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best/strongest deodorant for my problem?

best/strongest deodorant for my problem?

I noticed recently when I started wearing clothes that actually fit me rather than 2X too big for me.....that I sweat way too much from my arm pits.

I usually use Old Spice, a few other dry/white ones because I feel like the wet types make me sweat even more or feel like im sweating due to the feel of it.

Anyhow I need to come up with a solution to my problem because if I'm out gaming a girl it's going to be a big turn off on my appearance when she noticed two large pit stains where it's so wet seeping through my shirt!

I've trimmed the hair thinkin that may solve the problem but hasn't yet....anyone have this problem or recommend a good brand for heavy duty sweaters like myself?

best/strongest deodorant for my problem?

Maybe baking soda could work for you. I haven't tried it personally, but Roosh and others here seem to be all over that ish.

I can't have sex with your personality, and I can't put my penis in your college degree, and I can't shove my fist in your childhood dreams, so why are you sharing all this information with me?

best/strongest deodorant for my problem?

Quote: (12-01-2011 11:21 PM)Soma Wrote:  

Maybe baking soda could work for you. I haven't tried it personally, but Roosh and others here seem to be all over that ish.

thanks man, but I just read rooshs post that you linked and he states it just works for smell and not perspiration......which seems to be my only problem.

I don't think I smell like B.O. or anything bad....it's just all the sweat gets my shirts/arm pits soaked you can see it on my shirt and i'm sure thats not a plus for the ladies when they see this.

best/strongest deodorant for my problem?

You know they make stick and spray antiperspirant/deodorant.

I can't vouch for this personally but it looks like what you need. 72 hour protection it says.


Team Nachos

best/strongest deodorant for my problem?

I sweat very easily also. There are steps you can take but you will just end up overpaying for pricey prescription anti-perspiration which contain a shit load of aluminum (which is not good for you).

I have learned over time that there is not much I can do too control my sweating. All I can do is control if I smell and do things to limit how much I sweat like wearing darker clothes or wearing less/more clothes in whatever necessary situation.

Over active sweat glands can mean a whole shitload of things. Your diet can be out of whack or you could even just be in bad shape. I did notice that once I started getting back in shape, and especially dropped some weight I didn't sweat as much.

Tips that have circulated around the forum like Baking Soda work great. I use BS right now and tho it doesn't really stop me from sweating, it does stops any type of smell that might come up.

Another tip is Chlorophyll which acts as a internal deodorant, I use this stuff in the summer time and it works great.

I do remember messing around with cornstarch... it did absorb moisture but I found it kind of messy and grimy to deal with

best/strongest deodorant for my problem?

Talcum powder works for perspiration.

best/strongest deodorant for my problem?

Quote: (12-02-2011 01:40 AM)T and A Man Wrote:  

Talcum powder works for perspiration.

thanks guys, Ill have to try out that powder....and oh yeah I forgot about spray on ones...I haven't used that axe body spray in a while but if I can recall I didn't sweat this bad when I used to use it but that was back in hs

best/strongest deodorant for my problem?

Antiperspirant sprays like Axe will probably make you sweat less, but like Kosko said -- they're very bad for you.

I have the same issue. It's annoying for sure, but just remember that it's normal to sweat and no one really cares.

best/strongest deodorant for my problem?

Quote: (12-02-2011 06:48 AM)whodat689 Wrote:  

Quote: (12-02-2011 01:40 AM)T and A Man Wrote:  

Talcum powder works for perspiration.

thanks guys, Ill have to try out that powder....and oh yeah I forgot about spray on ones...I haven't used that axe body spray in a while but if I can recall I didn't sweat this bad when I used to use it but that was back in hs

If you really want to stay with the store brand route (which we don't recommond) Mitchum Brand sticks pack about 20-25% aluminum in them (active ingredient that chokes the sweat glands). This was the last brand I used before ditching domestic stuff forever (switching to AXE, then Deodorant stones, now BS), to risky health wise and, it fucked up my clothes bad, the pit stains would not come out in the wash - but it did work okay.

I would honestly just use that as a base test. if Mitchum can't save you from sweating buckets nothing .. cheap.. or safe will. So it would just make sense to adopt more natural methods to manage your problem.

Quote: (12-02-2011 07:24 AM)November Wrote:  

Antiperspirant sprays like Axe will probably make you sweat less, but like Kosko said -- they're very bad for you.

I have the same issue. It's annoying for sure, but just remember that it's normal to sweat and no one really cares.

This sums it up nicely. Sweat is a natural thing. Smell >>> Sweat that should always be your worry.

best/strongest deodorant for my problem?




The Alzheimer's Society advises that "environmental factors have been put forward as possible contributory causes of Alzheimer's disease in some people. Among these is aluminium. There is circumstantial evidence linking this metal with Alzheimer's disease, but no causal relationship has yet been proved. As evidence for other causes continues to grow, a possible link with aluminium seems increasingly unlikely."

best/strongest deodorant for my problem?

I'm usually pretty sweaty (damn Scandinavian blood means 70 degrees is hot to me) and no lie, best deodorant I've found is Axe Dry. I've tried other brands, but the axe variant always seems to work.

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

best/strongest deodorant for my problem?

ive just started using the axe brand. this stuff is totally legit. no more sweaty or smelly pits. give it a try

best/strongest deodorant for my problem?

Unusual sweating is actually a medical condition. (abnormal sweating where heat or exercise have nothing to do with it).

For the armpit it is called Hyperfidrosis (sp?)

I have this problem. But It happens irregularly with me. And let me tell you it can be a PAIN IN THE ASS.

There no cure or type of deodorant that will stop it.

Only option in most cases is surgery.

They were working on a new laser treatment. I need to see if thats out yet.

best/strongest deodorant for my problem?

Quote: (12-27-2011 03:56 PM)Dash Global Wrote:  

Unusual sweating is actually a medical condition. (abnormal sweating where heat or exercise have nothing to do with it).

For the armpit it is called Hyperfidrosis (sp?)

I have this problem. But It happens irregularly with me. And let me tell you it can be a PAIN IN THE ASS.

There no cure or type of deodorant that will stop it.

Only option in most cases is surgery.

They were working on a new laser treatment. I need to see if thats out yet.

Yea I have the same shit. I never know when it's going to be bad. Sometimes it's not bad at all and other times it's fucking ridiculous. I've just stopped giving a shit about it since there's really nothing I can do and I just joke about it now.

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