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Online Dating in Summer

Online Dating in Summer

Hi everyone,
Has anyone had experiences with online dating in the summer? Here in Germany, I feel that the response rates are much lower when the weather is nice. I suspect this is because many people are out and about and therefore use online dating less often. This could lead to fewer messages from women.

On the other hand, many people go on vacation, which could further affect the use of dating apps. So, I thought about using online dating in holiday destinations in Southern and Southeastern Europe before I travel there. After all, most people are there in the summer.
Has anyone tried this or had similar experiences? I'm looking forward to hearing your opinions and tips!

Online Dating in Summer

Online dating in 2024 in the West sucks no matter the season. A lot of girls have moved to IG, where they get the validation they need. The demographics also changed, back in the Tinder heyday, dominant ages were 30-35, and that is a reason Tinder worked for a few years. Now, 20-25 is the main age pool, those ages don't really understand the concept of online dating and treat it as IG.
I'm sure it still works in SE Asia, Lat Am and Africa, judging by the sheer numbers of girls that change their location to Western cities..

Online Dating in Summer

Some girls on dating apps also have IG. You can talk to them on IG, but like you say, if they are good looking enough to be posting hot pics on IG then you are competing in the IG and social media space. Unless you have a good IG profile and look hot then you haven't a cats chance in hell, of getting a date let alone a shag.

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