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I just got suspended from Twitter for 7 days

I just got suspended from Twitter for 7 days

For using the phrase "tranny freak".

[Image: attachment.jpg41890]   

The first time they suspended me was for 1 day. Now it's 1 week. Next time will be permanent.

In the meanwhile, I'm on Gab and Telegram:



I just got suspended from Twitter for 7 days

Well fuck.
Hey brother Roosh, are you inclined to use gab more though ?

I just got suspended from Twitter for 7 days

Probably doing it so you can't promote your tour

Also that video did a good job of exposing how messed up shit is. Irrefutable

I just got suspended from Twitter for 7 days

Roosh, I think it's pretty apparent now the real threat for (((them))) is your speaking tour & meeting your followers in real life, which they want to suppress all broadcasting & general knowlegde of. They even banned Heartiste just after he wrote a blog post encouraging people to buy tickets.

They don't just want to suppress people knowing about your speaking tour, but more importantly they want to limit all your means of informing others of attacks against you, and limit all your means of asking others for assitance/help if things get dangerous...like it did in Canada in 2015, and in early 2016 with the cancelled worldwide meetups.

It might be worth having a few sleeper "backup" accounts on each platform, which you can activate in case of urgent need.

I just got suspended from Twitter for 7 days

Quote: (05-18-2019 10:27 AM)Caduceus Wrote:  

Roosh, I think it's pretty apparent now the real threat for (((them))) is your speaking tour & meeting your followers in real life, which they want to suppress all broadcasting & general knowlegde of. They even banned Heartiste just after he wrote a blog post encouraging people to buy tickets.

They don't just want to suppress people knowing about your speaking tour, but more importantly they want to limit all your means of informing others of attacks against you, and limit all your means of asking others for assitance/help if things get dangerous...like it did in Canada in 2015, and in early 2016 with the cancelled worldwide meetups.

It might be worth having a few sleeper "backup" accounts on each platform, which you can activate in case of urgent need.

I'm waiting for his salt lake city tour, least amount of dindus and degenerates there than anywhere else

I just got suspended from Twitter for 7 days

Quote: (05-18-2019 10:18 AM)pitbullowner Wrote:  

Well fuck.
Hey brother Roosh, are you inclined to use gab more though ?

I wouldn't mind but it's a bit quiet compared to Twitter, probably because I have so many followers on the latter.

My Telegram channel is more active than I thought it would be.

I just got suspended from Twitter for 7 days

I didn't even know you were still on Twitter.

I just got suspended from Twitter for 7 days

Gab is lame because all the "cool" people are on Twitter. How can I make fun of Leslie Jones or Alyssa Milano if they're not on Gab?

I just got suspended from Twitter for 7 days

This pretty much violates all the rationale the indian chick gave in the joe rogan interview with dorsey. This wasnt repeatedly directed at one person nor was it a violent threat, both of which would warrant punishment under that rule. Run-of-the-mill shutting down conservatives.

I just got suspended from Twitter for 7 days

Have you written to: http://wh.gov/techbias ?



It's worth trying to honestly report this scandalous twitter situation, and let's see what happens. No harm in trying.

I just got suspended from Twitter for 7 days

Yeah, send the info to the trump initiative. Show evidence of twitter contradicting themselves and let us know how it went.

I just got suspended from Twitter for 7 days

Same. I first got banned for using the word "tranny" to describe an education superintendent in my state who has gone full LGBTQWERTY with sex ed for schools. That was for 7 days and permanently when I used the same word again.

I had to re-register with all new email and IP address because twitter can detect if you sign up using either the same computer or internet access portal.
Still haven't figured out how they did that or were able to know.

I just registered using a friends computer on his own wi-fi and I got back in.
Twitter sucks for censorship but Roosh is 100% right, it's where everybody is.

I just got suspended from Twitter for 7 days

“Tranny” has been a common slang word for most of my life, but I’ve noticed in the last couple of years that the SJWs have made it into “hate speech” like the n-word (which I rarely actually heard in New England, except of course ubiquitously in rap music and hip-hop).

A couple of years ago some guys got kicked off of some college radio station for using it.

If only you knew how bad things really are.

I just got suspended from Twitter for 7 days

Twitter is the most of evil of them all.
Closely followed by Wastebook, and then Google.

I'd like to see it killed off in a hack attack.
Its basically Joseph Goebbels for the sodomite agenda.

I got banned for:-
criticising the British monarchy
saying a male is a male, even if he wears a dress.
saying a recently convicted fraudster was... a fraudster.
criticising Islamist maniacs who said they will remove all Christians from Rome.

Jack Dorsey and his creepy friends are nothing but vermin.

Twitter basically gaslights people with its shadowban system (see projectveritas) trying to dupe people into thinking no one shares their view.

Twitter's management should be in jail. Its clear political persecution. The "private company" shit just doesn't wash.
You can't deny people tap water, an apartment or a phone line if they don't like queers. Twitter is the same principle. Twitter is a deliberate Establishment monopoly, not a 20 member blog forum.

I just got suspended from Twitter for 7 days

Quote: (05-20-2019 04:54 PM)estraudi Wrote:  

Same. I first got banned for using the word "tranny" to describe an education superintendent in my state who has gone full LGBTQWERTY with sex ed for schools. That was for 7 days and permanently when I used the same word again.

I had to re-register with all new email and IP address because twitter can detect if you sign up using either the same computer or internet access portal.
Still haven't figured out how they did that or were able to know.

I just registered using a friends computer on his own wi-fi and I got back in.
Twitter sucks for censorship but Roosh is 100% right, it's where everybody is.

What would be the easiest way to destroy it? I think we would be entirely justified in doing so.
The gaslighting tactics alone should have earned them massive, crippling fines, let alone the censorship which clearly breaches online broadcasting standards in Europe, for example.
Twitter does all sorts of shit including collaborating with tinpot dictators to suppress the truth around the World. Would there be a way of clogging up the algorithms, so it was unusable?
Perhaps a mass campaign against companies owned by its backers, until its backers agree to pull the plug on its persecution of non-neoliberals? A boycott of any company that uses Twitter advertising?

I just got suspended from Twitter for 7 days

Good chance the SPLC is behind it in some way:


I just got suspended from Twitter for 7 days

Quote: (05-20-2019 05:34 PM)BelyyTigr Wrote:  

Jack Dorsey and his creepy friends are nothing but vermin.

Jack Dorsey literally believes he is the second coming of Jesus H. Christ. Really believes it.

God what I would pay to see him walked out in handcuffs. Oh please, oh please.

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