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Anyone here have experience with getting rid of a friend's obnoxious wife?

Anyone here have experience with getting rid of a friend's obnoxious wife?

First and most important: I have no desire to sleep with this girl!

I think if this were someone I weren't as close with for so long, I'd care less but... he settled for a hippo. Worse yet, I was in the wedding!

So, I come here with this problem, I know this isn't "Roosh's problem solving network"; however, I figure that there's bound to be people here that are so experienced with the psychological workings of women that I'd be able to get better advice than anywhere else that I've tried. Plus all my other friends have given up.

Anyone here have experience with getting rid of a friend's obnoxious wife?

Get him to go out and find the more updated, less crazy, Summer 2009 model vagina. If he "cant go out" because she wont let him, you literally slap him, call him a pussy, slap him again, and then take him out.

Also, just tell him straight up all that you have said here, fwd it to him in an email.

Anyone here have experience with getting rid of a friend's obnoxious wife?

This has everything to do with your friend, and nothing to do with the girl.

Anyone here have experience with getting rid of a friend's obnoxious wife?

I've had two good friends turn into bitches because of their girlfriends, and in both cases I've ended up distancing myself from both of them. I don't think there's anything you can do.

Anyone here have experience with getting rid of a friend's obnoxious wife?

You should plant some girl accessories in his room that she will find: An empty condom wrapper, lipstick, glitter on the pillow etc.

Anyone here have experience with getting rid of a friend's obnoxious wife?

I have to agree with Roosh and Kerouac and disagree with girl stuff planting strategy (which WILL backfire). Your friend will have to make up his own mind and talking to him will be of no use: she has his ear now.

This will end only when he himself understands that she's using him and stops cooperating.

Anyone here have experience with getting rid of a friend's obnoxious wife?

As much fun as planting things would be, there's no way I'd go that route. Just would not work.

I'm a little confused as to how this has nothing to do with this girl though. I know he makes his own choices, but it can't be his fault she's a cock-block, which I think is what is pissing me off the most about her now.

I've also tried the distancing myself strategy, but that has been a really bad idea. The less I hang out with him, the more he hangs out with her, the stronger her grasp is on him.

If anything I need to just stomach her stupidity and hang out with him more, hopefully pissing her off, which she'll take out on him after I leave, and maybe drive that wedge in a little. I can continue working on my game while driving this wedge in, once the wedge is in deep enough, I'll have a few girls ready to hang out with the two of us, add in a few drinks and hopefully he bangs one of them. Worst case scenario, I'd have a few drunk girls on my hands at the end of this plan.

If all this works, I'll write a book about it, as it seems a lot of guys have lost friends this way.

Anyone here have experience with getting rid of a friend's obnoxious wife?

Get him some ass or a BJ at the very least. I won't tell ya how, but...

Anyone here have experience with getting rid of a friend's obnoxious wife?

"I know he makes his own choices, but it can't be his fault she's a cock-block, which I think is what is pissing me off the most about her now."

Of course shes a cock block, shes a woman, and she is your buddies girlfriend.

"hang out with him more, hopefully pissing her off, which she'll take out on him after I leave, and maybe drive that wedge in a little."

Seriously? She will just emotionally beat him down.

"I'll have a few girls ready to hang out with the two of us, add in a few drinks and hopefully he bangs one of them."

Not by the looks of it, he will go home and bang his girlfriend.

"If all this works, I'll write a book about it, as it seems a lot of guys have lost friends this way."

I wouldn't read it based on this strategy. You need to be honest with the dude, straight up, call him out on dating a nasty pirate hooker who is castrating him. Its really a no brainer, this is like a bro-intervention, or brontervention.

Anyone here have experience with getting rid of a friend's obnoxious wife?

Ya know what after reading all the responses, I've been giving this some more thought, and I've decided to say "fuck him". If he can't figure out he's with a nasty slamhog, why should it be my responsibility to fix it? When I've had issues with girls in the past he hasn't fixed them, so why should I clean up someone else's mess? I need to just focus on what really matters here: me.

Anyone here have experience with getting rid of a friend's obnoxious wife?

Quote: (08-18-2009 04:43 AM)CJ Wrote:  

Ya know what after reading all the responses, I've been giving this some more thought, and I've decided to say "fuck him". If he can't figure out he's with a nasty slamhog, why should it be my responsibility to fix it? When I've had issues with girls in the past he hasn't fixed them, so why should I clean up someone else's mess? I need to just focus on what really matters here: me.


But believe me: if he does not end up marrying her, he will figure it out sooner or later. That is, when sleeping with her stops being exciting.

Anyone here have experience with getting rid of a friend's obnoxious wife?

Quote: (08-16-2009 08:30 PM)CJ Wrote:  

I'm a little confused as to how this has nothing to do with this girl though. I know he makes his own choices, but it can't be his fault she's a cock-block, which I think is what is pissing me off the most about her now.

He may just like fat chicks. No chick sucks cock like a fat chick.

Anyone here have experience with getting rid of a friend's obnoxious wife?

The nail in the couffin...

Oh well, thanks for all the advice guys, but this one is a lost cause. He doesn't get it, and he obviously has given such value to this girl that me trying to open his eyes will just ruin our friendship, not that it I want to hang out with him while she's still around anyway.

Anyone here have experience with getting rid of a friend's obnoxious wife?

You know, I think this might be because you're starting out on game (though I might be wrong) and you feel everyone shares the same enthusiasm about picking up girls as you, but that's simply not the case. 95% of the male population is still going to keep doing what it's always been doing, and well, girls will always be girls. Your friend and your brother seem like normal guys who are satisfied with just one decent girl, which is something most people in the world want.

There is something in us, those of us who like the idea of multiple female partners, that led us to where we are today. There is a reason in all of us, and I think it is important/good to realize that what led you to your want is not a typical thing. Most guys of course fantasize about fucking many women, but there doesn't seem to be a strong enough urge for them to pursue it like guys who pursue game do. You and your friend/brother are simply different.

Anyone here have experience with getting rid of a friend's obnoxious wife?

Sort of, No and Yes.

I'm getting out of an LTR, and always had good game at house parties, but not the bar, that's why I'm here. My brother is a natural, he's just been with so many girls now that he's finally ready to settle down, I think/hope. My friend has no game, and therefore does not want to give up the girl he's got, so you're dead-on there.

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