It might not be quite clear which one I am talking about, as they are all look horrendous but I've circled the one I'm talking about.
You know what, I actually feel sorry for this girl. She looks like she wants to kill herself. Like contemplating suicide right now. And I don't wish that pain on any one. She's just a weak girl, born ugly, probably bullied at school.
Who knows maybe I'm way off the mark.
The others, especially the tattooed speaker, are a lot more difficult to feel sorry for, because they pass extremely low standards of most men and therefore have no problems dating, and because they are generally toxic, aggressive, vile people.
Then I realized. I don't hate women. I want women to be on this planet. It just happens to be that the loudest, most toxic, most aggressive, most vile demographic of people happens to be these extreme feminists. To the girls I've met throughout my life, they have been far from perfect, but even then, women that I at least am ambivalent about remain in the majority. It's just this horrible demographic of extreme feminists that has infiltrated modern society in the anglosphere so well from the top down e.g. govt, media, law.
When I meet a girl in the day, a young, pretty, relatively stable girl with a lot going for her, conversation flows so easily, her eyes are sparkling, she might touch my shoulder, we exchange numbers and we hug and kiss goodbye. There are few things more magical than that, my favorite being the sparkling eyes, almost like she's in a trance. Meeting each other, complete strangers, is one of the most beautiful things we have on this planet, for both women and men. Until I had done it enough times myself, I would have believed the bullshit, that ALL women are scared and feel harrassed if you initiate a conversation with them by asking for directions. No, 90-95% of them are fine with it, even if they're not interested, it's the small minority at the bottom who "feel" "harrassed" (read: generally bad due to inability to tolerate the social interaction). This does not mean that they ARE being harrassed in any shape or form. Better the 5%, a bunch of toxic freaks at the bottom, are a bit uncomfortable for a few seconds, for the sake of the beauty of getting to know strangers you would never have met otherwise. It's tough to approach in the day, or approach period, but I think it's definitely a net gain overall for everyone involved. Believe me, I don't want to come across any female that feels awful about my approach either, because how well is that likely to be received, and how will that make me feel? If a woman doesn't want to talk to me, she can just walk away. Are we going to replace every single verb with the appropriate form of the verb "to harrass" e.g. "Last night I harrassed 8 beers with my friends and passed out." "Could I please harrass a big mac meal?" "I feel like harrassing with joy!" Yeah, to hell with it, let's just make every single thing a human male does utterly offensive and illegal, and absolve supposedly "equal" women of any part in their own individual subjective muh feeeeelings whatsoever.
The toxic scum who are trying to take these freedoms away from men and also other women, just because they project their inner hatred of the self outwards, are the people I hate. It's true that pretty much all women are fickle creatures and have their distinct flaws, but so do men. Men are better than women at most things, but women have a great upside to them as well. Depending on your initial impression you may get approximately 1/20-1/10 who feels harrassed due to her inner hatred projected outwards and deep feelings of social anxiety that she has never been made to deal with, as men, the govt, society as whole have always caught her when she falls. There isn't that great an impetus for women to train themselves to deal with interacting with the other gender, because she has plenty of attention. Men who are behind socially must train themselves to be socially adept and create relationships out of nothing, or otherwise face long dry spells.
I feel sorry for and sympathy with people, men or women, who suffer from psychiatric disorders, but this does not give anyone the right to drag others down with you, both men and women. It's very true that feminism is making a majority of women unhappy. They belong at home raising children and keeping the house, they always have.
Ergh, maybe it's too late, this shit has kept me awake 2 days straight. Hope all is OK on the ground Roosh.