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Google removes Coincidence Detector extension for Chrome

Google removes Coincidence Detector extension for Chrome


Google has removed the controversial browser extension called “Coincidence Detector” that flagged Jewish names, civil liberties groups, and others considered to have anti-White nationalist views. The Chrome plugin, which has lurked in Google’s app store for about five months, relied on a user-generated list of names that would then be highlighted on any given webpage.

White nationalist sentiments have increased since the start of the 2016 presidential campaign last year. Google searches of terms such as “alt-right, “”white genocide,” “pro-white,” and “black on white crime” have upticked significantly since 2013 with large spikes in 2015, according to a ThinkProgress analysis.

That surge of interest in white nationalism has been partially attributed to presumed-Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s campaign. Trump supporters have been reported to sling anti-Semitic remarks at Jewish journalists online. Trump hasn’t made blatantly anti-Semitic comments but has used Jewish stereotypes and coded language that typically implies a racial, ethnic, or sexist bias without overtly invoking a particular stance.

I have read the Heartiste comments for a while, and I had no idea why people kept putting (((parentheses))) around various words. Turns out it was a little inside joke.

Of course the media blames Trump. [Image: undecided.gif]

If only you knew how bad things really are.

Google removes Coincidence Detector extension for Chrome

fuck google...
It's all about Duck Duck Go now!

I'm one of the luckiest man alive, nothing in my life has been easy...

Google removes Coincidence Detector extension for Chrome

Quote: (06-04-2016 08:48 PM)Aquiles_Baesta_Parada Wrote:  

fuck google...
It's all about Duck Duck Go now!

I have been using DuckDuckGo for several months now. So far, so good....

"Action still preserves for us a hope that we may stand erect." - Thucydides (from History of the Peloponnesian War)

Google removes Coincidence Detector extension for Chrome

I still don't understand what Coincidence Detector is, and what problem there is with it.

"A stripper last night brought up "Rich Dad Poor Dad" when I mentioned, "Think and Grow Rich""

Google removes Coincidence Detector extension for Chrome

I think this article might have a better explanation:


A google Chrome plugin with the seemingly innocent name of "Coincidence Detector" has one sole purpose: compiling and exposing the identities of Jews and others who are perceived as "anti-white." Drawing from a user-generated list of Jewish names, the extension works in the background while users browse the web and encases the names in three sets of parentheses — for example, (((Fleishman))) — on web pages.

TLDR: it puts three sets of parentheses around Jewish names on web pages you browse.

If only you knew how bad things really are.

Google removes Coincidence Detector extension for Chrome

Hahahaha, that's hilarious.

"A stripper last night brought up "Rich Dad Poor Dad" when I mentioned, "Think and Grow Rich""

Google removes Coincidence Detector extension for Chrome

(((Google))) removed the Coincidence Detector? What a strange coincidence.

Google removes Coincidence Detector extension for Chrome

What do you do with people who have names like Strauss, Wise, Miller, Koch, Meyers....names that are found amongst Jews and Gentiles alike?

Google removes Coincidence Detector extension for Chrome

The name of the app is fucking hilarious. Well played.

Google removes Coincidence Detector extension for Chrome

They are saying things like the extension "tracks and targets" Jews. All it does is identify Jewish names in your browser so instead of headlines like "Random Feminist says White Men must be gelded" you will see it as "(((Random Feminist))) says White Men must be gelded" and draw your own conclusions.

Dr Johnson rumbles with the RawGod. And lives to regret it.

Google removes Coincidence Detector extension for Chrome

Quote: (06-04-2016 09:04 PM)MajorStyles Wrote:  

Quote: (06-04-2016 08:48 PM)Aquiles_Baesta_Parada Wrote:  

fuck google...
It's all about Duck Duck Go now!

I have been using DuckDuckGo for several months now. So far, so good....

But such a stupid fucking name - who green-lighted that?!

I tried it - no search engine can compete with Google. Sad but true for now.

L:219  F:29  V:9  A:6  3S:1

"Water, water, everywhere, nor any drop to drink"

Google removes Coincidence Detector extension for Chrome

[Image: The-Goyim-Know.png]

Google removes Coincidence Detector extension for Chrome

Guaranteed this was a favourite of Muslims. Any European would be able to tell a Jewish name from a mile off.

Quote: (03-05-2016 02:42 PM)SudoRoot Wrote:  
Fuck this shit, I peace out.

Google removes Coincidence Detector extension for Chrome

Quote: (06-05-2016 05:35 AM)Recovering Beta Wrote:  

What do you do with people who have names like Strauss, Wise, Miller, Koch, Meyers....names that are found amongst Jews and Gentiles alike?

Or stealth Jews like Scarlett Johannson.

Google removes Coincidence Detector extension for Chrome

Quote: (06-05-2016 02:09 PM)BortimusPrime Wrote:  

Quote: (06-05-2016 05:35 AM)Recovering Beta Wrote:  

What do you do with people who have names like Strauss, Wise, Miller, Koch, Meyers....names that are found amongst Jews and Gentiles alike?

Or stealth Jews like Scarlett Johannson.

Those were added separately, since it was an app using user-inputted database entries. It also changed "Israel" to (((Our Greatest Ally)))

Google removes Coincidence Detector extension for Chrome

Hahahahaaa, that is one funny app.

"A stripper last night brought up "Rich Dad Poor Dad" when I mentioned, "Think and Grow Rich""

Google removes Coincidence Detector extension for Chrome

When I used the ((coincidence)) detector, I noticed that the ((people)) showing up as echoed all had the same opinions and world views.

But I think it was just a coincidence.

Google removes Coincidence Detector extension for Chrome

We need one for Catholics, too. Maybe three ***asterisks?***

The reason I say this is because Catholics have done as much if not more damage to society with their social justice crap, misguided missionary work, and anti-male bias when it comes to sexuality. It's also very significant that the church was (and probably still is) run in the U.S. by closeted gays and lesbians -- most of whom loathe heterosexual desire, which is why they seek to regulate it.

I think people notice with what Jews are doing because they're in media and in Hollywood and it's obvious. But the Catholics are more insidious. Jews might annoy you when you go to the movie theater, but Catholics will outright ruin your town when they "sponsor" refugees coming to your neighborhood. (More here.)

And then there are the Catholic politicians. Martin O'Malley. Nancy Pelosi. Anyone with the surname "Kennedy." I outlined how Ted Kennedy and another Catholic politician permanently altered the demography of the U.S. in another post. They did it by sponsoring the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965.

Speaking of Kennedys, back when JFK was running for office, one of the complaints about having a Catholic president was that he'd take marching orders from the pope, not the people. The complainers were called bigots.

But I believe, to a large degree, there was truth in that. And like a lot of so-called bigotry, the beliefs of the anti-Kennedy people were based on justified worry, not irrational fear. Ever wonder why Paul Ryan seems so "cucked" about social issues? Look up his religion. It ain't Jewish.

Once again, I'll state that I was raised Italian-Catholic, so I come by my distaste for the Catholic church because I grew up in this culture and it really put me off. This is not bigotry so much as it is an honest critique of my own culture. The Catholic focus on social justice doesn't blend with America's majority-Protestant ethos, which was always the Protestant Work Ethic.

There is no "Catholic Work Ethic." Ever wonder why?

I'll close out by telling you all to take a closer look at your Facebook and Twitter feeds from now on. Sure, we know there are agendas when people from Hollywood push their beliefs on us. But keep an eye out for how many times you see citizens who cheer for them and have names like ***O'Donnell*** or ***Zirilli.*** Those kinds of names aren't just popping up by coincidence, let's put it that way.

Google removes Coincidence Detector extension for Chrome

Quote: (06-08-2016 09:20 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

We need one for Catholics, too. Maybe three ***asterisks?***

The reason I say this is because Catholics have done as much if not more damage to society with their social justice crap, misguided missionary work, and anti-male bias when it comes to sexuality. It's also very significant that the church was (and probably still is) run in the U.S. by closeted gays and lesbians -- most of whom loathe heterosexual desire, which is why they seek to regulate it.

I think people notice with what Jews are doing because they're in media and in Hollywood and it's obvious. But the Catholics are more insidious. Jews might annoy you when you go to the movie theater, but Catholics will outright ruin your town when they "sponsor" refugees coming to your neighborhood. (More here.)

And then there are the Catholic politicians. Martin O'Malley. Nancy Pelosi. Anyone with the surname "Kennedy." I outlined how Ted Kennedy and another Catholic politician permanently altered the demography of the U.S. in another post. They did it by sponsoring the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965.

Speaking of Kennedys, back when JFK was running for office, one of the complaints about having a Catholic president was that he'd take marching orders from the pope, not the people. The complainers were called bigots.

But I believe, to a large degree, there was truth in that. And like a lot of so-called bigotry, the beliefs of the anti-Kennedy people were based on justified worry, not irrational fear. Ever wonder why Paul Ryan seems so "cucked" about social issues? Look up his religion. It ain't Jewish.

Once again, I'll state that I was raised Italian-Catholic, so I come by my distaste for the Catholic church because I grew up in this culture and it really put me off. This is not bigotry so much as it is an honest critique of my own culture. The Catholic focus on social justice doesn't blend with America's majority-Protestant ethos, which was always the Protestant Work Ethic.

There is no "Catholic Work Ethic." Ever wonder why?

I'll close out by telling you all to take a closer look at your Facebook and Twitter feeds from now on. Sure, we know there are agendas when people from Hollywood push their beliefs on us. But keep an eye out for how many times you see citizens who cheer for them and have names like ***O'Donnell*** or ***Zirilli.*** Those kinds of names aren't just popping up by coincidence, let's put it that way.

I think you're a bit rough on the church, the problem is the rot from inside that came about with Vatican II half a century ago, not the faith itself. And it's not unique to the Catholic church, you have the same crap and worse within Protestant circles (Osteen, Hagee etc)

JFK was the greatest modern American president, and no, he didn't take marching orders from the Vatican, though his faith was a positive influence on his presidency (his personal weaknesses aside). And yes Paul Ryan is a douche, but Pat Buchanan is not. It's no coincidence that the former is running the show while the latter has been fairly marginalized.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Google removes Coincidence Detector extension for Chrome

Guardian article about it:


US antisemitism watchdog, the Anti-Defamation League, has added the “(((echo)))” symbol, used online by white supremacists to single out Jews, to its online database of hate symbols.

The group’s decision comes days after Google removed a Chrome extension that was being used by antisemites to add triple parentheses around the names of prominent Jewish public figures...

The intersection of old-fashioned white supremacy and antisemitism with tech-savvy online groups centred around websites such as 4chan and Reddit has given rise to a movement loosely termed the “alt-right”. The echo symbol is just the latest artefact of that group’s thinking to burst into the mainstream...

If only you knew how bad things really are.

Google removes Coincidence Detector extension for Chrome

Quote: (06-08-2016 10:22 PM)911 Wrote:  

Quote: (06-08-2016 09:20 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

Speaking of Kennedys, back when JFK was running for office, one of the complaints about having a Catholic president was that he'd take marching orders from the pope, not the people. The complainers were called bigots.

JFK was the greatest modern American president, and no, he didn't take marching orders from the Vatican, though his faith was a positive influence on his presidency (his personal weaknesses aside).

JFK only started the Vietnam War, perhaps the worst blunder in American histroy, as a direct result of Vatican support for a handful of Vietnamese Catholics.

So yea, he was beholden to un-American interests.

Which goes to the heart of why the ***(((Supreme Court)))*** has paved the way for societal decay in the US and why Trump is leading the Nationalist resergence against these ***(((globalists)))***.

It's not because of faith per say, but because the power centers of Judaism and Catholicism are outside the US, while most of the Protestant power centers are inside the US.

It's hard to be a patriotic American with divided, international loyalties.

Google removes Coincidence Detector extension for Chrome

Quote: (06-08-2016 11:05 PM)RexImperator Wrote:  

Guardian article about it:


US antisemitism watchdog, the Anti-Defamation League, has added the “(((echo)))” symbol, used online by white supremacists to single out Jews, to its online database of hate symbols.

The group’s decision comes days after Google removed a Chrome extension that was being used by antisemites to add triple parentheses around the names of prominent Jewish public figures...

The intersection of old-fashioned white supremacy and antisemitism with tech-savvy online groups centred around websites such as 4chan and Reddit has given rise to a movement loosely termed the “alt-right”. The echo symbol is just the latest artefact of that group’s thinking to burst into the mainstream...

Sooo...if they use double or single () will they ban it too? We can get the whole abc banned in short order

Deus vult!

Google removes Coincidence Detector extension for Chrome

Quote: (06-09-2016 07:02 AM)Glaucon Wrote:  

Quote: (06-08-2016 11:05 PM)RexImperator Wrote:  

Guardian article about it:


US antisemitism watchdog, the Anti-Defamation League, has added the “(((echo)))” symbol, used online by white supremacists to single out Jews, to its online database of hate symbols.

The group’s decision comes days after Google removed a Chrome extension that was being used by antisemites to add triple parentheses around the names of prominent Jewish public figures...

The intersection of old-fashioned white supremacy and antisemitism with tech-savvy online groups centred around websites such as 4chan and Reddit has given rise to a movement loosely termed the “alt-right”. The echo symbol is just the latest artefact of that group’s thinking to burst into the mainstream...

Sooo...if they use double or single () will they ban it too? We can get the whole abc banned in short order

How about just an asterix to represent the star of David?

[Image: SGeyJ4k.gif]

Google removes Coincidence Detector extension for Chrome

A copycat "Nazi Detector":


Nazi Detector: A Google Chrome extension that identifies white supremacists online, based on the infamous (((Coincidence Detector)))

Cernovich and Ann Coulter are on the list.

If only you knew how bad things really are.

Google removes Coincidence Detector extension for Chrome

Quote: (06-27-2016 10:38 AM)RexImperator Wrote:  

A copycat "Nazi Detector":


Nazi Detector: A Google Chrome extension that identifies white supremacists online, based on the infamous (((Coincidence Detector)))

Cernovich and Ann Coulter are on the list.

Hitler was the Jewish messiah. The pharisees (who modern day Jews decend from) did not want salvation, they wanted power and money. Hitler came along killed a bunch of non-elite Jews and now they are untouchable.

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