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Do you have patience for girls?

Do you have patience for girls?

Say you meet a girl you really like, she's not just a girl you wanna bang, or actually she is a girl you really much would want to bang. So you've met but couldn't pull her that time but she's still answering, sometimes with enthusiasm, sometimes she answers slow as hell. How long do you keep texting her? If she has reasons, legit or not, that makes it difficult to meet again at that time. Keeping in mind that she never sends the first message.

Do you have patience for girls?

3 strikes rule:

Reach out to her 3 times - no response - next.
3 responses that are one words or halfhearted - next.
Hangout with her 3 times - no progress (2nd, 3rd, home, home run, etc) I'll next her.

When I mean by next I mean I'll chase other oppurtunities more actively and with girl given in the example is a back burner and possible slow cooker.

Slow cookers have a low investment but also low possibility to bang.

There are rare exceptions to this rule - but if I'm not getting any ROR after awhile, I'm moving on.

I think some better questions are:

How do you get her to initiate conversations ?
Why is she answering slowly ?
Why does she keep giving you reasons she can't meet up ?

Now I've hungout with a few ladies who I didn't get to bang the first few times meeting them, BUT I had fun in general - sooner later it'll fizzle out if there's no chance for sex.

Do you have patience for girls?

Go see other girls. Have other relationship(s).

Sounds like she isn't really into you right now. Maybe never, maybe when she stops seeing the guy she's fucking, but definitely not now.

If you want, throw out a text to meet up on an off night (when you aren't seeing a different girl)...I'm talking in a few weeks. Then maybe every few months.

Chances are you'll forget about her, but if you don't, maybe she'll bite.

Like I said, unless she marries the guy she's currently seeing (fucking is such a harsh word).

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

Do you have patience for girls?

I'm probably the most patient dude here but that's because I'm never focused 100% on that one girl. Never ever. So to me it's easy to be patient cause if that one girl is busy or whatever my attention goes to others right away. So the side effect is that *this girl* is left behind for few days as I'm with others and then when I come back to her again she's super eager to see me, as if she needed time to sort it out in her head and realize that she actually likes me.

It's very consistent method.

Do you have patience for girls?

Quote: (11-01-2016 03:53 PM)XXL Wrote:  

I'm probably the most patient dude here but that's because I'm never focused 100% on that one girl. Never ever. So to me it's easy to be patient cause if that one girl is busy or whatever my attention goes to others right away. So the side effect is that *this girl* is left behind for few days as I'm with others and then when I come back to her again she's super eager to see me, as if she needed time to sort it out in her head and realize that she actually likes me.

It's very consistent method.

The Only Method. Well said.

This becomes natural when you actually have things going on in your life.
I find most of the majority of guys worry way too much because they have way too much time to meditate every detail.
The flaws of a 9-5. No side projects or hobbies is Game-Suicide.

Do you have patience for girls?

Yeah I was going to start a thread about spending too much on game too. It's very addictive especially the chase of girls. Too me, after I've banged a girl, the fun is over and I need something new, rise and repeat. And to constantly get new notchs every week I need to have a lot of girls spinning hence spending too much time overall. The reward is great but at one point I'm doubting the effort/reward part, but still I dont know what I'd do with all my free time. And being with girls and having sex with girls is important. Getting a girlfriend would be great, if I met a girl who still attracted me after sex. But this don't happen anymore I've just been with too many girls that no girl is special anymore.

Do you have patience for girls?

I'm 28, I don't have patience with girls my age. Meaning I don't get hung up on them. I can get younger, firmer, hotter. Create a wait list. They beg for attention. Or they don't. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Do you have patience for girls?

XXL is right, if you're spread over a few girls, you don't usually put all your eggs in one basket and get thirsty.

Once you're spread out it creates a bit of aloofness, which is good in most cases, it doesn't present you as super eager and constantly responding to texts.

Satoshi that happens when you start banging alot of girls, the chase/the hunt for pussy is fucking fun, but there's a moment after you blow your load, you wash up in the bathroom and you smile, then it's kind of over for you.

You enjoy the rest of the night but you want another challenge, onto the next plates.

Some may be plates for a few weeks or months till they get wise and ghost or drop the "what are we" line and inevitably you send them on their way.

I don't think any girl is a unique snowflake, I just think some girls might pique your interest more than others, those girls should compliment your life.

All your free time can be devoted to the gym, hobbies, being active, traveling, exploring, passive income, new business, etc.

Use your time wisely, if you don't see an ROI in a female you're banging, move on.

Do you have patience for girls?

Not really, b/c they aren't really patient by nature, so if they're really into you, not much patience is going to be needed. There are extenuating circumstances, but for the most part it's not needed. I have to admit it kind of surprises me to read guys discussing "passing shit tests" and getting overly tactical about the whole scenario with a girl. I've personally never hooked up with a girl that I didn't hook up with within the first 2 times hanging out; my bartending experience, fraternity experience, and my observations from those experiences spell out basically the same thing. I'm not saying it never happens, but I think the odds are stacked against you much more then some guys would lead you to believe if she's not receptive from the get-go.

Civilize the mind but make savage the body.

Do you have patience for girls?

I'm in the XXL group.
Example: I met a girl whilst visiting a friend in his town. Attraction is there, connection is there, but...I'm just learning game and I'm still kind of a blue guy. So I do nothing because I was with my first game-acquired girl, I even felt bad for flirting with another girl lol. Anyhow, she starts texting me when I go back to my town. I go back to visit my friend a month later, she's with a new guy, I don't care. She keeps on texting me from time to time and I always reply to her because I enjoy the free attention. 2 months later she dumps the chump and comes to see me, parapam pam pam another one bites the dust.

Moral of the story is: patience CAN pay you off IF you don't devote any energy or time on keeping the contact. So as long as you are not making any effort AND as long as you are not falling into the oneitis hell , I say keep with it. It seems like your case does not have the requisites necessaries, though.

Do you have patience for girls?

Well I can only deem a girl worth pursuing if I meet her in person and we gel. That said, if we go on 3 dates and she still isn't putting out then she is not what I'm looking for so I'll move on.

Do you have patience for girls?

Quote: (11-01-2016 06:50 PM)General Stalin Wrote:  

Well I can only deem a girl worth pursuing if I meet her in person and we gel. That said, if we go on 3 dates and she still isn't putting out then she is not what I'm looking for so I'll move on.

The "three date" rule seems almost quaint these days. Every girl I've banged in the past year was attracted to me enough to bang on the first, or at the very least progress towards sex on the first, stop short, then move forward all the way on the second.

A girl who didn't have sex with me on dates one or two, but still wanted to meet up for a third would legitimately puzzle me.

Girls who don't get physical on the first date at all and then want a second puzzle me as well. That happened once and I was so surprised I ended up bombing the second.

So yeah, I guess I have little patience. As I've mentioned before, once a girl is pushing 30 or beyond her attempts to run "I'm a good girl I have to get to know you better" wait-for-it game is pretty much worthless to me as some kind of proof that she's LTR-worthy; the never-married girls in that demographic have all taken Chad's dick in the club stall by that point, all of them. They're making me wait for it simply to soothe their own consciences, it has nothing to do with my desire for a quality woman.

Do you have patience for girls?

I'm patient to a point.

She needs to be showing progress. There needs to be something tangible I'm working towards.

Also, I can be patient about sex, if I have reason to believe she's a virgin. (Obviously you're going to expect a slut to put out on the first date, but a girl who's never fucked before can have some time)

But if I have reason to believe she's just playing games, I move on very quickly.

Do you have patience for girls?

Quote: (11-01-2016 08:56 PM)John_Galt Wrote:  

But if I have reason to believe she's just playing games, I move on very quickly.

Guilty until proven innocent! [Image: dodgy.gif]

Do you have patience for girls?

Quote: (11-01-2016 09:20 PM)XPQ22 Wrote:  

Quote: (11-01-2016 08:56 PM)John_Galt Wrote:  

But if I have reason to believe she's just playing games, I move on very quickly.

Guilty until proven innocent! [Image: dodgy.gif]

That is EXACTLY the stance/mindset I have when dealing with women.

Do you have patience for girls?

Quote: (11-01-2016 09:42 PM)John_Galt Wrote:  

That is EXACTLY the stance/mindset I have when dealing with women.

Sucks, but ever since my first college hook-up, with American girls I've had to take the attitude that women who aren't willing to put out fairly quickly are fucking with me.

I was in a LTR with a nice young Ohio girl for most of my college days. I was pretty convinced that even at age 20 she had only taken one or two dicks before me - but remember this was back in the day when we picked up a physical telephone connected to the wall to talk to each other so girls like that were easier to find.

Maybe it was the age, but she didn't make me wait for it. Was it because she was taking notches to the heavens I didn't know about? No, I'm pretty sure the reason was she was getting a lot of bids back in the late 1990s too, in the ways dudes were able in that era, but she was giving them the brush-off until she found a guy she was really attracted to. When she found him (me) she was ready to go quick. Attraction, then and now, can't be negotiated.

I've got no love for the 30-something women who want to make me wait for it. When I meet a chick in her early 30s who says she's just out LTR and is willing to hook up rapidly, if she otherwise strikes me as a solid girl (stable job, not hitting the clubs regularly, and definitely not every 30-something woman who wants to hook up rapidly is in this bin) I have much more confidence that her ability to love a man she's with is higher and that her overall notch count is much lower than the chick who "discovered herself" and thinks guys should wait on it.

Free-spirited sluts in this demo hook up fast. The "good girls" probably do too. They're both okay in their own way - I'll figure out which you are later. But the pussy-leveragers deserve no love.

Do you have patience for girls?

[quote='XPQ22' pid='1431903' dateline='1478051562'
Girls who don't get physical on the first date at all and then want a second puzzle me as well. That happened once and I was so surprised I ended up bombing the second. [/quote]

Sometimes women are just not comfortable on the first date. Part of your job is to facilitate this comfort. A simple first ¨date¨ strategy with these types are less than a one hour meet and greet for a drink or coffee. Recommend no kissing, but physical escalation to build the tension and the second date can be inviting her to your place for a meal and then a bang.

The only easy day was yesterday.

Do you have patience for girls?

I agree with your analysis.

Given a choice between the slut who owns up to what she is: An easy lay, and the girl who is still a slut, but a "reformed" one, I'll take the free-spirit every single time.

It is important to distinguish between the different types of sluts.

Do you have patience for girls?

Depends on how hot she is.

Beliefs are more powerful than facts.

Do you have patience for girls?

When I first got into game I was always anxious with texting, especially when girls would play their bullshit games taking hours to reply at times.

Now I absolutely do not give a fuck. There's always another girl, and sooner than later one will be DTF. I don't know why you'd waste time on chasing just one.

Do you have patience for girls?

I have deadlines, after which I stop texting and move on. These deadlines are later the more attractive the girl (i.e. 6/10 - 5 days, 7/10 - 7 days etc.). There are too many girls in the world to warrant chasing some girl over an extended period of time without getting anything in return. The main exception is if she's away/traveling, in which case I'm more lenient and might send a text once a week to keep things warm.

I guess the only other exception would be if it's a celebrity or an international model or something, but this is something that most people will never encounter anyways.

Do you have patience for girls?

Not long.
2 flakes and she's gone--I don't even give them the third try until weeks later IF i remember them.

I make plans with them on Sunday to meet during the week-->she flakes-->reschedule for next week-->flakes-->its quits bitch

I save my Fridays, Saturdays, as "me days" to chase girls, hang with the dudes, or whatever. If i've been through two weeks of reschedules thats two weekends of new girls that I've gotten numbers from and to be honest I'll typically forget about flakeatron till a slow week when I go searching through my phone for old numbers.

IMO if shits taking that long then you're not moving fast enough or decisively enough. Women and people for that matter will always do what the fuck they want to do. If you move quickly to make plans she'll make it clear through texting and even clearer in her actions that she wants to see you..or not.

edit: that wording has got me kinda twisted...

Quote: (11-01-2016 03:19 PM)Satoshi Wrote:  

So you've met but couldn't pull her that time but she's still answering, sometimes with enthusiasm, sometimes she answers slow as hell. How long do you keep texting her? If she has reasons, legit or not, that makes it difficult to meet again at that time.

I always follow the "keep texting about logistics" rule so I'm not texting "long" know what I mean? In my change from a newbie to putting up some numbers texting too long is the reason girls start getting cold and give periods of radio silence. If she's responding quickly I try to keep it flirtatious and set the date so I can start judging her actions. If I go to set a date while the conversation is hot and she goes cold thats a she's not interested/available.

I'm about to hijack the post real quick so bare with me...

In my texting game I'll make plans on Sunday and then I won't text the girl unless absolutely nessicary (i see something in my life that pertains to her i.e. I sent a girl a picture of corn flakes that had flaked on me last week) untill the day of to confirm plans--we'll call this the "dead period". Is there a better way to handle the dead period or is radio silence till the day of the best move? What do y'all do that works favorably?

Attraction and passion are non-negotiable

Do you have patience for girls?

3 Date Kate hard rule.

Always less effort text and phone than them, especially before first bang.

Do you have patience for girls?

Recently picked up two chicks separately. Gelled well with both and really got into their hamster with some esoteric nonesense that seems to entrap them all. While seeing her off, one wasted about a minute of my time talking to some random dude just before she was to drop her digits.
Immediate next. Searched for me but I'd bounced. Her loss. The other put up a stupid shit test I had no patience for- same result. Next.

Bottomline, They're all ridiculously easily replaceable.

Do you have patience for girls?

Whoa CJ's back. Haven't seen you post in like 9 months.

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