes from a passage in "Bang Iceland" in which Roosh says he slept with a girl who drank too much. It raises the question as to whether it's sexual assault if the girl is drunk.

If I remember correctly, this argument was like a backup parachute.

First they called him a rapist because of the satirical essay on rape, and called the meetups rape meetings, and when that didn't fly, someone must have combed through everything Roosh had written to find something to back up their theory that fell apart based on their own argument and evidence.

I don't know the actual situation, or whether or not some hyperbole was involved for entertainment's sake, but to continue going when a girl says stop is not good.

Still, by their own logic, if alcohol makes consent impossible, it should also make sexual assault impossible.

Drinking equals diminished capacity to make decisions, and anyway, shouldn't it be up to Roosh to tell the story, since they care so much about lived experience.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Quote: (09-12-2018 05:10 PM)Sooth Wrote:  

Quote: (09-12-2018 06:41 AM)Scoundrel Wrote:  

Amazon is really rubbing this in our faces. I went to the Amazon home page, and this is the first image I see:

A picture of Roosh holding a baby — drinking a bottle of white supremacist milk, naturally — with the slogan "Turn down the music."

Whatever, Amazon. You may think you've turned down the music, but believe me, this party is only just getting started! [Image: banana.gif][Image: banana.gif][Image: banana.gif]

Nothing meme worthy comes to mind but here's a blank for anyone feeling creative today.

[Image: YjQXqT0.jpg]

There are two baby bottles in this picture. One of them is being used by the baby.

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Porn is legal, and nearly every person with access to the internet has watched it. Some are on no-fap, but by definition, they are very familiar with it.

If someone published written descriptions of typical porn scenes, they would be banned. Anyone who watched porn and opposes written descriptions would be a total hypocrite.

Tranny porn, mother
-son porn, creampie-gangbang porn, hardcore rape porn, scat porn, golden showers porn, tenticle porn, ethnic porn, fatty porn, old chick porn, swinger porn, old man/teen porn. All are one Google search away, for free, not to mention the really sick stuff.

Compared to this, someone writes stories of trying to pick up girls and get laid? There have always been authors in this field, right back to Roman days.

In the modern world, It's perfectly reasonable for men to publish material about how to seduce women. This has always been a legit topic between men.

An argument along these lines would be fun to watch on a video panel show.

Anti-PUA loser: bla bla bla

Roosh: can you write down and make a blog post describing the last porn scene you jacked off to? If you did, it would be banned like me. How is that even possible? Anyone who has watched porn and thinks they would ever want to again should oppose censorship of written materials about sex.

I'm the tower of power, too sweet to be sour. I'm funky like a monkey. Sky's the limit and space is the place!
-Randy Savage

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Sucks to be a dissident.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Dats messed up roosh, I wanted to buy your book on audible but now it's not there, dats messed up....

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Roosh, are your paperbacks print-on-demand once an order is placed?
Or is there still an inventory in limbo?

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Purchased Game 9/1, soon as I could. Glad I did, its a solid book.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Like Roosh said during his InfoWars interview, elites are trying to cut off all avenues for men's self-improvement. Since men are the protectors of society, if you're seeking to destroy a nation, simply destroy the men.

The term "Orwellian" is often used in hyperbole, but this is becoming the real thing. I think globalist elites understand the pipeline between PUA/game stuff and other right wing thought crime, so they're cracking down at the source, before more men get woken to the left's insanity when they randomly google "how do i get good with girls" and find roosh.

I expect the forum to go down soon, though I hope not. Every dude I've met on here has been cool and 100x more successful in life than your average guy off the street.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

So, a thought...

Where's one of the longest running pro trump threads on any forum?

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