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Van Plows into 8 People In Toronto

Van Plows into 8 People In Toronto

Quote: (04-28-2018 04:37 PM)Rhyme or Reason Wrote:  


In meme-speak I believe she's called "Becky" and she still goes after Chad

All the more reason Stacy should be a nonentity.

Even pre-meme speak.

I'm not sure what the woman version was, but the 1930's Australian Depression-Era Chad was a Bruce.

In 60's Mad Magazine-speak, he was a Lance, and she was a Jane.

In the mid-80's, he was a Bevan and she was a Tiffany or a Courtney.

In the 90's, he was a Dylan and she was a Becky.

I remember hearing 'Lars' a few times in the 2000's.

At a guess, she'll be a Bella by the mid 2020's. Maybe he'll be Cyber-Chad.

As you can see, there's a long history of Bitter Incels being unable to punch above their weight class. Better to focus on bettering yourself than expecting women to ever change.

Van Plows into 8 People In Toronto

One could say; "incels" are another case of folk avidly promoting Darwinism / natural selection as a concept.
Yet being a touch dismayed when the concept manifests into real life in rather unsavoury ways.

Van Plows into 8 People In Toronto

Beckys are white progressive chicks who champion minority causes to the extent that they can do it from their iPhones without having to break their Gym/Starcucks/Tinder/Facebook routine. Living in the their cushy world with their cushy job, being the most protected class of people in the world, they still identify as committed fighters for equality and they expect the political street cred that ought to go with it.

That's a Becky.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Van Plows into 8 People In Toronto

You forgot to list their love of sucking cock:

Van Plows into 8 People In Toronto

Shadowy online subculture in spotlight after Toronto van attack
A Facebook message attributed to accused killer Alek Minassian has led to scrutiny on the “incel” movement and online communities steeped in misogyny.


In the chaotic aftermath of a mass murder in North America, two things are predictable. One is that there will be wild speculation over the killer’s background and motive, with people guessing about specific aspects of his identity.

The other is that only one prediction will hold true in nearly every case.

“I knew that it was going to be a man,” said Michael Kaufman, a member of the G7 Gender Equality Advisory Council. “Virtually all of the school shootings — the mass shootings, the terrorist attacks, whether it’s a white nationalist terrorist attack or a religiously inspired terrorist attack — they’re almost always committed by men.

“And the incredible thing? We don’t focus on that,” he continued. “We instantly go to step two: what was his motivation? What was his psychological problem? By jumping to that second step, we’re neither going to be able to address the underlying causes or understand these people — or find solutions.”

On Monday, a rented van jumped a curb on Yonge St. south of Finch Ave. and began deliberately mowing down pedestrians, leading to the worst mass murder in Toronto’s history.

Ten people died and another 16 were injured. Alek Minassian, 25, faces 10 charges of first-degree murder and 13 counts of attempted murder, with three more attempted murder charges pending.

Details about Minassian’s life remain scant but, in the scramble for answers, some have pointed to his autism spectrum disorder — even though experts stress there is no scientific link between the condition and a propensity for violence.

A more relevant point may be the fact that Minassian is male. According to a study by Columbia University forensic psychiatrist Michael Stone, of 235 mass murders in the United States between 1913 and 2015 involving four or more deaths, 96 per cent were perpetrated by men.

“Mass murder is an almost exclusively male phenomenon,” Stone writes in “Mass Murder, Mental Illness and Men.” “Most mass murders are planned well in advance of the outburst, usually as acts of revenge or retribution for perceived slights and wrongs.”

A Facebook post attributed to Minassian suggests retribution directed at women as a motive. The message referenced one of the internet’s most unabashedly misogynistic communities: young men who identify online as “incels” — or involuntary celibates — because they are frustrated by their inability to find romantic relationships or sex.

Minassian’s online history will form an important aspect of the unfolding homicide probe: posts he wrote, searches he made, and online communities he may have frequented. Investigators seized his Facebook profile to archive its content, including a “cryptic” Facebook message posted just minutes before the van rampage, according to Toronto police Det. Sgt. Graham Gibson.

The investigation will examine whether sexual frustration or anger towards women helped form the motive. While police say there is currently no evidence that women were targeted, eight of the 10 fatalities were female. Police will scour surveillance and witness video for indications the van was steered deliberately towards female pedestrians, an investigator said Friday.

Toronto police Insp. Bryan Bott told reporters that “all avenues” will be explored when it comes probing Minassian’s online activity, including any possible link to the incel community.

“Where that investigation goes, it’s too early to tell,” Bott said.

What’s certain, however, is that the internet has provided fertile breeding ground for misogyny and sexism. Those who study online misogyny say incels are just a sliver of a broader online ecosystem dubbed the “manosphere,” where seething anti-feminist hatred has been intensifying over the last several years.

The manosphere is a loose assemblage of blogs, forums and pages scattered across YouTube, Facebook and Reddit, as well as 4chan, the notorious messaging board widely associated with trolling culture, conspiracy theories and far-right extremism.

Its roots can be traced back to the 1970s, when a men’s liberation movement emerged in response to second-wave feminism, according to a 2017 study by Debbie Ging, an associate professor with Dublin City University.

The movement was meant to critique conventional understandings of masculinity but quickly splintered into pro- and anti-feminist factions, “due largely to disagreements over the claim that male privilege adversely affects women,” Ging wrote. The anti-feminists believed men were in decline and this strain of thinking has now permeated the manosphere, where a “widespread and particularly malicious anti-feminist men’s movement” has been incubating.

“It’s a vast and growing network of misogynists — there’s no other word for them,” said Nicolette Little, who is pursuing her doctorate in feminist media studies at the University of Calgary. The manosphere is “very angry” with women and feminism, and online groups provide “space for that toxicity, for those ideas to be shared, proliferated,” Little said.

There is significant overlap between the racist alt-right movement and the manosphere, where major themes include misogyny, sexual strategies and men’s rights. A popular trope is to be “red pilled,” a reference to the 1999 movie The Matrix, where the protagonist Neo is asked to choose between a blue pill — which returns him to his normal life of ignorant bliss — or the red pill, which will reveal the true order of the world.

In the manosphere, “being red-pilled means eschewing liberal ideology and recognizing that men, not women, are the oppressed class,” according to a 2017 report by Alice Marwick and Rebecca Lewis with Data & Society, a think tank specializing in the cultural and social impact of the internet.

“The connecting tissue of the manosphere is that men are actually the ones suffering in modern society, and our laws and society is now balanced in favour of women,” Lewis said.

There’s intermingling within the manosphere: There are Pick-Up Artists (PUAs), a “seduction community” that trades in strategies for getting sex; Men’s Rights Activists (MRAs), who feel boys and men are victimized, particularly by feminists; and Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW), who vow to never date, marry or have children.

And then there are incels. The phrase was coined in the 1990s by a Canadian woman who started a website for lonely singles. In 2001, researchers from Georgia State University surveyed 82 involuntary celibates in an online discussion group and found the majority were young, white and male. These people feel “despair, depression, frustration and a loss of confidence” because of their inability to have sexual relationships, the researchers concluded. They looked to the internet, not for sexual stimulation but for “moral support.”

Fast-forward 17 years and some incel forums have flourished to 40,000 or more members. They have also developed their own culture, replete with insider-speak. Incels are “betas,” conventionally attractive men are “Chads,” and the women who date them — and spurn incels — are “Stacys.”
Lewis said many incels self-identify as autistic. “You get a lot of people kind of embracing that identity, whether or not they’ve actually been diagnosed with autism,” she said. “It’s become this broader meme for being socially awkward and that’s yet another reason why they don’t see themselves as advantaged or privileged in society.”

Some incels discuss their sadness or confusion on forums like One user, who identified himself as Jack Peterson, called it a “support group.” “ is my main place as far as venting goes, just because it tends to be more brutally honest than the rest of these types of communities,” said Peterson, who declined to give his real name, in a phone interview.

Peterson insists that only a “vocal minority” of users are misogynists, but a quick glance at the website reveals a startling degree of anti-women hatred.

There are several posts idolizing Elliot Rodger, the California man who killed six people because he was sexually frustrated, with some commenters encouraging others to follow in his footsteps and commit their own “ER” attack. The Facebook post attributed to Minassian concluded with the phrase “All hail the Supreme Gentleman Elliot Rodger!” After Monday’s attack, many incels celebrated gleefully on, while others blamed women for the attack. “By having sex with the guy you could’ve saved 10 lives,” one commenter said.

“It’s worthwhile to see how incels are reacting and many are thrilled about it,” said Lewis. “It’s easy to see how this pent-up frustration is manifesting as violence. There are posts talking about, ‘How else can we act on this?’ and people are promoting acid attacks, rapes, poking holes in condoms.”

Jamil Jivani, author of the book Why Young Men: Rage, Race and the Crisis of Identity, believes disaffected men are drawn to extremist views because they offer an identity of sorts — telling them how to think and feel, and providing community and affirmation.

What could help counteract this, he thinks, is a broader definition of masculinity. He cites Toronto police Const. Ken Lam, who arrested Minassian without using force.

“This guy, being restrained and calm, and not being reactive?” Jivani said. “That is how you diversify masculinity.”
Kaufman said society is failing boys and men by perpetuating ideas that they have to always be dominant and in control.

“Many men who commit acts of violence … there are two things we know about them: They’re much less likely to have gender-equitable attitudes, and much less likely to ask for help,” he said.

“When you combine that power and that entitlement, with that personal insecurity about being a real man, it has the potential to be a lethal combination.”

I'm the King of Beijing!

Van Plows into 8 People In Toronto

Quote: (04-29-2018 05:42 AM)Suits Wrote:  



...“Virtually all of the school shootings — the mass shootings, the terrorist attacks, whether it’s a white nationalist terrorist attack or a religiously inspired terrorist attack — they’re almost always committed by men.

“And the incredible thing? We don’t focus on that,” he continued. “We instantly go to step two: what was his motivation? What was his psychological problem? By jumping to that second step, we’re neither going to be able to address the underlying causes or understand these people — or find solutions.”...

This is just incredible in it's abstraction.

Paraphrased: "We need to stop solving individual motives and start solving the problem of men".

[Image: wtf.jpg]

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Van Plows into 8 People In Toronto

I assume the same journalist wants all Muslims deported on the same logic, then?

Van Plows into 8 People In Toronto

They would never use that language against islamic terror, or women in areas like child abuse.

Their selective enforcement of social 'justice' shows them for what they are.

Van Plows into 8 People In Toronto

Quote: (04-29-2018 07:00 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Quote: (04-29-2018 05:42 AM)Suits Wrote:  



...“Virtually all of the school shootings — the mass shootings, the terrorist attacks, whether it’s a white nationalist terrorist attack or a religiously inspired terrorist attack — they’re almost always committed by men.

“And the incredible thing? We don’t focus on that,” he continued. “We instantly go to step two: what was his motivation? What was his psychological problem? By jumping to that second step, we’re neither going to be able to address the underlying causes or understand these people — or find solutions.”...

This is just incredible in it's abstraction.

Paraphrased: "We need to stop solving individual motives and start solving the problem of men".

Go to around 06:50.

Evolution has made men into the overachievers of society - there are no female Jack the Rippers and hardly any mass shooters, because there are also no female Mozarts, Steve Jobs', Edisons, Henry Fords. You get the good with the bad with men. If you don't get men, then you get a bunch of women huddling in caves and being devoured by the occasional bear.

Yes - men produce madmen, but also men produce other men who stop the madmen before they do too much damage. With our technology a psychopath can do a lot of damage with a car, but compared with the technological aid that helps us mostly be safe and reproduce safely then those few cases are not meaningful.

Islamic terror is another matter, because we know from examples that their numbers swelling will create mayhem, no-go-zones and later civil war.

Incels only need to be casually overseen by a few online agents - it's so dangerous that the 2 officers for to counter-intel-incel program can sit around in their underwear at home. They can quickly find out who they are via their surveillance and have some of the more violent ones get a visit by 2 actual officers. My guess is that most incels will shit their pants and won't be making any violent comments against women again. Venting their anger is one thing - actually following through with murder is a completely different matter.

And remember - no Jack The Rippers, no Mozarts and Teslas - so no civilization.

Van Plows into 8 People In Toronto

Valenti and others love to use the word "entitled" when it comes to these men. They're not entitled, they're pissed off because they feel they can't get laid and have no place in society.

And it's interesting that they show no empathy when on the surface incels and feminists have a lot in common. They thought they'd go to school, get a good job, move up in their career, and meet a good mate. Then the economy fell apart and it's struggled to come back together. And I know feminists may not believe this, but this affected white males a well.

In regards to the social aspect, as AB pointed out, it sounds like a lot of them are bitter because they are unable to punch above their weight. Sound familiar? That's basically the principle cause of feminism. How many articles have we read/videos seen, of angry, fat/aging feminists who rage against what they see as the unfairness that the men they want don't give them the attention they feel they deserve (some might say 'entitled'). There was a whole episode of Louie dedicated to a fat girl complaining about how guys don't 'chase' her that was celebrated across the media. I'd say a fat girl who is bitter that guys don't 'chase' her reeks of the word 'entitlement'.

So whereas feminists are faced with this false ego that has developed by a society that coddles them, contrasted by the crushing reality that inevitably faces them, these incels are mercilessly bashed because of a few very bad apples.

In regards to Jack Peterson, he's from a single mother household and was bullied relentlessly by boys AND girls growing up. Of course he's fucked up. In watching a video of him, he seems normal looking, just has severe issues from that bullying and thus has extreme difficulty with social interaction. I feel really bad for him since he needs professional help, and a male mentor. Contrast that with your everyday obese feminist who demands (feels entitled) to be told she's beautiful and if the CEO job isn't hers within six months, it's because of sexism.

As I've mentioned, one of my proudest moments was guiding two younger albeit socially awkward co-workers who had confided in me that they get no play. One now has a serious girlfriend, the other is engaged to, based on her pics, an attractive younger woman. We're supposed to double date soon, and I'm betting that she's a nice girl. In retrospect I think all they needed was a little bit of empathy instead of outright mockery.

Shadowy online subculture in spotlight...

Sounds a lot like how feminism used to be, it needs to go back into the shadows from whence it came.

Van Plows into 8 People In Toronto

It's a rich tapestry without any single cause.

One aspect is that back in the day incel men could at least throw themselves into their work, even if it was some bullshit government job counting beans for the department of Agriculture. A job meant social contact, a degree of teamwork and some sort of camaraderie.

Well after WW2 women flooded into the workforce bringing their insufferable requirements with them and turning the entirety of the Western workforce into a safe space where the only permissible form of socialization was bitchy gossip. Bad enough for the men remaining in the workforce but worse for the ones pushed out of any meaningful employment. Nowadays you walk into one of the rare male-only workforces in the West and you see something strange and unusual. A brotherhood of sorts, all operating in tandem, talking their own crude language and engaging in their own house humor, covering for each other and pitching in wherever it's needed, from the chads down to the virgins.

One of the auto stores in the nearest city is like this. A small enough franchise not to be targeted by the feminazis I suppose. A virtually all male staff, and despite the fact that it's a shit dead-end job they all seem happy enough to be there. But arrive on a day when one of the few female employees is rostered on and the whole mood has changed. Everyone is obviously expending huge amounts of energy to alter their language/behavior/etc.

No member of an all male workplace is going on a rampage, whether they're an incel or not, so it's not all about sex or a lack thereof.

It's a shame we never kept women the fuck out of the workforce. Giving them paid work heralded the beginning of the end.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Van Plows into 8 People In Toronto

A photo from an all-male workplace's portapotty:

[Image: Dbuq6AxVQAERpKn.jpg:small]

Van Plows into 8 People In Toronto

Quote: (04-29-2018 05:42 AM)Suits Wrote:  

Shadowy online subculture in spotlight after Toronto van attack
A Facebook message attributed to accused killer Alek Minassian has led to scrutiny on the “incel” movement and online communities steeped in misogyny.

Oh, look, The Toronto Star. Note the author is Jennifer Yang, the Star's "Identity and Inequality Reporter".

Some thoughts.

Yes, the generalization is insane. AMALT. Period.

Does it occur to these supposed academics, at any point, to honestly investigate the underlying causes of the rapid rise in these online incel communities? If not, is that due to a lack of interest or because they know the answers will run counter to their ideological gospels?

Finally, I recently had a friend submit an article for publication with the American Bar Association. He is a matrimonial dissolution (divorce) attorney, who teaches law at a UC school. The article was a well formed and dryly academic take on why far more women file for divorce than men. Not only was the article flatly rejected, his membership with the ABA has been "put under review". I read the article for him. Numerous times. It was far less ideological or pedantic than this article.

This whole thread is becoming yet another confirmation that almost all media is disastrously bent and dominated by ideological minders.

Currently out of office.

Van Plows into 8 People In Toronto

Yeah this one is a real tough call. I don’t think it’s the “incel” part as much as it is just the way men are treated.

Consider that Chad will usually not be a good person. In competitive culture that is sort of the deal men have been handed. Which would be fine in most instances.

But in places like Toronto, where as a person who isn’t a high value person has to hang around you can run into some major difficulties.

What has been my saving grace over the years, has been communities like Magic The Gathering, Warhammer, Yu Gi Oh etc.... It use to be video games, *(and still is just to a lesser extent)

Chad is looked highly upon by women, maybe by some men but not by the quiet people who simply try not to engage in the Outside one mid step and you could end up messed.

Van Plows into 8 People In Toronto

Quote: (04-29-2018 10:32 PM)TheOriginalSniggler Wrote:  

Yeah this one is a real tough call. I don’t think it’s the “incel” part as much as it is just the way men are treated.

Consider that Chad will usually not be a good person. In competitive culture that is sort of the deal men have been handed. Which would be fine in most instances.

But in places like Toronto, where as a person who isn’t a high value person has to hang around you can run into some major difficulties.

What has been my saving grace over the years, has been communities like Magic The Gathering, Warhammer, Yu Gi Oh etc.... It use to be video games, *(and still is just to a lesser extent)

Chad is looked highly upon by women, maybe by some men but not by the quiet people who simply try not to engage in the Outside one mid step and you could end up messed.

Good first post. Humble, insightful, and points to something worth considering:

In this community, we not only value masculinity, but also moral standards. It's no accident that there are so many devout Christians, and threads about theology, appearing here.

Let's be frank: the average player (as often as not self-taught) has no regard for any of the other socio-political analysis which the Red Pill has led us to. Many of them behave like psychopaths, and sow destruction in their wake.

While we should all aspire to adhere to the 'Alpha Male' persona through actions, let's not mistake the Alpha Male for virtue.

Chad is just as much at fault for this situation as Virgin Steve.

Van Plows into 8 People In Toronto

A major part of swallowing the red pill is seeing that a lot of Chads are actually fun, happy, gregarious guys.

Just because they don't care a whit for a dime-a-dozen tramp doesn't mean they're not good people.

They are not the type of people that I would choose to be best friends with necessarily, but it's far too simple to say they are just monsters and all women love monsters and so the only way you can have success is to be a monster too (but you are just too good a guy to do that so you will martyr yourself... blah blah).

Van Plows into 8 People In Toronto

Toxic masculinity vs toxic femininity:

[Image: dont1212.jpg?resize=371%2C480]

Women are almost fully responsible for throwing their children into the trash - sometimes those kids dying/freezing.

The idea that you need to "deal" with this issue of toxic femininity is as ridiculous as the idea that you need to deal with masculinity when some men go mad. Psychopaths and madmen - and mad women - will exist always. The more destroyed the sexual market is, then the more there will be of them. For example - if 80% of all men were restricted from all mating and all the women would be fucking the top 20%, then by golly you would see daily such incidents until society collapses.

Currently it happens once a blue moon and is hardly worth the mention anymore than a dead trash can baby is worth to demonize all of women.

Van Plows into 8 People In Toronto

Quote: (04-25-2018 10:01 AM)Jetset Wrote:  

Look at how vulnerable de Blasio has become in New York over his kid gloves treatment of the homeless. For all the bitching they did about the injustice of it all, people don't want the pre-Giuliani city of the Bad Old Days back. SJW NIMBYism: yes, I believe in the rights of the homeless to sleep on the sidewalks, just not sidewalks I need to walk on. This is far more dramatic and imminent. The more aware people become of actual semi-organized dens of bitter misfits praising each other for murdering the high-functioning, the less sympathetic they're going to be.

I doubt that this is the media's agenda. It's always been my sense that by offering obsessive coverage of police killings meant to create a debate about the treatment of African-Americans, they unwittingly made many people more fearful of African-American criminals than anyone has been in a generation. Likewise for coverage of violence by people with mental illnesses and developmental disorders. That's not going to end with widespread liberal emoting, "why didn't he get the help he needed for his toxic masculinity, why do we allow people to buy guns", it's going to end with "get this meowing creep the hell out of my neighborhood, yesterday so the rest of us can bang out in peace".

It has already happened to a certain degree with sex offenders. They can't live "too close" to schools or anyplace where there are children. It is basically becoming impossible for them to live.

And "sex offender" has become a useless term. Take a piss outside in a public place, and you can get that label.

Van Plows into 8 People In Toronto

Roosh got name-dropped in a Vice article (quoted to avoid clicks):


For a long time, Daulton Dickey was an “utter failure” at romance—a struggle he says led him to deeply resent women.

Dickey, 39, told VICE that while growing up he had some friends who were girls, but he would fantasize about having romantic relationships with them and become upset when they ultimately rejected him. He admits he viewed women as “subservient” and says in hindsight, that’s likely why they weren’t interested in him.

“I dehumanized women and reconstructed them as characters performing in the theater of my mind, where they were meant to think, act, and behave as I thought they should,” he said. “They existed to please men, to maintain domestic order, to have children, to prolong the species.”

The Indiana-based writer, who penned a blog post last year called How Misogynists Think: Confessions of a Reformed Misogynist, told VICE when he hears about violent attacks that appear to be based in misogyny, such as the Toronto van massacre that left 10 people dead and many others injured this week, there’s a part of him that feels guilty.

“For years I helped to propagate the kind of thinking that led to these atrocious acts, then for years I remained silent when I’d managed to turn my worldview around.”

Alek Minassian, 25, has been charged with 10 counts of first-degree murder and 13 counts of attempted murder after allegedly plowing a rented van into at least 25 Torontonians near the Yonge and Finch intersection Monday. It is the deadliest mass murder the city has ever experienced, and the deadliest in Canada since the 1989 massacre at Montreal’s École Polytechnique, in which 14 women were murdered. Most of the Toronto van attack victims were women, according to police, including a single mother to a seven-year-old boy, a 30-year-old who worked at an investment management firm, and a fiesty elderly cancer survivor, though not all the names have been released.

Just before the attack, Minassian posted a Facebook message that said: “The Incel Rebellion has already begun! We will overthrow all the Chads and Stacys! All hail the Supreme Gentleman Elliot Rodger!”

Rodger went on a rampage in Isla Vista, California in May 2014, murdering six students from University of California, Santa Barbara and killing himself. The 22-year-old left behind a manifesto detailing his hatred towards women and resentment over the fact that he was still a virgin. To some members of the incel community, which stands for “involuntarily celibate,” Rodger became a hero. (Chads and Stacys are monikers incels use to describe men and women who are sexually successful.)

As we wait for more details to emerge about the van attack, conversations around toxic masculinity, misogyny, and male entitlement are already taking place. In part, that’s because misogyny that manifests itself in extreme violence is nothing new.

Alexandre Bissonnette, the 28-year-old responsible for slaughtering six Muslim men in Quebec City last year, obsessively subscribed to alt-right media that frequently derides “social justice warriors.” Marc Lepine, who carried out the École Polytechnique massacre, shouted “I hate feminists" as he gunned women down. And that’s to say nothing of the cases of femicide that occur across the country on a regular basis—a woman in Canada is killed by her male partner every six days.

But what is causing the rage behind these attacks?

“The nexus is racism, misogyny, and loneliness,” said Judith Taylor, a women and gender studies professor at the University of Toronto. “There’s a resentment against feminism for changing society such that wives aren’t dispersed equally and evenly among men… and a resentment against immigrants and people of colour for either showing themselves to be more masculine or taking jobs and educational positions that should be the purview of white men.”

Sidenote: it is truly demonstrative of the utter shamelessness of Vice's intellectual rigour that they would mention the idea of white men being "out-alpha-ed" by immigrants when the three examples of mass murderer they mention in this article (Marc Lepine, Elliot Rodger and Alek Minassian) are all themselves of immigrant background. Minassian is Armenian. Lepine had a Muslim Arab father and was born Gamil Rodrigue Liass Gharbi. Elliot Rodger's mother was Chinese.

The tendency of some of these men to commiserate online amongst like-minded individuals can be unhealthy, Taylor told VICE, noting the inadequacy they feel is exacerbated by social media feeds that make it seem like everyone else is thriving and popular.

“We need men’s clubs where you can go every Monday night, have a drink, and talk about your emotions and about how you hate your boss,” she said. “Social media acts as a very poor substitute for that.”

Nicolas, 28, of London, Ontario, told VICE he got sucked into pick-up artist culture online in his mid-20s, which eventually graduated into him consuming red-pill material. Red-pillers, many who call Reddit home, believe that men are oppressed by feminism, among other things.

“One minute I was reading dating advice, which drew upon human psychology and how to connect with women, next minute writers I felt I trusted were talking about how women were fundamentally untrustworthy,” said Nicolas.

In the wake of the Toronto massacre, infamous pick-up artist Roosh V tweeted, “Alek Minnasian wouldn't have killed people with a van if the media had not inoculated him and other lonely men against effective game teachers like myself. Sleeping with only two or three Toronto Tinder sluts would have been enough to stop his urge to kill.” His comment, aside from being extremely offensive, neglects the fact that plenty of violent killers are in fact sexually active and in relationships.

Nicolas said he grew up very shy with a speech impediment, and graduated college with no sexual experience. When he found pick up communities, which instruct men with confidence issues on how to pick up women using techniques like “negging” (insulting) them, he said he felt he had “discovered a secret code to understanding dating and the wider world of women.” He paid money to participate in seduction seminars, which included harassing women in public places like the mall. Looking back on it, he said he doesn’t fully regret his dabble in pick-up artistry, though their messaging is toxic.

“For the first time in my life, I was able to talk to women,” he said. “I'm actually grateful for that; if it had been a total failure (like my college dating life) maybe I would have been less questioning in swallowing the misogynistic 'red pill' philosophy.”

He said there was at times violent language “but it seemed cartoonish and deployed to shock.” However when he checked on the sites he used to frequent more recently, he observed shocking calls for sexual violence geared towards feminist celebrities like Amy Schumer and Lena Dunham.

“I feel sickened but weirdly guilty that I ever played a part in that whole world. I worry that people who read my posts, or sent me messages, might be the ones who go on to commit these kind of attacks.”

Taylor told VICE many of the people who participate in communities like incel online would never actually consider murdering someone, but there is a militarized language that’s sometimes used.

“They may have encouraged someone to kill themselves or to murder other people because they see the internet as this harmless fantasy video game which it patently is not,” she said.

She also highlighted the incel community’s self-awareness, pointing to one of their acronyms, NEET which stands for “not in education, employment, or training.” What they’re saying is if they’re not thriving economically, their self-worth plummets, she explained, noting that should be a wake-up call to CEOs, parents, the government, and other people in these men’s lives.

“People just want jobs and want to feel connected and want to feel praised and want to feel valued, it’s not that big of a mystery.”

For Dickey, who considers himself a mental health advocate, his moment of enlightenment came when he realized he was making fun a female celebrity’s mental illness simply because she was a woman.

“That line of reasoning led me to realize that I was a misogynist. And it hit me like a sledgehammer to the throat.”


Van Plows into 8 People In Toronto

Quote: (04-30-2018 05:49 PM)HighSpeed_LowDrag Wrote:  

Roosh got name-dropped in a Vice article (quoted to avoid clicks):

For a long time, Daulton Dickey was an “utter failure” at romance—a struggle he says led him to deeply resent women.

Dickey, 39, told VICE that while growing up he had some friends who were girls, but he would fantasize about having romantic relationships with them and become upset when they ultimately rejected him.

Was? I bet dollars to donuts this chode still doesn't get laid.


He admits he viewed women as “subservient” and says in hindsight, that’s likely why they weren’t interested in him.

He "viewed them as subservient" while he was groveling at the base of the pedestal begging for just a sniff?...Yeah right..

- Does She Have The "Happy Gene" ?
-Inversion Therapy
-Let's lead by example

"Leap, and the net will appear". John Burroughs

"The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure."
Joseph Campbell

Van Plows into 8 People In Toronto

Quote: (04-30-2018 06:00 PM)PapayaTapper Wrote:  

Was? I bet dollars to donuts this chode still doesn't get laid.

The ex-RedPiller mentioned in the article, presented without comment:

[Image: screenshot_48.png]


Van Plows into 8 People In Toronto

Quote: (04-30-2018 06:00 PM)PapayaTapper Wrote:  


He admits he viewed women as “subservient” and says in hindsight, that’s likely why they weren’t interested in him.

He "viewed them as subservient" while he was groveling at the base of the pedestal begging for just a sniff?...Yeah right..

This mentality exists.

I used to live with a guy who could be described as a male supremacist loser. He claimed to have incredibly high standards, not just for how a woman should look but in every other criteria of her life if she were to be worthy of him. By age 25 his notch count was 3, the best of which was a bitchy asian 4 who (like his other two notches) failed on every criteria he'd ever set out.

The capacity for self-delusion is infinite.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Van Plows into 8 People In Toronto

Quote: (04-26-2018 01:38 PM)FrenchCanadian Wrote:  

Reminds me a lot of Marc L'Épine the nutjob who comitted the Polytechnique massacre in 1989, in Montreal.


Twenty-five-year-old Marc Lépine, armed with a rifle and a hunting knife, shot 28 people, killing 14 women, before committing suicide. He began his attack by entering a classroom at the university, where he separated the male and female students. After claiming that he was "fighting feminism" and calling the women "a bunch of feminists," he shot all nine women in the room, killing six. He then moved through corridors, the cafeteria, and another classroom, specifically targeting women to shoot. Overall, he killed fourteen women and injured ten other women and four men in just under 20 minutes before turning the gun on himself. His suicide note claimed political motives and blamed feminists for ruining his life. The note included a list of 19 Quebec women whom Lépine considered to be feminists and apparently wished to kill. It is the deadliest mass shooting in modern Canadian history.

There was a movie about it. (Directed by Denis Villeneuve)

Thanks for sharing this. I was 18 years old back then. Strangely enough, I didn't know this ever happened. If it got any press in the USA, I must have missed it.

This was also before the World Wide Web and cameras everywhere. I suspect if he had done this now, he would have published something somewhere.

Van Plows into 8 People In Toronto

Quote: (04-24-2018 12:22 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Quote: (04-24-2018 08:07 AM)spydersuit Wrote:  

Media or government officials blaming men’s rights activists:


- In high school, "he was always smiling. It wasn't his intention; it was out of his control." That's how a neighbor who once attended Japanese class at Thornlea Secondary School in Ontario with Minassian described him.

He was odd, kept to himself and didn't socialize with other students, the neighbor said.

- He was unknown to Toronto authorities before the van incident, Saunders said, noting: "There's nothing we have ... on him right now."

25yo incel, grinning all the time due to severe social anxiety, autism spectrum.

Then he stumbles upon the 4chan/incel/Game-denialist battalion and this enrages him even further as he supposedly could not do anything - we know that Red Pill while denying Game makes it even worse than trying the Blue Pill state.

Him learning Japanese was obviously an attempt to get a little waifu, but they would have rejected him as well.

Was he turning Japanese as well?

Van Plows into 8 People In Toronto

I don't think much can be done about incels. The very people who caused this are spouting the same bullshit that caused a lot of this situation now in 2018. Let's face it, the environment has changed very quickly in biological terms, many men whose genes had been successful for many iterations of human life now find themselves as evolutionary failures. Technology, primarily smartphones and social media, have fucked this up a lot, but what is really annoying is the armchair feminist "journalists" who claim to know what it is like to be a man, particularly a man not endowed genetically with the best tools to deal with the sudden changes in environment. Even for an odd guy who liked to "meow" to himself, he might have stood a chance for a decent, homely wife a few generations past. He could have used his practical skills to provide. Now he was screwed and it was obviously a source of great pain for him. Any man who has been through a dry spell knows how frustrating it is, and if he is not careful, it can really fuck with his mind. Obviously I do not condone any man that chooses to engage in violence against others as an expression of his "incel rage", but mocking or belittling those with incel rage and even their entire classification as incels just exacerbates the problem by alienating these guys even further, thus likely contributing to more attacks. In order to stop the attacks, you have to remove the incels. Now as feminists secretly wouldn't mind all the incels being removed Hitler-style, you can either choose that, or you can change society and also help these men to create conditions to where they are able to live happy lives with the ability to obtain and maintain intimate relationships with good quality women. I personally think in the West and nowadays a lot of EE this is going to be near impossible. Some guys are just beyond help. On this forum there tends to be less sympathy for men who take little or no action to change things, but there are also a lot of men who despite tons of action still fail. It's not easy to come from a guy like Minassian to a normal, well-adjusted guy, let alone a normal, well adjusted guy with good game from start to finish. Unfortunately there are no "special-Ed" game classes, because these hard cases present so many difficulties that they're mostly impossible to help to any significant extent. I find it cowardly and pretty damn sociopathic for feminists to kick a bunch of people when they are already so far down to begin with. Pretty much all incels live quietly and if they want to kill anyone it's themselves and themselves only. Suicide by cop is technically a "method", but not so commonly used compared to hanging or fentanyl overdoses etc.

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