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R.I.P. London

R.I.P. London

Yeah cheers mate, I would rather have the same knowledge about something useful like big data or coding, but oh well. Let me know if you have any questions, I’ll try to answer.

R.I.P. London

Quote: (04-03-2018 05:16 PM)Constitution45 Wrote:  

Yeah cheers mate, I would rather have the same knowledge about something useful like big data or coding, but oh well. Let me know if you have any questions, I’ll try to answer.

I'd argue that knowing your own environment is good If you live in/near London or have to do business there this is extremely useful. Otherwise not really.

Or to use another example, I'd say that calling the knowledge of which Chicago neighborhoods to avoid if you're white pedestrian "useful" is an understatement in the event you ever end up visiting or working in the city.

R.I.P. London

Quote: (04-02-2018 03:58 PM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

Quote: (04-02-2018 10:08 AM)Teedub Wrote:  

I know it's gangs. They're completely imported and nothing to do with the white gangsters of yesteryear like the Krays etc. I never said it was "Islamic centred".

I know T you weren't T but others have a tendency. [Image: lol.gif]

In time those migrants will be part of the problem but right now the new arrivals are just bored, sleeping and watching TV. The lure of drug money becomes too much and they go in neck deep.

With respect, I have been placed living with migrants and asylum seekers in London, I have spent time on the dole in each compass point - N,S, E, W for whatever that's worth, I have managed up to a thousand properties strung out across the city as well as doing many jobs that gave me unfettered access to people's homes. I was, unfortunately, homeless in the city for a time.

I could do my own little murder walk showing where the bodies were found in parts of London.

I also made some friends in the police and magistrature.

Migrants are a HUGE part of this. Because of the numbers of them Islamic migrants are a BIG part of that.

That's my first hand experience and something that gets confirmed to me regularly by medic, GP, police, magistrate acquaintances.

The migrants/ islamic migrants are not motivated by some small codicil to the Hadith that says "move to London and get involved in crime, gangs, drug trade, murders.." - it is the case that they are coming in massive numbers and there is already an underclass world of street level crime that they immediately begin to orbit.

Having said that.. a lot of the violent crime in their communities is Islamic 'honour' related. No escaping that.

Some of them, and I say this from first hand experience, come with NO ideas whatsoever as to how they will support themselves or come with no idea what they will do if their single point of failure fucks up and they fall out with their second cousin who promised them work.

Sur-prise, Sur-fricking-prise, there are many islamic migrants forming/ joining in with gangs, involved in crime.

I could tell story after story.

You don't have to believe me though.

If people can get hold of the issue of Time Out magazine from the year 2000 they did a feature on murder in the capital.
It would interest people.
They listed every murder (something like 146) from the year before with pictures of the victims, the perpetrators if caught, and the location of the crime.

I read that article expecting it to be all about Clapton Road's 'murder mile' but what struck me was the Rwandans, Sinhalese Sri Lankans etc. in all areas of London staring out at me. To me murder looked, (a big part of it) like migrant on migrant crime.

And that was in the year 2000.

Islamic migration is now making those faces (both perpetrator and victim) from Islamic populations.

I've seen it first hand and for many, many reasons migration, and a big part of it migration from islamic populations, is the biggest driver in this.

R.I.P. London

What I meant by that comment is once they're off the boat the majority of them just linger around until they're bored and then the lure of money and power comes to their heads.

Islamic and third world migration is a problem and has a big hand in the problems which I am not saying doesn't happen.

R.I.P. London

Two murders in Hackney today. So now we are at 52 murders so far in the year. If this continues until the end of year (expect an increase over the summer like always), we probably will have the highest ever in recorded history. Thats not counting any terrorist attacks. Back in 2002/2003, we were just over 200 so thats in comparison.

This should highlight the lack of resources in the police right now. It is unbelievable how poorly managed and stretched the organisation is across London. Seriously, from uniform response officers to detectives everyone is sinking.

R.I.P. London

I can only imagine the daily horrors that native brits have to suffer down south in places like Londonistan. I live up north in a place that according to the latest crime stats is one of the safest in the country. The biggest issue our local police force has is speeding drivers and the odd cannabis grower. Though they've gone soft on the cannabis lately and have more or less legalized it for personal use.

Co-incidentally, the last census stated my neck of the woods as being almost 99% White British. The census is years out of date now and I have no doubt that things are changing fast on this front. I'll enjoy it while it lasts, but I have no doubt now that the cancer is spreading and will find us up here eventually.

Just the other day, my son told me about a 'vibrant' new starter at his secondary school. I listened with a mixture of amusement and horror as he related how, within her first five days her new school, she;

Took a swing at a boy who politely said 'Hello' to her.

Sat at the front of each class playing on her phone ignoring the teachers.

Had all the class's Youtube vids translated into Arabic because she can't speak English.

Swore imaginatively (in good English) to teachers and kids alike.

Slapped another girl across the face in the canteen and threatened to kill her (in good English).

Finally, pulled a kitchen knife out (from her pencil case) on another girl.

This was just within her first few days remember. And this is just one of them (and a female). No action has been taken by the school. Instead, everyone else has their education disrupted and is expected to adjust their own behaviour to suit the en-richer.

Nobody in the MSM or in 'civilized conversation' dare state the truth about these London killings; the overwhelming majority of them are non-natives. If you took these non-native stats out you'd be left with just the standard native murderers that any population will always have.

It's an unpopular conclusion because it's chillingly true in that it's acceptance leaves us with very little recourse. 'Increasing resources' won't fix it. 'Community Outreach' projects are just pissing good money away. No wonder, our politicians stay clear of this particular hornets nest.

Dammit, I guess us native Brits will just have to Vote Harder next time!

‘After you’ve got two eye-witness accounts, following an automobile accident, you begin
To worry about history’ – Tim Allen

R.I.P. London

The safety of children in a classroom should be the top priority of the educators. If they are failing, then you need to voice your concern and pull out your child if it does not improve.

R.I.P. London

Quote: (04-05-2018 05:52 AM)tomtud Wrote:  

The safety of children in a classroom should be the top priority of the educators. If they are failing, then you need to voice your concern and pull out your child if it does not improve.

Yep, me and the family discussed this quite a bit. I initially wanted to go to the school the very next day (in person) and get some answers.

My son and I have a great relationship and so far he is happy to confide in me totally. I'd like it to remain that way. He felt a little betrayed that I was now going to go into his school and 'make a scene' over something he told me in a casual conversation over how his day went.

We've decided on a compromise. I've gathered Intel from him as to which teachers were involved, who was there, which children (and who their parents are), what was said and done, etc. I've got a Parent/Teacher meeting coming up and I'll present them with the facts as they stand and will see what they say.

It's a balancing act. Because she pulled a knife, something has to be said. On the other hand it means making waves for my son. Because despite what authorities say, they never protect anonymity and he will get dragged into the whole mess somehow.

‘After you’ve got two eye-witness accounts, following an automobile accident, you begin
To worry about history’ – Tim Allen

R.I.P. London

The school will likely swear up and down that she didn't pull a knife, because if they admit to it then that means they'll be at fault for not expelling her immediately.

R.I.P. London

Best way to pin the fuckers to a wall is walk the whole thing backwards.

"What is your policy on students who bring knives to school?"
-Instant expulsion
"When was the last time such an incident occurred?"(invite them to lie and fuck themselves)
If they tell the truth then they're dead to rights. If they lie then you proceed.

"Why am I hearing a bunch of rumours about a new student pulling a knife? Are you going to go on record as claiming no such incident ever occurred?"

Not that it will matter in the grand scheme of things. They will still single your kid out for "special attention" and at that point if he goes to school with so much as a bruise then you will come home one day to find the police in your house and your child in the custody of CPS "until we can sort this issue out".

The kind of tyranny in the UK right now cannot be fought individually. The authorities are desperate to be seen to be doing something, but they are also utter cowards who will go after any target they can be relatively assured will not gut them on their doorstep.

Best to get your kid the fuck out of there and into a more rural setting if at all possible. The only way I would go about exposing them on the issue is by some sort of anonymous means such as mailing flyers to everyone in the district about the issue and forcing an official response from the school board, and even then you would want to be careful about how you executed a plan like that.

Currently the key to non-violent anonymous resistance is that you have to target an arm of the state that has minimal capacity to track you themselves (the local school board in this case) and ensure that the level of damage you cause will be unlikely to draw in official investigators from professional law enforcement agencies.

The police are stretched thin but they will still be pulled in if you use too broad a brush.

For example, this will keep the profile low: "This new student (insert picture) threatened another student with a knife. Why is she still in our school, endangering our children?"

This will not: "Muslim children are a menace to native British children. Here is one example."

The former will have the plod shrugging their shoulders if asked for help. The latter will have them cross referencing the names of parents with members of hatespeech forums like this one.

Think long and hard about whether this is the particular cross you're willing to risk being martyred on.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

R.I.P. London

I did some research and most of these murders are gang related, so they're just tit for tat within their own communities. I don't care about these low IQ idiots wiping each other out.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

R.I.P. London

Quote: (04-05-2018 08:55 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Best way to pin the fuckers to a wall is walk the whole thing backwards.

"What is your policy on students who bring knives to school?"
-Instant expulsion
"When was the last time such an incident occurred?"(invite them to lie and fuck themselves)
If they tell the truth then they're dead to rights. If they lie then you proceed.

"Why am I hearing a bunch of rumours about a new student pulling a knife? Are you going to go on record as claiming no such incident ever occurred?"

Not that it will matter in the grand scheme of things. They will still single your kid out for "special attention" and at that point if he goes to school with so much as a bruise then you will come home one day to find the police in your house and your child in the custody of CPS "until we can sort this issue out".

The kind of tyranny in the UK right now cannot be fought individually. The authorities are desperate to be seen to be doing something, but they are also utter cowards who will go after any target they can be relatively assured will not gut them on their doorstep.

Best to get your kid the fuck out of there and into a more rural setting if at all possible. The only way I would go about exposing them on the issue is by some sort of anonymous means such as mailing flyers to everyone in the district about the issue and forcing an official response from the school board, and even then you would want to be careful about how you executed a plan like that.

Currently the key to non-violent anonymous resistance is that you have to target an arm of the state that has minimal capacity to track you themselves (the local school board in this case) and ensure that the level of damage you cause will be unlikely to draw in official investigators from professional law enforcement agencies.

The police are stretched thin but they will still be pulled in if you use too broad a brush.

For example, this will keep the profile low: "This new student (insert picture) threatened another student with a knife. Why is she still in our school, endangering our children?"

This will not: "Muslim children are a menace to native British children. Here is one example."

The former will have the plod shrugging their shoulders if asked for help. The latter will have them cross referencing the names of parents with members of hatespeech forums like this one.

Think long and hard about whether this is the particular cross you're willing to risk being martyred on.

You're spot-on. My son is doing exceptionally well at the school and I don't want to paint a target on his back unnecessarily. The school is incredibly left-leaning (I might write a half-page post one day about the bullshit they 'teach' and the subtle and not-so-subtle indoctrination they are putting the kids through) and it wouldn't take them much work to paint me in a negative light. It would honestly have been easier if the offending party wasn't a Muslim.

Despite this, I also don't want him endangered in any way. Talking to him again last night, it seems that the girl hasn't been seen by anyone since. I'm hoping she was just 'passing through' or has indeed been expelled for her behaviour. He did tell me, she had already been to 'about 5 different schools'.

One of his teachers used to teach me back in the day and I'm going to try and catch him first as he's a straight-talker. Leonard, your opening gambit of 'What is your policy on students bringing knives to school?" etc, describes almost exactly my mental prep for the oncoming conversation!

To keep this relevant to the 'R.I.P. London' thread, I wonder if this is how things started down there ?

‘After you’ve got two eye-witness accounts, following an automobile accident, you begin
To worry about history’ – Tim Allen

R.I.P. London

Raise it with your school’s officer or local neighbourhood team. There is an on going issues with schools brushing these under the carpet, as to not effect ofstead results. Even blatantly disposing of knives.

R.I.P. London

Personally I love asking government employees entrapping lines of questioning.

"Is it a sackable offence for a school employee to fail to officially report a felony offence committed on school grounds?"

You can see the sweat building in real time.

Prior to any of my boys attending high school I was an acquaintance of someone who had a boy there that was being bullied by some 'roided up manchild. She was complaining that the school never did anything about it.

I told her "file a police report".

"What do you mean", she asked?

I told her, "do you think a school is some magical foreign nation where the rule of law doesn't apply? Was your boy assaulted and physically injured?"

"Yes", she said.

"Tell the school if it happens again you'll file a police report for every instance and build an ongoing case of negligence against them for failure of duty of care, then get a quote for weekly visits to a child psychiatrist annually and show them what it will cost for starters."

A switch seemed to flip in her head. A week later the bully had been expelled.

You have to turn the system on these people and trap them in their own web.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

R.I.P. London

This could just as easily go in the 'Justin Trudeau is a cuck clown' thread ...

Article in The Daily Mail;

'London Mayor Sadiq Khan embraced Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as he dubbed him 'one of the leading feminists in the world' at a Commonwealth event today.'

I'd post pics, but you've all seen enough pics of this cretin posing for selfies surrounded by hordes of braindead 'admiring schoolchildren' to be able to provide your own mental image.

The article is worth reading in particular though for Morrissey's scathing attacks on Khan;

'Meanwhile Morrissey targeted Mr Khan while complaining about halal meat, describing it as 'evil' and claiming it needs approval from 'supporters of ISIS'.

The singer said on website Morrissey Central: 'I saw an interview where he [the mayor] was discussing mental health, and he repeatedly said "men'el"... he could not say the words "mental health".'

Discussing the recent rise in the number of people killed on the streets of London, Morrissey described it as 'debased' - adding that the capital was second only to Bangladesh for acid attacks.'

How long before Morrissey becomes 'unpersoned' on social media, etc!

‘After you’ve got two eye-witness accounts, following an automobile accident, you begin
To worry about history’ – Tim Allen

R.I.P. London

Quote: (04-18-2018 10:10 AM)Richard Turpin Wrote:  

This could just as easily go in the 'Justin Trudeau is a cuck clown' thread ...

Article in The Daily Mail;

'London Mayor Sadiq Khan embraced Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as he dubbed him 'one of the leading feminists in the world' at a Commonwealth event today.'

I'd post pics, but you've all seen enough pics of this cretin posing for selfies surrounded by hordes of braindead 'admiring schoolchildren' to be able to provide your own mental image.

The article is worth reading in particular though for Morrissey's scathing attacks on Khan;

'Meanwhile Morrissey targeted Mr Khan while complaining about halal meat, describing it as 'evil' and claiming it needs approval from 'supporters of ISIS'.

The singer said on website Morrissey Central: 'I saw an interview where he [the mayor] was discussing mental health, and he repeatedly said "men'el"... he could not say the words "mental health".'

Discussing the recent rise in the number of people killed on the streets of London, Morrissey described it as 'debased' - adding that the capital was second only to Bangladesh for acid attacks.'

How long before Morrissey becomes 'unpersoned' on social media, etc!

Morrissey is now LEGEND in my book!

[Image: 1ce.jpg]

R.I.P. London

I was just about to post that story on the British politics thread, it quite amused me how I genuinely could not tell if the schoolchildren surrounding those 3 parasites are a select sample of children from different Commonwealth countries (which obviously includes many blacks and Asians), or if it's just London schoolkids.

Morrissey has got some excellent opinions, I've got a lot of time for him. Although he is a bit nutty over animal rights, but that's a good stick that he can use to attack the Halal meat industry.

R.I.P. London

Yeah, I fucking love Morrissey again now

‘After you’ve got two eye-witness accounts, following an automobile accident, you begin
To worry about history’ – Tim Allen

R.I.P. London

Englishman vs. drunken Pole:


If only you knew how bad things really are.

R.I.P. London

Quote: (05-01-2018 07:29 AM)RexImperator Wrote:  

Englishman vs. drunken Pole:


Oh my god, that fucking cunt at the end. The Englishman remained calm in the face of aggression and simply told that schmuck to follow the rules. Yet she tells the Englishman, "It's people like you that bring shame to this country." London truly has fallen. Another sad tale of what happens when woman gain too much political influence (read: more than zero).

R.I.P. London

The girl herself didn't look anglo and of immigrant background

R.I.P. London

There's no hope for people like the woman at the end of that clip. They have no concept of 'English laws' ... until they need those laws to stop 'racists', Islam critics etc, right? Ha.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

R.I.P. London

And look at how the Daily Scrotum reported it...
Peak soy has been reached.

'Abide by English laws or get out': Extraordinary racist rant by drunk man at Polish train passenger who was drinking a beer on late-night train:

Train passengers horrified as man tells drinker to 'abide by British law or get out'
Suited man insisted on reprimanding another man for drinking beer on the train
Woman intervenes and tells man he 'brings shame to this country' over race jibe
An astonishing video of a drunk man telling another passenger to 'abide by English laws or get out' has emerged online.

A witness began recording the vile exchange when a suited passenger, who admitted he had previously been drinking, began ranting at another man for drinking a beer on the train.

Transport for London (TfL) banned passengers from drinking and carrying open containers of alcohol from its public transport services in June 2008.

While catching the late-night service from London Liverpool Street to Romford the suited man was clearly set on enforcing the rules.

He said: 'You are in Britain. You listen to the rules, you abide by the rules or you get out. It's as simple as that.

The man being scolded said the pair should get off the train and speak privately about his drinking, last Thursday.

The man continued to drink his beer despite being confronted by the man next to him over 'breaking English law'

The drinking man said he was a 'Polish boy from Russia' and would get off and speak with the man in private
'You want to get out?' he repeatedly asked as the TfL Rail train stopped at Maryland.

'If not then shut your mouth.'

The drinking man said he would 'spit' in his challenger's face.

The suited man replied: 'I know you don't understand but .. I'll explain so you can understand. You see those rules up there – it's the ones which say don't drink alcohol.'

When the man is told he has 'no right' to speak to his fellow passenger in that way, and to call the police if he has a problem with drinking, he replies: 'I was born and bred here

'You have come into this country,' he continues.

'Abide by the rules. Abide by English rules or get out.'

The row becomes heated and the man with the beer gets to his feet to argue back.

He shouts: 'I am a Polish boy from Russia and will f*** you.

The men began to argue loudly on the train as the conflict was filmed by another passenger
An angry female passenger confronted the pair and moved from the seating area. She told the foreign passenger he should not be drinking, but added the reason for moving carriages was the man who 'used his race against him'.

She said: 'People like you bring shame to this country.'

The woman's intervention appeared to calm the row with the suited man stating: 'I think we both win.'

A witness told Metro : 'I'm glad there are people like this lady who aren't afraid to stand up to bullies.

'No one else on the train voiced their opinion - only she did and she was half their size.'

The incident reportedly took place on a train from London Liverpool Street to Romford at 11.15pm last Thursday on a TfL Rail service.

R.I.P. London

England seems a step worse than even what goes on in America. The quantity of % black male/white woman interracially dating and breeding, those Paki gangs grooming white girls.. Stuff like that wouldn’t even go on here. Sad to see as someone partially descended from the country

R.I.P. London

I think I've reached something approaching an iron law of sociology.

Two premiere traits of women are bitchiness and cowardice.

When the dominant male apparatus of a society no longer causes women's fear to outweigh their bitchiness then you get this kind of nonsense. A "brave" women standing up to a guy she knows will never slap the shit out of her in a million years. She's not standing up to him on some sort of principle. She wouldn't talk shit to some Pakistanis who were sexually assaulting another woman on the train, but she "stands up" to the native born Brit pointlessly trying to retain some semblance of the civilization his forefathers built.

The reason that she's "standing up to him" is like most women she's a bitch, and in the absence of fear she indulges that bitchiness wantonly.

In this regard I'm starting to take chatter about Western women becoming cunts with a grain of salt. Lads, women were always cunts. Even my sweet wife will talk some nasty shit about any number of people she's not afraid of. And the kicker is that a woman's fear doesn't need to be large to counterbalance that bitchiness. It only takes a little, but in a near total absence of it she will shit-test a society of over-civilized men to death.

Which is why we're stuck with a fundamental dilemma. You can't fix women. Their flaws are baked in. So guys talk about fixing men, but most dare not approach the hardest question in that realm. Because to cunts like the one in this video there is fundamentally no difference between a 5' 100 pound man-pussy and a 6' 200 pound man-pussy.

Western women will not be "fixed" until a fear of breaching the natural order is restored.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

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