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Innovative university game for guys not in university.

Innovative university game for guys not in university.

Alright so I'm an undergrad right now, but university is the best and easiest place to get laid.

I haven't really seen anyone talk about this, but it hit me when I had to go help my friend who can't work computers. I go into their class and sit beside them and get their program up and running. As I'm waiting for the program to install I look around and notice some FINE girls. Then it hit me. There are 100 people in this classroom at least and if its an arts class theres a good chance half of them are hot.

Anyways heres the concept.

My university has class sizes up to 300 people. Pretty much every first year class is like this, plus first year girls are slutty as hell and 18. There is no attendance taken.

Step 1: Look on the university website, case the place like you're performing a heist for nice ass. They'll have class schedules. Find yourself a class that either looks interesting or is in the faculty of arts make sure there are a lot of people in the class. The best class would probably be a required course since everyone has to take that and there will be many different sections. If you want pick a faculty that you're ''enrolled'' in and learn the basics of it so you can tell some dumb lizard what you're taking.

Step 2: Attend class starting early in the school year so it looks like you're in the class. Also show up to the class a bit early and maybe talk to girls outside of class so you can get a conversation going before the teacher starts rambling.

Step 3: Game every girl you see, get their numbers with the pretext of study or coffee, or insta-date (good for classes around lunchtime), or some bar or "on campus party"

Step 4: Refine, repeat and bang.

- I'd imagine this would work well for younger guys or guys who don't look super old. I've met people who are 23-26 in first year classes before.
- You might actually learn something.
- 18 year old girls.
- sick parties
- "intellectual" girls want an older and more serious man (or at least they think they do, get the bang and run because they're no different than any other 18-22 year old)

- The class might suck (bring your laptop or something)
- You might encounter femi-nazis (you could take a "womyn's studies" course and argue with them for entertainment purposes)

Win Win Win situation, I might try going to a few extra classes come next semester.

Innovative university game for guys not in university.

I am currently finishing my masters degree and I am never stepping in a classroom again after I finish.

I guess this could work but wouldn't it be easier to just hit on college girls at college bars/hangouts?

The idea of sitting in on a college lecture when I don't have to makes me want to barf.

Innovative university game for guys not in university.

I know on my campus the main spot requires you to be a student, there are off campus bars that the students frequent.

At bars though the girls are going to have so many guys hitting on them your game will have to be pretty tight, also I would imagine a girl in class would be more receptive to talk than a girl who just wants to get fucked up or attention whore at a club/bar. Each have their positives and negatives. Even if you only go to a few classes a week thats only an hour or two a day and if you bring your laptop/tablet/whatever you can use that time to do whatever you'd do on the internet normally.

Innovative university game for guys not in university.

I've tried this. The problem is that once the class starts, everyone tries to pay attention to the teacher and you don't really get a chance to flirt with girls unless you are sitting right next to them.

These classes are 2-3 hours. Are you really gonna sit there for a couple hours just to get a chance to talk to them for a few minutes after class?

Why not just catch them after class or around campus. The girls in these classes will be the same girls eating lunch in the student center or getting coffee in the cafe.

Pretending to actually be in the class means coming to almost every class and sitting there for hours. Seems like a big waste of time to me. I just hang around the food court, library, gym, gardens, cafes, etc, and chat girls up there.

Have you actually sat through a 2-3 hour class? Its pretty fucking boring!

Innovative university game for guys not in university.

You are right that it is easier to open girls in a classroom setting. My favorite way is to ask: "Hey, do you know when the homework is due?", and then go from there.

Only problem is I hate school. I have trouble getting myself to show up for class now, and my classes count participation as part of the grade. Once I graduate, I am going to have zero incentive to show up for a class that I am not even a part of.

That said, your plan isn't bad if someone doesn't mind sitting in on classes they aren't taking.

Innovative university game for guys not in university.

Sitting through an entire class like that sounds miserable. Plus, in the off chance that you meet a chick worth keeping, won't she notice if you're not in the class ever again?

If you want to run university game, just find a chair in the Student Center or Library and find something to work on.

Innovative university game for guys not in university.

Giovonny, the classes at my uni are mostly 1hr so its not usually that bad to sit through.

I didn't mean this as the only thing one should do to game at a university they're not attending, but again if the girl doesnt have a class after the one you just attended it'd be pretty easy to insta-date to lunch or coffee. Also even the classes I'm enrolled in I hardly go to.

Innovative university game for guys not in university.

Lets us know how it goes..keep up the innovative thinking...I like it.

Innovative university game for guys not in university.

Will do.

Also never walk her home from class or follow her anywhere, don't wait for her to leave class make it so that shes the one following you if you go anywhere. I've heard way too many stories of super beta dudes doing this and every time the girl gets creeped the shit out. You could do a beta-switch maneuver by making it look like you're following/walking her home then meeting up with hottie #2 from your other class at a location along the way making her jealous and showing social proof.

Innovative university game for guys not in university.

Quote: (11-01-2011 02:30 PM)WesternCancer Wrote:  

never walk her home from class

What if she says..."wanna walk me home"?. Are you going to say no?

That sounds like a good oppurtunity to go back to her place and possibly fool around.

Would you really say no to this?

Innovative university game for guys not in university.

Well if she asks then go for it. The huge problem is when guys talk and walk or offer to walk them home. If they don't explicitly ask you to walk with them or walk them home then you're 110% of the time going to give off creepy stalker vibes. This girl I've been with recently has told me countless stories of this. Even if youre friends its weird. Last year I would sometimes walk this girl home (she lived 2 floors above me, same building everything) it wouldnt even be every day but she still was turned off by it.

Innovative university game for guys not in university.

This is actually a pretty solid idea. If I were unemployed and collecting unemployment premiums I would totally do this. I'd stick to humanities or social science departments like psychology, which tend to be filled with girls.

I also remember being an undergrad and meeting older classmates who decided to come back to university for another degree (or they were auditing the course), so it's not that unusual.

Innovative university game for guys not in university.

Quote: (11-01-2011 08:27 PM)ArtfulDodger Wrote:  

This is actually a pretty solid idea. If I were unemployed and collecting unemployment premiums I would totally do this. I'd stick to humanities or social science departments like psychology, which tend to be filled with girls.

I also remember being an undergrad and meeting older classmates who decided to come back to university for another degree (or they were auditing the course), so it's not that unusual.

Innovative university game for guys not in university.

agreed. the worst would be engineering or any science except for biology.

psychology and english are full of girls too. bring up some game theories with the psych girls (social or behavioral psychology). english/literature girls are usually quiet/a bit nerdy and pretentious and are the least hot of all of the girls.

if the school has it do human kinetics/kinesiology especially if you're fit. these are all the girls on the sports teams and that give a shit about their bodies. there are about 4 fat chicks in the whole faculty. expect a lot of high testosterone/amazonian girls though.

Innovative university game for guys not in university.

Quote: (11-05-2011 02:29 PM)WesternCancer Wrote:  

agreed. the worst would be engineering or any science except for biology.

psychology and english are full of girls too. bring up some game theories with the psych girls (social or behavioral psychology). english/literature girls are usually quiet/a bit nerdy and pretentious and are the least hot of all of the girls.

if the school has it do human kinetics/kinesiology especially if you're fit. these are all the girls on the sports teams and that give a shit about their bodies. there are about 4 fat chicks in the whole faculty. expect a lot of high testosterone/amazonian girls though.

Innovative university game for guys not in university.

There is a class called Psychology of Human Sexuality that is offered at most schools. Sit in on that.

Innovative university game for guys not in university.

If only the university knew! Taking advantage of education that students pay thousands of dollars for lol

My friend does this at a top 10 school. He goes sits in class and goes to the frat parties walks around campus. He goes online and finds the schedule for school events as well.

If you want to own a campus without going there print out a fake student ID for that University. My friend has one and he just simply flashes it when they do ID checks for frat parties and even school events (your screwed if they scan it).

Plus don't forget about sneaking into the dining rooms for free food!

One more thing since rent is soo cheap back in the east coast my friend and I are renting out an apartment for several hundred bucks per person. It's right next to a major college and the ratio is about 70% female... Were being hardcore and renting out a place all the way across the nation lol

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