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ROK archive

It's live on https://manosphere.at/
For now the comments are not there yet but I'll add them today

I'll backup many old defunct blogs on manosphere.at

If you like that, please share the link everywhere you can Wink

ROK archive

It’s offline recently!!

ROK archive

When is it coming back? ?

ROK archive

It should be back online in a few day, I just have to do something with the domain name

ROK archive

It's online again

ROK archive

its offline again

ROK archive

(11-27-2024, 06:10 AM)nampa Wrote:  its offline again

I'll fix it in a day or two

ROK archive

There you go

ROK archive

Why sometimes https is not working and I have to reload the page so that it doesn't redirect me to http?

ROK archive

(01-20-2025, 09:30 PM)tearful shoes Wrote:  Why sometimes https is not working and I have to reload the page so that it doesn't redirect me to http?

I've no clue and I don't feel like taking any effort to fix that.

ROK archive

Cool, how about you make some efforts for your forum? Your lack of will shows a lack of inner game

ROK archive

(01-20-2025, 11:47 PM)tearful shoes Wrote:  Cool, how about you make some efforts for your forum? Your lack of will shows a lack of inner game

Yes I paid over 1000$ total in hosting fees and clean the forum daily of spammers. Then some random retard like you that nobody like come repeatedly to shitpost/spam the board again and again. And you dare to complain that my forum isn't made exactly like you wished it would be? You're a highly retarded pest.

ROK archive

At some point you need a way for at least some of the users to contribute to the costs of hosting ..

ROK archive

(01-26-2025, 07:27 PM)donjoe Wrote:  At some point you need a way for at least some of the users to contribute to the costs of hosting ..

Yep, I just implemented crypto donations Wink

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