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Good articles about older men and younger women

Good articles about older men and younger women

Frankly, not sure why the fuck I care but I have a female acquaintance I'm locked in a death match with about me dating a woman 30 years my junior. I've been seeing this young woman for several months, she's stunning and well just a pleasure to be around.

My acquaintance insists that the reason that I see her is that I'm "lazy" and that I'm hurting the young woman's development. She also believes that somehow its better for the young woman in question to go through endless hookups with young men than to see me regularly.

I should preface this by saying the young woman in question is a SOLID 8.5-9 - frankly, I'm chuffed. I've looked for articles using my best search engine foo and haven't come up with a well written article on the subject yet. Hoping some of the assembled would be able to help me out on my quest to CRUSH the SJW kinda-feminist, maybe 6 to see the light. Again its ego - I want to crush her. She's so invested in the fem-centric narrative that "real men date women their age" that I want to deep six this shit.

Any references would be appreciated.

Good articles about older men and younger women

Tell the old hag to go screw herself right in her old, dried up twat... in those exact words. [Image: biggrin.gif]

It's classic feminist BS - what women want is what men must also want.

OK Cupid offers a slightly more scientific explanation. Obviously you can't use their article because they've framed it as "go for the older, low-hanging fruit... you won't have much competiton"...

[Image: chart_women.jpg]

[Image: chart_men.jpg]

Good articles about older men and younger women

P.s. the "no" option on your poll is a waste of space.

Here's my vote:

[Image: BN-OZ586_TRUMPN_J_20160719182129.jpg]

Good articles about older men and younger women

NEVER ALLOW a slore munt or mangina to age shame you Ever...

FIRST if they are disrespecting you then why are they still in your life... if you have to tolerate them i.e. an sjw sister then use either the Viking or Hollywood analogy... When viking Rurik Trump chieftains raided a village they took the most fertile and spirited lasses as their concubines to plant alpha seed and raise more warrriors... the more the better to insure the survival of their lines.

The hollywood/broadway model is how John Wayne and Cary Grant got their starts... they would hook up with an older rich couger who buried a rich husband and the couger would groom them and open doors to the best industry parties and agents... with the best acting classes and studio roles they became stars and the cougers shared their limelight until the starlets would flock to them and they would pay it forward to the classiest starlets and often wife them up and the cycle continued...

The secret of a long life is to take a young wife... Cary Grant.

Good articles about older men and younger women

We didn't know what we were doing.

We got in over our heads.

It just happened.

We were just two crazy kids, one old enough to be the other's father.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Good articles about older men and younger women

I voted "no" because she would be an infant.

Good articles about older men and younger women

Quote: (11-21-2016 06:55 PM)wi30 Wrote:  

I voted "no" because she would be an infant.

The question is probably meant to be construed as asking what you would be willing to do once you're old enough that a girl 25-30 years your junior would be 18+.

Good articles about older men and younger women

I currently am banging a 23 year old at 41 years old. I wish she was 18.

Delicious Tacos is the voice of my generation....

Good articles about older men and younger women

My girlfriend is 27 years younger than me. I can't think of any downside.

Take care of those titties for me.

Good articles about older men and younger women

You're passing your time with a beautiful young woman.

You'd be better off researching kama sutra poses and teaching her how to squirt than wasting time debating with a harpy.

I'm pretty bad with most social shit tests (think I'm on the spectrum), but anytime the "why aren't you with a woman your own age" things comes up I just instinctively crack the heaviest smile, chuckle to myself, and leave it at that.

Living well is the best revenge -- goes the saying.

Good articles about older men and younger women

That's not an acquaintance, it's a enemy.

A simple "I've not had the gall to pass judgement on who you date, and this will be the last time you do so to me, understood?".

Good articles about older men and younger women

Quote: (11-21-2016 06:55 PM)wi30 Wrote:  

I voted "no" because she would be an infant.

Same here

Good articles about older men and younger women

I'd tell the old witch "yes I'm lazy and you're just jelly", followed by a massive Trump-esque grin.

You don't owe those old dingbats any serious explanation.

I'm 10 years older than my fiancee who's in her early-mid 20s, and SHE sometimes wishes she was even younger for me.

Good articles about older men and younger women

Obvious yes, given that it's a hypothetical with a man old enough that the woman would be an adult (above age of consent).

Others are right in telling you that she's not an acquaintance or shouldn't be if she's questioning who you date.

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"Failure is just practice for success"

Good articles about older men and younger women

Alternate poll wording: Are you more than 43 years old?

I'm the tower of power, too sweet to be sour. I'm funky like a monkey. Sky's the limit and space is the place!
-Randy Savage

Good articles about older men and younger women

No reference needed. The concept of young ladies having dalliances with successful, middle aged men is as old as humanity. It's a perfect fit. Each has something to offer the other.

Also, your acquaintance is a cunt. Tell her to fuck off, with the least amount of tact necessary.

I'm the tower of power, too sweet to be sour. I'm funky like a monkey. Sky's the limit and space is the place!
-Randy Savage

Good articles about older men and younger women

Thank you gentlemen for confirming what I already knew: healthy men with a normal sex drive will always opt for he youngest, tightest, most attractive chick available. She states that she knows plenty of "very masculine men that are sucessful and could easily bed a 19 yo said they wouldn't, because it's yuck".

My answer of course is either they're so used to cotowing to the female imperative that they'd lie to preserve access (to the woman in question) or they simply cannot do what I am.

Thanks again men, you always set my compass correctly. Please continue to discuss, should it appeal.

P.s. If you voted no because you're too young assume you're 48, or explain why you wouldn't.

Good articles about older men and younger women

^ "It's yuck" [Image: icon_lol.gif][Image: icon_lol.gif][Image: icon_lol.gif]

Tell her to stop the sour grapes.

I have no doubt it is genuinely uncomfortable for some men, who want a better connection or whatever other personal needs, but none of them would say "ugh my dick is in a 19yo -- disgusting!".

Good articles about older men and younger women

I've done the "better connection" thing with older chickas - frankly it's not worth it in my current situation - women my age have so much baggage it's absurd. This girl puts women twice her age to shame, the only think I can't do with her is take her to a bar.

Good articles about older men and younger women

Men 'live longer' if they marry a younger woman


A man's chances of dying early are cut by a fifth if their bride is between 15 and 17 years their junior.
The risk of premature death is reduced by 11 per cent if they marry a woman seven to nine years younger.
Wives with husbands older or younger by between seven and nine years increase their chances of dying early by 20 per cent.
This rises to 30 per cent if the age difference is close to 15 and 17 years.
The study examined deaths between 1990 and 2005 for the entire population of Denmark.

I am afraid that women appreciate cruelty, downright cruelty, more than anything else. They have wonderfully primitive instincts. We have emancipated them, but they remain slaves looking for their masters all the same. They love being dominated.
--Oscar Wilde

Good articles about older men and younger women

You will never crush her further than she already is.

Just being happy and full of lust toward a young woman is enough to drive any woman your own age crazy.

Women are obsessed with youth and beauty. Even before it was all blamed on pop culture 'unrealistic beauty standards', women put these same standards on each other anyway.

I might talk about how prostitutes, who are 90% young, could have served the purpose (old women don't seem to have a problem with men using hookers, ha) but that being in a relationship with a young women gives you more options. Just the smell of her fertility makes you think about these possibilities (babies, vitality, let her fill in the blanks).

With old women, your only possibilities are companionship and some un-lustful sex.

Good articles about older men and younger women

I'm in my late 30s, my main girl is 8 years younger than me and looks younger than that.

For a man pushing 40 I think around 25-27 would be ideal.

I find the 18-25 set just too dumb flakey and annoying to deal with on the regular, and there seems little point to it when there are plenty of girls in their late 20s who look 90% as good and are lining up for it.


Good articles about older men and younger women

Quote: (11-21-2016 10:02 PM)ThrustMaster Wrote:  

She states that she knows plenty of "very masculine men that are sucessful and could easily bed a 19 yo said they wouldn't, because it's yuck".

[Image: whK3Fw.gif]

why are you even dignifying this with a response? smile, thank her for her concern, and go on living your life.

Good articles about older men and younger women

I'm 34, currently single. If a woman asks why I date women 10 or more years younger than myself, I just say that any woman trying out for the job of wife has to be up to the challenge of bearing many of my children, and I prefer women who believe it is better to settle down early instead of getting stds and heartbreak by bed hopping. In summary, I tell a woman asking that kind of question that it is a woman's role in life to find and serve a worthy man, and that she will find great joy in it. [Image: biggrin.gif]

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Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. -Albert Einstein

Good articles about older men and younger women

Quote: (11-21-2016 05:33 PM)DaveR Wrote:  

Tell the old hag to go screw herself right in her old, dried up twat... in those exact words. [Image: biggrin.gif]

It's classic feminist BS - what women want is what men must also want.

OK Cupid offers a slightly more scientific explanation. Obviously you can't use their article because they've framed it as "go for the older, low-hanging fruit... you won't have much competiton"...

[Image: chart_women.jpg]

[Image: chart_men.jpg]

So whoever made that graph is expecting us to believe that women 32 and older prefer men who are younger than them?

I call BS on the whole concept of "cougars" who want "young hot men with sexy bodies." It's the same thing as when a woman stares at a man's ass and claims to be turned on by it. These are just examples of women trying to show how "equal" they are to men.

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