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I hear that you guys are the best ones to ask...

I hear that you guys are the best ones to ask...

How to construct an alpha frame? I know what I want but I could use some help...

I want to construct my frame.
I want it to be bullet proof.
And is essentially an alpha core but is modular and so it can be adapted as needed.

How do I build and then implement this?



I hear that you guys are the best ones to ask...

You have to believe you're bulletproof. Wanting to be alpha and being alpha is different. The biggest beta can one day completely change by having confidence in their actions and not caring but also not looking stupid. I think you should read some stuff on inner game. Then just execute. Just don't give a shit what people say or think about you... Why? who cares what they think? they'll probably forget you about 10 seconds after seeing you. Just stop giving a shit and you'll become bulletproof.

-Not the best advice but yeah.

I hear that you guys are the best ones to ask...

Quote: (12-08-2011 06:01 PM)TheMan Wrote:  

How to construct an alpha frame? I know what I want but I could use some help...

I want to construct my frame.
I want it to be bullet proof.
And is essentially an alpha core but is modular and so it can be adapted as needed.

How do I build and then implement this?



[Image: lol.gif]

You make it sound like a civil engineer trying to build a bridge!

A "frame" could be described as a certain pattern of emotional responses to your environment, to your surroundings, to situations.

And as it deals with emotions, it has to do with changing the way you feel.

And, really, you can't "force" yourself to feel or not to feel something, you can only lie to yourself that way, rationalizing and pretending, acting as if the emotions aren't there. You'll be divided and disconected from your feelings, and this lack of congruency will be felt by everyone, especially girls.

The emotions are there, and they always will be there unless you adress them consciously, feeling them through and through.

Instead of thinking of "building a frame", think that one of the best ways of changing those emotional patterns that don't help you (a "beta frame") is to put yourself in situations that exposes those emotions and feelings that hurt the most and get used to feeling them to the point they don't bother you anymore.

Throw yourself into the fire, go towards the scary thing, learn to live and feel consciously those suppressed emotions untill they don't hold power over you anymore. Naturally, your emotional pattern and range will be different and broader, and you'll be less divided, more congruent and confident.

There is no way of measuring this process, and there is no way of controlling it.

Go after experiences that pushes you and connects you to your feelings.

I hear that you guys are the best ones to ask...

Quote: (12-08-2011 06:26 PM)drymarro Wrote:  

I think you should read some stuff on inner game. Then just execute.

Any suggestions?

I hear that you guys are the best ones to ask...

Quote: (12-09-2011 03:08 AM)Amour Fou Wrote:  

[Image: lol.gif]

You make it sound like a civil engineer trying to build a bridge!

A "frame" could be described as a certain pattern of emotional responses to your environment, to your surroundings, to situations.

And as it deals with emotions, it has to do with changing the way you feel.

And, really, you can't "force" yourself to feel or not to feel something, you can only lie to yourself that way, rationalizing and pretending, acting as if the emotions aren't there. You'll be divided and disconected from your feelings, and this lack of congruency will be felt by everyone, especially girls.

The emotions are there, and they always will be there unless you address them consciously, feeling them through and through.

Instead of thinking of "building a frame", think that one of the best ways of changing those emotional patterns that don't help you (a "beta frame") is to put yourself in situations that exposes those emotions and feelings that hurt the most and get used to feeling them to the point they don't bother you anymore.

What if I change the way I think about [the different stimuli]?

I hear that you guys are the best ones to ask...

I liken the idea of "frame" to your frame of mind, as in your mental approach to your circumstances.Being pessimistic or unsure about them results in beta behavior; being optimistic, (intellectually)curious, and being willing to put in the work to master them is alpha. You can build an alpha frame by being confident and honest about the strength of what you already know. You should be so honest about it to the extent that you are able to access this information at any point because it will be what you rely upon to determine the best route in a given situation. Sometimes there's more value added for you in a situation by soaking up game instead of laying yours down, e.g, learning useful information about your competition/girl that will give you the upper hand. Betas are the guys who repeat their mistakes and believe that others are the problem, despite being the common denominator in their problems. Alphas are the guys who see failure constructively and try to figure out what they can do next time to achieve success. The best thing to do is to: go out into the field, use your skills with confidence, remember your fuckups without beating yourself up(regrets are beta), understand why they are wrong(day after), figure out what you can do better, and you will grow as an alpha.

I hear that you guys are the best ones to ask...

I think it is easier to just be an alpha male than to pretend to be one, but no one on the site agrees with me. Anyhow game is all about pretending to be alpha and showing different personalities to different types of women. If women does x you do y, at its root game is beta behaviour, but a sophisticated form of beta actions that a woman cannot recognize so it appears alpha. whereas a true alpha would be typified by a college jock. Basically just gain basic conversation skills and stop caring what women think.

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