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#PrayForBrussels #PrayForParis #PrayForNice #PrayForFrance #PrayForMunich etc...

#PrayForBrussels #PrayForParis #PrayForNice #PrayForFrance #PrayForMunich etc...

Every 3 minutes on Twitter, a new useful idiot SJW is tweeting #PrayForMunich

The vast amounts of idiocy never cease to amaze me.

These are the same people that cry "Islamophobia!!!" when you point out
that all these mass killings, shootings, axe and machete stabbings
all have just one thing in common: islam.

#PrayForBrussels #PrayForParis #PrayForGermany #PrayForNice #PrayForFrance and the list goes on forever

These retards feminists and SJWs will never ever ever wake up ?

#PrayForBrussels #PrayForParis #PrayForNice #PrayForFrance #PrayForMunich etc...

Needs a catchy & succinct hashtag to oppose it and point out the stupidity of #prayforX

Any ideas?

They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety- Benjamin Franklin, as if you didn't know...

#PrayForBrussels #PrayForParis #PrayForNice #PrayForFrance #PrayForMunich etc...

What they don't understand is that Prayers for X isn't going to solve anything.

Action will.

#PrayForBrussels #PrayForParis #PrayForNice #PrayForFrance #PrayForMunich etc...

A few weeks ago on Twitter Roosh said something to the effect of "Replying to terrorism with love is enabling terrorists."

Not only do I agree wholeheartedly with him on that, but I'll extend his sentiments to prayer. Praying like an idiot while violent people are destroying city after city is basically asking to be a victim.

George Washington and company didn't beat back the British Army by constantly dropping to their knees like some self-appointed parish priest. They knew when to fight.

#PrayForBrussels #PrayForParis #PrayForNice #PrayForFrance #PrayForMunich etc...

We definitely need a new thread every time a member has detailed and carefully thought out musings such as the above.

I'm the King of Beijing!

#PrayForBrussels #PrayForParis #PrayForNice #PrayForFrance #PrayForMunich etc...


#PrayForBrussels #PrayForParis #PrayForNice #PrayForFrance #PrayForMunich etc...

Millions of useful idiots are flooding Facebook and Twitter with #PrayForMunich #PrayForGermany and so on, every day.

Yes, I'd say it is a rather big problem.

Are they trying to prove they are praying harder than the muslims who do the mass killings?

#PrayForBrussels #PrayForParis #PrayForNice #PrayForFrance #PrayForMunich etc...


#PrayForBrussels #PrayForParis #PrayForNice #PrayForFrance #PrayForMunich etc...

Quote: (07-26-2016 08:06 AM)Suits Wrote:  

We definitely need a new thread every time a member has detailed and carefully thought out musings such as the above.

I think the thread's title makes an important point -- one that should be being made in the mainstream media. All that was even needed in this case, I think, was such a title.

#PrayForBrussels #PrayForParis #PrayForNice #PrayForFrance #PrayForMunich etc...

I'll Pray For You

Лучше поздно, чем никогда begins at "70% Warning Level."....

#PrayForBrussels #PrayForParis #PrayForNice #PrayForFrance #PrayForMunich etc...


#PrayForBrussels #PrayForParis #PrayForNice #PrayForFrance #PrayForMunich etc...

I take prayer quite seriously, and this obsequious moose-drip sickens me.


#PrayForBrussels #PrayForParis #PrayForNice #PrayForFrance #PrayForMunich etc...

Note how the far left are not using hashtags for third-world massacres.

A few that have not trended…

#PrayforBurkinaFaso (Al Qaeda gunmen killed 20 people at a hotel in January of 2016)
#PrayforNigeria (Terrorists bombed a school in November of 2014, killing 48 children)
#PrayforKabul (Just the other day, ISIS set off a bomb at a demonstration and killed 80 people)

"Action still preserves for us a hope that we may stand erect." - Thucydides (from History of the Peloponnesian War)

#PrayForBrussels #PrayForParis #PrayForNice #PrayForFrance #PrayForMunich etc...

All this praying, yet all these terrorist attacks still happen?

...maybe they've been praying to the wrong God this whole time!

Allah is the one answering the prayers! Praying must stop so we can stop terrorism!


#PrayForBrussels #PrayForParis #PrayForNice #PrayForFrance #PrayForMunich etc...

Apart from the genocide of all muslims, or a full on race war. I can't see any real solution to making Eurabia a nice place again.

Quote: (07-26-2016 10:12 AM)MajorStyles Wrote:  

Note how the far left are not using hashtags for third-world massacres.

A few that have not trended…

#PrayforBurkinaFaso (Al Qaeda gunmen killed 20 people at a hotel in January of 2016)
#PrayforNigeria (Terrorists bombed a school in November of 2014, killing 48 children)
#PrayforKabul (Just the other day, ISIS set off a bomb at a demonstration and killed 80 people)

Obviously white people are not expected to give a fuck about those places. I doubt they ever will.

The less fucks you give, the more fucks you get.

#PrayForBrussels #PrayForParis #PrayForNice #PrayForFrance #PrayForMunich etc...


#PrayForBrussels #PrayForParis #PrayForNice #PrayForFrance #PrayForMunich etc...

Are the days of hijacking hashtags over? There's gotta be a way to turn this into lolz.

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

#PrayForBrussels #PrayForParis #PrayForNice #PrayForFrance #PrayForMunich etc...

Quote: (07-26-2016 10:35 AM)spalex Wrote:  

Apart from the genocide of all muslims, or a full on race war. I can't see any real solution to making Eurabia a nice place again.

Quote: (07-26-2016 10:12 AM)MajorStyles Wrote:  

Note how the far left are not using hashtags for third-world massacres.

A few that have not trended…

#PrayforBurkinaFaso (Al Qaeda gunmen killed 20 people at a hotel in January of 2016)
#PrayforNigeria (Terrorists bombed a school in November of 2014, killing 48 children)
#PrayforKabul (Just the other day, ISIS set off a bomb at a demonstration and killed 80 people)

Obviously white people are not expected to give a fuck about those places. I doubt they ever will.

That's ISIS' goal though. They want Westernized Muslims to feel so alienated from their home communities that they have no place to go other than to join ISIS and their caliphate.

Military strategists have said that ISIS could be defeated in weeks. The question is not how we stop terrorism, but when. The sole sponsor of terrorism is Saudi Arabia and their Wahhabism that infects Western mosques, media, schools, etc. All we need to do is cut off ties with Arabia to end this plague, but god knows we'll never stop wanting their oil enough for that to happen.

Apart from finishing off ISIS, ending the Israel-Palestine conflict, solidifying Assad in Syria, and getting rid of leaders who subscribe to the Muslim Brotherhood would also be a step in the right direction.

"Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest- and you all know it! Please don't feel so stupid or insecure, it's not your fault" -Donald Trump

#PrayForBrussels #PrayForParis #PrayForNice #PrayForFrance #PrayForMunich etc...


#PrayForBrussels #PrayForParis #PrayForNice #PrayForFrance #PrayForMunich etc...

[Image: attachment.jpg32837]   

Лучше поздно, чем никогда begins at "70% Warning Level."....

#PrayForBrussels #PrayForParis #PrayForNice #PrayForFrance #PrayForMunich etc...


#PrayForBrussels #PrayForParis #PrayForNice #PrayForFrance #PrayForMunich etc...



#PrayForBrussels #PrayForParis #PrayForNice #PrayForFrance #PrayForMunich etc...

The worst part is you know damn well most of these people have never said a prayer in their life.

#PrayForBrussels #PrayForParis #PrayForNice #PrayForFrance #PrayForMunich etc...

Quote: (07-26-2016 07:15 AM)seniol Wrote:  

all these mass killings, shootings, axe and machete stabbings
all have just one thing in common: islam.

What does Islam have to do with what happened in Munich?

#PrayForBrussels #PrayForParis #PrayForNice #PrayForFrance #PrayForMunich etc...

Too bad George Carlin is not with us anymore, he would have a field day with all of this.

Zdarzyło mi się pokonać armię ciemności albo dwie.

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