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A Question Of Game

A Question Of Game

I've been going out a lot lately (past couple of months) especially bars and clubs trying to improve my social intuition and of course meet more women. I don't suscribe to any particular pua method but instead utilise advice from various sources that I consider useful. I would describe my current level of game as intermediate. I've really been enjoying it, after 1 1/2 years of reading theory I'm finally getting out there. Anyways I've encountered several sticking points:

(This doesnt happen all the time but once in a while) How do you reframe an interaction when a woman thinks she has more value or status than you. - I'm 19 and a significant amount of the woman I meet are older than me. They basically try to patronise me even though my attraction and teasing is solid. So how do you reframe?

Kiss closing is a real issue for me right now. My attraction game and vibing is good but the sexual tension not so. I've had opportunities to go for the kiss but my balls [Image: confused.gif] have deserted me on numerous occasions. I feel if I break through that barrier I can really push on.

Dealing with stiff or reserved girls. I can consistently get 7s and occasional 8s but 9s and 10s are what I'm doing this for. I love girls with good energy I can hit it off so easily with them. But its when I encounter the "too cool for school" ones that i struggle. Usually if nothing hooks i just go f that and move on but i want to be well rounded so how do you deal with them?

Response from advanced guys will be useful

Young Sweet Jones

A Question Of Game


So how do you reframe?

Before she asks you your age, say, "Wait, how old are you?"

She will make you answer or guess. Once you find out say, "Ooh I don't date older women [Image: icon_mrgreen.gif] "

She will ask your age, then she will try to say you're too young anyway. Then say.. "I believe I broke up with you first, but good try."

Kissing... there is no way we can give you balls to get the kiss. You just have to man up and do it. If the kiss feels weird to do it may be you are not touching much beforehand. Increase that and the kiss will be more natural.

What's good about game is we get skill to get high quality girls, so we don't have to settle for the "too cool for school" girls. Why would you waste your time pursuing them? I don't. I didn't get good at the game to get girls that are duds

A Question Of Game

Practice just whispering into girls ears - just lean in and tell them to look at that crazily dressed guy or at the weird shit on the wall or whatever, just get used to being near their face. and then next time you go in to whisper something give them a kiss on the cheek instead. and then next time give em the real deal. booom!

A Question Of Game

The thing about the "too cool for school" girls is that they generally tend to be hot. If they were ugly then obviously I wouldnt care.

Young Sweet Jones

A Question Of Game

Getting the kiss is an art form. It really will warm things up if you do a lot of touching. I don't mean groping, but casual touches to the arm, hands, and shoulders to get them to feel comfortable with you. And most importantly so you can get comfortable with yourself.

David d'Angelo has this thing called the "kiss test". It's supposed to be a sure fired way of knowing if girl wouldn't mind being kissed. I've tried it twice myself and have gotten mixed reactions, but the end result was a make out session. I think one of the girls just wasn't the touchy/feely type and just reacted weirdly to it, but was in the mood to make out anyhow.

I do want to chime in about one thing though. Roosh has a very good approach with responding to the age question. Too many times I've seen guys say "Old enough" which I think is a terrible way to respond to that question. Roosh's response is more charismatic and sounds like an A+.

A Question Of Game

Quote: (09-03-2008 10:23 AM)PrimeTime Wrote:  

The thing about the "too cool for school" girls is that they generally tend to be hot. If they were ugly then obviously I wouldnt care.
There's a possibility that you're caring too much for the "too cool for school" targets, and they're feeling it and thereby being validated.

I forgot where I heard this, so I'm unable to give credit, but if a woman brings up the point that she's older than you, or something to that fact, just mention, "no matter how old you are, you're still someone's little girl."

A Question Of Game

Quote: (09-03-2008 11:24 AM)duncanidaho Wrote:  

Quote: (09-03-2008 10:23 AM)PrimeTime Wrote:  

The thing about the "too cool for school" girls is that they generally tend to be hot. If they were ugly then obviously I wouldnt care.
There's a possibility that you're caring too much for the "too cool for school" targets, and they're feeling it and thereby being validated.
I don't exhibit any neediness when talking to them. When I realise they are like that i just move one. What I'm saying is I want to be able to deal with them better like be able to game them without blowing them off because they're been stiff. These girls are an untapped resource of hotness that I'm yet to fully explore. I'm Just asking for the best way to navigate my way round them.

Young Sweet Jones

A Question Of Game


These girls are an untapped resource of hotness that I'm yet to fully explore.

Oooh, I doubt that. I'm sure they've been "tapped" quite a few times. Just cause you're first at the fountain doesn't mean no one else drank from it. [Image: wink.gif]

But I believe Roosh already gave you the answer you were looking for. I'm not sure if you missed his post. Also there were some comments about the kissing thing. So what else are you looking for?

A Question Of Game

I don't think I'm seeing the whole picture here PrimeTime, you mentioned previously that:
Quote: (09-03-2008 03:18 PM)PrimeTime Wrote:  

They basically try to patronise me even though my attraction and teasing is solid.
Quote: (09-03-2008 03:18 PM)PrimeTime Wrote:  

...I want to be able to deal with them better like be able to game them without blowing them off because they're been stiff. These girls are...
If they're attracted to you, yet still being stiff, are you sure you've hooked, or are they showing you attraction THEN being stiff a few minutes later, or at the same time?

A Question Of Game

[quote] (09-03-2008 05:54 PM)duncanidaho Wrote:  

I don't think I'm seeing the whole picture here PrimeTime, you mentioned previously that:
[quote='PrimeTime' pid='895' dateline='1220473126']
They basically try to patronise me even though my attraction and teasing is solid.[/quote]
[quote] (09-03-2008 03:18 PM)PrimeTime Wrote:  

...I want to be able to deal with them better like be able to game them without blowing them off because they're been stiff. These girls are...[/quote]
If they're attracted to you, yet still being stiff, are you sure you've hooked, or are they showing you attraction THEN being stiff a few minutes later, or at the same time?

No if they're been stiff from the start

Young Sweet Jones

A Question Of Game

Quote: (09-03-2008 03:18 PM)PrimeTime Wrote:  

No if they're been stiff from the start
If they're being stiff from the start and stay stiff during the entire time then to me it doesn't sound like you've hooked since it sounds like the girls are still keeping their guard up, or maybe these women are naturally like that, which doesn't sound fun and aren't girls I'd waste time on.

A Question Of Game

You're trying to cross the finish line without running the race. I understand what you're asking now, but your asking to be taught the basics of game because that's what game is all about learning to break through to women of all types.

I would suggest getting a copy of Bang and reading the first few chapters at least. Cover approach ideas and practice.

A Question Of Game

Try a bunch of random stuff on each girl you approach. What is the worst thing that'll happen? Nothing.

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