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THC in LATIN AMERICA: Brazil, Colombia, et al.

THC in LATIN AMERICA: Brazil, Colombia, et al.


Boom, I’m back on the road. After nearly a 2 year break from traveling, where I focussed on work and making money, I’ve quit my job to focus on travel.

My last trip I continued traveling until I was nearly broke. By the end of my trip I couldn’t travel the way I like anymore. My limited budget started to constrain my travel enjoyment a lot and my recurrent income wasn’t enough to get by on.

So I decided to focus a year on work and financial gains only. I worked my ass off and refueled my bank account.

Getting back into the grind of the corporate world brought back my appreciation of the traveling lifestyle quite fast.

So February I decided to quit my job and buy a one-way ticket. This time not to The Orient but to Latin America.

I’ve started this trip in Brazil as I always wanted to experience Rio’s Carnaval. A perfect start for this trip! I loved Rio so much I decided to stick around for an additional month. Rio is an amazing city.

After Brazil I went to Colombia where I have since been traveling around to various locations and I’ve met up some great people from RVF.

The next location is still undecided. But I love my time in Colombia, but I feel like pioneering some new places soon. Need some inspiration.

A lot has been going on, so let’s start this thread with some stats to bring you up to speed.


Notches: +/- 30

Brazilian: 66%
Colombian: 33%
Venezuelan: 2

Game method:
Night game: 25%
Online: 50%
Day game: 25%

I banged all girls on the first ‘date’ of meeting them, except 1. No second dates were required.


Over the following sections I'll explain my experience of the different locations I’ve visited so far.

It’s not the goal of this thread to deliver a detailed Data Sheets on each of these places. There are already plenty of threads available.

Rather I’ll just share my own experiences and thoughts about these cities and update this thread as I go along.


Brazil - Rio de Janeiro (6 weeks)
[Image: 29dycqp.gif]

One word: Sensational!

I was in Brazil once before and visited a few cities, but already back then I fell in love with Rio. It must be one of my favorite cities in the world.

The women are curvy, come in all shades from black to white, they are fun-loving, cool, smiling and feminine.

This time around I have studied Portuguese before going, and it pays off big time. I would go as far as to say it’s a requirement. Most girls (especially the cuter ones) will ONLY speak Portuguese. I got some girls on my first trip to Brazil with ZERO Portuguese, but it’s a big handicap.

So learn it. If you have basic Spanish down, it’s not that hard. I’ll write a post soon on how to learn Portuguese fast (in 2 weeks).

[Image: 4i0n7l.jpg]
Rio, City view

Internet (Pipeline)

I was so anxious to start traveling again, the weeks leading up to my departure I pipelined Brazilian girls on Tinder like a maniac. There are a lot of hot girls on there. I did a grenade approach and got about 50 numbers from girls, but they were all shallow to very shallow connections. This strategy turned out to be a complete failure.

Most of the girls I had matched with turned out to be living too far from where I was staying; or they were no longer there by the time I arrived; or they had gone cold completely.

From these 50 contacts, I think I ended up meeting with no more than 5. Which isn’t all bad, but definitely not a good Return On Investment given the time I spent on it.

Pro-Tip 1: Set a SMALL radius around the address where you actually will be staying (e.g. Ipanema) and apply more of a sniper tactic rather than a grenade attack.

Pro-Tip 2: Momentum is a big part of “online game”. What worked best for me, was to meet the girls within a few days of matching and talking to them. The longer I waited to meet up, the higher the chances were she would flake.

The Tinder girls I met were all easy bangs. I'd meet them at the beach, 1-2 drinks max, then take her back to my place. Online definitely has it’s place in Rio de Janeiro. I even met a local Porn Star on there who was on vacation in Rio; full story below - read on.


Carnaval in Rio is crazy. Brazilians live to party and it shows especially during this time. Besides the famous Samba Parade with the fancy and sexy dresses, most of the actual partying happens at so called “Bloco’s”. A bloco is like a street party, usually with a theme or specific style of music.

The bloco’s are starting the week before Carnaval, and there are even some up to two weeks after the official Carnaval. The most and the best bloco’s are during the Caranaval weekend.

Most Brazilians will be dressed up (they call it wearing a ‘fantasia’) and you should definitely invest in a decent ‘fantasia’ that will make you stand out. The bloco parties start from 9am and will last well into the night. It’s a hardcore week of party.

Rio Carnaval must be the easiest time and place to make out with girls. Brazilian girls love to make out and are not shy to do it in public, Carnaval or not. I’ve kissed the most girls ever in my life on this short amount of time.

It’s harder to pull directly here because most girls are with a group of friends and are there to party. But you can get a BUNCH of numbers and create a pipeline to follow-up after the Carnaval.

I did pull one girl who was with her 2 gay friends who were trying to hook-up, so it was easy to isolate her. I met her at an night bloco, made out with her and then took her to a nearby love hotel. She got bonus points for keeping on her sexy nurse fantasia.

[Image: flzugx.jpg]
Bloco party during Rio Carnaval


Besides the night blocos I didn’t really club during my stay. In general nightlife isn’t that great in Rio de Janeiro (compared to other places).


One of my most intense experiences is when I went into a local Favela (the slums of Rio) with fellow RVF-member Smooth Operator. Smooth Operator had been banging this cute girl from the favela (as well as her best friend [Image: wink.gif] you rascal) and she had proposed to take us to a Funk Party inside of the favela (funk is a sort of Brazilian Reggaeton).

Going into the favela was like stepping into a movie; a scene from the movie ’Cidade de Deus’.

It’s really amazing how two worlds so vastly different can be so close to each other.

As you walk from the beach, with the fancy hotels and tourists, just a few blocks away where the side alleys get dodgy, you can take a stairway leading into this favela.

As I was walking up guys with their handguns pulled checked up on us and what we were doing there before they let us enter. This is a no-go zone for the police or informants.

Once inside the funk music is pounding.

The party is just people dancing in the narrow criss crossing streets. Wanna-be gangsters and girls dancing dirty, like only favela girls can; they are dancing out the kamasutra A to Z in their mini skirts and high heels.

Occasionally the actual bandido’s (local gangsters, guards) walk by carrying AK-47’s or UZI’s.

It’s quite intense.

It’s not the ideal place for picking up as you might talk to the wrong person’s girlfriend, but it’s worth the experience. I talked to some of the bandido’s and bought them a round of beers. They probably make more money than me though.

We left around around 5am but usually these parties go on till much later. Awesome experience!


[Image: 4j15qe.gif]

Colombia - Bogota (1 week)

One word: Bad Luck

Bogota is a city pretty high up and you’ll notice it the moment you land. The air is much thinner so you’ll run out of breath more easily. The city is also surrounded with mountains, trapping in the smog and giving it a grey feeling.

It didn’t seem like a great place to live. Maybe it was because I had bad luck with the weather. It was cold, cloudy and raining every day.

The nightlife didn’t blow me away either, but I didn’t stay long enough to judge it. I pulled a girl from Hotel V, a fancier club in Zona T; she was literally mentally insane. More in the stories below.

Online seems like a good bet here. The stream of hot girls is figuratively limitless. And many of them were actually hotter than the girl’s I’d see in the street. It may be the area I was staying at but I was pretty disappointed with the average quality of the girls I was seeing.

The girls are easy to meet up with and easy to hook up with, but you need to stay in the city for a longer time to get the most return on investment. Many girls will flake and propose to meet next week etc., and if you’re only in town for a few days, you’ll miss out on a lot of them.

If you have more time to spend, this feels like a notch-hunt city.

Got 1 nightlife girl (crazy as fuck) and 3 Tinder sluts.

[Image: b3jvgw.jpg]
Bogota, historic centre

Colombia - Medellin (few days)

One word: Expectations management

I was here for 4-5 days. I’ve heard nothing but good things about the city so my expectations were high, maybe a bit too high. It didn’t really live up to what I expected.

The city is a lot cleaner and has a better climate; also the girls you’ll see in the street will be on average a lot hotter than Bogota. The Paisa girls are stunning: their long, straight black hair, their curves, so sexy.

I had been told girls are a lot harder here than in Bogota. I guess that checks out. I walked out on the first two dates I had because they were getting on my nerves too much. Probably I still had to adjust after Brazil and Bogota.

I banged two girls while I was there. One Venezuelan girl who was on holiday with her sister, and a Paisan girl from Tinder (after masssssive LMR).

Met with forum members Toronto Kid, Gandt and Newgame here and we had some great nights out partying.

Colombia - Santa Marta / Taranga (few days)

One word: Extended research required.

Santa Marta seems to have some potential. I was there only for one night, but I saw some real stunners. This might be a skewed perception as it was during the ‘Semana Santa’ week, a week when many Colombians travel around their country with family / friends.

Kissed a girl in a bar but didn’t get her home.

Tayrona parque was an OKAY experience. Nothing more, nothing less. The most fun part was taking the speedboat to get there on a stormy sea. The beach itself is not that great and is chocked full with gringos blogging about how they are discovering ‘the real Colombia’.

0 girls banged.

Colombia - Barranquilla (1 week)

One word: Meh.

Also here some expectation management would have helped me for my arrival in this city. The city doesn’t really have a central district where you can walk around and explore. It consists of huge blocks and wide streets. You’ll have to take a cab to go almost everywhere.

Nightlife SUCKS. At least the weekend I was there.

On Thursday I went to La Ocho, it’s the ghetto club area. There are a lot of clubs and bars around. The one we went to had tables on the dance floor and was only half full. It had the atmosphere of a bingo night, but with loud salsa music and less excitement.

There were only mixed groups and the guys were very protective of the girls in their group. Even the male-female ratio was shitty, so it was a very tough venue. The few girls that were by themselves were prostitutes.

On Saturday we went to the supposedly best club in town “Froggs”.

It had 7 other people at midnight. On a Saturday.

Talk about a ghost town. It might have been skewed because of Semana Santa though. I will go out again this weekend to see if there’s any improvement.

Since “Froggs” was empty we went to another club inside a shopping mall. It was a Salsa Club with live music. Pretty cool, but half-empty as well. But Smooth Operator and me did a tour on the dance floor and managed to each pull a girl.

Colombia - Cartagena (few days)

One word: backpackers & hookers

We only stayed in Getsimani, the ‘Historical Center’ of Cartegena. It’s a picturesque area with old colorful buildings and streets, so be prepared to find the hoard of Backpackers exploring “the Real Cartagena”.

As it’s a very touristic town, it also attracts the hookers.

You’ll clearly notice it in and around nightlife venues but also on Tinder. One in two matches were ‘Dama de compañia’: Supply and demand at work.

I had a great party night nonetheless with 20Nation and Smooth Operator. We found a decent salsa club where I banged a girl from Santa Marta who was in Cartagena for the weekend. Smooth Operator pulled a Mexican tourist girl that night.

1 nightlife girl, 1 Tinder slut banged


Language Achievement

Learning a new language and seducing a girl fully and only in that language: Portuguese.

Triple Up

The week after Carnaval was my best week for girls. A full pipeline of girls, my phone was blowing up, it became more a logistical challenge rather than anything else.

I’d plan three dates a day and usually one or two would flake. On rare occasions all 3 girls would flake (sucksss); but this day, all 3 girls showed up: Boom, hat trick. #ThisIsHowWeDoIt


I met up some old and new people from RVF in Colombia: SMOOTH OPERATOR, 20NATION, SCOTIAN, ATLANTIC, TORONTOKID, GANDT, NEWGAME, et al.

It's always great to meet like-minded people and share some good times & adventures.

Special thanks to Smooth Operator for sharing his excellent knowledge on Rio de Janeiro and to Scotian for his Colombia experience!


A lot has happened over the past 10 weeks, too much to write about in this post, lets start with one story from my first day in Brazil. I'll add more in the following posts.

The Samba Dancer

It was on my wish list to bang one of those sexy samba girls you see on television during the Rio Carnaval parade show. I didn’t know if I would be able to get it though, it seemed like a challenge. But I wouldn't have expected it would be my first bang of this trip.

It's what they call a good start.

I met her at random on my first day in Rio. I was walking around with Smooth Operator exploring Ipanema when we ran into one of his fuck buddies. She was with a friend who was visiting her for a week. Cute face, big smile, big fake tits (check). With my fresh-of-the-boat Portuguese, I got her number to meet up later.

I met up with her later that night for a drink near to my place. She shows up 30 minutes late and with a friend, but luckily the friend just said hi and left the two of us alone. We didn't even get a drink and I took her straight to my place.

My Portuguese was still extremely shitty at this moment and she doesn’t speak a word of English, so it was hard to build any comfort; hence I got massive (token) LMR. I built some comfort by showing her my travel pictures and tried again.

This time, boom. Once her panties came off… well, these samba dance moves translate well into the bedroom [Image: biggrin.gif]

She later explained me about her dance trainings, how she prepares for the Carnaval, etc. and showed me some of her competition videos: muito sexy and some nice cultural insights.

[Image: 2wf01l0.jpg]
Day one, my samba girl

More stories to come...
  • Mentally insane girl and the RVF-meetup in Bogota
  • Brazilian porn star
  • Tinder shrinks the world
  • Bogota bad luck streak
  • Evicted from hotel by cops
  • ...
I’ll add more soon and keep this thread updated with my new shenanigans.

What's next?

The rest of my travel plans are currently completely open.

I want to spend some more time in LA and I'm thinking about doing some pioneering, like traveling from Panama up to Guatemala while stopping at 2nd tier cities.

-Or- something completely different and go to Uruguay/Paraguay/Argentina
-Or- even Aruba, Suriname and travel down to Brazil again.

So any tips, ideas, recommendations would be greatly appreciated. If you're living in a place where I'm passing, let me know.


THC in LATIN AMERICA: Brazil, Colombia, et al.

Your travel datasheet is so solid that left me speechless

[Image: tumblr_meqh226sYA1qbqraqo1_500.gif]

THC in LATIN AMERICA: Brazil, Colombia, et al.

I thought this thread would be about obtaining THC in South America. This is much better.

THC in LATIN AMERICA: Brazil, Colombia, et al.

Hit me up if you come by Ecuador (Quito), I got this city on lock! Lots of great sightseeing to do in this country and girls are easy. Check the sheet:

THC in LATIN AMERICA: Brazil, Colombia, et al.

Reading these stories make me want to drop everything and travel to Brazil again! Girls are friendly, voluptuous, and loud in bed.

I'll also add this is the best time to visit Latin America due to low airfare because of Zika scare.

THC in LATIN AMERICA: Brazil, Colombia, et al.

makes me want to go to Colombia now.

Awesome thread man glad you had a good time out there in Brazil and Colombia

THC in LATIN AMERICA: Brazil, Colombia, et al.

I'm not aware of anyone on RVF who are triggering the travel spirit in people like THC.

THC in LATIN AMERICA: Brazil, Colombia, et al.

Awesome post man. Too bad we didn't get to meet up in MDE.

Looking forward to your future posts...

THC in LATIN AMERICA: Brazil, Colombia, et al.

Incredible datasheet, +1.

THC in LATIN AMERICA: Brazil, Colombia, et al.

He's clearing talking about mary jane.

Side note: Great stuff! Learning Spanish like mad right now to prep myself for a Latin American trip.

THC in LATIN AMERICA: Brazil, Colombia, et al.

I wish I could have stayed longer and traveled around with you guys, it would have been so much fun. THC, any plans to hit up Cali? I think that you'd really like it there.

THC in LATIN AMERICA: Brazil, Colombia, et al.

Can't wait to hear more stories THC. Keep on killing it.

Currently [Home]

THC in LATIN AMERICA: Brazil, Colombia, et al.

Here's a tip:

If you are traveling by bus from Panama to Guatemala...dress warmly!

The A/C in those buses is so damn cold.

(I've heard it's to keep the drivers awake)

THC in LATIN AMERICA: Brazil, Colombia, et al.

Is online dating really that good in Brazil? I did a Tinder spoof to Rio and saw a lot of escorts advertising directly on Tinder. Few civilian matches

THC in LATIN AMERICA: Brazil, Colombia, et al.

Quote: (04-17-2016 07:15 AM)NextStop100 Wrote:  

Is online dating really that good in Brazil? I did a Tinder spoof to Rio and saw a lot of escorts advertising directly on Tinder. Few civilian matches

Badoo is ok....but the cupids don't have that many members. Tinder depends on the city. I do way better in 2nd or 3rd tier cities.

THC in LATIN AMERICA: Brazil, Colombia, et al.

Quote: (04-14-2016 09:21 PM)rottenapple Wrote:  

Hit me up if you come by Ecuador (Quito), I got this city on lock! Lots of great sightseeing to do in this country and girls are easy.

Ecuador is definitely on the radar. Will hit you up when I go there!

Quote: (04-15-2016 12:29 PM)Nascimento Wrote:  

Awesome post man. Too bad we didn't get to meet up in MDE.

Looking forward to your future posts...

Next time. I may pass MDE again within the next weeks.

Quote: (04-16-2016 06:53 PM)scotian Wrote:  

I wish I could have stayed longer and traveled around with you guys, it would have been so much fun. THC, any plans to hit up Cali? I think that you'd really like it there.

For real. I think after Barranquilla / Medellin, I’ll go to another country first and do Cali next time.

Quote: (04-17-2016 07:15 AM)NextStop100 Wrote:  

Is online dating really that good in Brazil? I did a Tinder spoof to Rio and saw a lot of escorts advertising directly on Tinder. Few civilian matches

I didn’t see that much escorts, if they are they will write it in their profile “Garota de programa”. Watch out for trannies tho.


I went to Cartagena this weekend to visit a friend and it was a crazy night. I'll write it out tomorrow; still in recovery mode today.

THC in LATIN AMERICA: Brazil, Colombia, et al.

I've been in Colombia for almost 2 months now; still loving it. Got behind on writing out some stuff, it's too easy to get distracted here.

I wrote about this on Swoop last week. A story about my first day in Colombia. I met a crazy girl and some cool people for RVF in Bogota.

First Day Colombia: Bogota

I arrived in Colombia about 2 months ago in Bogota with my friend Smooth Operator.

It was a Wednesday so the city was pretty dead but we went out anyway. We did manage to find a place with something going on; we had some drinks, talked to some girls.

This one girl was into me, but she was giving a weird/distracted vibe. I figured she didn’t understand me very well or that my Spanish got rusty from spending so much time in Brazil. Anyway, I got her number and met her the day after for a drink.

On the date the weird vibe didn’t get any better. She would sometimes not respond to questions and just keep staring in front of her; then suddenly she would change the subject to something completely unrelated. Very awkward. At moments she would jump up and do a little dance, then sit down again.

Very incoherent.

I was getting sick of it, so I said I had to go home but that she could join me for a bit, not caring either way whether she would or not. At first she said no, but as I get up and put on my jacket, she changed her mind: “Ok, I’ll come. But we’re not gonna have sex.”

Which is female for “we’re definitely gonna have sex”.

I take her to my place, we’re sitting on the bed making out. As I’m undressing her and myself she suddenly stops.

“Are we boyfriend girlfriend now?”

Euhm… what?

This girl is definitely a basket case.

I didn’t want to waste too much time on her anymore because my friends were waiting for me to go to a restaurant.

So I reply, “Euhm, sure, whatever.”

She pulls out my dick and says: “This is mine alone!”

Okay…… a little bit creepy; but I proceed.

I bang her and I feel a little bit bad for having to kick her out immediately after. I was supposed to meet Scotian and some RVF-members for dinner.

As I’m walking her out to find her a taxi, the guys from the RVF-meetup had already gathered in front of my hotel and were ready to go. I quickly put the girl in a cab and walk back to meet them.

One of the RVF-guys says “Ahhhhh, you met that girl in Club X? I already banged her as well. Check your stuff, she tried to steal my phone.”

Lol, what. I wasn’t worried about her stealing as I didn’t leave her alone in my room; but damn, what are the odds. We have a laugh about it and head out for the dinner. So far for feeling bad about kicking her out.

But her actual craziness only got confirmed later on that night.

[Image: 96z05j.jpg]

It gets worse

After the dinner some of the guys go home; 20Nation, Smooth Operator, Atlantic and me decide to hit up some bars.

As we’re looking for a taxi, of course, I happen run into this same girl again.

She immediately gets clingy, invites herself along and insists she joins us. I politely decline and tell her it’s a guys only night. I tell her 3 times she can’t join us and that has to go, but it doesn’t seem to sink in.

The only way to get rid of her was to ostensively get into a taxi.

Still, that wasn’t not enough; she actually tries to force herself into our taxi by sitting on my lap. I again make clear she can’t come and I have to push her out and close the door behind her.

Pretty clear message that she’s not welcome, right?


She runs around the cab and tries to force herself into the cab again, this time by sitting on Smooth Operator’s lap, who’s sitting in the front of the car. He also has to push her out of the car while we’re telling the driver to start driving.

As she’s disappearing from the rearview mirror my phone starts to light up:

“I love you!!”

I remove her from all social media and block her number. Close one.

That was my first Colombian flag, a promising start.

THC in LATIN AMERICA: Brazil, Colombia, et al.

@THC: +1 for this
Great trip report. I love hearing that you can still do very well in Brazil. I had a feeling place was going to sink in feminism before I actually manage to visit?
How is your 2 weeks Portuguese language learning guide going? As I am done with Spanish I might give Portuguese a try. Especially if it is only 2 weeks.

THC in LATIN AMERICA: Brazil, Colombia, et al.

Quote: (05-02-2016 12:48 PM)Vinny Wrote:  

@THC: +1 for this
Great trip report. I love hearing that you can still do very well in Brazil. I had a feeling place was going to sink in feminism before I actually manage to visit?
How is your 2 weeks Portuguese language learning guide going? As I am done with Spanish I might give Portuguese a try. Especially if it is only 2 weeks.

Let's hope they don't get infected by feminism, that would be a loss to the world.

If you already know Spanish it's doable. The way I did it was by pipelining. I texted a LOT of girls. It's a fun way to learn the language. Just using Google Translate. This way you'll immediately learn the specific vocabulary you'll use on your dates too [Image: wink.gif]

The tricky part is getting used to the pronunciation. After a while I could understand 80-90% of what they were writing, but the moment they sent a voice message I could barely understand anything. I'd forward them to a friend who speaks Portuguese and have him translate.

You need to train your ears for it. You could try watching a Portuguese movie with Portuguese subtitles.

It's totally worth spending time on it, a lot of girls speak ZERO english. So speaking just the basics will open a lot of doors (and legs) when you're there.

THC in LATIN AMERICA: Brazil, Colombia, et al.

Little status update.

Last week

I left Barranquilla and headed to Cartagena for a week, where I spent some time with my favourite girl. Unfortunately I got sick there from eating sea food. I've had more trouble with food here than a year in SEA combined and I was eating street food on a daily basis there.


I'm in Medellin now, focussing on writing and working out; I've been slacking off on both for the last weeks. It's just so easy to get distracted here.
Otherwise I'm taking it easy for now. The paisa girl I met here last month has been coming over. She's great.

Last Saturday I had a date with a new girl. The Colombianest girl I have met so far. Perfect big fake tits and... a fake ass. First time I had a girl with a fake ass. It looks great, but it's definitely noticeable. Fucking awesome though.

I rented a place off AirBnb in the center. It's a lively area, a lot of people during the day and there are no gringo's here. I've got a pretty decent setup; close to a gym and close to a great (and cheap) restaurant. I've been eating there twice a day and flirt with the waitresses; none are cute (WNB) but they are a lot of fun.

The downside here is I have this old lady as my neighbour. She has nothing to do and yesterday she flipped out and called my AirBnb host to complain that I'm bringing too many girls.

I suspect her sitting with her ear pressed against the wall all day listening to how many times I flush the toilet. Today she left her door open the whole day, continuously checking whether I was bringing home another girl. Fucking annoying.

Next week

I'm leaving for Panama this weekend. If anyone is in Panama City let me know! I've found a great Data Sheet by MasculineProfiles on Panama City. I'll check out the Marbella area. I'm also thinking about checking out a nearby city Colon, didn't find any info on it here.


THC in LATIN AMERICA: Brazil, Colombia, et al.

Quote: (05-03-2016 07:52 PM)TravelHardcore Wrote:  

The downside here is I have this old lady as my neighbour. She has nothing to do and yesterday she flipped out and called my AirBnb host to complain that I'm bringing too many girls.

I suspect her sitting with her ear pressed against the wall all day listening to how many times I flush the toilet. Today she left her door open the whole day, continuously checking whether I was bringing home another girl. Fucking annoying.

This is not unique to Colombia. It's a special breed of an old cunt. I had a similar neighbor when I was a student even though I didn't even bring that many girls back then (and didn't sleep with the ones i brought, no game back then, but that's a different story). The old cunt invented problems and complained everywhere. She would bang on my door when I tried to watch TV quietly alone. Even then I understood that raising a hand or even verbally confronting her was not an option, because that was what she was trying to get me to do so that she could call the cops on me, several times a day if necessary.

There's no way you can win against an old cunt who is nuts and has nothing to do. Luckily it's a short term rental. What if you bought a place with such a neighbor? Then you would be fucked big time. Also, they tend to live very long for some reason, so waiting for the problem to resolve itself when she kicks the bucket is not an option either.

THC in LATIN AMERICA: Brazil, Colombia, et al.

Quote: (05-03-2016 09:22 PM)Brodiaga Wrote:  

Quote: (05-03-2016 07:52 PM)TravelHardcore Wrote:  

The downside here is I have this old lady as my neighbour. She has nothing to do and yesterday she flipped out and called my AirBnb host to complain that I'm bringing too many girls.

I suspect her sitting with her ear pressed against the wall all day listening to how many times I flush the toilet. Today she left her door open the whole day, continuously checking whether I was bringing home another girl. Fucking annoying.

This is not unique to Colombia. It's a special breed of an old cunt. I had a similar neighbor when I was a student even though I didn't even bring that many girls back then.

There's no way you can win against an old cunt who is nuts and has nothing to do. Luckily it's a short term rental. What if you bought a place with such a neighbor? Then you would be fucked big time.

Whenever you see a place for sale for a ridiculously low price, the first thing you should ask yourself is if there is a neighbor who is a psychopath, pervert, or something along those lines. Also, I've never had one of those experiences where a neighbor starts reporting me when I've been traveling. I have been cockblockers by some hotels, though.

THC in LATIN AMERICA: Brazil, Colombia, et al.

Glad to hear that you got your fake assed Colombiana, I know that was one of your goals during this trip.

THC in LATIN AMERICA: Brazil, Colombia, et al.

Quote: (05-03-2016 09:22 PM)Brodiaga Wrote:  

There's no way you can win against an old cunt who is nuts and has nothing to do. Luckily it's a short term rental.

Exactly, glad it's only for a few more days.

Quote: (05-03-2016 09:29 PM)Merenguero Wrote:  

Also, I've never had one of those experiences where a neighbor starts reporting me when I've been traveling. I have been cockblockers by some hotels, though.

Ironically the reason I changed to an apartment was to have more privacy and so the girls don't have to sign up at the reception.

Quote: (05-04-2016 09:56 AM)scotian Wrote:  

Glad to hear that you got your fake assed Colombiana, I know that was one of your goals during this trip.

Yeah, that was way high on my list [Image: smile.gif]

THC in LATIN AMERICA: Brazil, Colombia, et al.

Yesterday I had a date with a girl from Tinder, her pics were great, nice body; nothing that would raise my suspicion (like pics in weird angles). I had put her in my phone as a 1 - I use three priority levels to meet.

Now it happens sometimes the girl is a solid point less than her profile pics, but when she showed up she was a fucking 4 out of 10, WNB.

It was definitely the girl from the pics, but the worst possible version of her. Something was just off. Bad skin, weird proportions,... can't even tell. I couldn't look at her straight for long enough. Normally if the girl shows up and she's WNB less attractive, I'd at least have one drink with the girl (the drink of shame) but I couldn't bring myself to do it this time.

"Yeah, this is not gonna work out. You don't look like your profile pics. Have a great night though."

Luckily I met her near my place and after dark.

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