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A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

This picture is the personification of everything wrong with the American female. Not sure if anyone has seen this or not.

[Image: 261makj.jpg]

Your best? Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen! -John Mason (The Rock)

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

I think you need to flag that as "miscategorized" - it was mistakenly put under really HOT girls who look for equal value men. It should be immediately placed under dilusional females who have never looked in a mirror.


A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

Quote: (01-24-2012 04:41 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

I think you need to flag that as "miscategorized" - it was mistakenly put under really HOT girls who look for equal value men. It should be immediately placed under dilusional females who have never looked in a mirror.


It's kind of hard to argue with guys like Roissy who talk constantly about the hamster in a women's brain after seeing something like this. On the other hand.. it's a hell of a motivational tool to help keep guys on the right path.

Your best? Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen! -John Mason (The Rock)

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

Damn that was scary.

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

Seriously... reality check!

The point of modern propaganda isn't only to misinform or push an agenda. It is to exhaust your critical thinking, to annihilate truth.
- Garry Kasparov | ‏@Kasparov63

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

This thread

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

lol I actually used that picture recently. I coupled it with this blog post.

The dating profile I critiqued there is ridiculous. In Fact, here:

Quote:delusional bitch Wrote:

Fiery musician, entrepreneur, creative, intuitive, intellectual, mom of 1 teenager ….loves travel and adventure….. soon to be venturing south to have a home in a warm climate…. (I love warm weather!)

First off, I know who I am, I know what I want and I know where I’m going… If that scares you, then best stop reading now….

I’m rare as a woman in that I am straight-forward, I refrain from playing games and I’m comfortable being myself….. I’m headstrong, ambitious, high-maintenance, I’m an alpha female and a leader…… The guy that’s right for me will not be intimidated by my straightforwardness, loves to travel, make music and have fun….. and will shower me with affection. As I love both receiving and giving affection in a romantic relationship. And, although I’m quite ambitious, I take my relaxation, vacations and FUN quite seriously [Image: wink.gif] !

I’m seeking a Single White Male, between 30-45, pagan, metaphysical or consciousness expanding spiritual focus (non-christian), musician, entrepreneur, alpha male (leader energy), healthy body, no kids (and no desire for kids of your own) …. with a unique sense of humor… some call it sarcasm, i prefer to call it “like a smart a**”

If you’re the right guy for me, you know who you are and where you are going, you know how to create your own reality and are ambitious…… you’re interested in a monogamous long term relationship (and are open to the idea of marriage in the future with the right one)….. you have no close friends that are girls (I don’t believe men and women can really be “friends” without sexual tension) , your work does not involve massage, physical touch or working with peoples psychological problems……. you’ve moved on from your past relationships enough to refrain from having your ex’s involved in your life, you’re not a work-a-holic….and you know how to make romance and fun a priority in your life.

If you like warm weather, dance music and dig an empowered, sassy, real woman….. holla back if you’re interested in chatting …. …. and we’ll see what sparks fly

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

Quote: (01-24-2012 04:34 PM)Wizard Wrote:  

This picture is the personification of everything wrong with the American female. Not sure if anyone has seen this or not.

[Image: 261makj.jpg]

Caption: The Decline of the American Empire

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

Great pic! Thanks for the post! Thats why I keep coming back to this forum... It always sets my mind right when I see something like this and it keeps my mind from getting sucked into all the feminist B.S. I am constantly surrounded by when I see my friends, family and countless beta losers.

@ Alpha I read that post on your website. Had no idea you were a Roosh forum member. Great post!

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

This HAS to be made up. I need to see the actual link of the live ad. There's no fucking way any woman, even in America could be that delusional.

What shocks me though is that she didn't use the word "creeper".

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

Go to Craigslist right now under pretty much any big city and you will see fatties like this with a list of demands.

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

This thread

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

These took me about 4 minutes to find


Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

Quote: (01-25-2012 02:53 PM)Chad Daring Wrote:  

These took me about 4 minutes to find

I don't see a problem with this one. She is not pretending she's something she's not and isn't making any demands of the man. She seems to realize she doesn't have a lot to offer, is honest about her situation in life, and makes no particular demands of a man.

While it's not acceptable for her to be so lazy about herself, at least she isn't full of it or entitled.

Off topic, but I am a big fan of your blog. I recently got a Wagner polished cast iron skillet because of it, and while my cooking was good before it is just so much more satisfying.

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

That picture is worth a thousand kilograms

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

Quote: (01-25-2012 03:07 PM)Thorfinnsson Wrote:  

Quote: (01-25-2012 02:53 PM)Chad Daring Wrote:  

These took me about 4 minutes to find

I don't see a problem with this one. She is not pretending she's something she's not and isn't making any demands of the man. She seems to realize she doesn't have a lot to offer, is honest about her situation in life, and makes no particular demands of a man.

While it's not acceptable for her to be so lazy about herself, at least she isn't full of it or entitled.

Off topic, but I am a big fan of your blog. I recently got a Wagner polished cast iron skillet because of it, and while my cooking was good before it is just so much more satisfying.

" I do not have a car at the moment,so please have one."

Those two lines rub me the wrong way. Shes being demanding, and especially about the car thing. Demanding a guy has a car because you dont? Its not quite as bad as saying "you need to have money because I dont have a job" but its still very entitled.

Ending it with that statement in all caps that seems to serve no real purpose just makes her sound like a bitch.

Maybe I'm a bit harsh, but thats a very poorly written ad especially when coupled with her age and a the terrible myspace angle picture.

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

Holy crap! Thanks for that post Thorfinnsson! I just checked out Chad's website its legit!

+1 Chad

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

Quote: (01-25-2012 02:53 PM)Chad Daring Wrote:  

These took me about 4 minutes to find


That last one...WOW.

So let me get this straight, she's pushing 300lbs yet says "No fat men!" Is she psychotic?

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

First click in Tampa 5 minutes ago..

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

I'm replying to this add with this:
EDIT: You can't see my strike-throughs. Just imagine strike outs over all her mistakes.

Voluptuous Amazon Obese African American women(?) in search of her KING king (letters should be lower case here). I am "6" (Should be six-apostrophe, not quote-six-quote, and followed by a comma) 6', 285lbs. Dark Chocolate female looking for a man anything (be real, sister) that is out going, communicates well, expresses how he feels, loves to travel, loves the out doors and loves public affection. Men in the age range of 34-45 ONLY!!! only!_ (Italicize or bold for emphases, no extra punctuation needed. You also forgot a space) Slim to medium build (no fat men)!! (No one likes a hypocrite) Single men only (Not going through a divorce)!! , 0/1 child, gainfully employed, lives alone (no room mates), social drinker, drives and has a car. (should be a full stop, not a comma. Also, you forgot a space again) Expresses his self himself openly! Must and should live in the Metropolitan area. I am looking for a man that likes to go out and enjoys (this should be singular) life (home bodies ok but must like to go out sometimes)!!! ; home-bodies are okay, but you must like to go out occasionally! (this shouldn't be in parenthesis but should follow a semi-colon, seeing as it is a separate but similar thought that doesn't need a dedicated sentence) I am not talking about just parties! (now we can use punctuation) I am talking plays (No apostrophe here, the play doesn't own anything), movies, dinner, stage plays, (redundant) parks, museums, Comedy shows,_etc. I do not don't (this isn't 1886, you can use contractions) need a man with any hangups!! Disease and Drug free. 420 Friendly. (Gotta pick one side or the other, baby) If this is you please drop me a few lines send me an email telling me a little bit about yourself. Only adds with pictures and something about you detailing what I am looking for will receive a follow-up!!! You will only receive a response if your email contains pictures and a brief paragraph about yourself that proves we would be compatible. International Men is a +! are a plus! In your subject line please put "All or None" if you expect a follow -up! reply,_Thanks!_[Image: wink.gif]

52/100 - See me after class.

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

Quote: (01-25-2012 07:55 PM)Alpha Wrote:  

I'm replying to this add with this:
EDIT: You can't see my strike-throughs. Just imagine strike outs over all her mistakes.

Voluptuous Amazon Obese African American women(?) in search of her KING king (letters should be lower case here). I am "6" (Should be six-apostrophe, not quote-six-quote, and followed by a comma) 6', 285lbs. Dark Chocolate female looking for a man anything (be real, sister) that is out going, communicates well, expresses how he feels, loves to travel, loves the out doors and loves public affection. Men in the age range of 34-45 ONLY!!! only!_ (Italicize or bold for emphases, no extra punctuation needed. You also forgot a space) Slim to medium build (no fat men)!! (No one likes a hypocrite) Single men only (Not going through a divorce)!! , 0/1 child, gainfully employed, lives alone (no room mates), social drinker, drives and has a car. (should be a full stop, not a comma. Also, you forgot a space again) Expresses his self himself openly! Must and should live in the Metropolitan area. I am looking for a man that likes to go out and enjoys (this should be singular) life (home bodies ok but must like to go out sometimes)!!! ; home-bodies are okay, but you must like to go out occasionally! (this shouldn't be in parenthesis but should follow a semi-colon, seeing as it is a separate but similar thought that doesn't need a dedicated sentence) I am not talking about just parties! (now we can use punctuation) I am talking plays (No apostrophe here, the play doesn't own anything), movies, dinner, stage plays, (redundant) parks, museums, Comedy shows,_etc. I do not don't (this isn't 1886, you can use contractions) need a man with any hangups!! Disease and Drug free. 420 Friendly. (Gotta pick one side or the other, baby) If this is you please drop me a few lines send me an email telling me a little bit about yourself. Only adds with pictures and something about you detailing what I am looking for will receive a follow-up!!! You will only receive a response if your email contains pictures and a brief paragraph about yourself that proves we would be compatible. International Men is a +! are a plus! In your subject line please put "All or None" if you expect a follow -up! reply,_Thanks!_[Image: wink.gif]

52/100 - See me after class.
I don't get it..Are you trying to hit it or no?

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

You know I took all the these so-called craigslist images, and actually turned them into a quick screensaver, and actually looked at them every half-hour. Why in god's name would any sane man do this you ask?

Because I find it a horribly effective motivator, I just spent the last 13hrs pushing through a project I thought would take two days. I don't know, but all these adds are great for keeping me focused on work.

I admit though I'm not to keen to go find more, there still crappy to look at it.

Your best? Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen! -John Mason (The Rock)

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

Quote: (01-25-2012 08:18 PM)Wizard Wrote:  

You know I took all the these so-called craigslist images, and actually turned them into a quick screensaver, and actually looked at them every half-hour. Why in god's name would any sane man do this you ask?

Because I find it a horribly effective motivator, I just spent the last 13hrs pushing through a project I thought would take two days. I don't know, but all these adds are great for keeping me focused on work.

I admit though I'm not to keen to go find more, there still crappy to look at it.

You know, my screen saver is rotating pics of tits and I find myself jerking off more than getting shit done. I think I'll take a page out of your book, sir.

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

Quote: (01-25-2012 02:53 PM)Chad Daring Wrote:  

These took me about 4 minutes to find


Add one more to the delusional kitty


A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

Here is a chic who actually has a decent profile unlike most. Looks-wise she's whatevers but she is one of the few profiles I've ever seen where a girl doesn't have a list of unrealistic demands and seems to be more about making a man happy than attention whoring and all the me, me, me shit.



I'm the girl who will text you every single morning and tell you good morning, and every single night to tell you sweet dreams. I'm the girl who will hold you when you're crying and wipe away your tears. I'm the girl who still thinks you're handsome with your most torn up jeans and a plain tee-shirt. I'm the girl who won't pressure you to do things that you don't want to do. I'm the girl who kisses you on the forehead; it doesn't always have to be on the mouth. I'm the girl who doesn't kiss and tell. I'm the girl who actually listens to you when you talk. I'm the girl who's excited all day because I'm looking forward to our date that night. I'm the girl who is content to just be able to hold you and wants nothing more. I'm the girl who can't help but smile when you walk into the room. I'm the girl who's perfectly content with staying in and watching movies and cuddling. I'm the girl who won't lie to you about where she's going or where she's been, or who she's been with. I'm the girl who gets butterflies when she hears your name. I'm the girl who's not afraid to tell her friends she loves you. I'm the girl who doesn't mess with other guys when I have you; you're the only one that I need. I'm the girl who doesn't care about your imperfections, and loves you more for them; who wants a perfect woman? that's just boring. I'm the girl who will hold you while we watch the sun set. I'M THE girl WHO REALLY WANTS TO MAKE YOU THE HAPPIEST MAN IN THE WORLD.

I have a dream to meet the right person for me and to get married. I know what I want from a man and what I can give him. I do not like only receiving, I can also give back. It's about love, caring and a lot of other things that make our lives happy. I hate egotistical, unintelligent persons, I would like to meet a man with a good education, kind, honest, who will not play games and who's really looking for a serious relationship. I wish to love and to be loved, to be with my darling in good and bad times, to enjoy every minute spent with my only one. I believe that it'll happen! I have never been married, because I haven't met my other half yet. I am very romantic, that's why I believe in real love. I hope I will be able to find a man, with whom I would have real happiness and create a family with children, as I like children very much.

I don't think I've ever even seen a dating profile like that before!

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