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Asking them to text you once they get home

Asking them to text you once they get home

The other night I left a girls house and she told me to text her once I got home so she knew I made it home okay. I told her "I'm not going to do that... haha." She insisted so I just told her "Naw, just go to sleep, I'll be okay"

Anyways I was wondering do you guys ever ask the girl to text you once they get home so you know they are okay? Seems kind of beta, but if you are being really alpha it could be endearing and surprising for her if you come out with something like that?

Asking them to text you once they get home

I think unless you have a pretty deep connection with someone and have known them for quite some time it would come off as beta. If you do that when you don't know them that well, or haven't been together very long it seems like 90% of the time it would come off very beta if you said that. Unless you have an actual reason to be concerned. Like, if she needed to drive home and it was pouring rain or something similar. Now if the girl asks YOU to call her when you get home I don't think it would be at all beta to do so.
Just an opinion.

Asking them to text you once they get home

Text her "I'm being kidnapped!!"

Give it some time to sink in...

"False alarm. Goodnight."

"A flower can not remain in bloom for years, but a garden can be cultivated to bloom throughout seasons and years." - xsplat

Asking them to text you once they get home

Shit test. Never text them when you get home. They will think you're banging someone else. You'll be banging them the next time you see them. If you're already banging her, follow the same advice if you want to continue banging her. That's a lot of banging.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

Asking them to text you once they get home

Quote: (11-08-2011 06:50 PM)Gmac Wrote:  

Shit test. Never text them when you get home. They will think you're banging someone else. You'll be banging them the next time you see them. If you're already banging her, follow the same advice if you want to continue banging her. That's a lot of banging.

[Image: thumb.gif]

Asking them to text you once they get home

Quote: (11-08-2011 06:17 PM)Riker Wrote:  

Anyways I was wondering do you guys ever ask the girl to text you once they get home so you know they are okay? Seems kind of beta...

In the whole context of your game with any particular girl, I think this is a pretty minor detail.

But, if you're going to, TELL her to text you, don't ask. And naturally, you don't have to reply Wink

Asking them to text you once they get home

"Okay mom. I'll remember to floss too."

Asking them to text you once they get home

My ex used to do this to me all the time. Either dont reply or if theres reason for them to be worried idk its an ice storm and youre driving a car with bare tires a war/riot breaks out text.

I used this line on a girl once, it was an obvious joke because she lived in the same building as me, even as a joke it didnt work out all to well

Asking them to text you once they get home


I have been on a amazone boat for 5 days and of the net. I see that you have a new flag in your profile pic. Which country is it ?

Glad the world hasn't been taken over by zombies or even worse feminists in the time i was offline.

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

Asking them to text you once they get home

I replied with "No, that's gay" last time a girl said that to me. Stuff like that annoys me for some reason, like I'm taking a rowboat across the ocean to get back home and she needs word that I'm not lost at sea. No, I'm just driving 25 minutes down a suburban street.

Asking them to text you once they get home

Quote: (11-09-2011 06:17 PM)Jackhammer Wrote:  

I replied with "No, that's gay" last time a girl said that to me. Stuff like that annoys me for some reason, like I'm taking a rowboat across the ocean to get back home and she needs word that I'm not lost at sea. No, I'm just driving 25 minutes down a suburban street.


Asking them to text you once they get home

I used to tell girls to text me when they got home all the time when I worked at a bar, this was mainly for liability reasons. I wouldn't use this move on any girl I was trying to bang, nor would I text them if they asked.

Think of it this way, what good does agreeing to such a text do? You're already with her, she's obviously not DTF, or at least not DTF-you that night, or you'd be going home together.

I'd rather use something like, "Well, if you're that worried about me getting home safe, why don't you just take me there?" You've got a better chance of catching that Hail Mary, than the other.

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