Ok,Simeon_Strangelight,time to thrash out this low/high IQ thing once and for all
04-28-2019, 08:11 AM
I've been a lurker since late last year I've read all sections and couldn't help but notice you constantly refer to the collective IQ of certain groups as 'low.' I've also noticed you use MSM sources,the usual chronicle of 'rapefugees,'criminals and TV memes to support this contention-being closer to 50 than 40 having travelled,though not as much as close fam I've got info totally contradicting this.
I thought long and hard how I could do this-nobody will read a mininovel and frankly an African subforum on economics and politics would be an even harder sell. So,here goes with sources cause I've got totally non MSM info:Yes,Africa is poor,mainly because we were always poor! One would think the colonialists left us Scandinavia-hell no! We were and still are primary producers the prices for which have fallen as much as 50% since the 1980s while oil has more than quintupled since the early 70s.
Also egregious trade agreements screw us sideways in was you wouldn't believe;forget the transfer pricing and under invoicing that robs Africa-I'm talking official state sanctioned impoverishment policies the best example being French Africa.
The poster boy of Western hemisphere 'low IQ' Haiti paid France 17 bn GBP after independence.
What if just 50% of that money went into social spending? Where would Haiti be today? The same thing happened to French Africa-generally its known they're worse off than Anglo Africa. I've seen a write up stating W African money as of 2012 held by Paris was at least 500 bn euros.
As for mental acuity and intellectual achievement let me begin with this:
Go to 5.40mns and see which kids crushed both white and black US and UK kids in motor and mental skills-it wasn't even close!
Ever heard of Adam's Calendar? A set of megalithic ruins in southern Africa estimated to be 70 kya to 250 kya. Who built them? The same people who dug the canals on Northwestern Botswana and Northeastern Namibia thousands of years later.
Heard of the Xia dynasty who started 1500 bc in China? You'll never guess who they were according to craniometrics,dental morphology and even language though a Chinese scientists put their identity in the MSM 3 years ago.
In March a geochemist prof.Sun Weidong at University of Science and Technology Heifei,Anhui province,eastern China indirectly corroborated many of these research findings when he revealed the ancient Xia dynasty had Egyptian roots.
As a long time history researcher I'd always known ancient Africa/Asia links but my conclusion was a slow multi generational overland migration. The Prof's conclusion strongly suggests a direct journey from Egypt.
Here's Geez and Sanskrit/nagari. It was known over a century ago. Sir William Jones discovered the 2 scripts were identical-however it remained hidden in obscure specialist publications known only to an elite few while the public believed Africa had no writing and those better informed believed geez was influenced by nagari. Moreover, it is interesting to note that Sanskrit vowels: a,aa,',I,u,e,o, virama etc., are in the same order as Geez.
Btw,scripts as far as C Europe are based on Geez.
Makes sense since their Orthodox Christianity has the same origin-I could go on with more indigenous African scripts,ancient architecture/building and global migrations but I'll first await your response.I hope the wider picture of a not so 'low IQ' is finally emerging.
I thought long and hard how I could do this-nobody will read a mininovel and frankly an African subforum on economics and politics would be an even harder sell. So,here goes with sources cause I've got totally non MSM info:Yes,Africa is poor,mainly because we were always poor! One would think the colonialists left us Scandinavia-hell no! We were and still are primary producers the prices for which have fallen as much as 50% since the 1980s while oil has more than quintupled since the early 70s.
Also egregious trade agreements screw us sideways in was you wouldn't believe;forget the transfer pricing and under invoicing that robs Africa-I'm talking official state sanctioned impoverishment policies the best example being French Africa.
Few people know it. But there are indeed secret agreements signed between the former French colonies and their former administrative authority, France. These agreements cover many areas, such as military, politics, but especially economic agreements....African countries must deposit their financial reserves with the Banque de France. Thus, France "keeps" the financial reserves of fourteen African countries since 1961: Benin, Burkina Faso, Guinea Bissau, Ivory Coast, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo, Cameroon, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo-Brazzaville, Equatorial Guinea and Gabo
The poster boy of Western hemisphere 'low IQ' Haiti paid France 17 bn GBP after independence.
But after independence, French slave owners demanded compensation. In 1825 the French monarch Charles X demanded Haiti pay an "independence debt" of 150m gold francs – 10 times the fledgling nation's annual revenue. The original sum was reduced but Haiti still paid 90m gold francs – about €17bn today – to France. It was still paying off this debt in 1947.
What if just 50% of that money went into social spending? Where would Haiti be today? The same thing happened to French Africa-generally its known they're worse off than Anglo Africa. I've seen a write up stating W African money as of 2012 held by Paris was at least 500 bn euros.
As for mental acuity and intellectual achievement let me begin with this:
Go to 5.40mns and see which kids crushed both white and black US and UK kids in motor and mental skills-it wasn't even close!
Ever heard of Adam's Calendar? A set of megalithic ruins in southern Africa estimated to be 70 kya to 250 kya. Who built them? The same people who dug the canals on Northwestern Botswana and Northeastern Namibia thousands of years later.
The entire complex covers an area about equal in size to the State of Arizona in the USA. The canals are an integrated system of apparent irrigation and agricultural (and probably aquaculture) design. The system is about 350 miles in width and about 300 miles in depth. (For the remnants still visible.) This system represents roughly 67 MILLION acres of sustainable agriculture. Given the sophistication of design, it is entirely plausible to assume an above average yield, i.e. feeding well over 90 persons per acre on an annual basis. The system may or may not have provided a sustainable aquaculture (marine farming) environment. I have no reason to suspect that it did not.
Heard of the Xia dynasty who started 1500 bc in China? You'll never guess who they were according to craniometrics,dental morphology and even language though a Chinese scientists put their identity in the MSM 3 years ago.
In March a geochemist prof.Sun Weidong at University of Science and Technology Heifei,Anhui province,eastern China indirectly corroborated many of these research findings when he revealed the ancient Xia dynasty had Egyptian roots.
He also cited several ancient Chinese classics, at one point quoting historian Sima Qian’s description of the topography of the Xia empire — traditionally regarded as China’s founding dynasty, dating from 2070 to 1600 B.C. “Northwards the stream is divided and becomes the nine rivers,” wrote Sima Qian in his first century historiography, the Records of the Grand Historian. “Reunited, it forms the opposing river and flows into the sea.”
In other words, “the stream” in question wasn’t China’s famed Yellow River, which flows from west to east. “There is only one major river in the world which flows northwards. Which one is it?” the professor asked. “The Nile,” someone replied. Sun then showed a map of the famed Egyptian river and its delta — with nine of its distributaries flowing into the Mediterranean. This author, a researcher at the same institute, watched as audience members broke into smiles and murmurs, intrigued that these ancient Chinese texts seemed to better agree with the geography of Egypt than that of China.
As a long time history researcher I'd always known ancient Africa/Asia links but my conclusion was a slow multi generational overland migration. The Prof's conclusion strongly suggests a direct journey from Egypt.
Quote:Quote:You've repeatedly stated we never had a written script:nothing could be further from the truth.Idk if we've any Ethio posters but their ancient script Geez influenced Indian Devanagari.
He conceived of this connection in the 1990s while performing radiometric dating of ancient Chinese bronzes; to his surprise, their chemical composition more closely resembled those of ancient Egyptian bronzes than native Chinese ores.
Here's Geez and Sanskrit/nagari. It was known over a century ago. Sir William Jones discovered the 2 scripts were identical-however it remained hidden in obscure specialist publications known only to an elite few while the public believed Africa had no writing and those better informed believed geez was influenced by nagari. Moreover, it is interesting to note that Sanskrit vowels: a,aa,',I,u,e,o, virama etc., are in the same order as Geez.
Btw,scripts as far as C Europe are based on Geez.
Historical Overview of Ethiopic Writing System's Possible Influence on the Development of the Armenian Alphabet
Makes sense since their Orthodox Christianity has the same origin-I could go on with more indigenous African scripts,ancient architecture/building and global migrations but I'll first await your response.I hope the wider picture of a not so 'low IQ' is finally emerging.