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Eastern European Girls - Where to bang them?

Eastern European Girls - Where to bang them?

Hey guys,

Eastern European girls and Russian girls are my favorite. What are the best countries to visit to bang some?

Eastern European Girls - Where to bang them?

Quote: (06-18-2009 04:19 AM)PartyTime Wrote:  

Hey guys,

Eastern European girls and Russian girls are my favorite. What are the best countries to visit to bang some?

I had few too shorts trips to Prague, Bulgaria and Romania, the most attractive girls were in Prague, Czech republic, I remmember a big strip club with many rooms and 100+ working girls most of them drop dead gorgeos.

Bulgarian girls are very friendly but the Romanians also easier to score.

Also all those coutries the young people speaks honest English which makes it easier communication.

Eastern European Girls - Where to bang them?

Quote: (06-18-2009 04:19 AM)PartyTime Wrote:  

Hey guys,

Eastern European girls and Russian girls are my favorite. What are the best countries to visit to bang some?

You will definitely find more Russian girls in Russia.

Honestly though Ukrainian women are the most attractive imho.

Eastern European Girls - Where to bang them?

News has it, the Czech republic and Hungary are now in central Europe... Im not sure where that leaves the Balkans [Image: smile.gif]

I've hit czech republic, hungary, croatia, serbia, bosnia, montenegro, bulgaria, romania, moldova, ukraine ... are you looking for multiple random hookups? or a fake week-long girlfriend?

How the locals look is important sure, but for a short trip you have to take into availability, nightlife quality and culture to maximize your chances of success. For example, Sofia's student town has _fifty_ nightclubs open every night during school year. No one talks about it, this is better nightlife than the tourist infested Prague. But it's empty when summer comes.

Eastern European Girls - Where to bang them?

Quote: (06-18-2009 05:30 AM)Marco Wrote:  

I had few too shorts trips to Prague,

I spend 2 nights in Prague last year. There are definitely some georgeous girls. Unfortunately I was in the touristy area where:
1) The majority of the people where foreign tourists and not Czech.
2) The Czech girls had a lot of exposure to foreigners & Americans, and were bitchy (not the "I'm a princess" type of bitchiness, but the "I hate you rude, drunk foreigners" type of bitchiness)

All the advice about not visiting the tourist destinations of a country is 100% correct.

Can you elaborate on your trips to Prague?

Eastern European Girls - Where to bang them?

Quote: (06-18-2009 10:35 AM)travelstobang Wrote:  

News has it, the Czech republic and Hungary are now in central Europe... Im not sure where that leaves the Balkans [Image: smile.gif]
Don't get me started on this.

The hottest girls, IMO, are going to be in the Eastern frontier countries: Bulgaria, Romania, and Ukraine (avoid Belarus and Moldova -- not that Belarus is easy to enter, anyway).

Girls from the former Yugoslavia are generally really hot, although I've never been to that region. Serbian girls especially are renowned for being beautiful.

Czech girls are also hot, as are Slovakian girls. But like other posters have noted, you'll have a hard time even meeting them in the more popular areas of the Czech Republic (there is no real tourist hot-spot in Slovakia; Bratislava probably receives the most tourists, but it's a hole and relatively few people go there). Polish girls are attractive, too. I'd probably rank these three countries as such: Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia.

Another area to consider is the Baltic region. I'm moving to Estonia in August, and I've heard that Estonian women are some of the hottest in the world. This winter I'll be taking a massive trip through the Balkans and up through to Hungary and Southern Poland to meet friends for a ski trip: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s...582031&z=5

Eastern European Girls - Where to bang them?

Quote: (06-18-2009 10:35 AM)travelstobang Wrote:  

How the locals look is important sure, but for a short trip you have to take into availability, nightlife quality and culture to maximize your chances of success. For example, Sofia's student town has _fifty_ nightclubs open every night during school year. No one talks about it, this is better nightlife than the tourist infested Prague. But it's empty when summer comes.

Yes, Exactly! This is the type of info I am looking for. I'm looking for the cities that are GOLD. Those rare cities where by chance the right combination of conditions happened to exist that make that city a fantastic place for the young single guy to visit or live.

Cordoba, Argentina was one of these Golden Cities. What are the Golden Cities of Eastern Europe & Russia?

It sounds like Sofia could be one of them. Can you tell use more about Sofia? (In Bulgaria, right?)

Eastern European Girls - Where to bang them?

Quote: (06-18-2009 02:09 PM)Eric Wrote:  

Polish girls are attractive, too. I'd probably rank these three countries as such: Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia.

Polish girls are hot. But I hear that the culture is conservative, so it might be hard to meet/bang them. Anybody have experience in Poland?

Eastern European Girls - Where to bang them?

Quote: (06-18-2009 02:14 PM)PartyTime Wrote:  

Cordoba, Argentina was one of these Golden Cities. What are the Golden Cities of Eastern Europe & Russia?

It sounds like Sofia could be one of them. Can you tell use more about Sofia? (In Bulgaria, right?)


Eastern European Girls - Where to bang them?

Sofia- Girls are very friendly for foreigners though one night stand seems rare, there are quite a lot of good girls there, ones that you would like as girlfriend rather than easy score.
The city is quite boring during the week but nightlife in the weekend are good.

Prague- i have not much to add other than the strip clubs, in the dance clubs and bars the girls weren't too friendly but thats maybe it is over touristic.

Eastern European Girls - Where to bang them?

Sofia: downtown is terrible.. but the student city area has parties every night of the week.

Eastern European Girls - Where to bang them?

Romania and Bulgaria have nice girls. I also hear good things about Czech, not only about the girls but about the people and places. My friend has been all over western europe and said the only country he really liked in Europe was Czech.

Eastern European Girls - Where to bang them?

i've spent about 6 weeks in Sofia, Bulgaria over several visits w/a friend who was living there and knew the city very well. the girls there are great, some could use a little dental work but they are all in shape and have great bodies. they're all very friendly, most of the younger generation speaks english. most have never met an American because so few go there so you have that uniqueness factor if you are American. there are some pretty cool clubs in the downtown area, Brilliantine and Exit come to mind. the area where the college kids are, student city, has a bunch of places. a bar called Jim Beam is good on Wednesdays and the other places are all right nearby. Bulgarian girls are not really one night stand girls, but if you are going to be in town for a week or more then they are more then happy to play the role of girlfriend for a week, and they play it very well. i've always had a great time on my visits.

Eastern European Girls - Where to bang them?

Budapest, Hungary. I was there, just came back today. Got laid a few times. One time I met a girl in the street, I just went over to here and started talking with her. Next eveing we went out together and had an amazing night. Watch out for SCAMS. I noticed alot of single tourist guys fall vicitim for the scams in BP. For example if you are in the city centre and a girl approaches you, asks for directions and acts like a tourist, then later on invites you to a Bar or Club then don't go. You will be charged 100 Euro per beer or coffee or whatever. Except of that, it's a great city with a good nightlife and chicks to pull. I've noticed "image" is a big thing in Budapest. Don't be cheap, don't buy just a beer and hang around in the nightclubs, buy a bottle of Vodka (85 Euro) or a few bottles of local Pressecco wine (20 Euro) and invite girls over to your table. Things should be fine if your not a dickhead.

Eastern European Girls - Where to bang them?

Quote: (02-12-2011 03:12 PM)Tommy Wrote:  

Budapest, Hungary. if you are in the city centre and a girl approaches you, asks for directions and acts like a tourist, then later on invites you to a Bar or Club then don't go. You will be charged 100 Euro per beer or coffee or whatever.


it happened to my friend there.

Eastern European Girls - Where to bang them?

Quote: (02-14-2011 09:28 AM)The Duke Wrote:  

Quote: (02-12-2011 03:12 PM)Tommy Wrote:  

Budapest, Hungary. if you are in the city centre and a girl approaches you, asks for directions and acts like a tourist, then later on invites you to a Bar or Club then don't go. You will be charged 100 Euro per beer or coffee or whatever.


it happened to my friend there.

I had this happen to me in Budapest as well. Very unpleasant lesson.

I believe G was mentioning that Riga has a lot of this type of stuff as well.

Eastern European Girls - Where to bang them?

Quote: (02-14-2011 10:01 AM)Luckystar Wrote:  

Quote: (02-14-2011 09:28 AM)The Duke Wrote:  

Quote: (02-12-2011 03:12 PM)Tommy Wrote:  

Budapest, Hungary. if you are in the city centre and a girl approaches you, asks for directions and acts like a tourist, then later on invites you to a Bar or Club then don't go. You will be charged 100 Euro per beer or coffee or whatever.


it happened to my friend there.

I had this happen to me in Budapest as well. Very unpleasant lesson.

I believe G was mentioning that Riga has a lot of this type of stuff as well.

I've seen it happen alot of times infront of my eyes. Did they bring you to a piano bar where you take an elevator in the street to go there?

In some dodgy strip clubs they write Coca Cola, Beer, Vodka, Whiskey on the menu with 100 Ft /cl written next to it, for example. Most people won't see the small letters "per centiliter". So they will be paying a ridicilous amount of money for just a beer or a softdrink and ofcourse those girls also order drinks. I've heard from some oldschool players in Budapest that 10 to 15 years ago this happened to tourists almost in every stripclub or piano bar in the city centre. There would be a guy on every street corner watching for you not to run away just so you would go to the ATM and get out your hard earned money and give it to them for a few silly drinks. Some people notice it quicly and get away with a 100-300 Euro bill, some are having the time of their life dancing with the girls and everything and receive a bill of about 1200-2000 Euro. Today, there is alot less of this kind of things but it still happens while the Police is basicly standing next to you. Just be realistic and don't go with any girls who approach you on Vaci Utca. Be warned and approach girls yourself.

Except of that it's fun and reasonably priced city compared to other capital cities in Europe. Hungarian girls are beautiful.

Eastern European Girls - Where to bang them?

This almost happened to me as well in Budapest...I quickly recognized it for the scam that It was and high tailed it out of the scam piano bar. I was walking down that same street and wanted to get a peek of what the set up was. Two girls approached me and invited me up to a bar near the roof, we took the elevator up and walked in and it looked very sleezy and I just dipped outta there without ordering anything.

Eastern European Girls - Where to bang them?

Quote: (02-14-2011 11:07 AM)InternationalSwagger Wrote:  

This almost happened to me as well in Budapest...I quickly recognized it for the scam that It was and high tailed it out of the scam piano bar. I was walking down that same street and wanted to get a peek of what the set up was. Two girls approached me and invited me up to a bar near the roof, we took the elevator up and walked in and it looked very sleezy and I just dipped outta there without ordering anything.

That's exactly where it happens. In the main Shopping street. They approach you and invite you to a Piano bar on the roof. You take an elevator in the street going up to the Piano bar. Funny thing is the police is standing just next to you when this happens. When you are supposed to pay your bill the girls will dissapear and go back in the street and do the same thing all over again, every day. Most of the time they have these prices written on their menus so I think the Police can't do anything about it, or maybe they don't want to get involved in this. From what i've heard the mayor did alot of good things to improve the city and made it more "tourist friendly" compared to 10-15 years ago.

Eastern European Girls - Where to bang them?

I would actually turn it around. At the last minute, call her and change venue plans and tell her to meet you at a new venue. Sure, she may come accross witha bunch of excuses, but if she wanted to bang you, she'll go - if she makes excuses and does not show up, now you know what she was up to, and you probably fucked up her comissions for the night as she is left wothout a fool to scam. Enjoy and savor beautiful payback! [Image: smile.gif]

Eastern European Girls - Where to bang them?

Quote: (02-14-2011 01:02 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

I would actually turn it around. At the last minute, call her and change venue plans and tell her to meet you at a new venue. Sure, she may come accross witha bunch of excuses, but if she wanted to bang you, she'll go - if she makes excuses and does not show up, now you know what she was up to, and you probably fucked up her comissions for the night as she is left wothout a fool to scam. Enjoy and savor beautiful payback! [Image: smile.gif]

That's not how it goes "Mr." LOL! They just walk up to you and if they find you annoying they just walk off to tourist n°3 or 8 to go up to their bar.

Eastern European Girls - Where to bang them?

They tried it to my friend and I in Budapest, a couple of ropey milfs. Tried to get us to get up an elevator, no chance.

Eastern European Girls - Where to bang them?

They come to the US on student work visas. I've seen them working the boardwalk games and rides up and down the New Jersey shore. Companies fly them over in large groups under contract and house them together in large numbers. In NJ it's Russian girls and Bulgarian girls. I speak the language so I got this info from them first hand.

My friend is a cook on the Outer Banks of NC and he says it's the same down there except it's Russians and Moldovians.

Lot of foreign girls work the Casinos in Atlantic City as drink girls. I've also seen Russian girls working as strippers in NJ and NY.

Team Nachos

Eastern European Girls - Where to bang them?

Quote: (06-18-2009 04:19 AM)PartyTime Wrote:  

Hey guys,

Eastern European girls and Russian girls are my favorite. What are the best countries to visit to bang some?

to all you sex driven male assholes

Eastern European Girls - Where to bang them?

i wish to stay anonymous, i'm in california and was in europe once back in 70's and i know it's changed much since then but one thing is stil same:


since sex is every mans favorite subject on where to find sex it's so funny how men just can't get their heads off sex. it's all they want and their really off their rocker. i'm happily married and have been nearly 20 yrs and would give up my wife for any other woman alive on earth.

when i went to europe it was a group tour and first stop was madrid, then lisbon, paris, rome, berlin, and all other major cities in europe, life is so different there and most of europe though is nice some countries are hostile towards americans especially france which are biggest assholes of all time since we saved their worthless asses in ww2.

the british are somewhat arrogant but if your friendly with them they will same to you. most rude country next to france was germany and netherlands. the whole world loves american money with few exceptions and when they take our money they raise price of service or product about 25%.

in some countries they won't accept our currency but have you exchange in one of their local money exchanges then charge you for it. as far as women are concerned, most of euorpe women are traditional and are not feminists like arrogant sleazy american women.

they are more direct and know what all men want, sex sex sex. and don't try to fool them it won't work. their too wise and smart. so i took a different appreach which worked and i won't discus that now. almost every woman i came in contact with offered me sex in different ways and i said to them your not a bed warmer to me a and they smiled and told me they like men like me who show respect.

i could have has sex each day in europe with a different woman of my choosing with my unique approach but i did not use it for sex but to be friendly and that was key. women of europe especially western europe are very direct and most are friendly however eastern europe sucks, 99.9% are gold diggers being most of eastern europe is still in ww2.

i found polish woman worst of all and they were about the most gorgeous next to russian and ukrainian women but that money grabbing attitude really came out from them when they see american men. i had fun in europe the group i was with we did 1 month to see most everything.

bottom line:

don't go there if your just looking to bang every woman if that's your motive then you must go to one of many legal brothels there and it's not cheap. i did go to one brothel just to see inside and the madame was friendly and spoke english well it was in netherlands for their are specialists in brothels and they love american men.

i did not have sex but did get my fantasy fulfilled and that's personal they gave me special discount since i wasn't interested in intercourse but my fetish fantasy was fulfilled. i got about 10 different women to do this for me in the time i was there. each of the women every time i went really enjoyed turning my fetish on to me.

if you do sex you must wear a condom and i hate condoms. anyhow i've said enough not it's up to you horny males to decide if europe is your sex place.

thomas from california

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