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Building your liquor shelf
02-01-2012, 06:28 PM
Interesting that a lot of guys are bringing up Rum. Here in So Cal, I almost never hear a girl bring up rum. Here's it's mostly Vodka, Tequila, and Whiskey (like Jack or Jameson). Hell, more girls are likely to bring up weed than any liquor actually.
I agree with everyone here on stocking the bare necessities for the date brought back home (vodka and some mixers), but at the same time it's nice having some nice liquor around for you and your friends.
One good trick a French friend of mine showed me is Tequila and Tonic. You fill a cup half way with tequila and tonic, you slam the cup down three times, and then you drink it down fast, chased by lime. It's a tasty drink and adds a little fun to the mix.
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Building your liquor shelf
02-04-2012, 07:03 PM
Get a bottle of Barenjager honey liqueur and make a "Honeydew-me":
2 parts Barenjager honey liqueur
1 part melon juice
4 parts orange juice
Whenever we had house parties in college (just a few years ago) we always made these when we had women over. They couldn't resist them. Many of them have never had one before and will declare it their favorite cocktail (this was only tried out on chicks in their early 20s.)
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Building your liquor shelf
02-08-2012, 05:18 PM
Good thread.
I keep the essentials for a memorable night in my little home made bar. (Built it myself with solid mahogany).
Essentials for moi:
-Rum and coke (You got to have diet coke aswell)
-Belvedere vodka. I don't even remember what's inside that bottle anymore.
-OJ - Cranberry juice.
Lately I have been using the blender a lot (yes it is messy and noisy but whatever I like the taste of my drinks) Ladies love the texture/sweetness of what I offer.
Last chic I banged at my pad "OMG this drink is sooo good, where did you learnt how to do this?"
Jesus taught me to.
Keep frozen blueberries, strawberries on hand. Vodka, cranberry juice, couple of strawberries, couple of frozen blueberries, blend everything together and voilà. Fruity vegas style over sweetened strong-ass beverage.
I also always carry a bottle of nice Peruvian/Chilean "Pisco". Is one of my major after party bait.
I love how girls try to explain the taste of pisco. " OMG it tastes like vodka but is more fruity...what is it? come on....tell me...
The harder you practice, the luckier you get.