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Nairobi, Kenya experience in 2025

Nairobi, Kenya experience in 2025

Hello everyone, a few things about me. I am from Greece, Slavic looks, 6'2 and 26 years old. A few days ago I visited Nairobi for a few days and wanted to give  some information to whoever is planning to do a trip in this relatively unpopular area of the world. My trip was only for 3 days, so I didn't have the time to explore outside of the capital, although I would love to, Kenya is an amazing destination.
A few notes about the city 
It's actually quite modern and developed for an African city, has a pleasant climate (although i was unlucky to have heavy rains pretty much every day, the locals told me before i came there was no rain for weeks). At night it gets pretty cool, you might need a jacket. The city itself feels quite safe, much safer than let's say Johannesburg, has decent options on food, some high end places especially around Westlands and moving around is very easy and cheap with Uber and boda(motorbike). You can also book a bike through uber, it's cheaper and faster though not the safest option. I was amazed on how fast you can move across the city, traffic was not too bad for a 5M city, if you've been to cities like Kampala or Dakar you know what I mean, it might take hours to just get out of the city. Then there's that Expressway(toll road), where you can transfer from the airport to basically anywhere in the city in less than 40 minutes, and avoid all the traffic. There are 2 main areas of interest, Westlands and CBD. Westlands is a high end area , expat central and has the best restaurants, nightclubs, you name it. CBD feels much more local, you barely see foreigners, it's crowded and not too safe, but definitely much cleaner and organized compared to other African cities. Besides the airport, there is also Nairobi national park, which I ended up not going, but it's supposed to be very cool and you can get a half day tour for less than 100$ and see a lot of animals. I checked Giraffe center tho, where you can feed giraffes, it costs 10$ if i remember well and it's pretty cool. It's 30 minutes away from Nairobi.
The women
Okay, let's get to the main point. I had some interesting experiences and I can give my observations. First of all, I would say Nairobi is by far the easiest place I've been so far, if you want to get laid for free and if you want to score 7's and above. I've been to all of these basic RVF destinations, Manila, Bangkok, Jakarta, Phuket, and in Africa I've also been to Johannesburg, Kampala and Dakar. I read some posts here that Kenyan women are difficult or not as easy as Ugandans for example and I was pleasantly surprised to see that the options were pretty much endless and the attention I was getting in the streets and at nightclubs was insane. Don't expect to enter a nightclub and have all the women throwing on you just because you're white tho, there are a lot of expats over there. Still it's much better than Manila or Bangkok in my experience.
Online game
I used Tinder premium and had almost 1000 likes in 3 days, and pretty much endless options as you can imagine. As everywhere in the world, quality in Tinder is pretty low, but when you get 1000 likes you will definitely have some decent options as well(i would say around 10-20%), and with a lot of them it's pretty straightforward and you can set a date almost immediately, like meet them a few hours later. Some of them will literally beg you and they keep spamming you with messages if you stop answering. I met 3 girls through Tinder and banged all of them at first date. 2 of them came straight to my room. None of them asked for money(Uganda, I look at you). I tried to videocall first, So I wouldn't get catfished. Yes, it's very easy here to bang 2 new girls every day, but after a while it gets boring and honestly i got burned out very fast.
Comparison with Manila
I would give my perspective of how these 2 cities compare to each other, as I was in Manila 2 weeks ago and used the same methods(Tinder and nightlife) and a lot of people consider Manila the easiest place in the world. Well let me say, it's nowhere as easy as Nairobi. In Nairobi i banged 5 girls in 3 days, while in Manila 4 girls in 5 days. I got around 700 tinder likes in Manila and 1000 in Nairobi. Quality is much better in Nairobi, I banged some 7 and 8, while Manila was maybe 6.5 at best. Some 5's as well. It's much much easier to set dates in Nairobi. A lot of good looking girls in Manila tinder will never respond to you or won't agree to a date that fast or will be flakey. I experienced 0 flaking in Nairobi, although I'm sure it can happen(as everywhere). At nightclubs, I got more attention in Nairobi, although i got some in Manila as well. Makati is overrun by expats, i think this brings a lot of competition and thus the bitchy attitudes. 
Comparison with Kampala
A comparison with Kampala is also very interesting, as it's a neighboring country, I was there in October also for 3 days, and a lot of people say Uganda is much easier and liberal on terms of getting laid than Kenya. I remember i got laid with 4 different girls when I was there, though 2 of them asked me for money after, which was traumatic experience and left me disgusted. The quality was much lower too. Though I didn't try that much online dating to be honest, only Badoo which doesn't work nearly as well as Tinder, but nightlife was filled with pros, literally in specific places, like Kabalagala it feels like every single woman there is working. I even visited a very local place in a different area, with 0 foreigners, I met a girl there, she came to my room, and the next morning she demanded taxi money (she told me she needs to go to Entebbe and asked around 10 euros, while when i asked her last night on the club where she's staying she told me 5 minutes away. But i really didn't want anymore trouble, so i gave her the money. But the whole experience left me deeply disappointed. Compared to Kampala, I think Nairobi nightlife has much more normal girls, with normal jobs who will not ask you for any money and they just want to have sex with you. Of course there are pros, both in night venues and Tinder, but most of them are straightforward beforehand, so you can just ignore them.
There are 2 nightlife areas, as far as I know, Westlands and CBD. I went to Nairobi on a Saturday, and I decided to go out just in Saturday night, as they told me things in the weekdays are pretty much dead and there is a more chilled vibe rather than partying. Westlands is full of expats and is the only place i checked out, while CBD is much more local. I usually go for the local places and I avoid the expats spots, though in this case i read that most places in CBD are lounges with tables and bottle service which makes it very difficult for socialising, and being solo, i decided to stay in Westlands. I checked out 2 places
Alchemist: Full of expats(like 70%), doesn't feel like Africa at all, was very disappointed from the crowd, if you're looking for Kenyan women you will be disappointed, at least that was the case in my night. I got a beer and sat at the bar and a Chinese girl came to me(barely a 5) and started hitting on me. I was Very disappointed of the place and i thought the night will be a failure, and as she was making very clear her intentions i decided to give it a try and we left with her car for my apartment. After banging her, I decided to check on Brew Bistro, another famous spot around, as it was still 1AM. Well, that was so much better, expats were around 30%, some good talent (nothing too great tho), had a few locals hitting on me, and there was a dancing floor which made socialising easy. I saw one of the best looking girls in the club (maybe a 8) checking on me, so before leaving i decided to talk to her. She was very friendly and we left the club together, but she told me it's too late and she felt like going home at the moment but we can hangout the next day. I ended up banging her next day, though the sex was very very mediocre.
The dark side of Nairobi women
So far, I only talked about the positive side, making it sound like a poosy paradise. While it's true, and I think that as a white young guy it's extremely easy not only to get laid, but score high quality, there is also a lot of negative aspects about my experience with Kenyan women, which also applies to African women in general. First of all, Kenya is a very poor country and the basic salary is 100$ per month. It's much much poorer than Philippines or Thailand for example. Women are very desperate in general and I feel like one of the reasons they're falling so easily for foreigners is because they're hoping for a better future. I'm not saying that the women i went with, didn't want to actually have sex with me or expected something after it, but some of them may also tried to take advantage of the situation. I kept contact with 2 of the girls, one of my tinder dates and the model looking girl from the club. I let them know I'm coming back in Saturday for one day cause of my job (I'm a flight attendant). Both asked me to bring something from my country as a gift (like Dubai chocolate or a perfume). When i saw that, I immediately lost interest in both of them and stopped texting them. I feel like this is an African thing and not just Kenyan tho, same thing happened with the girls i banged in South Africa etc. The tinder date was just back from 2 years of working in Saudi Arabia (with decent money, she owned an iPhone 12) yet she was asking for gifts. I'm very against being the provider in a relationship, especially with someone that you just met. This will never happen in Thailand or even in the Philippines. Yes, im SEA you are expected to pay for Uber, for food etc but asking someone you just met to bring you gifts is a totally another level for me and a huge red flag. I felt like it was impossible to have a genuine connection with these girls, the dynamics in dating are vastly different compared to my standards and I didn't really have the desire to see any of these women again, which doesn't usually happen in SEA for example.
The second important point about African women is that they mostly suck at bed. Again, this is my personal experience and I really want to believe that I'm just unlucky and this can't be true. Everyone is talking about how black women are freak on beds, and when you go black you never go back , they know how to move, blah blah. I've been with around 10 African women so far from 3 different countries, and in my experience on average they're way worse than Latinas, Asians, or Europeans. A good percent of them, maybe half of them or more are unable to get on top of you and ride you. I consider this crazy as I never had any girl outside of Africa telling me I don't know how to ride you or I'm not good at top. Yet a lot of them in Kenya and Uganda simply told me I don't know how to do it, sorry or they completely refused. Some of them were very shy at bed, despite not being shy as a person. Some of them were barely moving and not doing any effort from their side, despite me doing a great effort to satisfy them. 2 of them were actually quite good(1 Ugandan and 1 Kenyan), but nothing too crazy. Again, take this much with a grain of salt, this is my very personal experience, it might be very different for someone else, but i want to give me 2 cents.
All in all, Nairobi was a pleasant experience, I really enjoyed the city and my time there. I feel like it's a lovely place, as maybe Johannesburg feels too westernised and white and somewhat boring, while Kampala is overwhelming and crowded. I would say Nairobi is somewhere on the middle, this sweet spot. It's very easy to get laid, if you want to score some hotties with minimum effort, that's the place. In the end of the day I realised African women are maybe not my thing though, but I'm still glad I experienced this crazy city and had these stories.

Nairobi, Kenya experience in 2025

Hey, this is a very interesting report, thank you!

A couple of questions:
1. How is the average woman's hygiene like? Body odour? Pussy smell? You mentioned the average person earns 100 USD a months and that got me thinking.
2. Did you see shorter Western guys with the same amount of success? What are the chances of a 5'8" Spanish guy with Greek looks (not your Slavic looks)? Asking for a friend.

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