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Colombia vs Brazil Thread

Colombia vs Brazil Thread

I'm getting more and more interested in visiting Colombia,mostly from what I've been reading in this forum since I've joined it.As you know I'm Brazilian, and my country gets lots of praise as well, if not more than Colombia.
I didn't find a thread comparing specifically those 2 high-commented countries,although many guys here have been to both.

-Whats the similarities and the differences between Colombianas and Brasileiras?Which is hotter (on an average, of course)

-The "vibe",cultural traits of each country and its people are similar?Or is it different?

-Quality of life is similar?Whats the most remarkable thing about living with Colombians and with Brazilians?

anyway general thoughts about the countries and its women, for me its easy to define Brazil x Argentina in terms of women and culture , but with Colombia it still not as clear to me.

Chicks need to be on rotation like a Netflix queue

Colombia vs Brazil Thread

I am curious about Colombia as well.

It is funny/ironic that I've never ran into Colombianas in South America (Brazil), but I've ran into some here in Hawaii (almost got one to cheat her bf with me, but bad timing and logistics made her back off --I had a trip scheduled and lost momentum).

I liked what I saw, quite a contrast to the shielded and bitchy local girls here. They seem warm and friendly enough.

Are they as sexually open as the Brazileiras? It seems so...

Colombia vs Brazil Thread

There is plenty of hot girls in each country, so that is a mot point imo.

I got way more attention and play in Colombia than I did in Rio. (non pro that is in Colombia; but i got mad FREE play from pro's in Rio)

Colombia vs Brazil Thread

Quote: (01-01-2012 12:08 PM)Mr.GM Wrote:  

I'm getting more and more interested in visiting Colombia,mostly from what I've been reading in this forum since I've joined it.As you know I'm Brazilian, and my country gets lots of praise as well, if not more than Colombia.
I didn't find a thread comparing specifically those 2 high-commented countries,although many guys here have been to both.

-Whats the similarities and the differences between Colombianas and Brasileiras?Which is hotter (on an average, of course)

-The "vibe",cultural traits of each country and its people are similar?Or is it different?

-Quality of life is similar?Whats the most remarkable thing about living with Colombians and with Brazilians?

anyway general thoughts about the countries and its women, for me its easy to define Brazil x Argentina in terms of women and culture , but with Colombia it still not as clear to me.

Mr. Gm you will do really well in Colombia but do study a bit a spanish before you go. Colombianas will not kiss or show affection as fast as brasileiras, but second date lays are the norm. Colombianas are not as loyal or genuine, though they are a bit prettier than brasileiras in general. Colombianas are for the short term while uma boa garota is better for the longer term. Finally, game helps you better with colombianas than brasileiras.

Colombia vs Brazil Thread

MR. GM, and AMF - I got plenty of love for both of you dogs, cara. Honestly, you cannot compare Brazil vs Colombia, it is juts wayyyy 2 different sides of the spectrum. It's like trying to Compare Brazil and Portugal, at least they have similar languages despite sounding so different. However, I have better luck fucking girls very fast from Portugal - usually in 2 days max!

The only thing I can add is that Colombian girls are easy in Colombia and grow bitch shields when they land on US SOIL. Brazilian girls are the opposite; they have bitch shields in Brasil, but completely let loose when on US soil!

I can bang 10 Brazilian girls in Miami/Fort Lauderdale/Orlando, before I bang 2 garotas in Brasil, and I'm talking about those high-end Patricinha bitches who walk around Brooklin Novo mall in Sampa or Barra Mall in Rio with their noses in the air [Image: dodgy.gif]


Colombia vs Brazil Thread

Colombians are more flakey, Brazilians are more snobby.
Colombians are thinner, Brazilians have better asses.
Colombians more elegant, Brazilians more sexy.
Brazilians easier to kiss.
Brazilian culture more warm and social with higher energy.

Colombia vs Brazil Thread

Quote: (01-01-2012 12:08 PM)Mr.GM Wrote:  

-Whats the similarities and the differences between Colombianas and Brasileiras?Which is hotter (on an average, of course)
I would have to give Colombian women the upper hand. They have a more complete look. Cute faces, big tits, and just all-around nice bodies. Brazilian women, on average, don't really have great faces; they have small tits, but nice curves (asses). I'm sure the hottest "hot" women in Brazil can compete with the hottest chicks from anywhere, but on average I would say Colombianas are better when it comes to loooks, though Brasileiras have a sexy factor and they are much easier to lay. With that being said, men from all over Latin America dream about Colombianas. They are like the ideal. They are very feminine and loyal, and just good women all-around. I've heard that Colombia has the lowest divorce rate in the world.

Quote: (01-01-2012 12:08 PM)Mr.GM Wrote:  

-The "vibe",cultural traits of each country and its people are similar?Or is it different?
This is what makes Brasil unique for me. I don't think any place has that Brasilian attitude towards life. It really seems sometimes that Brasilians live for two things, and two things only: Futebol and Carnaval. I distinctly remember traveling from Argentina to Brazil and the "vibe" completely changing when I entered Brazilian soil. It immediately felt more relaxed and laid-back. I also felt this way when I flew from Sao Paulo to Bogota once; it went from more to less laid-back.

I have great friends from Colombia and Brazil and the people of both countries are among the friendliest you will find in Latin America. I love both, but, ultimately, I think Brazilians have that "cool" factor that you won't really find anywhere else. The social dynamic is much more interesting and energized in Brazil.

Quote: (01-01-2012 12:08 PM)Mr.GM Wrote:  

-Quality of life is similar?Whats the most remarkable thing about living with Colombians and with Brazilians?
Brazil by far, but it also depends on the city.

Medellin is one of the most pleasant cities you will find in Latin America. The people are extraordinarily polite. It's a city with a population like Chicago but whenever you interact with someone in a service setting they end the transaction with a phrase like "siempre a la orden," which is something like saying "always at your service," or they'll say "con mucho gusto," which is "with great pleasure" [to meet you]. It's amazing, especially when you're in a setting with the Andes as the backdrop in a valley with springlike weather year-round. I also like the architecture, especially in Poblado, and the works of Botero which you find all throughout the downtown area. The Poblado district of Medellin is one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in Latin America.

The smaller cities in Colombia are also very pleasant (Manizales, Armenia, etc).

The rest of Colombia lags behind in terms of social services and standard of living.

Economically speaking, Brazil is far ahead of Colombia. There are many cities, particularly in the south, where the quality of life is far ahead of what you would find anywhere in Colombia (Curitiba, Porto Alegre, Floripa, etc).

On a whole, Brazilian cities have a higher quality of life.

Quote: (01-01-2012 12:08 PM)Mr.GM Wrote:  

anyway general thoughts about the countries and its women, for me its easy to define Brazil x Argentina in terms of women and culture , but with Colombia it still not as clear to me.
I know exactly what you mean by this. Most Argentine women have a European or Mestiza look while most Brasileiras are mezclas of some sort, which makes it easier to compare the two. Colombians are more like Brazilians but with a far higher proportion of mestizas, especially in Bogota, Antioquia, etc.

Colombia is more like Brazil, in many ways, than any other Latin country. I think if you had to choose a Spanish-speaking country to compare with Brazil, it would probably be Colombia. They both share the Amazon, and have regions with very diverse populations. Colombia is only behind Brazil and the United States in the Americas as a country with the highest number of people of African descent.

Ultimately, it comes down to preferences. It's really tough to compare Colombianas with Brasileiras. It's like trying to compare two great sports teams from different eras when both are winners.

Hope this helps bro.

Colombia vs Brazil Thread

From the top notch girls that make it in modelling it seems the main difference is the German influence in Brazil..so many of the girls seem to have German last names.

Whatever country looks wise their fantastic..I guess it's just the attitude/culture that separates their reaction to your approach .




Colombia vs Brazil Thread

Funny thing is, like Amour Fou , I never met a Colombiana here in Brazil.

Like Hencredible mentioned The 2 countries have lots in common but apparently there's much more cultural exchange (tourism/arts/sports etc)between Brazil and Argentina than with Colombia(you rarely see a Brazilian considering Colombia as a tourism destination).

Its a shame because we are missing one of the finest asses in the continent (maybe in the world?) and all of that potential is right here on our borders.
anyway, I won't spread the news rs let all the other guys here head to Buenos Aires, that way we here can explore all this colombian talent with less competition!

Roosh, hehe I can't imagine any girl more flakey than what we have here!?What a headache those colombianas..lol

and in addition , were should I go first? Medellin,bogota, or any other city?

Chicks need to be on rotation like a Netflix queue

Colombia vs Brazil Thread

Quote: (01-01-2012 09:29 PM)Mr.GM Wrote:  

Funny thing is, like Amour Fou , I never met a Colombiana here in Brazil.

Like Hencredible mentioned The 2 countries have lots in common but apparently there's much more cultural exchange (tourism/arts/sports etc)between Brazil and Argentina than with Colombia(you rarely see a Brazilian considering Colombia as a tourism destination).

Its a shame because we are missing one of the finest asses in the continent (maybe in the world?) and all of that potential is right here on our borders.
anyway, I won't spread the news rs let all the other guys here head to Buenos Aires, that way we here can explore all this colombian talent with less competition!

Roosh, hehe I can't imagine any girl more flakey than what we have here!?What a headache those colombianas..lol

and in addition , were should I go first? Medellin,bogota, or any other city?

Very good point. Way more Brazilians go to Argentina and vice versa than Colombia. Of course, Brazil and Argentina have a legendary futbol rivalry (i.e. Pele vs. Maradona), and the very south of Brazil, especially the state of Rio Grande do Sul, has much in common with Argentina culturally and economically. They have much more cultural exchange for sure, but the demographic profile of Colombia is more like Brazil than Argentina is.

Colombia vs Brazil Thread

"I would say Colombianas are better when it comes to loooks, though Brasileiras have a sexy factor and they are much easier to lay."

So the Brazilian Cave man game doesn't work on Colombianas?damn...lol

Chicks need to be on rotation like a Netflix queue

Colombia vs Brazil Thread

Quote: (01-01-2012 09:29 PM)Mr.GM Wrote:  

Roosh, hehe I can't imagine any girl more flakey than what we have here!?What a headache those colombianas..lol

You kidding me?

Try the Hawaiian-Asian girls I've been hunting here where I am; the scum of the earth in term of flakiness...

Brazilian girls are a walk in the park in comparison.

Colombia vs Brazil Thread

Quote: (01-01-2012 10:44 PM)Mr.GM Wrote:  

"I would say Colombianas are better when it comes to loooks, though Brasileiras have a sexy factor and they are much easier to lay."

So the Brazilian Cave man game doesn't work on Colombianas?damn...lol

Colombians are way easier to lay (faster) than Brasilians in my experience.

Got another Colombian notch under my belt last night on the second night of knowing / seeing this girl!

Colombia vs Brazil Thread

Colombianas win this battle in my opinion. A lot of 7s and 8s with great bodies..the stunners in both countries are similar in hotness, but if i have to make an overall verdict: Colombia

Colombia vs Brazil Thread

Quote: (01-02-2012 02:48 PM)Amsterdao! Wrote:  

Colombianas win this battle in my opinion. A lot of 7s and 8s with great bodies..the stunners in both countries are similar in hotness, but if i have to make an overall verdict: Colombia

Its a close call and there is no doubt that Brazil and Colombia have the best talent in the Americas. In terms of looks, the difference is minimal but a brazilian woman is loyal to the bone. Of all the colombianas ive banged, ive had no futher contact with them, while my garotas are always wishing i come back soon and send me messages all the time. Also spending a whole weekend with a brasileira seems more agreeable than with a colombiana.

Colombia vs Brazil Thread

Quote: (01-02-2012 06:24 PM)chochemonger1 Wrote:  

Quote: (01-02-2012 02:48 PM)Amsterdao! Wrote:  

Colombianas win this battle in my opinion. A lot of 7s and 8s with great bodies..the stunners in both countries are similar in hotness, but if i have to make an overall verdict: Colombia

Its a close call and there is no doubt that Brazil and Colombia have the best talent in the Americas. In terms of looks, the difference is minimal but a brazilian woman is loyal to the bone. Of all the colombianas ive banged, ive had no futher contact with them, while my garotas are always wishing i come back soon and send me messages all the time. Also spending a whole weekend with a brasileira seems more agreeable than with a colombiana.

This is true about Brazilian women and friends in general. I always feel I can hit them up and pick up back where I left off. Amazing people....

Colombia vs Brazil Thread

So seems like some conflicting reports on this thread, some guys seem to think Colombianas are more loyal than Brasileiras, and vice versa. From what I've read online sounds like both women like to sleep around a fair bit. For me, if I travel to either country it will only be for 4-8 weeks total, so I doubt I'd be looking for a loyal exclusive girlfriend.

Which brings me to the most important question of all, which is easier to bang (specifically for non-blonde/blue eyed, western men)? I've been to Brasil and fortunately got my flag from a hot mixed black, mestizo, native indian woman. It seemed pretty easy to hook up over there, although I kind of got lucky and met my chick on a guided tour to waterfalls outside Paraty.

Dash has been to both countries, and says Colombia was easier, but I think this maybe due to speaking better Spanish, cities visited, and "pipelining"...?

On the topic of looks, it sounds like Colombianas win hands down in terms of having prettier faces, and bigger tits (although a lot of fakes, which I dont like). Brazilian women have much nicer asses (and I'm an ass man [Image: biggrin.gif]). But personally, I thought Brazilian women had pretty faces overall, but I'm comparing to U.S. standards, and I like Latin women.

Any input is cool, I should learn Spanish, but I have a much greater interest in Brasil, and want to go back for my next trip, therefore I got to roll with Portuguese.

Colombia vs Brazil Thread

Quote: (01-02-2012 07:15 PM)OGNorCal707 Wrote:  

So seems like some conflicting reports on this thread, some guys seem to think Colombianas are more loyal than Brasileiras, and vice versa. From what I've read online sounds like both women like to sleep around a fair bit. For me, if I travel to either country it will only be for 4-8 weeks total, so I doubt I'd be looking for a loyal exclusive girlfriend.

Which brings me to the most important question of all, which is easier to bang (specifically for non-blonde/blue eyed, western men)? I've been to Brasil and fortunately got my flag from a hot mixed black, mestizo, native indian woman. It seemed pretty easy to hook up over there, although I kind of got lucky and met my chick on a guided tour to waterfalls outside Paraty.

Dash has been to both countries, and says Colombia was easier, but I think this maybe due to speaking better Spanish, cities visited, and "pipelining"...?

On the topic of looks, it sounds like Colombianas win hands down in terms of having prettier faces, and bigger tits (although a lot of fakes, which I dont like). Brazilian women have much nicer asses (and I'm an ass man [Image: biggrin.gif]). But personally, I thought Brazilian women had pretty faces overall, but I'm comparing to U.S. standards, and I like Latin women.

Any input is cool, I should learn Spanish, but I have a much greater interest in Brasil, and want to go back for my next trip, therefore I got to roll with Portuguese.

This is really like comparing two great sports teams from different eras. Objectively speaking, purely on looks, Colombianas are better. Men from all over Latin America agree. Brasileiras aren't for everyone. Some dudes don't care about ass and hate small tits. Colombianas have a complete look that appeals to a wider group of people.

With that being said, Brazil is still my favorite country and I think most dudes would say the same. The girls are definitely hot enough, no doubt. I would just say Colombia is worth a visit as a place with nice women, though Brazil is the better country.

Colombia vs Brazil Thread

Quote: (01-02-2012 07:15 PM)OGNorCal707 Wrote:  

So seems like some conflicting reports on this thread, some guys seem to think Colombianas are more loyal than Brasileiras, and vice versa. From what I've read online sounds like both women like to sleep around a fair bit. For me, if I travel to either country it will only be for 4-8 weeks total, so I doubt I'd be looking for a loyal exclusive girlfriend.

Which brings me to the most important question of all, which is easier to bang (specifically for non-blonde/blue eyed, western men)? I've been to Brasil and fortunately got my flag from a hot mixed black, mestizo, native indian woman. It seemed pretty easy to hook up over there, although I kind of got lucky and met my chick on a guided tour to waterfalls outside Paraty.

Dash has been to both countries, and says Colombia was easier, but I think this maybe due to speaking better Spanish, cities visited, and "pipelining"...?

On the topic of looks, it sounds like Colombianas win hands down in terms of having prettier faces, and bigger tits (although a lot of fakes, which I dont like). Brazilian women have much nicer asses (and I'm an ass man [Image: biggrin.gif]). But personally, I thought Brazilian women had pretty faces overall, but I'm comparing to U.S. standards, and I like Latin women.

Any input is cool, I should learn Spanish, but I have a much greater interest in Brasil, and want to go back for my next trip, therefore I got to roll with Portuguese.

Language skills are the key. My first trip To Brazil, I got less action and had to settle for 5s and 6s mostly. Once I got my portuguese to a fluent level, i was banging just as many or more good quality brasileiras as colombianas (my spanish is perfect). The main difference is that, in pretty much every region of Colombia, youll be banging regularly if your spanish and game are decent. In Brazil, the southern regions can be a pain in the ass even with solid game and portuguese.

Colombia vs Brazil Thread

Language skills are the key. My first trip To Brazil, I got less action and had to settle for 5s and 6s mostly. Once I got my portuguese to a fluent level, i was banging just as many or more good quality brasileiras as colombianas (my spanish is perfect). The main difference is that, in pretty much every region of Colombia, youll be banging regularly if your spanish and game are decent. In Brazil, the southern regions can be a pain in the ass even with solid game and portuguese.

In Colombia Is conversational Spanish required to score 7's and above? My Spanish is ok but I find it hard work to maintain conversation... even though I lived in Madrid for a year [Image: undecided.gif]
I'm good looking with typical Northern European features. I didn't find that this helped me in Brazil despite the hype that it would. Not with anything of quality anyway. However I am not really one to judge as I was kind of doing touristy things and I struggled to find any decent hangouts. However the places I did go I found that most people spoke pretty decent English. Is this the case in Colombia?
If not I cant see myself getting any bangs out there unless Im cold approaching in the day and speaking fluent Spanish... since from what I have heard night life is a dead loss. If its not groups of girls sitting around tables with high bitch shields and male cockblockers then its all about the p4p which I am not into.

Colombia vs Brazil Thread

You can get 7's and a few 8's with luck/timing without conversational spanish.

9's and 10's will be REALLY difficult imo without conversational spanish unless you look like a male model and have good non verbal game.

Obviously money can BUY you 9's and 10's without speaking a word of spanish.

Colombia vs Brazil Thread

Quote: (01-03-2012 02:51 PM)Dash Global Wrote:  

You can get 7's and a few 8's with luck/timing without conversational spanish.

9's and 10's will be REALLY difficult imo without conversational spanish unless you look like a male model and have good non verbal game.

Obviously money can BUY you 9's and 10's without speaking a word of spanish.

Enough 7s and 8s for everybody....above that is possible as well. You have to befriend the right people i guess. I have some (female) friends in Colombia. Some of them i want to bang and some not...some have a bf and some not, but all of them are willing to help me to get the hottest and cutest girls. I met a lot of them on my trip in Colombia and they think i'm cool so they gave me blackberry messenger of some hot girls and so on...

some background:
my spanish level is somewhere between beginner and intermediate. I can have an basic telephone conversation.

I'm a blue eyed, blond (in their eyes) european gringo. I can dance some salsa, merengue, bachata if i want. I prefer reggeaton hahaha [Image: hump.gif]

Colombia vs Brazil Thread

Quote: (01-03-2012 04:37 PM)Amsterdao! Wrote:  

Quote: (01-03-2012 02:51 PM)Dash Global Wrote:  

You can get 7's and a few 8's with luck/timing without conversational spanish.

9's and 10's will be REALLY difficult imo without conversational spanish unless you look like a male model and have good non verbal game.

Obviously money can BUY you 9's and 10's without speaking a word of spanish.

Enough 7s and 8s for everybody....above that is possible as well. You have to befriend the right people i guess. I have some (female) friends in Colombia. Some of them i want to bang and some not...some have a bf and some not, but all of them are willing to help me to get the hottest and cutest girls. I met a lot of them on my trip in Colombia and they think i'm cool so they gave me blackberry messenger of some hot girls and so on...

some background:
my spanish level is somewhere between beginner and intermediate. I can have an basic telephone conversation.

I'm a blue eyed, blond (in their eyes) european gringo. I can dance some salsa, merengue, bachata if i want. I prefer reggeaton hahaha [Image: hump.gif]

I will attempt to keep this on topic. I am trying to decide between Thailand and Colombia right now for mid January. Thailand is easy for swooping euro girls and the night life is epic. No day game required. But I have been before and feel like I should check out one of the most talked about countries on this forum.
Despite the conflicting reports I am intrigued. I loved the women of Argentina but found them to be nearly impossible to game. Brazil I didnt really find the talent in the first place but that could have just been bad luck (Although the country itself it 10x more fun). What are my chances of hooking up with some decent Colombian girls in a 3 week time frame? Where should I concentrate my efforts? I don't mind day game but I'd rather not rely on it. Especially in non-English speaking countries. Medellin seems like the place to be (Also I hear Santa Marta, Taganga could be fun?) but I dont know how I would manage without the nightlife aspect. I definitely do not dance salsa. How do you guys go about gaming women in Colombia compared to places like Brazil (which doesn't have the sit down table culture at nightclubs).

Colombia vs Brazil Thread

Quote: (01-02-2012 07:21 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

But personally, I thought Brazilian women had pretty faces overall, but I'm comparing to U.S. standards, and I like Latin women.

Really HC? [Image: lol.gif] I've always said that Brazilian women were butterfaces overall...and I'm latin!

Quote: (01-02-2012 07:21 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

I should learn Spanish, but I have a much greater interest in Brasil, and want to go back for my next trip, therefore I got to roll with Portuguese.

Wait a minute, your profile you wrote that you speak Spanish at a conversational level. ??? I was even shocked to read you spoke Arabic at a conversational level - that's pretty rare for a guy to speak 2 latin languages, English and Arabic! So, why do you mention that you have to learn Spanish???

BTW, If you truly speak Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic and English - shit you are extremely valuable too many Int'l companies, especially the "govimint".

Quote: (01-02-2012 07:21 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

I would just say Colombia is worth a visit as a place with nice women, though Brazil is the better country.

HC, where in Colombia have you been exactly, and how long did you stay?


Colombia vs Brazil Thread

Quote: (01-03-2012 04:49 PM)Richie Wrote:  

I will attempt to keep this on topic. I am trying to decide between Thailand and Colombia right now for mid January. Thailand is easy for swooping euro girls and the night life is epic. No day game required. But I have been before and feel like I should check out one of the most talked about countries on this forum.
Despite the conflicting reports I am intrigued. I loved the women of Argentina but found them to be nearly impossible to game. Brazil I didnt really find the talent in the first place but that could have just been bad luck (Although the country itself it 10x more fun). What are my chances of hooking up with some decent Colombian girls in a 3 week time frame? Where should I concentrate my efforts? I don't mind day game but I'd rather not rely on it. Especially in non-English speaking countries. Medellin seems like the place to be (Also I hear Santa Marta, Taganga could be fun?) but I dont know how I would manage without the nightlife aspect. I definitely do not dance salsa. How do you guys go about gaming women in Colombia compared to places like Brazil (which doesn't have the sit down table culture at nightclubs).

I was in Colombia for 2 weeks and couldnt speak much spanish and couldnt dance. I hooked up with a handful of girls ranging from 6-8.

Screw Medellin dude. Unless you want to work harder and have to deal with stuck up bitches and alot more competition. Medellin on a SHORT trip without spanish and social circle doesnt sound smart imo. Unless you plan on hooking up with some hot pro's for which will be in abundance. Paid or free depending on how good looking you are and age.

Gaming females in Colombia is as easy / simple as just walking around the city. They will GAME you. If for some reason girls are not opening you or eye fucking the shit out of you just open some cute girls and ask city specific questions / recommendations and proceed from there.

The younger crowd clubs that play reggeaton are not "sit down / table" clubs.

For 3 weeks....

Cartagena - 1 week

Barranquilla - 1 week

Cali - 1 week

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