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Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

It's very odd that they aren't concerned about it. If you told me that my cholesterol or red cells or any other common blood test was severely off, I think I'd freak out.

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Quote: (10-31-2017 02:52 AM)Captainstabbin Wrote:  

It's very odd that they aren't concerned about it. If you told me that my cholesterol or red cells or any other common blood test was severely off, I think I'd freak out.

Apparently soy lowered their IQ as well.

“As long as you are going to be thinking anyway, think big.” - Donald J. Trump

"I don't get all the women I want, I get all the women who want me." - David Lee Roth

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)


Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Working at buzzfeed seems like hell. Did you see near the end of the video all the clowns that work there.

The asian dude was definetely the most "manly" and attractive guy from the 4. He probably started working as a normal male but being in that environment, where one must conceal all thoughts and words I could imagine myself becoming more soy by the day.

I wonder what these people talk about during lunch? Whatever it is, I would probably have to keep my mouth shut.

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

[Image: image.jpg]

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Quote: (10-30-2017 06:53 PM)Conscious Pirate Wrote:  

Quote: (10-30-2017 03:42 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  

What have you done today?

I haven’t consumed any fucking soy. Will that do?

Yes it will.

Few know this.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

I’d love to see the T scores for these Facebook/Twitter/Google Representatives. Especially the last guy:


Take care of those titties for me.

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Quote: (10-30-2017 03:06 PM)scrambled Wrote:  

Quote: (10-30-2017 01:26 PM)gework Wrote:  

The affect Christianity had on society was one of accidental eugenics. The priestly caste appear to have been people with physically weak genes;

Err, the Monks were the smartest of society, celibacy was diseugenic. High quality males are either smarter or stronger than the average, almost nobody is both.

The monks were getting laid.. just their heirs had no legal standing to inherit property. Back in the Dark Ages, Roman law was still supreme.. which dictated that the eldest son inherited the estate. The Church, needing to keep land (land = wealth) was having none of this. With no legal right to marry... you could have no legitimate sons. Therefore, all land stayed as assets to the Church.

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Quote: (10-30-2017 06:44 PM)Thersites Wrote:  

If any man what to increase there T levels, follow what Hell_Is_Like_Newark said. By the Newark, congrats on your son.

Thank you Sir!

BTW.. for those younger men here on RooshV.. kids are awesome.. they complete you.. they do the same for the mother of your children (Feminism is spiritual death). It is in our DNA and a product of 250k+ years of evolution. We aren't not destined to play endless video games, turning into some fucking fat neck beard on the couch. We are meant to create our heirs, giving them the tools to live an even more fantastic life than we ourselves enjoyed... whilst enjoying seeing them turn from children into free thinking men and women.

Sorry.. too many glasses of scotch tonight... in a good mood.. please forgive me...

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Quote: (10-31-2017 09:28 PM)Hell_Is_Like_Newark Wrote:  

Quote: (10-30-2017 06:44 PM)Thersites Wrote:  

If any man what to increase there T levels, follow what Hell_Is_Like_Newark said. By the Newark, congrats on your son.

Thank you Sir!

BTW.. for those younger men here on RooshV.. kids are awesome.. they complete you.. they do the same for the mother of your children (Feminism is spiritual death). It is in our DNA and a product of 250k+ years of evolution. We aren't not destined to play endless video games, turning into some fucking fat neck beard on the couch. We are meant to create our heirs, giving them the tools to live an even more fantastic life than we ourselves enjoyed... whilst enjoying seeing them turn from children into free thinking men and women.

Sorry.. too many glasses of scotch tonight... in a good mood.. please forgive me...

Word. My dirty (very dirty) texts with my girlfriend always involve her saying "Get me pregnant!!!"

As Nietzsche said: "Everything about woman is a riddle, and everything about woman has a single solution: that is, pregnancy."

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Quote: (10-31-2017 09:28 PM)Hell_Is_Like_Newark Wrote:  

Quote: (10-30-2017 06:44 PM)Thersites Wrote:  

If any man what to increase there T levels, follow what Hell_Is_Like_Newark said. By the Newark, congrats on your son.

Thank you Sir!

BTW.. for those younger men here on RooshV.. kids are awesome.. they complete you.. they do the same for the mother of your children (Feminism is spiritual death). It is in our DNA and a product of 250k+ years of evolution. We aren't not destined to play endless video games, turning into some fucking fat neck beard on the couch. We are meant to create our heirs, giving them the tools to live an even more fantastic life than we ourselves enjoyed... whilst enjoying seeing them turn from children into free thinking men and women.

Sorry.. too many glasses of scotch tonight... in a good mood.. please forgive me...

No need, as long as your happy that's all that matters. Do ya your thang! Also definitely congrats on your son.

Me personally the idea of me having children or a wifey has never appealed to me, but maybe I'll feel differently when I'm like in my 60's. Though the feeling of just getting a vasectomy gets stronger within me as the year's pass. Weird I know!

Tom Leykis / Leykis 101:

-Never do what you don't want to do. You make the money, you decide where you are going and what you are doing.
-Don't ask a woman what she wants to do.
-Never get involved with a co-worker unless you don't mind losing your job over it.
-Never spend more than $40 on a date. If possible, let her pay for everything or 50/50.
-If she doesn't bang you by the third date, Dump That Bitch (DTB).
-No spooning, cuddling, hugging, or staying over. Get in, get out!
-Never be in a committed relationship UNTIL you are 25+ or really ready to settle down.
-Men age like fine wine, women age like milk.

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Quote: (11-01-2017 12:30 AM)Aurini Wrote:  

Quote: (10-31-2017 09:28 PM)Hell_Is_Like_Newark Wrote:  

Quote: (10-30-2017 06:44 PM)Thersites Wrote:  

If any man what to increase there T levels, follow what Hell_Is_Like_Newark said. By the Newark, congrats on your son.

Thank you Sir!

BTW.. for those younger men here on RooshV.. kids are awesome.. they complete you.. they do the same for the mother of your children...

Sorry.. too many glasses of scotch tonight... in a good mood.. please forgive me...

Word. My dirty (very dirty) texts with my girlfriend always involve her saying "Get me pregnant!!!"

As Nietzsche said: "Everything about woman is a riddle, and everything about woman has a single solution: that is, pregnancy."

Tell a prospective notch that you're seriously considering confiscating her birth control.

But put on your wading boots first.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

More crying about "soy" insults:

Title says it all.

Obligatory picture of the author

[Image: 1*-zTCctRWUlSJqSpDetdj4Q.jpeg]

As they say; "When you throw a rock into a pack of dogs, the one that yelps is the one that got hit".

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Damn, I glad I hopped on TRT and said goodbye to USA. Cum Cocktails and testosterone levels in the 400s? Fuck all that noise. I really don't know how men survive with such low levels. Anything below high natural feels like garbage.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

I noticed The Independent, which is increasingly becoming Teen Vouge, propelled by 23 year olds who just make things up and can't get anything right, just put out an article:

Soy boy: What is this new online insult used by the far right?

She completely misses the point, with several glaring errors, including her assertion that:


God forbid anyone be an actual woman.

Failing to realise this insult comes from a place of criticising men for being feminine and by extention women for not being so.

The article also states:


that soy products increase men’s oestrogen levels, even though this hasn’t been scientifically proven

Yet less than two months ago the same author wrote this article in which she states:


Soya can act like oestrogen which makes it harder to lose weight

This is the kind of hate only a far-right bigot could spew. These people live in a dream world and this girl needs some soy:

[Image: IMG_2144.JPG]

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Can we get a list of soy based terms?

I have heard:

Soy boy.

Maximum soy.

Deep soy.

I made up one, though it is too obvious not to have been used already:

Because soy.

This term is also a good red pill test for men you know but are on the fence about. I have been saying to people, "Do you know what the new insult for men is?"

Usually they don't get it at first, but when you explain it is a catch all insult for effeminate men and hipsters, they usually laugh. Once they realize it is a metaphor and not specifically about soy, they think it is funny.

The rest, like the authors of all these articles posted in this thread, literally do not get the insult.

Like that chick in the article I commented on, who somehow thought it meant men who drank regular milk were considered masculine.

The left makes fun of people all the time, and they cannot seem to perceive the concept that someone might be making fun of them. Does not compute.

This may be a possible litmus test for who you can share your real thoughts with.

People who laugh at soy.

I haven't tried explaining it to any women yet, but I bet they will find it hilarious as well, loving, as they do, anything that makes fun of betas.

You can tell the women who won't laugh just by how they look probably.

This is a great insult, and I am using it till I get tired of it. "Cuck" never worked for me. Too raw. Too graphic.

I am on the soy train however.

Hope I don't grow mental man tits.

But end up the Designated Hitler.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Quote: (10-31-2017 02:52 AM)Captainstabbin Wrote:  

It's very odd that they aren't concerned about it. If you told me that my cholesterol or red cells or any other common blood test was severely off, I think I'd freak out.

Because testosterone is evil and oppressive. The less of that shit in your bloodstream the better! <sarc off>

"The sheep pretend the wolf will never come, but the sheepdog lives for that day."
– Lt. Col. Dave Grossman

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Quote: (11-01-2017 02:12 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  

Can we get a list of soy based terms?

The lost soys:

[Image: cbf.jpg]

[Image: 2b6d90f13b199b2e9297d1c3c332ddc7--femini...quotes.jpg]

Note the emphasis on never.

Cultural reference:

[Image: the-lost-boys-5140dd76e933d.png]

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)


I heard that somewhere on the forum. The appearance of those ''journalists'' reminded me of that phrase. After all, I guess it is just a soycial construct.

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

You can take words or sentence with the word "boy" and change it to "soy".

soy will be soy

silly soy

old boy => old soy

schoolboy => school soy

office boy => office soy

wonder boy => wonder soy

boyfriend => soy friend

boyish => soyish

a soyish haircut

a soyish face

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

[Image: 1yn0rk.jpg]

"A stripper last night brought up "Rich Dad Poor Dad" when I mentioned, "Think and Grow Rich""

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Quote: (11-01-2017 12:56 AM)Cumlluminates Wrote:  

Quote: (10-31-2017 09:28 PM)Hell_Is_Like_Newark Wrote:  

Quote: (10-30-2017 06:44 PM)Thersites Wrote:  

If any man what to increase there T levels, follow what Hell_Is_Like_Newark said. By the Newark, congrats on your son.

Thank you Sir!

BTW.. for those younger men here on RooshV.. kids are awesome.. they complete you.. they do the same for the mother of your children (Feminism is spiritual death). It is in our DNA and a product of 250k+ years of evolution. We aren't not destined to play endless video games, turning into some fucking fat neck beard on the couch. We are meant to create our heirs, giving them the tools to live an even more fantastic life than we ourselves enjoyed... whilst enjoying seeing them turn from children into free thinking men and women.

Sorry.. too many glasses of scotch tonight... in a good mood.. please forgive me...

No need, as long as your happy that's all that matters. Do ya your thang! Also definitely congrats on your son.

Me personally the idea of me having children or a wifey has never appealed to me, but maybe I'll feel differently when I'm like in my 60's. Though the feeling of just getting a vasectomy gets stronger within me as the year's pass. Weird I know!
Don't wait until your 60's, that is like a woman that is 43 deciding she is ready for children. I know your lifestyle will take a hit but try to do it before 48, you want to be able to run around with them.

Delicious Tacos is the voice of my generation....

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Quote: (11-01-2017 02:12 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  

Can we get a list of soy based terms?

I have heard:

Soy boy.

Maximum soy.

Deep soy.

I made up one, though it is too obvious not to have been used already:

Because soy.

This term is also a good red pill test for men you know but are on the fence about. I have been saying to people, "Do you know what the new insult for men is?"

Usually they don't get it at first, but when you explain it is a catch all insult for effeminate men and hipsters, they usually laugh. Once they realize it is a metaphor and not specifically about soy, they think it is funny.

The rest, like the authors of all these articles posted in this thread, literally do not get the insult.

Like that chick in the article I commented on, who somehow thought it meant men who drank regular milk were considered masculine.

The left makes fun of people all the time, and they cannot seem to perceive the concept that someone might be making fun of them. Does not compute.

This may be a possible litmus test for who you can share your real thoughts with.

People who laugh at soy.

I haven't tried explaining it to any women yet, but I bet they will find it hilarious as well, loving, as they do, anything that makes fun of betas.

You can tell the women who won't laugh just by how they look probably.

This is a great insult, and I am using it till I get tired of it. "Cuck" never worked for me. Too raw. Too graphic.

I am on the soy train however.

Hope I don't grow mental man tits.

But end up the Designated Hitler.

Deep Soy State Operative: Male feminists

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

I love the soy insults

I also agree it's better than 'cuck'. 'Cuck' can sometimes be too strong and come across as bitter.

It's a bit like when Antifa say 'Nazi', they have too much emotion in the insult so it just makes them look butthurt.

Soytastic thread

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Quote: (10-31-2017 08:22 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

I’d love to see the T scores for these Facebook/Twitter/Google Representatives. Especially the last guy:


Last guy does not have testosterone. It's a hell spawn without testicles.

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