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Noxious attention whores trolling with constant snark and snide.

Politically right, but culturally decadent: embodying pussy privilege and trading off of their looks and the thirst of men.

Captain Capitalism: How Tradthots prove Western Civilization is Doomed


a spoiled child from the suburbs,
living on Daddy's dime,
attending a prestigious private college,
majoring in a worthless degree,
never worked a DAY in her life,
who couldn't possibly have the life experience to be sought after or championed by the conservative establishment


she gets on all the talk shows,
all the middle aged men in media pulling her favors,
a publishing deal from Random House,
for a millennial driveling book (though not a pamphlet like Laura Southern's),
paid speaking gigs,
and a plethora of other perks and preferential treatment that culminates into what is nothing short than an entire FREE life long career,

just because she's a cute set of T & A.

I got the idea for this off of Sam B. Roberts cite of this tweet:


Another infamous one. You ain't that hot:


Never let a tragedy stop you from making lame snarks.



Quote: (04-25-2019 05:52 AM)Sp5 Wrote:  


To worship means "To make ultimately worthy".

She doesn't worship Christ or Easter. She worships herself.

This thot is Christian by way of tongue only and mustn't be blamed. If women have no authority over them they will enact the feminine curse of which one facet is Solipsism. Her father will be a spineless boomer cuck.

[Image: nD3oFIm.jpg]


I for one would prefer a world full of these Conservathots over a world of fat, hairy armpit, nose ringed, tattooed feminist blue haired lesbians. Granted that particular one is clearly an attention whore extraordinaire.

"Women however should get a spanking at least once a week by their husbands and boyfriends - that should be mandated by law" - Zelcorpion


Some are better than others. Kaitlin Bennett is obnoxious, but Mindy Robinson is hilarious. I get where you're coming from but at the same time anything that helps promote conservative values to a new generation and runs counter to the "only old rich white men and illiterate Klan members who fuck their sisters vote Republican" MSM message is a positive thing.

I got my Magnum condoms, I got my wad of hundreds, I'm ready to plow!


God needs to delete system32.

Or at least a cosmic defrag.

I don't think this train has brakes.


Buncha material for this thread over here:

The rise of alt right female figures

More here:

Tradthot live stream with me, Nick Funetes, Laura Loomer, Davis Aurini

These hoes.

What's the translation from english to whore for "how you gonna get a proper man to marry you when you've been posting your fucking ass on social media for the last 10 years?!"

Seriously. Hands up anyone here who would marry one of these cunts knowing that every man on the planet with access to a google search bar can find racy shots of the mother of your future children.


Bitch. You done fucked up.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.


Brittany Pettibone annoys me something fierce, just looking at her in that Clarey blogpost had me groaning. No, not that way.

Your boyfriend is banned from Europe, oh how terrible she moans, "sorry love did you think this was going to be EASY?"

This ain't a youtube career.

Until I see the likes of Martin Sellner willing to go so far that they are being protected by gangs with machine guns moving from safehouse to safehouse and pushed into the dark web....nothing will be real.

Very few I think have their soul really in it, and those that think they are puffing up the wrong things and expecting to be congratulated on it.
There is something too polished, too non descript about Pettibone and it weirds me out.

This here is one of the few women that I really enjoyed, Critical Condition, there's nothing flashy about her and she has that aura of somebody that has really reflected. She fell out of love Peterson, even though he was a gateway for so many.

I particularly like how she's not shouting "change the world, look at what we are doing!".

She was on Millenialyule last year too.



It is what it is, but realistically speaking they're the single best asset we have.

The majority of dudes are thirsty and will gravitate towards whatever ideology they think will get the most women. If ours are both outspoken and more attractive that means a lot of men will start leaning this way.


Quote: (04-25-2019 11:07 AM)Easy_C Wrote:  

It is what it is, but realistically speaking they're the single best asset we have.

The majority of dudes are thirsty and will gravitate towards whatever ideology they think will get the most women. If ours are both outspoken and more attractive that means a lot of men will start leaning this way.

"Ours?" Are they on your side?

Are they "ours," or are they engineered and paid shills with a skirt for the globohomo warmonger oligarchy?


If they were traditional in the...traditional sense they'd have a family and husband. A husband who wouldn' be hoeing his wife out like a beta cuck swinger husband would.

Until these chicks start doing traditional shit forgive me for not taking them seriously.


Is that SP5 pushing the same conspiracy theories he mocks other people for mentioning?


Quote: (04-25-2019 01:09 PM)Easy_C Wrote:  

Is that SP5 pushing the same conspiracy theories he mocks other people for mentioning?

I'm just recognizing what Captain Capitalism was talking about in the piece I linked to.

I know it's a tough distinction to make, but recognizing that conservathots like Toni Lahren and Katie Kieffer are on the Murdoch teat, getting various speakers' fees and book publishing contracts subsidized by 501©(3)s funded by rich bastards in the shadows is not the same thing as saying the Christchurch shootings were false flags with actors or that the moon landing was faked.

Tough, I know. Most conspiracies these days are in plain view with evidence from the money flow and organizational affiliations.

Anyways, you didn't answer my question. How are these thots on your side?


I’d tap that.


Speaking of which, just found this video.

This 'Brave the world' girl sounds like a real ball buster. Doesn't even try to disguise it. Probably has more testosterone than all her fans combined.

The popularity of these hoes just shows the right is just as full of betas as every other sphere of society.

Real trad women don't talk about politics - left, right, up, down, doesn't matter.


Quote: (04-25-2019 07:34 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Buncha material for this thread over here:

The rise of alt right female figures

More here:

Tradthot live stream with me, Nick Funetes, Laura Loomer, Davis Aurini

These hoes.

What's the translation from english to whore for "how you gonna get a proper man to marry you when you've been posting your fucking ass on social media for the last 10 years?!"

Seriously. Hands up anyone here who would marry one of these cunts knowing that every man on the planet with access to a google search bar can find racy shots of the mother of your future children.


Bitch. You done fucked up.

Nope, but I bet they are fun for a night or 5.


I think they are fine. They are more on our side than most other twats out there. Maybe they just need one of us to tell them to quit getting naked on social media?


I don't think they're just mindless attention whores. Several of them make good points I haven't heard elsewhere -- especially Candace Owens on the issue of how liberals treat minorities.

A society filled with thin, right-wing women who like attention would actually be an improvement over the one we have now.

Ever go to a shopping mall? They're filled almost entirely with clothing and jewelry stores for women. Make no mistake: Women have always wanted attention. The question is whether they get it from copping the right-wing Ann Coulter style or getting "inked" and whoring themselves on Instagram.


Quote: (04-25-2019 03:39 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

I don't think they're just mindless attention whores. Several of them make good points I haven't heard elsewhere -- especially Candace Owens on the issue of how liberals treat minorities.

A society filled with thin, right-wing women who like attention would actually be an improvement over the one we have now.

Ever go to a shopping mall? They're filled almost entirely with clothing and jewelry stores for women. Make no mistake: Women have always wanted attention. The question is whether they get it from copping the right-wing Ann Coulter style or getting "inked" and whoring themselves on Instagram.

Superficially, this is true. But men build societies, not women. Men who go to women for political opinions will not build shit.

A society of thin right wing women is not one where these women are activists. This is what a right wing woman looks like:

[Image: steven_anderson_family.jpg]

None of these tradthots will submit to a man when they have the attention of hundreds of thousands.

And if you don't take my word, take Roosh's in the videos and articles he made about it.


Hmm. Someone needs to try and report back.


Here's all you need to know from the king of Thot Patrolling Nick Fuentes:

Team visible roots
"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis
Quote: (02-11-2019 05:10 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  
I take pussy how it comes -but I do now prefer it shaved low at least-you cannot eat what you cannot see.


Someone needs to do a write up of Phyllis Schlafly, an absolute model for a female conservative political activist, God rest her soul. I'll come back to her when I have more time.


Quote: (04-25-2019 04:52 PM)ilostabet Wrote:  

Quote: (04-25-2019 03:39 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

I don't think they're just mindless attention whores. Several of them make good points I haven't heard elsewhere -- especially Candace Owens on the issue of how liberals treat minorities.

A society filled with thin, right-wing women who like attention would actually be an improvement over the one we have now.

Ever go to a shopping mall? They're filled almost entirely with clothing and jewelry stores for women. Make no mistake: Women have always wanted attention. The question is whether they get it from copping the right-wing Ann Coulter style or getting "inked" and whoring themselves on Instagram.

Superficially, this is true. But men build societies, not women. Men who go to women for political opinions will not build shit.

A society of thin right wing women is not one where these women are activists. This is what a right wing woman looks like:

[Image: steven_anderson_family.jpg]

None of these tradthots will submit to a man when they have the attention of hundreds of thousands.

And if you don't take my word, take Roosh's in the videos and articles he made about it.

I don't have kids. Roosh doesn't have kids (as far as I know). And a lot of men here are unmarried and childless. Coming from this forum, the argument that traditional people need to have families is the pot calling the kettle black.

Plus, it's not strictly true. Some people haven't met their mates yet. Others aren't meant to mate, but to teach and pass along ideas.

As for the audience of these women, I don't think it's strictly supposed to be men. I think the women help widen the appeal of traditional ideas for other women -- especially younger ones who are more likely to tune into someone like themselves.

If you absorb the larger culture -- which includes schools, churches, books, magazines, TV, newspapers, movies, and music -- you will find that nearly 100 percent of it is Blue Pill propaganda geared toward women and girls. If these women manage to reach even a small percent of the girls who are being programmed by Teen Vogue, or songs like "Seven Rings," then they've done their job.

The manosphere is for men and a lot of Red Pill sites are obscure. So other than these "conservathots," I can't think of ONE other thing geared toward younger women that would present them with ideas that counter the mainstream narrative. If men don't like them, they should just not tune into their YouTube channels.


Conservathots, like all thots, need to be patrolled, and hard!

And, don't forget about this message:



Women are drawn to every male movement / group / club.

It was hilarious to me that there were woman WOW groupies.


I'm fine with women in the conservative women. Fuck the left uses sex to sell their hackiness yet we can't? We need to fight fire with fire when it comes to sex. Screw the THOT label

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