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Japanese Girls

Japanese Girls

[Image: monkey.gif] Has anyone here hooked up with, or dated, a Japanese girl? If so, did you have to change your approach? Do you tone down your game? I'm talking specifically about Japanese girls. If you have to ask why, then you just don't know! [Image: eatpuss.gif]

Japanese Girls

Yeah I have slept with quite a few Japanese girls.

They act like 6 year old girls. Very childish and passive.

Just lead. Don't ask where you are going. Tell them.

Lead and isolate as they will be too shy / embarrassed hooking up with you if any of their friends are nearby.

Japanese Girls

They all have fat knees. I don't find them attractive though I have banged one before. She was very passive and submissive.

Japanese Girls

yes, please.
[Image: japanese_girls5.jpg]

Japanese Girls

Quote: (06-26-2009 09:36 AM)Lumiere Wrote:  

Yeah I have slept with quite a few Japanese girls.

They act like 6 year old girls. Very childish and passive.

Just lead. Don't ask where you are going. Tell them.

Lead and isolate as they will be too shy / embarrassed hooking up with you if any of their friends are nearby.

Dude, you hit the nail on the head. Never been with a Japanese girl but with Thai and Chinese girls and they were both pretty similar and fit your descrition very well. Not only are they embarrassed to hook up with you if friends are nearby, but can also be embarrassing to hook up with if your friends are around.

Japanese Girls

Quote: (06-26-2009 11:00 PM)Brandon E Wrote:  

Dude, you hit the nail on the head. Never been with a Japanese girl but with Thai and Chinese girls and they were both pretty similar and fit your descrition very well. Not only are they embarrassed to hook up with you if friends are nearby, but can also be embarrassing to hook up with if your friends are around.


Lead - Isolate - Escalate.

Japanese Girls

I just hooked up with a half Jap recently and it was kinda funny, but where we live Asians are a bit segregated, and all she wanted to do was make out with me in front of them at the club to piss them off. Girls... gotta love 'em

Japanese Girls

Quote: (09-19-2009 01:59 PM)kerouac Wrote:  

I just hooked up with a half Jap recently and it was kinda funny, but where we live Asians are a bit segregated, and all she wanted to do was make out with me in front of them at the club to piss them off. Girls... gotta love 'em

I have banged quite a few asians and while studying met many, many of them.
If you want to bang them japanese, just invite them over your place, cook for them (or ask them to cook for you at their place or yours), add some alcohol to the mix (not much needed) and scalate as a big surprise your hit.

My experience with surprised ones is that they reject the make up initially, but if you insist, they will be lead, once that is done, is a done deal, the bang is irreversible and they actually make for some good kissers on my experience...and many do have the tightness we all hear about yummy..

Another case is japanese girls who find you good looking, me and my room mate had those while in the university, they would find out our email adress and send little messages like: "hello handsome...kiss"

They act childish, but once in talking they are quite intelligent gals to befriend, actually and your whole self looks insanely big naked with them hehe.

I am moving to Asia next year..

Japanese Girls

Quote: (09-19-2009 01:59 PM)kerouac Wrote:  

I just hooked up with a half Jap recently and it was kinda funny, but where we live Asians are a bit segregated, and all she wanted to do was make out with me in front of them at the club to piss them off. Girls... gotta love 'em

The one I landed tonight is half jap and filipino.

Where I live beautiful Asian girls are by no means segregated.

If you are a junkie for really fit girls with tanlines this girl is the way to go. She has a super firm body, apparently because of yoga. They get their hair really shiny too.


Japanese Girls


Me likey

Japanese Girls

never really been sexually attracted. they seem too weak & timid to approach.

Japanese Girls

Man I got a thing for japanese girls, their stereotypical shyness just turns me on. Sadly they are very very scarce around here [Image: sad.gif]

Japanese Girls

I once almost did one but her male and female friends were around and broke the deal.

Japanese Girls

Quote: (02-16-2011 12:40 AM)VinnyiDol Wrote:  

never really been sexually attracted. they seem too weak & timid to approach.

Sad statement of our times that Traditional Feminine qualities (weak, shy, reserved, etc) are considered unattractive.

Japanese Girls

Quote: (02-17-2011 02:24 AM)thekiller Wrote:  

Quote: (02-16-2011 12:40 AM)VinnyiDol Wrote:  

never really been sexually attracted. they seem too weak & timid to approach.

Sad statement of our times that Traditional Feminine qualities (weak, shy, reserved, etc) are considered unattractive.

Traditional qualities maybe in the colonial age. I doubt you would be seriously interest in a girl who defaults all her opinions to yours, tries way to hard to act like they are still in high school (that probably late elementary school in terms of social maturity for us westerners). Yes feminine is attractive without a doubt but almost all the Japanese girls ive met have been so... it is hard to deal with them or take them seriously.

Honestly i put most Japanese girls in the cute category rather then sexy. Could just be the ones i met, since i dont have a huge sample to draw from, but really they are the least attractive asian women to me. Fat legs, short with terrible teeth, and prone to giggle fits. Top it up with some of the most shallow behavior and ideas ive ever seen in 20+ girls make them something im not really interested in. That being said, the sex isnt that bad.

The good ones are awesome tho, but those are few and far between.

Japanese Girls

Mmmm Maria Ozawa....

Anyway from what I've seen jap chicks are hit or miss (looks wise), seems like there is no in between. They are either smokin' hot or ugly with horrible teeth. The half white ones (ex: Maria) are almost always drop dead gorgeous.

Japanese Girls

Quote: (02-16-2011 12:28 AM)kerouac Wrote:  


Me likey

Very nice. If only J-girls had more junk in the trunk, I'd be wild about them.

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