Quote: (05-30-2017 01:20 AM)questor70 Wrote:
If that's the case, have you developed an ability to spot red-flags before you get involved with them?
When you first start online, you're kinda naive and you think, "No way, girls cannot be that bad." I mean, I had dated a borderline way before online came about and she was bad, but also had some nice features as well.
In 2010, online was bad, much worse than 2005 where you could find some great girls by online standards; however in 2010 I could still get dates and the girls wouldn't be completely insane. For example, a single mother who had gained a bit of weight since her kid but if she was fit she would be classed as beautiful/hot - really nice face. A bit impulsive and freaky but nothing that was harmful to me. The real wackos wouldn't even leave their homes anyway and that remains true today.
It's almost like online you find the "worst" of girls just as you might find the biggest male internet trolls on certain forums or MMORPGs etc.
The first sign is that she is online, period. Others are just basic that have been discussed a lot on the forums, but amazing how reliable they are:
any tattoos
any piercings apart from normal stud ear lobe, the weirder the piercings the worse they generally are - nose septum piercings, hip piercings, cheek/face/eyebrow piercings etc.
dyed hair in any unnatural color e.g. red, green, purple, blue, silver
loves cats (future cat lady)
plays video games
does drugs
gender identity anything other than female
sexuality anything other than heterosexual
relationship status anything other than single (e.g. open relationships, polyamorous or whatever other crap)
mentions depression/anxiety disorder (most wouldn't admit borderline personality but most of them have it as well)
pseudo-intellectuals (write in a somewhat articulate manner, but is borderline sarcastic and shitty attempts to be witty, when it's just obvious they are retarded like any other girl)
odd hobbies, like sewing and crafts and coloring and jigsaw puzzles. In mental hospitals they do these kinds of things as therapy so a lot of them continue it at home
and others, but those off the top of my head.
You have to watch out because most girls nowadays have no intention of meeting unless maybe someone like Steelex comes along, but I've even put model looking pics up and sure you get one or two "Hi" responses from 4-5s (around the best you can expect) but otherwise the responses are still horrible. A lot of these girls are so mentally ill they wouldn't go out on a date if Justin Bieber wanted to take them out. Increasingly it has become a twisted "sport" of online women who feel rejected by a man IRL (alpha widow) or by men generally (pumped and dumped sluts), but who are so neurotic and sensitive that they cannot handle the rejection... So what they do is they take that anger out on men, whether it is in FRAs (like Mattress Girl, who will not stop in her craziness) or just doing they best to ridicule men on dating apps.
Girls nowadays like to get together with their cats and junk food, and get fatter while discussing and laughing at all the men who tried to (shock horror) actually meet up with them in real life. These girls have such low self-esteem that they take pleasure in rejecting good quality men, almost as a kind of twisted therapy. They're past the point of "men are equals"... way past that. They're all raving feminists/SJWs/freaks/hipsters because all men are disgusting due to what X or Y other men have done to them in the past.
These girls might be bitchy IRL if surrounded by friends but alone, they don't have the strength... they are weak and cowardly; they would never have the guts to say 99% of the shit they do online to a man's face. And if a man calls them out IRL, she will call her army of white knights to protect her. Even online, I called out this one girl for being an insane sociopath (she seemed borderline "OK" initially but then it went dark), minutes later I had tons of random white knights messaging me with threats etc. I told them they were limp wristed faggots for being slaves to a completely evil batshit 5 just for a sniff of her vagina, and if they have a problem let's come and settle this in real life. They shut up, but these girls are pathological attention seekers. Getting the messages, the compliments, the number requests, the date requests, all that attention from men, temporarily makes them feel better about the fact that they are fat, ugly inside and out, the attention is like a heroin hit that they can't stop shooting up. They are the biggest timewasters ever - so you should always look to get the # in a few messages to organize a meet. If you don't, even if she is engaging you in conversation, she is a timewaster. A lot of these stay on the apps all day because they literally cannot stand being alone (borderline personality and general female trait) and they cannot get off the drug of being messaged by tons of guys in a safe environment then rejecting them in a safe environment.
If you've got good logistics you can maybe catch a few of them when they are drunk and horny (they are sluts but have terrible anxiety so use alcohol and drugs to get over fear of men), so if you do manage to get their # they might text you at 2 am in the middle of the night. I had this a couple times. Got nowhere on the date, even insulted, well very awkward makeout, continued insults and then one saturday night drunk called me and bang. I do not do this anymore as it makes me sick, and it's not worth it for so many other reasons.
I've been to Paris, Madrid, Berlin, Rome - western European capitals that are said to be "difficult" on these forums. I was on a tourist sightseeing schedule so I didn't have much time for game and logistics made things almost impossible... but I did cold approach a lot of random chicks just to see how they were, take pictures and maybe get a quick makeout. All I can say is that these girls were "bright", they didn't look at me like a potential rapist or insult me the minute I spoke to them, they seemed happy and responded to good energy as well. Even getting 'rejected' by a girl from here was relatively pleasant and doesn't leave you with much bitter taste if at all.
Online, by contrast, I've seen some of the darkest characters I have ever come across in my life. They don't have old mental asylums they used to have in the US anymore, so a lot of these women are just left to wreak havoc in the general population. Even if you get a couple bangs from it, just being in that online environment exposes you to so much more shit ironically than in real life cold approach, especially if you're doing day game. These kind of dark, spiteful, vengeful, delusional freaks are even celebrate in the media, "accept me for who I am" bullshit and "mental health campaigns" (which are just for women effectively as no one gives a shit about mental health of men except maybe guys like Roosh and look at the treatment he got from MSM)... all this is celebrated. So Mattress Girl who makes a clear FRA and obsessively and rigidly WON'T STOP despite the fact that she is clearly lying, she is still going because no one is willing to tell her, least of all the Law (who should deal her punishment), that she is a toxic, mentally ill freak that needs to be put down.
I've had it where I say a couple lines as my opener, girl responds with so many red flags, I point these out to her and say that she should sort these out before coming online as the point is to meet IRL, and once I've pointed out the shit that is clearly the most fucked up about her, even in a respectful, honest manner, she will not stop until she has "won" the argument. It has ended up with me almost "blackknighting" on some occasions where the bitch just wouldn't stop messaging me, no intention to meet, just so that I would change my opinion and feed into the bullshit lies her orbiters and other guys on the app tell her. First few, I admit, I verbally destroyed them, but then after that I realized they were all so similar, it must be a collective mental disease, so I just tried to be normal, find normal girls, get # ASAP but most of it ended up in me having to block the girl.
Time is money and other things, well, these girls are the ultimate timewasters. You could exchange messages back and forth for weeks and get absolutely nothing. It's their form of entertainment. I just resolved it with if I don't get the number in 3 messages, I'm out. That was all a few years ago, maybe 2013-4. From reports on the forum, unless you're in the top 1% in looks then you can forget it, and the cost is being exposed to some disgusting creatures that will mess up your view of women even more. Even if you are top 1% like Steelex, you will be stuck banging ugly to average carousel riding sluts with all kinds of issues.
In other parts of the world, online is still productive, but in the Anglosphere it's not worth it for the average man. It's less a case of knowing red flags and more a case of knowing this platform attracts girls who exhibit so many of these red flags. It's like going into a strip club, you know you're not likely to meet your future wife there.