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Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

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Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

Quote: (11-22-2016 10:46 AM)NewMeta Wrote:  

"RSD fuck off"

Woah. That's definitely is a slap in the face lol

My girlfriend at the time (in Krakow, this was at the height of The Game book) was "Neil Straussed" on the market square, when she was with her girlfriend.

Dude came with a standard 'community' opinion opener (don't remember which now), and transitioned to a neg.

Upon the neg, my gf told him that he's rude, that's no way to speak to a girl, let alone a girl on the street, and she and her friend left.

When she told me the story I explained to her what she has witnessed.. she said that type of approach would never work in Poland.

I further explained it doesn't work anywhere, but it did make a few people rich.

Anyway I'd say again what I said before:

If you're genuine in your approach, or even if you're not genuine but you do your own thing, things would go much smoother. If you're running a script from the internet, you get what you deserve.

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

Any opener can work if you're looking good and bringing a good vibe. If nothing else, The Game got guys out doing approaches and experimenting instead of standing at the bar with their thumb up their ass waiting for a chick to sit on their dick.

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

Is it that bad now?

The point of modern propaganda isn't only to misinform or push an agenda. It is to exhaust your critical thinking, to annihilate truth.
- Garry Kasparov | ‏@Kasparov63

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

I had a friend who recently gamed in Wroclaw. No, it is NOT that bad. Don't let the pessimists fool you. Polish girls are as receptive as ever, especially to darker guys. As long as you open with authority and genuinity, you should do fine.

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

Quote: (11-08-2016 01:16 PM)Rawmeo Wrote:  

I'm not a big fan of daygame, unless I see some IOI first. A girl / employee asking me questions that are outside the scope of the current transaction, a girl eye-raping me, etc. then I will go for the number. Works everytime.

The problem, as many members have put it, is spam approaches. Girls get the same feeling that you get when you open your mailbox and see 20 spam messages. If someone enters a mall and starts playing the numbers game and spamming everyone, I think security has grounds to ask him to leave. No matter how good your looks are and how your skills are sharp, I think that spam approaching serves no purpose, rather than annoying 9 girls and catching the attention of 1 or 2.

On the other hand, I'm all in favor of "warm approaching" when you already got eye contact / IOI from the girl before. It increases your chances of success, and is way more pleasant for everyone. If a guy can't get any IOI from a girl, there is deeper problem.


Sirs, with this comment half of this forum is not necessary.

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

^^Read the forum longer, eck.

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

Now that word has spread Wroclaw is pretty played out, especially in the Rynek and surrounding streets where passers by (including myself) are hassled not just by daygamers but also club promoters, beggars, street vendors etc., there aren't as many daygamers as there might have once been.

I was getting pretty lonely and bummed out forcing myself to do approaches in my favorite mall. Solo daygame is one of the most difficult things I have ever done, for some reason. It would be nice if I just had one of the guys back home in the US, not necessarily a PUA, to just have fun in the mall, shoot the shit a bit, and approach girls that I find are my type. I may have to wait in the mall for 2-3 hours, but I will find solo girls, less than 5 of them, that are my type. I also don't like the obvious running around and big direct stop. Alone it's hard to find the energy to do it, but it's also because I want to create a more natural approach. The girls I speak to are the ones I genuinely want to speak to rather than #87 in this week's blind day game PUA bootcamp spam marathon. If you saw me daygaming, it might be a bit more obvious if I'm standing talking to a girl, but often I'm sitting down and from a distance it might appear that we already know each other.

From the way that they dress, to the way that they stand, it is all the same. The instructors stand a certain way, so the students do a carbon copy of that. On the one hand I have to hand it to a couple of the guys, the instructor and another guy, they were getting results in day game and it is very hard now especially in Poland where the girls are clocking on to what the foreign hordes are doing, but on the other hand coming into a country for 1-2 weeks with a bunch of students all spamming a single more or single market square or single street is basically taking a shit all over the place and then going to the next destination and shitting on that too. They don't care where they shit because they don't have to live in the shit.

I would also prefer to have LTRs and not just pump and dump but you can't tell that to a girl in Wroclaw nowadays and have her believe you unless she has somehow lived under a rock the past 5-10 years or so.

When I was in the mall at night there was a mother-daughter set leaving through the doors into the cold night, and one of the guys said to another "come on bro, I'll wing you!" and they just go for it, no matter how low probability, get blown out and come back inside to run after another female whose face they haven't even seen yet.

So at first I felt a bit relieved that I might not be so alone in daygaming here. Then something just struck me as "off". Forgive me for waxing lyrical here a bit, but it seems that a once beautiful and extremely difficult art is being debased by approach machines who refuse to have any consideration for not only the local population, being a visitor to their city, but also to other men who would have had daygame in their arsenal 5 years ago, but now can no longer practise it with acceptable efficiency because of years of pointless, mindless spamming.

I chose not to participate in the daygame "sessions" because I don't want to be part of that. I don't mean to sound like I'm sitting in an ivory tower, it just makes me sad that is all. I didn't want to watch the mall, where I usually operate very quietly and subtly, also helping people if they have difficulties with certain things e.g. lost items, elderly people etc., getting something to eat or drink in the meantime. I prefer to blend in.

A not so big city like Wroclaw could have been so much better if the hordes of horny guys who have come here just stopped to think for a minute. Now as if Poland was not insular enough, there is suspicion amongst the girls, so that they prefer the safe option of very average local polish guys.

For the life of me I don't understand why now, coming up to 2018, PUA bootcamps still come to Wroclaw and other played out cities. Maybe because polish girls are still more polite than western girls, so even rejections are going to be pleasant and sound like progress? (There are bitchy girls here too, though, even in the day, increasing in sync with entitlement.) But I guess better to continue to pummel a city that is already quite played out, than go to a new city and ruin that one in addition.

The only time you will catch me actually doing a run after a girl and stopping her in a main street is if she is actually very close to my ideal type and where going direct is the natural thing to do, whatever comes to my head. That and when I'm not tired from running, which these approach machines excel at.

Now for example I hear conflicting reports about Kiev: that it is great for daygame, especially because of the Russian language barrier, but others say it is full of daygamers. So I don't know what to believe about Kiev.

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

So do night game or gutter game if the days are shit.

I don't expect people to speak English if their country is not English speaking ,which is why daygame in EE is a tough one I reckon.
I hate speaking in pigeon English, that right there is going to cut down on your success.It's good if you learn something which is what I say to myself in played out places.
And you young blokes have time to learn.

I was in Budapest and Prague in August I can't say I saw daygamers or PUAs burning down the joint.
What we want is ease ,no competition ,no shit test etc ain't gonna happen.
What's the bet dudes with good game, experience,good sub comms,good IOI recognition and maybe cash got laid in these places.
And maybe they been there before.

I was so shit in Budapest I have to go back and do it again.I'd go back to Czech cause I learnt not to be in the center.Plus it was so cheap for me in those places.

But I could just hit Scandinavia, the US or Western Europe where it's going to be easier for me...Russia however looms.

I'm not trying to be a wanker but it's about growth, just to go to a different country and do something as hard as daygaming is an achievement in itself .
The failures are going to be huge unless you are hitting 3 points below yourself.

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

I'm glad my leather jacket is... blue. If you see a guy running like a mad man around Prague's City Centre in a blue leather jacket in April, it's probably me [Image: banana.gif]


My Adventures in Game updates on the go: twits by Max Detrick

Unbowed. Unbent. Unbroken.

I don’t ever give up. I mean, I’d have to be dead or completely incapacitated.
-- Elon Musk

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

Gamers here in Serbia can feel free to keep gaming on Kalegmadan and Knez, but they should probably utilize some more tact and discretion and stop the mass approaches. It's not hard to notice these guys from miles away.

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

Quote: (10-11-2017 01:08 AM)Green-On-GO Wrote:  

I was in Budapest and Prague in August I can't say I saw daygamers or PUAs burning down the joint.
What we want is ease ,no competition ,no shit test etc ain't gonna happen.
What's the bet dudes with good game, experience,good sub comms,good IOI recognition and maybe cash got laid in these places.
And maybe they been there before.

I'm in Prague right now and doing the main loop (Palladium to the top of Václavské náměsti day in, day out - I haven't seen any daygamers, let alone daygamers in PUA outfits), ventured to Praha 2 and Praha 3 but there's nothing, really, everything worth approaching is concentrated in the vicinity of Palladium, perhaps on the outskirts and towards the river, especially considering tourists.

What is really the case is that majority of the girls know the score, thinking we are "sex tourists".

I talked today to a very sexy pollster girls who actually is a nurse, wearing fiercely red dress with red painted fingers and toes (some girls really dress fantastically here for the most mundane activities or jobs!) and I pushed for the number but she quite bluntly said I won't be here and I'm not looking for a Czech girlfriend. I asked her for a coffee, she started jotting down her number on the questionnaire, then decided against, then somehow she changed her mind again, I don't hold my breath.

The default is if you start with "Excuse, I hope you speak English", half the time the girls know where this is going and the answer is, in fluent English, ironically, "I don't speak English". So I'd say, a fair share of pretty girls, in the last ten years been approached on the street at least once if not more, and a sizeable percentage got banged by a handsome stranger who "decided not to stick around" in Prague post factum.

Having said that, it is what it is and we can work with what we have.


My Adventures in Game updates on the go: twits by Max Detrick

Unbowed. Unbent. Unbroken.

I don’t ever give up. I mean, I’d have to be dead or completely incapacitated.
-- Elon Musk

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

Well, I remember Prague 1 five years ago, there were more daygamers than targets in the streets. Disgusting vibe. Wondering how it is now.

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

The balls it takes to approach during the daytime means it will always be a minority. Sure, the novelty might be gone, but girls get and will always get approached far more online and in nightlife than on the street.

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

Makes perfect sense. Lots of FSU girls getting pumped and dumped by good looking western guys. In Russia lots of girls know the score, and ONS requires higher level of game than the west.

If you live here, obviously it will be much easier, but I've already lost too many solid leads from the good old "you're leaving soon, whats the point?" spiel.

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

Quote: (06-21-2018 04:03 PM)dr.feelgood Wrote:  

Well, I remember Prague 1 five years ago, there were more daygamers than targets in the streets. Disgusting vibe. Wondering how it is now.

I think it's just me [Image: banana.gif]

I guess most dg guys are in Kiev, Zagreb, Belgrade right now.


My Adventures in Game updates on the go: twits by Max Detrick

Unbowed. Unbent. Unbroken.

I don’t ever give up. I mean, I’d have to be dead or completely incapacitated.
-- Elon Musk

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

PUAs are mostly completely useless, they spend hundreds of hours pounding the streets for little result. It's a tragic waste of a life

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

What's the situation with the refugees in Eastern Europe? They could literally kill any type of daygame, as the girls would be scared to death.
Which EE countries have refugees roaming the central daygame hotspots? I read there are not many, but even a few ones could ruin an EE capital.

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

My thoughts:

The entire idea of DayGame is still new to many guys not involved in the red-pill/RVF/PUA community

Heck, throughout my entire life and travels, I have never seen anyone do a day approach anywhere.

And even if the concept of daygame did become more well-known, I really don't expect 99% of men to do it.


Because it requires balls. A lot of men just don't have it.

I personally have a ton of extremely horny friends who approach only in nightclubs and bars when they are drunk but are incredibly scared to approach during the day.

Daygame will never become a popular thing, and hence, will never saturate any city

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

Quote: (06-23-2018 02:08 AM)Crash_Bandicoot Wrote:  

My thoughts:

The entire idea of DayGame is still new to many guys not involved in the red-pill/RVF/PUA community

Heck, throughout my entire life and travels, I have never seen anyone do a day approach anywhere.

And even if the concept of daygame did become more well-known, I really don't expect 99% of men to do it.


Even in NZ where no one likes doing anything and I've never seen anyone approach in bars/clubs(I've been just under a dozen times), I've seen a decent number(4-5) of daygame approaches. A couple are probably unstructured, so not pickup in a sense.

I've imagined in a country where people are more proactive and less passive that daygame would be a more popular activity.

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

Quote: (06-23-2018 02:08 AM)Crash_Bandicoot Wrote:  

And even if the concept of daygame did become more well-known, I really don't expect 99% of men to do it.


Because it requires balls. A lot of men just don't have it.

I personally have a ton of extremely horny friends who approach only in nightclubs and bars when they are drunk but are incredibly scared to approach during the day.

Daygame will never become a popular thing, and hence, will never saturate any city

Daygame requires what most men (and people in general) are scared to death - a deep look into the mirror and ripping off layers upon layers and buffers upon buffers until what's left is a naked human with nowhere to hide. To face all these uncomfortable truths is beyond most people. We engage all the time in wishful and magical thinking that we are better than others (whatever it is that is important to us).

I still get "advice" from guys who are shacked up with their uninspiring wives of many years whom they met via social circle how to run daygame. They've "made it", I'm a "failure".

Most men would rather enter a boxing ring than approach a woman in daylight, without alcohol. Why? Because it exposes self-esteem, and all men want to think they are more attractive and interesting than they actually are. And getting 50, 100 or more rejection in a row requires superhuman perseverance, discipline, commitment and belief. Simply, most men can't climb a mountain that high.


My Adventures in Game updates on the go: twits by Max Detrick

Unbowed. Unbent. Unbroken.

I don’t ever give up. I mean, I’d have to be dead or completely incapacitated.
-- Elon Musk

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

Crash Bandicoot what countries have you been to? When I spent 6 weeks vacationing in Colombia with a Peruvian girl many times when I left her alone in a park, etc for a little while, to go do something (e.g. find a hostel, book a tour, etc) I would come back and see some Colombian guy (or guys) trying to talk to her.

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

You may not notice daygamers everywhere every day in a city, but cumulatively, over the years, it has still become relatively well known. It's no longer a "special" act. Add to this access to EE countries and foreigners' activities at night, the way they have treated girls from that country over the past two decades or so, and you get the reputation of the average foreigner as the sex tourist.

Girls most of the time won't say it to your face, but you may be good looking and run good game, but together with your value proposition is "he's not here for long, he will pump and dump me, what's the point". If a girl is single she's still likely looking for something more than that. You're looking for girls who are down for (by their country's standards) quick adventure sex. They exist but will be in the minority. One of the core skills of a day gamer in EE is to identify girls likely to be open to that even before the actual approach.

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

Quote: (06-23-2018 02:08 AM)Crash_Bandicoot Wrote:  

My thoughts:

The entire idea of DayGame is still new to many guys not involved in the red-pill/RVF/PUA community

Heck, throughout my entire life and travels, I have never seen anyone do a day approach anywhere.

And even if the concept of daygame did become more well-known, I really don't expect 99% of men to do it.


Because it requires balls. A lot of men just don't have it.

I personally have a ton of extremely horny friends who approach only in nightclubs and bars when they are drunk but are incredibly scared to approach during the day.

Daygame will never become a popular thing, and hence, will never saturate any city

Seriously, what countries have you been to?

Even in Minsk I found groups of Turkish guys stopping girls in Malls, like RSD Bootcamp.

And I'm talking about the most "difficult" country to visit for westerners...

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

Anyway, complaining about PUAs in our days when there's Instagram, it's like complaining about the common cold when you have tumor metastasis all over your body.

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