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Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

What we've suspected has been confirmed by lab testing. Four writers at Buzzfeed got their testosterone checked and they are ALL lower than what you'd expect for a man in the 85-100 age bracket.

[Image: DNV5pOeWkAABcmP.jpg]


The average testosterone level for an American male is a range anywhere from 270 to 1070 ng/dL with an average level of 679 ng/dL.

When a crew from Buzzfeed got their testosterone levels checked as part of an investigation into male attractiveness, 3 out of 4 were apparently low.

Eugene, the Asian guy, was the only one of them to have normal testosterone levels, though he was on the low end of the normal range.

Studies have shown men who are physically strong are more likely to be right-wing, while weak men are more likely to be left-wing socialists.

The results are buried in this video that starts off super gay:


Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

They don't lift, they don't fuck women (often), they play videogames or stare at mobile devices all day, and they've been exposed to endocrine disruptors since the womb. Who's surprised?

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Last I saw, the new narrative will be to insinuate that a low T level is actually the "new normal".

They'll probably double down on their soy-lattes in addition.

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Makes sense. The left only exists due to women. These men are an extension of that.

[Image: laughing-gifs-foolish-human.gif]

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Quote: (10-29-2017 08:38 PM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

Last I saw, the new narrative will be to insinuate that a low T level is actually the "new normal".

Correct, the WHO is lowering the bar with sperm counts, which is directly correlated to T levels:


Sperm count, or sperm concentration to avoid confusion with total sperm count, measures the concentration of sperm in a man’s ejaculate, distinguished from total sperm count, which is the sperm count multiplied with volume.[5] Over 15 million sperm per milliliter is considered normal, according to the WHO in 2010.[6] Older definitions state 20 million.[2][3]

I wrote about it here:

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

[Image: DNV5pOeWkAABcmP.jpg]

Looks like Ned will win the office award for least problematic male of the month, assuming he's not running on some kind of handicap for being white.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Roosh this one will end up being the best thread of the year. I am in tears as what we have known for very long is true as the fact that the sun will rise tomorrow. Modern soy based urban life is literally the antithesis environment to normal healthy masculine men. All those four men you could say in soy based LA are st the pinnacle of the new economy and modern age working for a mega fluffy media corporation that gives them good day, benefitsx and the ability to rent in downtown LA and travel and all that. Yet, when it comes down to it, all these men have rasian balls, weak sperm, and see basically toss-aways to the the gene pool.

Doughy soy boys. I'm fairly sure also the only heterosexual out of all of them is the Asian dude which explains why he is the only one within a normal (though low) range. The Asian dude likely has a gf that he regular dumps a load into which keeps him from turning into a vegetable.

All these dudes remind me of this dude who I went to school with and now work with. As each passing week goes forward he seems to get more feminine. He is all SJW'd out so I have no idea if he is dating a man or woman as he calls his significant other "partner". He had a fucked up LTR prior and has two kids from it but it's hard to believe he could grunt out two loads with sperm in them as he literally glows like a woman some days with soy boobs and all. He sits with his legs crossed and all that, it is bizarre to witness.

This modern weak lifestyle is almost by design to make men weak and into cucks. I hope his inspires dudes to go to the gym tomorrow and keep on the good fight to combat weaponized soy. It is clear as day it is all intended to make men weak. What more proof do you need than Buzzfeed being packed with soy boys with testosterone levels of teenage boys.

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Labs are lowering the reference range for testosterone

LabCorp changed its reference range for testosterone from 348-1197 ng/dL to 264-916 ng/dL. Note that the entire range has been shifted lower. The company explains their reasoning and says the downward shift reflects two changes: 1) a new CDC standardization for the method used to assay testosterone (since different labs may use different methods, giving somewhat varying results), and 2) the new range “reflects a difference in average subjects with higher BMIs”. Reason number 2 is the most important for our purposes.

50 Ways To Naturally Increase Testosterone

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

I foresee a new 4Chan mockery trend.

"Fight toxic masculinity!
Ingest as much soy as you can!
See how low T you can go!"

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

A quick word: highest average testosterone is in Blacks>Hispanics>Whites>Asians. So even though the Asian guy has the highest the white dudes are woefully deficient given they are genetically predisposed to higher levels on average.

Delicious Tacos is the voice of my generation....

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

It's no surprise that there is a push towards a 'Low-T male society'. Genetically, women are already controlled opposition. Their high oestrogen levels leave them open for globalist manipulation [See: Border control. Their political voice dictated by feels over logic].

This is why there is such a large globalist push for equality. No matter how powerful women become, they know that they'll always be controlled pawns for their agenda. So it makes logical sense that the next globalist weapon is directed at men. They are the power structure which challenges the ruling elite, and if they can't eliminate them, they can certainly weaken them. Enter the targeted attack on testosterone, dramatically increasing the global percentage of low-t, controllable men.

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Not much research here, but this seems a strong indicator that men with higher T are more likely to vote for less government:

[Image: Screenshot_at_2017-10-30_02-07-20.png]

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Quote: (10-29-2017 09:22 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  

A quick word: highest average testosterone is in Blacks>Hispanics>Whites>Asians. So even though the Asian guy has the highest the white dudes are woefully deficient given they are genetically predisposed to higher levels on average.

That isn't accurate. Testosterone levels are fairly steady in all ethnicities. The studies show the difference lies in the number of testosterone receptors. Blacks do have a higher amount, but it's like 120 vs 110.

Also... Hispanics are Asian/European in ethnicity. Why would they be higher in your chart? The closest genetic relative to Native Americans are either Mongolians or Han Chinese... I forget which.

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Quote: (10-29-2017 08:25 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

What we've suspected has been confirmed by lab testing. Four writers at Buzzfeed got their testosterone checked and they are ALL lower than what you'd expect for a man in the 85-100 age bracket.

[Image: DNV5pOeWkAABcmP.jpg]


The average testosterone level for an American male is a range anywhere from 270 to 1070 ng/dL with an average level of 679 ng/dL.

When a crew from Buzzfeed got their testosterone levels checked as part of an investigation into male attractiveness, 3 out of 4 were apparently low.

Eugene, the Asian guy, was the only one of them to have normal testosterone levels, though he was on the low end of the normal range.

Studies have shown men who are physically strong are more likely to be right-wing, while weak men are more likely to be left-wing socialists.

The results are buried in this video that starts off super gay:

Even before I clicked and read I knew he had the higher T level, by looking at the pictures he has the more square jaws between all 4.

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

[Image: 2a26b-__________2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b072bja...tumblr.gif]

"Stop playing by 1950's rules when everyone else is playing by 1984."
- Leonard D Neubache

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Just plain sad and pathetic that men living with these god awful testosterone levels.

Someone should inject this into them and they can see what life is really like.

[Image: WTS32230.jpg]

and having a 363ng testosterone level is not normal period these people are idiots to think this is a normal range.

God this type of shit infuriates me to the point of my blood boiling.

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Evolution doesn't fuck around.

The matriarchy will produce more and more of these sterile worker ants.

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Too good for words.

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

[Image: laugh4.gif]

We suffer more in our own minds than we do in reality.

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)


A Florida doctor is under fire for a commercial warning men who are considering voting for Hillary Clinton that they might have low testosterone levels.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Quote: (10-29-2017 10:14 PM)Samseau Wrote:


A Florida doctor is under fire for a commercial warning men who are considering voting for Hillary Clinton that they might have low testosterone levels.


Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Quote: (10-29-2017 10:14 PM)Samseau Wrote:


A Florida doctor is under fire for a commercial warning men who are considering voting for Hillary Clinton that they might have low testosterone levels.

Hillary definitely has higher T levels then any man who voted for her (including the Buzzfeed cucks).

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

If it was me, I would not have agreed to have these results shared. I would have taken one look at the results, and started googling ways to increase testosterone, obviously recognizing that TRT is a likely option.

Most likely, all these guys need is less soy and some time lifting heavy in the gym. Heck, I bet all of them run, or do zumba, or do yoga already. All they need to do is cut the soy and make more productive use of their current exercise time.

However, unlike me who would be ashamed of such low levels and would take it as a call to action, these male identifying creatures probably are proud of their low levels of toxic masculinity.

I pray they never reproduce. Thank God, they're probably unable to, and uninterested in any case.

I'm the tower of power, too sweet to be sour. I'm funky like a monkey. Sky's the limit and space is the place!
-Randy Savage

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Quote: (10-29-2017 08:25 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

The results are buried in this video that starts off super gay:

You're telling me. Those "males" (and I use the term very loosely) are obviously all homo, queer, non-binary, whatever. I had to shut it off because it was like a silly talk show for gay guys. I could feel my own T-levels dropping. The guy in the middle even said he would gladly have sex with all of the others. Pass...

I wish they had checked their estrogen levels along with the T.

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Those testosterone levels are so low, that comparing them to gays is almost insulting to gays.

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