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The Day after a first date

The Day after a first date

A girl sends you a text saying it was awkward to say the least. However from your point of view it was a successful date, she was laughing and having a good time and you had a lot in common. She even told you she would make you German pancakes for breakfast sometime.

How would you respond?

I asked her if it was my friend ( bartender) with the large head. She said "haha no it wasn't him." Then I said "Idk must have been on your side I had a good time kinda want a German pancake"

The Day after a first date

I'd either ignore it and change the subject ("so when are you making me those pancakes") or playfully misinterpret it ("yeah you're right you kept doing that weird thing with your hair. its ok, no big deal"). I don't like your response because it's reactive and it buys into her frame that you made it awkward for her. If you truly didn't give a shit you wouldn't care why she thought it was awkward.

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