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Sucks to be you: every Red Pill truth condensed into one story

Sucks to be you: every Red Pill truth condensed into one story

Quote: (10-26-2016 10:04 AM)lake Wrote:  

I don't see the point of this article. Is she just trying to say hyper gamy is bad?

The point is that propagating material like Eat, Pray, Love isn't giving women the happiness they expected.

Quote: (10-26-2016 10:04 AM)lake Wrote:  

Truth is hyper gamy is inborn and instinctual just like men whose inborn instinct is to chase pussy. Her mistake is not she was being hyper gamous, bc that is inborn. She did not even make a wrong decision - she made a decision that did not work in her favour. So stop whining about it. She is 42 but still has a lot of opportunity in this feminist friendly environment she is in. She is financially well off, got her own house - and if she really wanted a child, there are thousands of betas who would oblige. However, she is stuck in the past of what if. Her first lover whom she regrets over went on to have two divorces. What is to say he would not have divorced her too?

He had a break ups. It's not stated that he ever married Sara from what I see. According to the article, he is still married to the second woman, Nicola.

[quote='lake' pid='1427196' dateline='1477494266']
This article I think is more about attention seeking - selling more copies ---- which is how she makes a living. Has little to do with her regrets. Now that the thousands of betas know about her, she will likely be swamped with offers. Which just may have been the real purpose of her article.

This is true, but it doesn't change the fact that the story is very believable and no doubt has a lot of truth in it.

In fact, I think this is the dressed up version. If we were to read Matthew's version, it would probably be very enlightening.

I'm the King of Beijing!

Sucks to be you: every Red Pill truth condensed into one story

She is using the Daily Mail as her own personal Okcupid on a grand scale.

No matter what she says, she still believes the man of her dreams is out there, just waiting to wife her up, he just hasn't met her yet.

He will show up after he reads this article.

She lives in a home filled with pillows that have quotes like this on them:


“If a woman sleeps alone it puts a shame on all men. God has a very big heart, but there is one sin He will not forgive. If a woman calls a man to her bed and he will not go.”
― Nikos Kazantzakis, Zorba the Greek

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Sucks to be you: every Red Pill truth condensed into one story

Matthew might be living in a different hell, married to a woman for 11 years and no kids. Makes me wonder if Matthew dried up the new chick's pussy as well.

One can infer that Matthew's less than challenging nature is why the author left him.

His weakness basically ruined the lives of two women, ending their genetic lines. But their society created the avatar for him to live up to. Probably useful because western civilization can't handle too many people. Socially neuter the men, and take down unworthy women at the same time, all the while consuming and paying taxes


Sucks to be you: every Red Pill truth condensed into one story

sad dead eyes in the photos. She's going to need a lot of filters on her tinder profile to put some life into those.

Sucks to be you: every Red Pill truth condensed into one story


I was in my first junior role at a women's magazine and Matthew worked fitting tyres and exhausts, so our combined salaries of around £15,000 a year meant we struggled to make the mortgage payments. But we didn't care, telling ourselves that it wouldn't be long before we were earning more and able to afford weekly treats and a bigger home where we could bring up the babies we had planned.

But then, the housing market crashed and we were plunged into negative equity.

Struggling should have brought us closer together, and at first it did. But as time went on, and my magazine career - and salary - advanced, I started to resent Matthew as he drifted from one dead-end job to another.

I still loved him, but I began to feel embarrassed by his blue-collar jobs, annoyed that, despite his intelligence, he didn't have a career. Then he bought a lurid blue and pink VW Beetle.

Why couldn't he drive a normal car? Things that now seem incredibly insignificant began to niggle.

I began to wish he was more sophisticated and earned more. I felt envious of friends with better-off partners, who were able to support them as they started their families.

I stopped seeing Matthew as my equal. I stopped seeing all the qualities that had made me fall in love with him - his fierce intelligence, our shared sense of humour, his determination not to follow the crowd. Instead, I saw someone who was holding me back.

Money money money money.

That's all I read out of this.

Matthew seemed like a decent bloke, however the dude lost his edge and frame.

Pretty clear he did whatever he wanted along with job choices - a career whore will fucking resent you for that, especially a successful one.

This bitch leaving him was the best thing that ever happened to him.

Thing is, he's a bitch for keeping her in his life and having her sabotage his relationships.

Blame of failure in life falls disproportionately on both of them.

Sucks to be you: every Red Pill truth condensed into one story

Quote: (10-26-2016 08:46 AM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

This raises an interesting question for us though, with the roles slightly reverse.

Say you are 38, not too old but already reached your prime couple years back. Your finances are all in order, but you wont be Bill Gates. You have game and can still occasionally pull quality, but you are losing the edge to younger guys.

You are in a LTR with a girl with mother-of-your children qualities: 25-28, traditional, loving, cook and clean, wants stability, low maintenance, a solid 7 but not more. You know you wont find girls like this everyday, but you cant help lusting after all the young pussies waving at you.

Your girl want children (justly) and set her ultimatum.

Do you get the ring or you keep playing the field, thinking like the women in the OP, that a better adventure awaits you elsewhere?

No, settle down and build a legacy especially if you're in your late 30s and dating a chick who is a decacde younger then you.

There comes a point where a women's vaginas all start to feel the same. Vaginas, curves, and even the ulmighty orgasm begin to all start to feel the same. Some men on here aren't at that point. Me, I definitely got there.

I want to build a legacy and have enough energy to play with my kids.

Secondly, it is the height of insults to rob women of their fertile years and not give them a child and a lifelong commitement. Nothing bothers me more than men too pussy to marry women after 2+ years of dating. You now have a woman who has wasted her child rearing years away and a man too child like to commite.

Sucks to be you: every Red Pill truth condensed into one story

Quote: (10-26-2016 12:28 PM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

Quote: (10-26-2016 08:46 AM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

This raises an interesting question for us though, with the roles slightly reverse.

Say you are 38, not too old but already reached your prime couple years back. Your finances are all in order, but you wont be Bill Gates. You have game and can still occasionally pull quality, but you are losing the edge to younger guys.

You are in a LTR with a girl with mother-of-your children qualities: 25-28, traditional, loving, cook and clean, wants stability, low maintenance, a solid 7 but not more. You know you wont find girls like this everyday, but you cant help lusting after all the young pussies waving at you.

Your girl want children (justly) and set her ultimatum.

Do you get the ring or you keep playing the field, thinking like the women in the OP, that a better adventure awaits you elsewhere?

No, settle down and build a legacy especially if you're in your late 30s and dating a chick who is a decacde younger then you.

There comes a point where a women's vaginas all start to feel the same. Vaginas, curves, and even the ulmighty orgasm begin to all start to feel the same. Some men on here aren't at that point. Me, I definitely got there.

I want to build a legacy and have enough energy to play with my kids.

Secondly, it is the height of insults to rob women of their fertile years and not give them a child and a lifelong commitement. Nothing bothers me more than men too pussy to marry women after 2+ years of dating. You now have a woman who has wasted her child rearing years away and a man too child like to commite.

Agreed, exactly why I broke off my last relationship, she wanted kids, I wasn't sure I wanted any nor was ready to.

She was a great gal, but didn't deserve her time wasted, as my time as well.

Although to me different pussies will never feel the same however, most the interaction to get there is a predictable science.

Same text game, same conversations, same moves, same LMR, same night lays, etc.

That's the shit that can get old - as discussed in the player's lounge - once you've got getting pussy easy and have options - it becomes the quality of the woman you're with and if she's fun, easy going, and above that.

I'm at the point right now - I'm striving (but struggling) for more quality girls and interactions.

I still don't think I'm ready or maybe never will be ready for kids, it just isn't in my mind yet.

Sucks to be you: every Red Pill truth condensed into one story

Quote: (10-26-2016 08:46 AM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

This raises an interesting question for us though, with the roles slightly reverse.

Say you are 38, not too old but already reached your prime couple years back. Your finances are all in order, but you wont be Bill Gates. You have game and can still occasionally pull quality, but you are losing the edge to younger guys.

You are in a LTR with a girl with mother-of-your children qualities: 25-28, traditional, loving, cook and clean, wants stability, low maintenance, a solid 7 but not more. You know you wont find girls like this everyday, but you cant help lusting after all the young pussies waving at you.

Your girl want children (justly) and set her ultimatum.

Do you get the ring or you keep playing the field, thinking like the women in the OP, that a better adventure awaits you elsewhere?

It is indeed an interesting question. And I will be brutally and totally honest here.

First of all, you cannot compare a 38 year old male and a 38 year old female. ESPECIALLY(!!!) if that male is financially stable, is in shape and has some Game knowledge. A man of that age can offer much, much more than a female counterpart. Now, if that man happens to be a RVFer, he can offer EVEN MORE. On the other hand, what a female of that age can offer that a hot, barely 18 year old girl, can't? Absolutely NOTHING of value(!!!).

Second thing, not have the mentality that you are past your prime when you reach 38. You are at your prime. Again: YOU ARE AT YOUR PRIME(!!!). You are in the same position as a 18 year HB.

Again, and especially if you are do not follow the rules various low SMV freaks (feminazis, SJW's) have laid before you ( age acceptance, taboo topics, big is beatiful...). are the ONE MAKING THE RULES(!!!). You refuse to lose weight? Buzz off. You try to make me join some crusade for "justice"? Buzz off. Nagging too much? Go home, and nag your Mom,

I will emphasize again...if you are 38, and have your shit do not follow the make them. Especially if you follow this forum. Everyone of us can be in this position. I am much younger (26), and I intend to be in that position when I reach that age. Everyone can do it, if he so chooses.

With that being said, that leads us to the following question. I will quote again the question:


You are in a LTR with a girl with mother-of-your children qualities: 25-28, traditional, loving, cook and clean, wants stability, low maintenance, a solid 7 but not more. You know you wont find girls like this everyday, but you cant help lusting after all the young pussies waving at you.

Your girl want children (justly) and set her ultimatum.

Do you get the ring or you keep playing the field, thinking like the women in the OP, that a better adventure awaits you elsewhere?

You WILL find plenty of those girls, trust you me. DO NOT ADOPT THAT MENTALITY!!! I do not know how is the quality of girls in France, but I can say that there is a plenty of these kind of girls in more traditional cultures. In my area (Balkans), there are more than enough (I am a local so...) .. Not to mention that these girls are younger (on average), prettier (on average) and have low (or none) of CC mileage. Of course, now, if someone prefers a traditional girl of other race (Asian for example)...there are plenty of those as well.

Second thing, if a girl (and by that I mean ANY girl) ever gives me an ultimatum (and I consider an ultimatum of any kind a direct threat to my personal sovereignity)...I would raise my voice and tell her, in short, that, as long as I am the captain, I will not tolerate ultimatums and dissents, of any kind, from my crew (punishment would by pounding the fuck out of her in the sheets, repeat offense will mean breakup). She is not in a position to threaten me, because...she is very expendable. Time is on MY side, not HERS, after all [Image: biggrin.gif]. Every girls, traditional or not, deep inside of her, knows that!!

And finally, any man can play the field for...quite a long time, until he decides to settle down. He, after all, can make children as long as he is alive, pretty much. Can George Clooney make children? Yes. Can a woman his age? I do not think so. As we can see, rules are quite different for both sexes. That woman in OP's post thought that they were the same, and she learned, firsthand, that they are not.


Sucks to be you: every Red Pill truth condensed into one story

Wait until you die alone from ovarian cancer honey, chemo rocks and those sexy surgeons !

Sucks to be you: every Red Pill truth condensed into one story

My question is for the singer boyfriend after the divorce.

What kind of travelling singer with regional fame brings ANY chick around with him on tour that isn't the mother of his children?

What a waste of talent. This upset me most about this article. I need my safe space teddy bear.

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

Sucks to be you: every Red Pill truth condensed into one story



Sucks to be you: every Red Pill truth condensed into one story

I lol'd.

"As wolves among sheep we have wandered"

Sucks to be you: every Red Pill truth condensed into one story

Quote: (10-26-2016 12:54 PM)Irenicus Wrote:  

Quote: (10-26-2016 08:46 AM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

This raises an interesting question for us though, with the roles slightly reverse.

Say you are 38, not too old but already reached your prime couple years back. Your finances are all in order, but you wont be Bill Gates. You have game and can still occasionally pull quality, but you are losing the edge to younger guys.

You are in a LTR with a girl with mother-of-your children qualities: 25-28, traditional, loving, cook and clean, wants stability, low maintenance, a solid 7 but not more. You know you wont find girls like this everyday, but you cant help lusting after all the young pussies waving at you.

Your girl want children (justly) and set her ultimatum.

Do you get the ring or you keep playing the field, thinking like the women in the OP, that a better adventure awaits you elsewhere?

It is indeed an interesting question. And I will be brutally and totally honest here.

First of all, you cannot compare a 38 year old male and a 38 year old female. ESPECIALLY(!!!) if that male is financially stable, is in shape and has some Game knowledge. A man of that age can offer much, much more than a female counterpart. Now, if that man happens to be a RVFer, he can offer EVEN MORE. On the other hand, what a female of that age can offer that a hot, barely 18 year old girl, can't? Absolutely NOTHING of value(!!!).

Second thing, not have the mentality that you are past your prime when you reach 38. You are at your prime. Again: YOU ARE AT YOUR PRIME(!!!). You are in the same position as a 18 year HB.

Again, and especially if you are do not follow the rules various low SMV freaks (feminazis, SJW's) have laid before you ( age acceptance, taboo topics, big is beatiful...). are the ONE MAKING THE RULES(!!!). You refuse to lose weight? Buzz off. You try to make me join some crusade for "justice"? Buzz off. Nagging too much? Go home, and nag your Mom,

I will emphasize again...if you are 38, and have your shit do not follow the make them. Especially if you follow this forum. Everyone of us can be in this position. I am much younger (26), and I intend to be in that position when I reach that age. Everyone can do it, if he so chooses.

With that being said, that leads us to the following question. I will quote again the question:


You are in a LTR with a girl with mother-of-your children qualities: 25-28, traditional, loving, cook and clean, wants stability, low maintenance, a solid 7 but not more. You know you wont find girls like this everyday, but you cant help lusting after all the young pussies waving at you.

Your girl want children (justly) and set her ultimatum.

Do you get the ring or you keep playing the field, thinking like the women in the OP, that a better adventure awaits you elsewhere?

You WILL find plenty of those girls, trust you me. DO NOT ADOPT THAT MENTALITY!!! I do not know how is the quality of girls in France, but I can say that there is a plenty of these kind of girls in more traditional cultures. In my area (Balkans), there are more than enough (I am a local so...) .. Not to mention that these girls are younger (on average), prettier (on average) and have low (or none) of CC mileage. Of course, now, if someone prefers a traditional girl of other race (Asian for example)...there are plenty of those as well.

Second thing, if a girl (and by that I mean ANY girl) ever gives me an ultimatum (and I consider an ultimatum of any kind a direct threat to my personal sovereignity)...I would raise my voice and tell her, in short, that, as long as I am the captain, I will not tolerate ultimatums and dissents, of any kind, from my crew (punishment would by pounding the fuck out of her in the sheets, repeat offense will mean breakup). She is not in a position to threaten me, because...she is very expendable. Time is on MY side, not HERS, after all [Image: biggrin.gif]. Every girls, traditional or not, deep inside of her, knows that!!

And finally, any man can play the field for...quite a long time, until he decides to settle down. He, after all, can make children as long as he is alive, pretty much. Can George Clooney make children? Yes. Can a woman his age? I do not think so. As we can see, rules are quite different for both sexes. That woman in OP's post thought that they were the same, and she learned, firsthand, that they are not.


You have a good attitude, but I'm guessing you are around my age?

The hypothetical guy in my post is probably the above average RVF here, which is why I use him as an example. Because then you are very tempted to not settling down, which, like this chick found out, is probably not a good idea, though it wont hit us as hard.

I dont know how to explain this, but I'm 25 and there are a lot of things I did at 20 that I can no longer do. Though I live much better now with a girlfriend among the hottest I've gamed, it doesn't change the fact that in 10 years there will be even more things that I will no longer be able to do.

What I noticed most is a diminished passion for girls and wild fun. I used to force myself to go out 5 times per week, seek out the best venue to dance and meet girls, do whatever it takes, throwing away my ego and judgement... All that just to meet girls. I no longer feel that passion anymore.

Its not that I get complacent or rusty. I still game every now and then, and I see that I still got it. Its just that being in LTR with a pretty girl, then being surrounded with hot girls in both work and social circle throw off a lot of the glamour of the chase for me. When I see a hot girl, I still have that "fuck yeah WB" feeling, but another part of me is saying "I know who you are".

Some days my LTR feels tiring, but in general I enjoy it more than the hunt, and I know it will just keeps going in the same direction the more I age. And I see this with every player friend I know. Some of them are even dark triad, but the moment they find a good girl they settle, often sooner rather than later. And I've heard good things from it. My own mentor who used to post sarcastic approaches on his FB, nowadays focuses on his bike racing and business since his girl is taking care of all his needs. I have not talked to him in a long time, which is a good sign because that means we are both doing well.

What I am trying to say is, if you do find a good girl, it does make your life better. Life is not as simple as "I make the rule, you follow" as you said. At one point, you realize 1) people aren't following you any more 2) being a lone wolf is ok, but having your pack (family) is better. And for the record, a LTR material girl has every right to set an ultimatum for you to stick around. If she doesnt do it, she is either too naive / stupid, or has low self-esteem.

But if we postpone it too much, it gets harder to find a good girl. Not as hard as the wall for female, but it does get harder.

I can already tell you that working vs being in college makes a fuck huge difference in terms of energy level and access to hot AND young girl. At 40, competing against other young guys who got it made for the incredibly rare LTR material gets harder and harder. I know because I am the young guy, and other older guys trying to nip girls away from me and my bros fail miserably, despite them being much more successful. "He is old" is a very poweful barrier, and the type of girls who are into older guys are not LTR material, trust me.

I'm still too young to worry about this but I'm realistic as to the existence of the male wall. There are a lot of ways around it, but as others have said, as you get older your priorities change.

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

Sucks to be you: every Red Pill truth condensed into one story

This cautionary tale of lament should be in the dictionary under Hypergamy and Feminism

And taught in gender studies.

Perhaps a suite of puff pieces across all major media outlets.

Sucks to be you: every Red Pill truth condensed into one story

Quote: (10-26-2016 05:15 PM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

This raises an interesting question for us though, with the roles slightly reverse.

Say you are 38, not too old but already reached your prime couple years back. Your finances are all in order, but you wont be Bill Gates. You have game and can still occasionally pull quality, but you are losing the edge to younger guys.

You are in a LTR with a girl with mother-of-your children qualities: 25-28, traditional, loving, cook and clean, wants stability, low maintenance, a solid 7 but not more. You know you wont find girls like this everyday, but you cant help lusting after all the young pussies waving at you.

Your girl want children (justly) and set her ultimatum.

Do you get the ring or you keep playing the field, thinking like the women in the OP, that a better adventure awaits you elsewhere?

I'm 36, but other than that I'm in this exact situation. I've already been married once before so there's no reason for me to repeat that mistake. I told my gf as much and she seems to have accepted it (for now) but most likely she's gonna bail when she sees that I'm not going to come around.

I don't even think it's about awaiting a better adventure, it's more of a combination of risk-aversion and living my life with optimal freedom.

Sucks to be you: every Red Pill truth condensed into one story

Quote: (10-26-2016 05:15 PM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

Quote: (10-26-2016 12:54 PM)Irenicus Wrote:  

Quote: (10-26-2016 08:46 AM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

This raises an interesting question for us though, with the roles slightly reverse.

Say you are 38, not too old but already reached your prime couple years back. Your finances are all in order, but you wont be Bill Gates. You have game and can still occasionally pull quality, but you are losing the edge to younger guys.

You are in a LTR with a girl with mother-of-your children qualities: 25-28, traditional, loving, cook and clean, wants stability, low maintenance, a solid 7 but not more. You know you wont find girls like this everyday, but you cant help lusting after all the young pussies waving at you.

Your girl want children (justly) and set her ultimatum.

Do you get the ring or you keep playing the field, thinking like the women in the OP, that a better adventure awaits you elsewhere?

It is indeed an interesting question. And I will be brutally and totally honest here.

First of all, you cannot compare a 38 year old male and a 38 year old female. ESPECIALLY(!!!) if that male is financially stable, is in shape and has some Game knowledge. A man of that age can offer much, much more than a female counterpart. Now, if that man happens to be a RVFer, he can offer EVEN MORE. On the other hand, what a female of that age can offer that a hot, barely 18 year old girl, can't? Absolutely NOTHING of value(!!!).

Second thing, not have the mentality that you are past your prime when you reach 38. You are at your prime. Again: YOU ARE AT YOUR PRIME(!!!). You are in the same position as a 18 year HB.

Again, and especially if you are do not follow the rules various low SMV freaks (feminazis, SJW's) have laid before you ( age acceptance, taboo topics, big is beatiful...). are the ONE MAKING THE RULES(!!!). You refuse to lose weight? Buzz off. You try to make me join some crusade for "justice"? Buzz off. Nagging too much? Go home, and nag your Mom,

I will emphasize again...if you are 38, and have your shit do not follow the make them. Especially if you follow this forum. Everyone of us can be in this position. I am much younger (26), and I intend to be in that position when I reach that age. Everyone can do it, if he so chooses.

With that being said, that leads us to the following question. I will quote again the question:


You are in a LTR with a girl with mother-of-your children qualities: 25-28, traditional, loving, cook and clean, wants stability, low maintenance, a solid 7 but not more. You know you wont find girls like this everyday, but you cant help lusting after all the young pussies waving at you.

Your girl want children (justly) and set her ultimatum.

Do you get the ring or you keep playing the field, thinking like the women in the OP, that a better adventure awaits you elsewhere?

You WILL find plenty of those girls, trust you me. DO NOT ADOPT THAT MENTALITY!!! I do not know how is the quality of girls in France, but I can say that there is a plenty of these kind of girls in more traditional cultures. In my area (Balkans), there are more than enough (I am a local so...) .. Not to mention that these girls are younger (on average), prettier (on average) and have low (or none) of CC mileage. Of course, now, if someone prefers a traditional girl of other race (Asian for example)...there are plenty of those as well.

Second thing, if a girl (and by that I mean ANY girl) ever gives me an ultimatum (and I consider an ultimatum of any kind a direct threat to my personal sovereignity)...I would raise my voice and tell her, in short, that, as long as I am the captain, I will not tolerate ultimatums and dissents, of any kind, from my crew (punishment would by pounding the fuck out of her in the sheets, repeat offense will mean breakup). She is not in a position to threaten me, because...she is very expendable. Time is on MY side, not HERS, after all [Image: biggrin.gif]. Every girls, traditional or not, deep inside of her, knows that!!

And finally, any man can play the field for...quite a long time, until he decides to settle down. He, after all, can make children as long as he is alive, pretty much. Can George Clooney make children? Yes. Can a woman his age? I do not think so. As we can see, rules are quite different for both sexes. That woman in OP's post thought that they were the same, and she learned, firsthand, that they are not.


You have a good attitude, but I'm guessing you are around my age?

The hypothetical guy in my post is probably the above average RVF here, which is why I use him as an example. Because then you are very tempted to not settling down, which, like this chick found out, is probably not a good idea, though it wont hit us as hard.

I dont know how to explain this, but I'm 25 and there are a lot of things I did at 20 that I can no longer do. Though I live much better now with a girlfriend among the hottest I've gamed, it doesn't change the fact that in 10 years there will be even more things that I will no longer be able to do.

What I noticed most is a diminished passion for girls and wild fun. I used to force myself to go out 5 times per week, seek out the best venue to dance and meet girls, do whatever it takes, throwing away my ego and judgement... All that just to meet girls. I no longer feel that passion anymore.

Its not that I get complacent or rusty. I still game every now and then, and I see that I still got it. Its just that being in LTR with a pretty girl, then being surrounded with hot girls in both work and social circle throw off a lot of the glamour of the chase for me. When I see a hot girl, I still have that "fuck yeah WB" feeling, but another part of me is saying "I know who you are".

Some days my LTR feels tiring, but in general I enjoy it more than the hunt, and I know it will just keeps going in the same direction the more I age. And I see this with every player friend I know. Some of them are even dark triad, but the moment they find a good girl they settle, often sooner rather than later. And I've heard good things from it. My own mentor who used to post sarcastic approaches on his FB, nowadays focuses on his bike racing and business since his girl is taking care of all his needs. I have not talked to him in a long time, which is a good sign because that means we are both doing well.

What I am trying to say is, if you do find a good girl, it does make your life better. Life is not as simple as "I make the rule, you follow" as you said. At one point, you realize 1) people aren't following you any more 2) being a lone wolf is ok, but having your pack (family) is better. And for the record, a LTR material girl has every right to set an ultimatum for you to stick around. If she doesnt do it, she is either too naive / stupid, or has low self-esteem.

But if we postpone it too much, it gets harder to find a good girl. Not as hard as the wall for female, but it does get harder.

I can already tell you that working vs being in college makes a fuck huge difference in terms of energy level and access to hot AND young girl. At 40, competing against other young guys who got it made for the incredibly rare LTR material gets harder and harder. I know because I am the young guy, and other older guys trying to nip girls away from me and my bros fail miserably, despite them being much more successful. "He is old" is a very poweful barrier, and the type of girls who are into older guys are not LTR material, trust me.

I'm still too young to worry about this but I'm realistic as to the existence of the male wall. There are a lot of ways around it, but as others have said, as you get older your priorities change.

I am a year older than you, and I can relate. Right now you are making a decision which will affect your life.

When I faced life altering decisions (had plenty of those), I went somewhere far away from anyone. Any place did the trick - empty apartment, cabin in the woods... . There, I meditated and thought about the actions which I was about to do. That helped me a lot, because all the decisions I made while being in that state in mind made my life better. And no, I did not use LSD or something.

What I want to say is think, and think WELL, because...the REST OF YOUR LIFE (!!) is at stake. Do not ask yourself a question "Do I deserve HER?". Rather...ask yourself "Does she deserve ME?". And "Do I want, and can afford a family NOW with my LTR, or MAYBE LATER with some other LTR?". Only you will, (un)fortunately, know the answer. Nobody else will, because...they are not YOU.

To wrap it up, do not do a decision in order to impress anyone - whether RvF, SJW's etc. If you like your LTR, and want to settle down with her - good luck. If you want to be a player (and settle down if you choose to, on your terms) - good luck.

Now, the other part of your post concerning age.

Many older guys (from what I have seen)...are being way too creepy (they behave like 20, although they are nearing 40, for example), not in shape (fat, or skinny fat) and usually broke. Nobody wants them, with a reason. I have a cousin who is exactly that - broke, without a job, skinny fat etc. No wonder why he is going MGTOW - he has given up. I tried to save him but he did not listen. Screw him (no..not you [Image: biggrin.gif]) .

Now, if those older guys happen to have money, they usually play the Provider Game, because most of them think that only money matters when chasing girls (half truth). And it is no wonder why they get cucked and/or divorce raped. Sometimes, the girls even commit Seppuku when they are unmasked...

...or kill the golden goo...errr...provider, to bail her bad boy lover.

Now, if your older competition (does not matter if they are 35 or 135) had money, good looks and at least some Game (and, fortunately, VERY FEW do) would get massacred. They can bring much more to the table compared to you (and most of us for that matter).

Can you compete, in a hypothetical scenario, anywhere, against for example, Roosh, who is 35+ (has looks and Game, probably good finances)?

Not yet, but you will get there.

Against George Clooney, who has money, good looks, Game and high status?

Not, but with little luck...hopefully.

Against Scott Adams, who has money, Game (I do not know about his looks)?


Forget about "age gap". This is all feminist propaganda. The guys above (and many others, many of which are posters here - you probably know which ones) are proof that all you need to do is to be the best you can be - be in shape, be charming and have your finances in order. You can do it. You know it, I know it and everyone knows it.

I hope I did not miss anything... .

Sucks to be you: every Red Pill truth condensed into one story

This story if anything teaches generally naive men how this type of woman actually thinks, before getting ensnared into something serious with this beast.

There are a few flavors of career woman; she either wants a man to go along with the plan, or, she wants a superior man.

Go along with the plan guy can be successful, if, he goes along with the plan, and maintains his masculine frame, and is unapologetic about who he is and what he does. Women like this generally have highly complicated lives; they buy horses, "renovate homes", have 50 half cocked projects going, always have to move, etc etc. Go along guy is there to assist. I have seen doctors married to farmers, cops, car mechanics and factory workers. These pairings can go well if the man is stable, well spoken and comes off impressive at a cocktail party or awards banquets. Go along with the plan guy gets into trouble when hes flopping around from job to job, acting erratic, emotional and beta in general. Which in reality is probably a subconscious protest to willingly submitting all independence, masculinity and freedom to a woman like this. She will resent him quickly, like what happened here. Go along with the plan guy can also make more money, and be higher socially, goes along with her life plan and hectic/erratic schedule and added complications from her career and life choices, and is what we call, classic beta.

Superior man is wealthier, classier, has better friends, better looking, and is generally more impressive all around. He has a higher profile job, is the primary breadwinner, and has his frame and game on 100% lock. He is the guy she is looking for all around. Think alpha provider, at least a guy that holds his frame. Fewer and farer between, but give us the model modern family.

She was right to dump this dude, because he wasn't a leader. For all intents he was probably an immature puppy dog that got married way too young.

The thing is there are millions of these girls now in their early thirties and who are acting this way, way too late, thank you Sex in the City. Singer guy sounded like a poor choice and she probably didn't attract the serious alpha provider given her looks. Sad story, but yes, strange that she would put it in the newspaper, and even stranger that this passes for news today in major newspapers.

Sucks to be you: every Red Pill truth condensed into one story

So that's what schadenfreude truly feels like. Germans have great words for everything.

Sucks to be you: every Red Pill truth condensed into one story

Quote: (10-26-2016 02:14 AM)DamienCasanova Wrote:  

Invest in cat food companies

I was thinking of investing in Cymbalta, but I like your idea better.

"Action still preserves for us a hope that we may stand erect." - Thucydides (from History of the Peloponnesian War)

Sucks to be you: every Red Pill truth condensed into one story

Quote: (10-26-2016 07:55 PM)Vaun Wrote:  

There are a few flavors of career woman; she either wants a man to go along with the plan, or, she wants a superior man.


She was right to dump this dude, because he wasn't a leader. For all intents he was probably an immature puppy dog that got married way too young.

No man should ever have to settle down with a career woman. Wouldn’t wish that on whoever the fucker stole my gloves last month.

The guy obviously doesnt have game, which sadly is almost a crime nowadays.
However, he genuinely loves her, (ref. all the romantic parts and her family reactions) and that’s the big part. You all do realize how un-lovable and repulsive career women are? Shit, my director is pretty damn hot at 38, and she got her husband running away from the altar at her wedding (true story)

These women, and many men will never realize that being a career women make you among the least attractive females out there because it means you put career before husband/family. This dumb cunt should have realized how lucky she was to have someone devoted to her. She should have cradled him at night, makes him deer sandwiches and put him inside a bank. Or the fridge, whatever works.

Instead, she chose to hop around on hypergamy not knowing that she has ZERO chance of actually being with the man she wants, because those men would never settle for her.

Most people who do end up marrying these cunts generally do not live happily, and their children tend to get neglected, hence the deviant neglected kids. My girl baby-sits a for a family like that and she feels real pity for the children, who practically never see their parents.

Serve her right in every way and thank god she didn’t have children. She would be a horrible mother.

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

Sucks to be you: every Red Pill truth condensed into one story


[Image: gatsby-trailer-dicaprio.jpg?w=630]

Sucks to be you: every Red Pill truth condensed into one story

Quote: (10-26-2016 12:05 AM)LeoneVolpe Wrote:  

...and that's what they call getting your "just deserts".

I wonder what the author's motivation was in writing this. Did she just need to vent? Was she looking to gain sympathy? Likely both. Maybe, just maybe, she finally learned from her mistakes, but not before "hitting the wall", of course.

Personally, I don't feel the least bit sorry for her. She took a hypergamous gamble and lost. From a coldly evolutionary perspective, any woman too stupid to find someone to mate with -- despite having a huge advantage as compared to men attempting the same feat -- deserves to have her genes unapologetically weeded out of existence, as Mystery might've said.

Thank you for sharing this.

The decisive point in this wench's epiphany on the road to contrition is just that: hitting the wall. Without having had this reality check cut her ego down to size, she would be the same hypergamous, smug cunt that she always was in her fresher, tighter and younger days when she had her choice of alpha cock in the marketplace.

In other words, her newly-acquired sense of modesty springs from the well of necessity and nothing else besides.

And it's not even a genuine modesty, since the motivation for writing this declaration of contrition was no doubt in part to pique the interest of men to her plight, perhaps even of the main man in the story himself, her beloved but now unrequited first love, Matthew.

Aside from this being a cautionary tale of the menace of the chaos which ensues when female hypergamy is fully let off the leash by society and a paradigm case of what goes around comes around: zero fucks given.

Sucks to be you: every Red Pill truth condensed into one story

You go girl!

Sucks to be you: every Red Pill truth condensed into one story

Quote: (10-26-2016 02:19 PM)TornadoByProxy Wrote:  


Took a while. This article is from Jan 2013, I thought I had seen this opening statement before.

I'm surprised this is new for the forum, either you guys have a bad memory or it went over your heads when it was first released.

Sucks to be you: every Red Pill truth condensed into one story

She worked at a women's magazine. That's got to be a red flag. Spent all her time immersed in a "you go girl, you can have it all" environment. Sorry, you can't have it all - you have to prioritize. She prioritized and then regretted it. Tough shit.

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