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How to be a Player

How to be a Player

Older movie with Bill Bellamy, but every guy should watch, it was what got me to be more cerebral about women, instead of trying random stuff. I also recommend Booty Call, it teaches you how not to get girls in the sack, Jamie Fox at his best. Any other movies that are a "must see" for gamers, players, douchebags?

How to be a Player

Hitch with Will Smith.

How to be a Player

Quote: (09-05-2008 06:10 PM)GMoney Wrote:  

...Any other movies that are a "must see" for gamers, players, douchebags?

Unfortunately most movies follow the chump belief of being needy and quietly holding the torch for one girl in particular with the zeta guy getting the girl at the end, which is why it's a movie. As for a movie with a good Alpha male, check out Chinatown with Jack Nicholson, and watch how he puts his pimp hand to use.

How to be a Player

Swingers, duh

How to be a Player

"Roger Dodger" had some gems.

How to be a Player

Quote: (09-07-2008 08:08 PM)Steve Lurkel Wrote:  

"Roger Dodger" had some gems.

Agreed. "You drink that drink! Alcohol has been a social lubricant for thousands of years. What do you think, you're going to sit here tonight and reinvent the wheel? "

How to be a Player

"Cleo, Leo"

It'll probably be tough to find on DVD or tape. I'm not sure if it was a movie that ever made it to the theaters but I saw on Cinemax almost 20 years ago.

How to be a Player

Tao of Steve

How to be a Player

For alphaness: Streetcar Named Desire starring Brando

How to be a Player

Anchorman w/ Will Ferrell, duh.

"Uh, I don't know how to put this but, um, I'm kind of a big deal. People know me"....Just some strait awesomeness throughout the whole movie.

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