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I'm throwing in the towel on DC, but how do I get out?

I'm throwing in the towel on DC, but how do I get out?

I know DC is a complete shit hole, but after trying all of the tricks in the book to improve myself (losing 60 lbs of fat and gaining lean muscle, minimizing the time playing video games, going to "social events," traveling and being well-rounded about the world, etc, etc, etc), my patience has ran out for this place. The over-entitled broads who would be begging for some Average Joe dick if elsewhere, the excessive racial attitudes that make the Deep South more appealing (I'm into dating exotic chicks "outside"), and even the guys that are so toolish and betafied, I can't even find male friends to watch a game or wingman with.

Actually, as a DC native, my patience ran out for this place a long time ago, but especially since my mid-teens (circa 2003) when "the thug" became the only thing broads in my neighborhood were attracted to. Before then, I don't remember one chick I went after that I didn't at least get to third base with.

But my question is how the hell do I get out of what seems like a black hole, thanks to the Bush and 'Bama economic plan of only making jobs in and around the beltway. And it seems like the easiest way of gaining the ability to leave DC for good without some major sacrifice (a Ron Paul presidency) is slipping away. Here's what I'm working with:

-I'm 24 but I feel like I'm in my forties. I feel every day in DC is a day in my life wasted where I could've been somewhere else living it up.
-I'm currently working in the Federal Gov't and have no interesting in continuing doing so. In fact, I'm sick of the corporate cubicle world altogether, and if I really had money, I'd go back and get a CompSci or CompEng degree.
-Despite that, I do have a job, budget analyst, that I know can be done in the private sector and doesn't require me to be anywhere near a city like DC to do
-I do have a few thousand dollars of student loans (less the $10K) that is making me unable to just save up and make my move when I save enough.
-My connections outside of the beltway are very limited, and close to nil except for a few friends I have scattered in other states, but none of them live in cities where I'm taking a hard look at.
-I have no personal reasons to remain here since I don't really talk with anyone, family and others, in the area. This especially holds after passively being declared a "sell out" by attending college and not being a typical go-go loving gangsta (i.o.w., a bama).

As for the cities, I've narrowed it to Seattle, San Diego, Denver, Houston, and Vancouver (yes, I have a passport). From experience and word of mouth, these cities resemble Washington DC the least (decent ratio, chilled out women, work to live mentality, great weather, reasonable COL, white/asian/latina/non-ghetto black chicks who are down with the swirl), so that right there are good indicators.

I know that this forum is about getting the most enjoyment out of live by slaying pussy, and that's my goal. And I know the challenge of DC can make one more prepared for gaming chicks elsewhere, but the mental strain on me has reached the point where I just can't step outside to even enjoy the cultural events and offerings DC has. And it's beyond the entitled power-trip bitches. It's the high COL, the (overall) shitty childhood, the schizophrenic weather, the live-to-work structure, the snobbishness and prejudice, being economically forced here due to the national economic market, and the density of douchebags per square mile (FYI, NYC has less D-bags per square mile compared to DC). In order for me to start gaming to my potential, I need to clear my mind, and I can't do that until I can get the hell out of dodge AND assure myself I'll never have to come back.

Any suggestions on how the GTFO of here, mainly the amount of money I would have to save up to survive a move, what jobs/industries/websites should I look to apply for in order to relocate with a guaranteed job, or any additional cities I should look into where someone in their mid-twenties can live life to the full, hooking up and beyond.

Any suggestions would be real helpful.

I'm throwing in the towel on DC, but how do I get out?

I agree its very bad, but you might as well make the best of it while you can. I've been here almost five years, and although the ratios and nightlife are generally bad, there are some good nights.

I've had no problems whatsoever making lots of friends (both guys and girls). There are lots of quality people here, IMO, just really bad prospects for attractive women.

It definitely sucks that the Feds put the "golden handcuffs" on you, paying you well and making it difficult to cast your sails elsewhere. Does your job transfer well into the private sector? If not, you might want to work on getting a job in the private sector in the DC area. Once you've got some experience there, you can apply to a bunch of jobs laterally and sneak into a city you like more.

I've been absolutely blessed with the ability to work from home. I'll be packing up to Miami Beach in a few months. Believe it or not the one difficult thing for me will be leaving lots of quality friends behind.

I'm throwing in the towel on DC, but how do I get out?

Quote: (02-07-2012 12:36 AM)Gortons Fisherman Wrote:  

Any suggestions on how the GTFO of here, mainly the amount of money I would have to save up to survive a move

Step one is to get yourself some credit cards.

Step 2 is my personal gift to you considering the mailman picked up my IRS check today:

Get your ass fired from your government job and get on some unemployment for a while. Those rat bastards can take it out of what I sent.

Next (I'm assuming since you're a 24 year old American) put your iPhone and Flat TV and the rest of your crap on Craigslist.

After that, take your credit card down to Union Station (http://maps.google.com/maps?client=safar...d=0CBkQtgM) buy a ticket, and head wherever you want to go.

You're 24. Get out there and have a good time, brah. You're way too young to be so worried about money, ESPECIALLY since you aren't making shit!


I'm throwing in the towel on DC, but how do I get out?

I live In dc during school breaks and I seem to be doing fine I don't understand the dc hate

I'm throwing in the towel on DC, but how do I get out?

Quote: (02-07-2012 03:20 AM)Kona Wrote:  

Quote: (02-07-2012 12:36 AM)Gortons Fisherman Wrote:  

Any suggestions on how the GTFO of here, mainly the amount of money I would have to save up to survive a move

Step one is to get yourself some credit cards.

Step 2 is my personal gift to you considering the mailman picked up my IRS check today:

Get your ass fired from your government job and get on some unemployment for a while. Those rat bastards can take it out of what I sent.

Next (I'm assuming since you're a 24 year old American) put your iPhone and Flat TV and the rest of your crap on Craigslist.

After that, take your credit card down to Union Station (http://maps.google.com/maps?client=safar...d=0CBkQtgM) buy a ticket, and head wherever you want to go.

You're 24. Get out there and have a good time, brah. You're way too young to be so worried about money, ESPECIALLY since you aren't making shit!


Wow, I believe Kona's advice is true for any young guy around the world trying to get more out of life.
True words of wisdom

Chicks need to be on rotation like a Netflix queue

I'm throwing in the towel on DC, but how do I get out?

Quote: (02-07-2012 10:05 AM)Mr.GM Wrote:  

Quote: (02-07-2012 03:20 AM)Kona Wrote:  

Quote: (02-07-2012 12:36 AM)Gortons Fisherman Wrote:  

Any suggestions on how the GTFO of here, mainly the amount of money I would have to save up to survive a move

Step one is to get yourself some credit cards.

Step 2 is my personal gift to you considering the mailman picked up my IRS check today:

Get your ass fired from your government job and get on some unemployment for a while. Those rat bastards can take it out of what I sent.

Next (I'm assuming since you're a 24 year old American) put your iPhone and Flat TV and the rest of your crap on Craigslist.

After that, take your credit card down to Union Station (http://maps.google.com/maps?client=safar...d=0CBkQtgM) buy a ticket, and head wherever you want to go.

You're 24. Get out there and have a good time, brah. You're way too young to be so worried about money, ESPECIALLY since you aren't making shit!


Wow, I believe Kona's advice is true for any young guy around the world trying to get more out of life.
True words of wisdom

I strongly disagree.

The earlier he focus in money, the better for himself. If at 24 you still thinking of just having a good time, by the time he is 35, he will still be struggling, fuck, i had friends in London who were in their 40s and had me buying them drinks when we went out.

To the OP, sort out your life asap.

Move to another state if you hate so much where you live....fuck it..im not even going in depth on this..want to make real money and you have balls? Read scotian datasheet about working in Canada, fly there, search around for jobs and you will be cool. In order to have good things in life, you really have to want it and you need sacrifice yourself.

If you cant sacrifice, you are not looking for good advice.

I'm throwing in the towel on DC, but how do I get out?

Quote: (02-07-2012 03:20 AM)Kona Wrote:  

Quote: (02-07-2012 12:36 AM)Gortons Fisherman Wrote:  

Any suggestions on how the GTFO of here, mainly the amount of money I would have to save up to survive a move

Step one is to get yourself some credit cards.

Step 2 is my personal gift to you considering the mailman picked up my IRS check today:

Get your ass fired from your government job and get on some unemployment for a while. Those rat bastards can take it out of what I sent.

Next (I'm assuming since you're a 24 year old American) put your iPhone and Flat TV and the rest of your crap on Craigslist.

After that, take your credit card down to Union Station (http://maps.google.com/maps?client=safar...d=0CBkQtgM) buy a ticket, and head wherever you want to go.

You're 24. Get out there and have a good time, brah. You're way too young to be so worried about money, ESPECIALLY since you aren't making shit!


Get yourself some Credit cards is probably the worst advice you could take!

Avoid Debt like the plague..it might be fun racking it up but it's a ball and chain paying it off!

Spend a year to:

Pay the student loan off
Save up a few Grand
Get a beginners grasp of a foreign language

Then if you want to see a bit of the world:

Buy a ticket somewhere

and/or research other cities you might want to live and work.

I'll say it again...AVOID credit Card Debt like the Plague!!
You'll sleep well when you're not in debt and do nothing but think about it when you are!

I'm throwing in the towel on DC, but how do I get out?

Kona - its damn near impossible to get fired from a Federal Govt job. You DC outsiders have no idea what kind of a joke government you're funding w/those tax dollars.

I'm throwing in the towel on DC, but how do I get out?

Get a job in sales. You can pick a territory whever u want to live, and go there. Tell them u have family in that area and want to relocate. Lie on ur resume and say u have two years experience selling somthing. Sales jobs are everywhere, companies always are looking for people to sell their products. [Image: banana.gif]

I'm throwing in the towel on DC, but how do I get out?

I am smelling a multi-million dollar e-book.

How To Escape Washington, DC

This is another great biz opportunity for the DC cats out there.

I bet this will generate tons of dough.

I'm throwing in the towel on DC, but how do I get out?

yeah except that most of the US is dying to find a way to get IN to DC. richest best educated best employed region in the country.

I'm throwing in the towel on DC, but how do I get out?

Quote: (02-07-2012 12:46 PM)reaper23 Wrote:  

yeah except that most of the US is dying to find a way to get IN to DC. richest best educated best employed region in the country.

Hell, you could make money on both sides.

I'm throwing in the towel on DC, but how do I get out?

Getting a security clearance is the best way to get out and still make good money. With a SC you can work all over the world tax free.

I'm throwing in the towel on DC, but how do I get out?

Im in the same boat, but I'm out in the MD burbs which is worse. Its all the failure of DC minus anything relevant or interesting.

My plan now is to lay relatively low, sit on my cash, and pay off my debts. I'm doing what I can to network jobs outside of this area, which isn't easy, but I'm trying. I'm semi-locked in like you as well. My job isn't super amazing but it pays enough that the life I've built around it means, for the moment, I cant just up and leave, but it doesn't pay enough for me to feasibly save that much to have a bankroll behind me should I choose to move.

My lease is up in June and Im might just hail mary myself out of here and hope to god it all works out, I also might just relocated to a cheaper part of the DC/Metro area and bunker down for another year and keep working on paying things off.

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

I'm throwing in the towel on DC, but how do I get out?

Quote: (02-07-2012 02:36 PM)americanInEurope Wrote:  

Getting a security clearance is the best way to get out and still make good money. With a SC you can work all over the world tax free.
Don't you mean being in the military? Clearance doesn't automatically allow you to get jobs all over since most (usajobs.gov) are in DC.

I'm throwing in the towel on DC, but how do I get out?

Quote: (02-07-2012 03:20 AM)Kona Wrote:  

Get your ass fired from your government job and get on some unemployment for a while. Those rat bastards can take it out of what I sent.

Statistics show you are more likely to die of old age then get fired working directly as a fed employee. Google it and i'm sure you'll find the article.

I'm throwing in the towel on DC, but how do I get out?

You're definitely in a good place, man. It just sounds like you're a bit restless and want some adventure perhaps, which is understandable at 24. You have cash flow right now so that's good. Keep earning money and in the meantime work on your inner game. There's plenty of room for growth. Keep traveling. Government agencies have pretty reasonable vacation time for employees. Use that to get out of the country as much as possible. Hell, you're getting paid for it through your benefits.

Don't be intent on getting fired just because you don't like that city. That's also easier said than done. It's damn near impossible to get fired from a government job. You have to do something almost criminal.

Don't go into CC debt. That's a monkey on your back that you don't need.

You've got a good path ahead of you. Stay focused and use this environment as a training ground to get your player skills up. You will only be better off should you eventually decide to relocate. Few places, if any, in this world are as tough as DC (for women).

I'm throwing in the towel on DC, but how do I get out?

If you work for the government as a federal employee (vice contractor) then I would look into getting transferred to an office overseas. If your agency or department doesn't have an office overseas, then look into transferring within the gov't to another agency or department (e.g. from army to navy).

I'm throwing in the towel on DC, but how do I get out?

Quote: (02-07-2012 10:35 AM)Brian Wrote:  

You DC outsiders have no idea what kind of a joke government you're funding w/those tax dollars.

I guess I don't... But when my check got sent to OGDEN UTAH I got a little suspicious.


I'm throwing in the towel on DC, but how do I get out?

Quote: (02-07-2012 09:59 AM)Schoolboy_D Wrote:  

I live In dc during school breaks and I seem to be doing fine I don't understand the dc hate

Here we go!

Another "DC sucks" denialist being vague as hell.

Where do you go? Break it down.

I'm throwing in the towel on DC, but how do I get out?

Thanks for the responses so far. Just as an update, even though I work for the Gov't, I'm a GS-9, which means I'm making shit, especially dealing with paying off student loans and the credit card balances. So right there, gathering more CC debt is a no-no. As for being able to leave for a vacation in a place I can feel comfortable (the Western US), that isn't possible without gather more CC debt. There's NYC, and although it's a decent city, I have yet to find a niche. All that seems to exist in NYC are either the yuppie, guido, ghetto, or hipster subcultures and nightlife. As for "honing my gaming skills in DC," as I said earlier, I'm mentally done with this place.

At this point, the best I can make out of living in DC is to get my resume tuned up. But I did the same thing in high school by getting straight A's. But that didn't help me (financially) with leaving the area. And as far as college was concerned, hitting the books didn't make a difference for me getting out of the DC area (or even getting recruited to some top firm) since I graduated in 2009, the worst year since the Great Depression. I just don't want to bust my ass again for jack shit like I did in high school and college. The mantra of "working to get ahead" seems less validated every day I'm stuck here.

I'm not trying to make excuses, and don't take my response as shooting down your suggestions. Nearly all of the responses have been helpful and understanding of the shit I deal with.

Quote: (02-07-2012 11:53 PM)rakishness Wrote:  

Quote: (02-07-2012 09:59 AM)Schoolboy_D Wrote:  

I live In dc during school breaks and I seem to be doing fine I don't understand the dc hate

Here we go!

Another "DC sucks" denialist being vague as hell.

Where do you go? Break it down.
I'm with rakishness, be specific! Does your DC game consists of acting like a preppy G-Town kid, hill staffer with "connections," or someone copying BET and WPGC "swag." Because those are the only things that I've seen work in the beltway.

I'm throwing in the towel on DC, but how do I get out?

Quote: (02-07-2012 08:51 PM)Freedom Wrote:  

Quote: (02-07-2012 02:36 PM)americanInEurope Wrote:  

Getting a security clearance is the best way to get out and still make good money. With a SC you can work all over the world tax free.
Don't you mean being in the military? Clearance doesn't automatically allow you to get jobs all over since most (usajobs.gov) are in DC.

Ya, can you expand on that americanInEurope...

If you have a security clearance, what sort of jobs overseas are available?

I'm throwing in the towel on DC, but how do I get out?

Quote: (02-07-2012 08:51 PM)Freedom Wrote:  

Quote: (02-07-2012 02:36 PM)americanInEurope Wrote:  

Getting a security clearance is the best way to get out and still make good money. With a SC you can work all over the world tax free.
Don't you mean being in the military? Clearance doesn't automatically allow you to get jobs all over since most (usajobs.gov) are in DC.

Quote: (02-08-2012 01:01 AM)pazzesco Wrote:  

Quote: (02-07-2012 08:51 PM)Freedom Wrote:  

Quote: (02-07-2012 02:36 PM)americanInEurope Wrote:  

Getting a security clearance is the best way to get out and still make good money. With a SC you can work all over the world tax free.
Don't you mean being in the military? Clearance doesn't automatically allow you to get jobs all over since most (usajobs.gov) are in DC.

Ya, can you expand on that americanInEurope...

If you have a security clearance, what sort of jobs overseas are available?

usajobs.gov are for civil service jobs, a.k.a "GS jobs." those are notoriously hard to get because ususally to get in you have to know someone on the inside, be a vet, be the spouse of a vet, and tailor your resume EXACTLY to the keywords that their little resume hunting software is looking for. it's pretty useless. i've been trying for years to get into that system and watched for years as dudes fresh out of the military who can't even turn on a computer landing sweet GS-12 jobs as network engineers just because the hiring manager is an old supervisor of theirs. so basically if you're applying from the outside, forget it. usajobs is the absolute LAST place to go to look for clearance jobs overseas.

no what I'm refering to are defense contracting jobs. IT jobs at big companies like Lockheed or GDIT or Raytheon or things like that, and even smaller companies that don't have a huge presence in the defense world but latch onto these huge contracts as sub-contractors and are able to send one or two workers overseas as opposed to thousands that the big guys are able to send overseas. the smaller ones are ususally more open to giving people huge pay incentives and while you're working in Europe your boss is usually in the states [Image: smile.gif]

GDIT's career website is a good example of the range of jobs that are available overseas. They're a good company and have got buttloads of jobs in Europe and a few in Japan and Korea. IT is probably the biggest industry right now, and looks poised to be that way for a long time. But they also have jobs in other industries. I mean if you're a fashion major or a marine biologist your field might not be what defense contractors are looking for. But you never know. Once you're over there in Korea or Kuwait or Germany or wherever, you can travel all you want. That's how I got most of my flags and travel done, based out of a country with a base.

I'm throwing in the towel on DC, but how do I get out?

Quote: (02-08-2012 10:09 AM)americanInEurope Wrote:  

Quote: (02-07-2012 08:51 PM)Freedom Wrote:  

Quote: (02-07-2012 02:36 PM)americanInEurope Wrote:  

Getting a security clearance is the best way to get out and still make good money. With a SC you can work all over the world tax free.
Don't you mean being in the military? Clearance doesn't automatically allow you to get jobs all over since most (usajobs.gov) are in DC.

Quote: (02-08-2012 01:01 AM)pazzesco Wrote:  

Quote: (02-07-2012 08:51 PM)Freedom Wrote:  

Quote: (02-07-2012 02:36 PM)americanInEurope Wrote:  

Getting a security clearance is the best way to get out and still make good money. With a SC you can work all over the world tax free.
Don't you mean being in the military? Clearance doesn't automatically allow you to get jobs all over since most (usajobs.gov) are in DC.

Ya, can you expand on that americanInEurope...

If you have a security clearance, what sort of jobs overseas are available?

usajobs.gov are for civil service jobs, a.k.a "GS jobs." those are notoriously hard to get because ususally to get in you have to know someone on the inside, be a vet, be the spouse of a vet, and tailor your resume EXACTLY to the keywords that their little resume hunting software is looking for. it's pretty useless. i've been trying for years to get into that system and watched for years as dudes fresh out of the military who can't even turn on a computer landing sweet GS-12 jobs as network engineers just because the hiring manager is an old supervisor of theirs. so basically if you're applying from the outside, forget it. usajobs is the absolute LAST place to go to look for clearance jobs overseas.

no what I'm refering to are defense contracting jobs. IT jobs at big companies like Lockheed or GDIT or Raytheon or things like that, and even smaller companies that don't have a huge presence in the defense world but latch onto these huge contracts as sub-contractors and are able to send one or two workers overseas as opposed to thousands that the big guys are able to send overseas. the smaller ones are ususally more open to giving people huge pay incentives and while you're working in Europe your boss is usually in the states [Image: smile.gif]

GDIT's career website is a good example of the range of jobs that are available overseas. They're a good company and have got buttloads of jobs in Europe and a few in Japan and Korea. IT is probably the biggest industry right now, and looks poised to be that way for a long time. But they also have jobs in other industries. I mean if you're a fashion major or a marine biologist your field might not be what defense contractors are looking for. But you never know. Once you're over there in Korea or Kuwait or Germany or wherever, you can travel all you want. That's how I got most of my flags and travel done, based out of a country with a base.

How does one even go about getting a clearance? I never understood that.

I'm throwing in the towel on DC, but how do I get out?


How does one even go about getting a clearance? I never understood that.

Well, a good start would be not being an international playboy. Extended overseas trips are frowned upon.

By the time you're in your twenties whether or not you can get a clearance in the near future is somewhat already decided...your criminal record.

If you're squeaky clean, have good credit, and haven't lived overseas extensively then you should be good to go.

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