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Man Sends $40 invoice After Being Ghosted

Man Sends invoice After Being Ghosted

TLDR: Man paid for $40 dinner date. The guy gets ghosted, sends her an invoice. Of course, she calls him some names.

The punchline is that the comments are actually displaying some hope.
  • They are saying that it's not too hard and a basic manner to text back, "I had a good time, but I don't think it will work out." is what she should have done and it's not too hard.
  • They also said that if it was cheap, then why didn't she pay?
  • She just wanted some free meal.
  • Dating scene is fucked up. (From people who are 30+)

Are people waking up? Can man call out all of this on social media and create a movement like #metoo?
call it #ghostedtoo or some shit. Just let it all out...

"Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner."
- Heat

"That's the difference between you and me. You wanna lose small, I wanna win big."

Man Sends invoice After Being Ghosted

Only a butt hurt omega would do this.

Most socially adept men know that it’s a sunk cost, charged to the game. Those with even more smarts would avoid dinner on a first date altogether.

Man Sends invoice After Being Ghosted


Are people waking up? Can man call out all of this on social media and create a movement like #metoo?
call it #ghostedtoo or some shit. Just let it all out...


Not sure what you mean by "waking up" anyway.

If you're holding out for the day butthurt losers will get the attention you think they deserve, you're barking up the wrong tree.

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

Man Sends invoice After Being Ghosted

Quote: (04-18-2018 07:33 PM)Windom Earle Wrote:  

Only a butt hurt omega would do this.

Most socially adept men know that it’s a sunk cost, charged to the game. Those with even more smarts would avoid dinner on a first date altogether.

Maybe sending an invoice would be perceived as an "omega behavior."
However, calling out is needed or else this trend would keep on going, don't you think?

"Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner."
- Heat

"That's the difference between you and me. You wanna lose small, I wanna win big."

Man Sends invoice After Being Ghosted

While I agree that this is not something I’d do, it is an overall positive that “normal” people are calling out girls (and getting positive feedback) on shit girl behavior.

Man Sends invoice After Being Ghosted

Sex first. Nachos after [Image: hump.gif]

Team Nachos

Man Sends invoice After Being Ghosted

Quote: (04-18-2018 07:36 PM)Rhyme or Reason Wrote:  


Are people waking up? Can man call out all of this on social media and create a movement like #metoo?
call it #ghostedtoo or some shit. Just let it all out...


Not sure what you mean by "waking up" anyway.

If you're holding out for the day butthurt losers will get the attention you think they deserve, you're barking up the wrong tree.

No. I am talking about blue pilled guys living in delusional world waking up that this is actually rude and having the balls to call the BS out.

Not living in a mom's basement with a fat belly eating chips, thinking that they deserve 9s and 10s. Idk where you are getting your assumptions. Maybe I should have elaborated more, but I think we had some misunderstanding. Overall, we are going towards the same direction.

"Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner."
- Heat

"That's the difference between you and me. You wanna lose small, I wanna win big."

Man Sends invoice After Being Ghosted

This, my friends, is why it pays to be friends with women. People on this forum knock having female friends, but I say it's essential.

Why? Because when women let their guard down with you, then you get to hear stories about how they fleeced certain "losers" for free meals -- or free help with taxes, etc.

All women aren't like this. But some are, and after a while it gets easier to spot which are which. This guy didn't and got burned.

By the way, I've stayed in touch with a lot of my exes, and found that a couple of them aged into being like this, but they weren't like this with me. So, women will take advantage of only certain men. I think this is basic human nature. We know who we can push.

So it makes sense not to come off like a pushover. I'd suggest something else for a first date, like wandering around the artsy or historic section of a city.

If there is anything we can learn from ancient art (besides that the Greeks just LOVED men -- hehe), it's that the male body looks better moving than when still (this is the polar opposite of the female body). So you're more attractive to a woman when you're in motion than when you're sitting like a lump in some "craft brewery," like these two.

Finally, introducing some motion into a date is also a good way to weed out lard-asses. If you haven't met the woman in person and she complains about a potential date with lots of walking, she's probably a secret porker. Either bail on the date or come prepared with a wheelbarrow of Little Debbie's and Ho-Ho's.

Man Sends invoice After Being Ghosted

Quote: (04-18-2018 07:41 PM)Pacesetter20 Wrote:  

While I agree that this is not something I’d do, it is an overall positive that “normal” people are calling out girls (and getting positive feedback) on shit girl behavior.

Yes, I do agree it's pretty petty, but I think it's better than just accepting her frame and moving on.

"Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner."
- Heat

"That's the difference between you and me. You wanna lose small, I wanna win big."

Man Sends invoice After Being Ghosted

This is why you never take girls out for dinner on first date. Never. Drinks only and if she says no, next her.

Man Sends invoice After Being Ghosted

Quote: (04-18-2018 07:43 PM)bgbusiness Wrote:  

Quote: (04-18-2018 07:36 PM)Rhyme or Reason Wrote:  


Are people waking up? Can man call out all of this on social media and create a movement like #metoo?
call it #ghostedtoo or some shit. Just let it all out...


Not sure what you mean by "waking up" anyway.

If you're holding out for the day butthurt losers will get the attention you think they deserve, you're barking up the wrong tree.

No. I am talking about blue pilled guys living in delusional world waking up that this is actually rude and having the balls to call the BS out.

Not living in a mom's basement with a fat belly eating chips, thinking that they deserve 9s and 10s. Idk where you are getting your assumptions.

Your false assumption that anyone gives a fuck that it's 'actually rude and should be called out' is what is bluepill.

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

Man Sends invoice After Being Ghosted

Quote: (04-18-2018 07:45 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

This, my friends, is why it pays to be friends with women. People on this forum knock having female friends, but I say it's essential.

Better yet, be friends/relatives with rough-around-the-edges Samoan women. They'll just go and beat the bitch's ass. Then they'll go after her brother.


Man Sends invoice After Being Ghosted

Quote: (04-18-2018 07:50 PM)Rhyme or Reason Wrote:  

Your false assumption that anyone gives a fuck that it's 'actually rude and should be called out' is what is bluepill.

Not sure what you are trying to say...
So you are saying that she doesn't "owe" anybody anything?

"Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner."
- Heat

"That's the difference between you and me. You wanna lose small, I wanna win big."

Man Sends invoice After Being Ghosted


Man Sends invoice After Being Ghosted

Quote: (04-18-2018 07:41 PM)Pacesetter20 Wrote:  

While I agree that this is not something I’d do, it is an overall positive that “normal” people are calling out girls (and getting positive feedback) on shit girl behavior.

The more men that start calling out disrespectful female behavior, the better.

If she wanted to ghost him, she should have split the check.

She wanted the free ride.

Honestly, would any of us take a free meal from anyone and then pretend they don't exist? This behavior only happens in entitled young female world.

Man Sends invoice After Being Ghosted

Sending a woman an invoice when she ghosts is weird. She'll just throw it in the trash and you'll look like a weirdo.

Sending her an IRS form 1099-misc for the 40$ of income she "earned" by stiffing you, on the other hand, and then filing a copy with the IRS, so that she either reports it and pays the taxes or faces penalties and an audit...
That would probably still be beta, but at least it would be entertaining.

Someone pulled that little stunt with a guy I know over a business dispute, and it's making a giant mess of his taxes this year. You can sue in civil court to recover damages, which is what he's doing, but damages on 40$ are likely to be negligible and it's probably legitimate anyway since it was received income. (No idea, not a tax lawyer.)

I wouldn't bother, because it's still beta, but if you want to get even with somebody who costs you money that's how you do it, not this petty "made for viral content" shit.

Man Sends invoice After Being Ghosted

He should have taken it as a $40 lesson that you meet girls for drinks and not dinner on a first date.

Man Sends invoice After Being Ghosted

Quote: (04-18-2018 08:58 PM)Cobra Wrote:  



Man Sends invoice After Being Ghosted

Quote: (04-18-2018 08:58 PM)Cobra Wrote:  



"Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner."
- Heat

"That's the difference between you and me. You wanna lose small, I wanna win big."

Man Sends invoice After Being Ghosted

What we're butting into is that some people still think there should be something called "common decency" and others feel that shit left the station a long time ago.

I applaud shaming people for bad behavior, generally speaking. I'm not sure this is really the way to do it, but can we think of another way? Its a double edged sword. Anything that shames women also shames the man. If every guy on Facebook put up a picture of the girl who dined and dashed on him, that might shame them, but it would also make the guy look bad, ie a loser, which is exactly the opposite of the picture he wants people to think about him. Guys are in a lose-lose situation where only being an asshole wins. But that's a loss for society as a whole.

Man Sends invoice After Being Ghosted

Buying a girl $40 dinner on a first date = simp behavior.
Being upset when she loses interest in you = simp behavior.
Taking passive-aggressive, spiteful action against her = simp behavior.
Thinking that you will ever teach her/women in general a lesson in this area = MASSIVE SIMP BEHAVIOR.

Trust me: Women won't ever learn, because they already know. They're Ph.D.-level experts on the subject. Simps are simps, there will always be simps, and simps exist for one reason: to be exploited & discarded.

You can't change the game. You can, however, be thankful that you understand the game well enough to be above this kind of foolishness.

Man Sends invoice After Being Ghosted

Quote: (04-18-2018 09:16 PM)Graft Wrote:  

Quote: (04-18-2018 07:41 PM)Pacesetter20 Wrote:  

While I agree that this is not something I’d do, it is an overall positive that “normal” people are calling out girls (and getting positive feedback) on shit girl behavior.

The more men that start calling out disrespectful female behavior, the better.

If she wanted to ghost him, she should have split the check.

She wanted the free ride.

Honestly, would any of us take a free meal from anyone and then pretend they don't exist? This behavior only happens in entitled young female world.

I agree with you in principle here, but think I need to point out that a lot of men have done worse than this -- myself included.

The question we might ask here is: Would any of us get intimate with a girl (ahem) and then pretend she doesn't exist? I stand guilty as charged and I'll bet virtually everyone here is too.

When I was this girl's age, there were a bunch of time I blew off women with whom I'd gotten sexual. At the time, it seemed like a humane thing to do. I felt as if I was doing these girls a favor by not dealing with them again.

After all, what girl wants to hear the truth? What girl wants to hear: "I just found you weird" or "Sorry! I got back with my girlfriend the next day! Oops!" or "I can't stand those stupid showtunes you play all the time" (all of these were actual reasons I blew off girls and all seemed very reasonable at the time).

Women take dinners from us then ghost us. We accept sexual favors from them and don't return their calls. It probably evens out in the end. "The love you take is equal to the love you make," as the Beatles once observed.

Man Sends invoice After Being Ghosted

What does he think the $40 was buying? Didn't they put $40 of food in front of him?

If he is this uptight (and Jewish with money) the date was likely a nightmare for the broad. If he expected sex for $40 he should have said so, not thought to himself "I spend $40 you fuck and suck" and expected a mind-reader.

As others have said you treat a girl you are already fucking to a nice meal, not act like a passive agressive John who the girl must fuck after a certain dollar amount.

Man Sends invoice After Being Ghosted

Quote: (04-18-2018 09:54 PM)Shimmy Wrote:  

He should have taken it as a $40 lesson that you meet girls for drinks and not dinner on a first date.

I fully agree! He should have taken it as a lesson. However, if you read the article, the bill was for a little less than $40 ($39.52) and of that, $20 + 7% Sales Tax (=21.40), or about 54%, was for two drinks. The man also "charged" $1.99 processing fee and $0.47 for "shipping and handling." Hence, if he'd only pay for her drinks his bill would still be for $23.86, or 60%.

As to the guy's behavior here, I think it borders on insane. One definition of insanity is having a false perception of reality. In this world, unless you agree in advance to go Dutch, the man pays. Even if you don't subscribe to that, just paying the bill in the first place constituted accepting the cost of the date as his responsibility. The girl was rude to ghost him, true; we don't know why, but rude she was. However, that does not imply that she owes him anything. Therefore, my layman's opinion is that what he did can be construed as harassment.

Man Sends invoice After Being Ghosted

I'm amazed American restaurants do as much business as they do. These days they charge like $25-40 for a bite sized portion on a dinner plate. No thanks. If simp game goes bust many of these restaurants might be dead in the water.

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