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After 2 divorces broke Robin Williams to return to TV

After 2 divorces broke Robin Williams to return to TV


Robin Williams reveals he is having some major financial issues and has been forced to downsize since his two divorces. Williams claims he is selling his big house, and will be returning to steady work on a weekly television sitcom.

Williams, 62, claims he has been left on the verge of bankruptcy after two costly divorces, and must now sell his $35 million estate just to pay his bills.


“Divorce is expensive. I used to joke they were going to call it ‘all the money’, but they changed it to ‘alimony’. It’s ripping your heart out through your wallet,” Williams said.

But being twice divorced hasn’t stopped Robin Williams from going for that third marriage, Williams is currently married to graphic designer Susan Schneider whom he married in 2011.


The Oscar winning actor will star alongside Sarah Michelle Gellar in a new TV show called “The Crazy Ones” which will debut on September 26 on CBS at 9 p.m.

[Image: Susan+Schneider+Premiere+Warner+Bros+Pic...nlZw3l.jpg]
new wife would you bang?

His relationships with women have not been kind to his wallet as the poor bastard also had to settle a public herpes lawsuit in the 80´s.

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"Chicks dig power, men dig beauty, eggs are expensive, sperm is cheap, men are expendable, women are perishable." - Heartiste

After 2 divorces broke Robin Williams to return to TV

He's a clown in his professional life and his romantic life.

After 2 divorces broke Robin Williams to return to TV

used and abused

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After 2 divorces broke Robin Williams to return to TV

How does he have two costly divorces? You would think after the first assrape he would have gotten an ironclad pre-nup for the second marriage. What's worse is he married a third time? [Image: lol.gif] No sympathy here.

After 2 divorces broke Robin Williams to return to TV

On marriage 3? Is broke?

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. 3 times I'm a fucking idiot and deserve what happens to me.

After 2 divorces broke Robin Williams to return to TV

Quote: (09-19-2013 05:20 PM)bacon Wrote:  

[Image: Susan+Schneider+Premiere+Warner+Bros+Pic...nlZw3l.jpg]
new wife would you bang?

Absolutely not...but his daughter?

[Image: ZELDA-WILLIAMS-at-The-Walking-Dead-10th-...iego-3.jpg]


After 2 divorces broke Robin Williams to return to TV

Quote: (09-19-2013 05:50 PM)soup Wrote:  

He's a clown in his professional life and his romantic life.

Some of williams' best work was doing dramatic roles(world according to garp, one hour photo, goodwill hunting). He is actually one of my role models (for his acting) not for his dating or marriage decisions.

No I would definitely not bang his wife, but his daughter? absolutely

After 2 divorces broke Robin Williams to return to TV

^Don't forget about Dead Poets Society.

After 2 divorces broke Robin Williams to return to TV

Quote: (09-19-2013 07:04 PM)master_thespian Wrote:  

Quote: (09-19-2013 05:50 PM)soup Wrote:  

He's a clown in his professional life and his romantic life.

Some of williams' best work was doing dramatic roles(world according to garp, one hour photo, goodwill hunting). He is actually one of my role models (for his acting) not for his dating or marriage decisions.

No I would definitely not bang his wife, but his daughter? absolutely

I agree. RW is a big favorite of mine. What he did in One Hour Photo was an extraordinarily moving/unnerving performance. I never really put two and two together, but I take from your username that you act, or have an interest in it? PM me so as not to derail the thread!

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

After 2 divorces broke Robin Williams to return to TV

Quote: (09-19-2013 05:20 PM)bacon Wrote:  

[Image: Susan+Schneider+Premiere+Warner+Bros+Pic...nlZw3l.jpg]
new wife would you bang?

2/8. WNB man-chin.

I'm the King of Beijing!

After 2 divorces broke Robin Williams to return to TV

I was wondering recently why in the heck would RW be in a snickers commercial. Now I know why.

After 2 divorces broke Robin Williams to return to TV

Quote: (09-19-2013 06:04 PM)TheSlayer Wrote:  

How does he have two costly divorces? You would think after the first assrape he would have gotten an ironclad pre-nup for the second marriage. What's worse is he married a third time? [Image: lol.gif] No sympathy here.

But what about love?

[Image: jordan.gif]

"I have refused to wear a condom all of my life, for a simple reason – if I’m going to masturbate into a balloon why would I need a woman?"

After 2 divorces broke Robin Williams to return to TV

I can never understand that Gif. Is Jordan crying or laughing?

After 2 divorces broke Robin Williams to return to TV


“Divorce is expensive. I used to joke they were going to call it ‘all the money’, but they changed it to ‘alimony’. It’s ripping your heart out through your wallet,” Williams said.

That's the best analogy for divorce that I've ever heard.

Team Nachos

After 2 divorces broke Robin Williams to return to TV

Some men are truly incapable of being alone. They need to have someone greet them when they walk in the door. After a certain point, you'd think they'd realize that they can have that, without having to continually cough up what they've worked so hard for. Clooney learned that early. He got married once, realized it wasn't for him, and didn't do it again. He has long-term relationships with women, so he gets the companionship. When they start pressing him for a ring...BYE. He maintains separate residences, and probably doesn't let her leave more than a toothbrush and other small personal items at his crib. And he goes out and finds another volunteer. A lot of these dudes need to get it through their heads that though they may FEEL they need to be married, the truth is they aren't suited to it, no matter how much they think they want it. Men like this can ALWAYS find a volunteer for long-term dating.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

After 2 divorces broke Robin Williams to return to TV

Quote: (09-19-2013 07:27 PM)MHaes Wrote:  

^Don't forget about Dead Poets Society.

He totally ruled in that, one of my favorite films.

The scene where he points at the old alumni picture and says "They're all dead." Deep.

Fisher King was great too, he must have gotten 7 figures for some of those, the thing with community property states is that anything earned during the marriage is HERS too-- even though there is absolutely zero chance she would have earned ANYTHING like he did on her own.

If I understand correctly if he had just had an LTR they would have got nothing when he tired of them or vice versa. He could have given them some scratch just to be nice if he wanted.

He might have an unreal house in SF worth 8 figures which he'll need to sell, it's a shame. I've met guys who ran into him when he was biking across the Golden Gate Bridge into the city. He's fast.

He also is bipolar, probably didn't get analyzed enough before getting married the second time.

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