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Beach Game

Beach Game

So with summer coming up in a few months I've been thinking a lot about beach game.

I'm taking a guess that the women who regular the beaches during the summer likely value looks and aesthetics more so than the ones you'd approach in venues like a bar or in the typical public places.

With that said, I'm assuming in order for approaches to be successful, you need to have some muscle on you at the very least, maybe a six pack. You'll be competing with other guys that many girls deem eye-candy, so it would make sense to have definition to your body. (correct me if I'm wrong)

What are your experiences with 'beach game'?

Beach Game

I think maybe Maguluf or Ibiza sounds promising based on reports of the hedonism happening there at the hands of the Brits. Always follow the Brits. They have apparently cracked down in Maguluf though because it was getting out of control. Spain is likely a good bet as long as you find one of the holiday destinations popular with young tourists.

Beach Game

I've had luck throwing a frisbee with a buddy and asking cute girls to join in. It at least gets your foot in the door. Results may vary however, it helps if you're decent looking/in good shape/tan.

Beach Game

Ahhh beach game. One of my favorite spots to pull up a chair or towel, chuck a football, and have a crack at the buffet. Not too many other places where you can basically see what a woman is going look like naked then when she's in an itty bitty 2-piece lying out in the sand or headed down to the water. The majority of my SDL have been from beach game and I don't think it's a coincidence. My body is one of my best features and there's no better place for it to be on full display for all to observe. Sun, sand, water, heat, and sweating. Love it. Just being there gets me in state of hornyness. I also love the beach because its a put up or shut up place for men and women alike. Sorry hunny bun, can't hide that cellulite in those leggings anymore. Same with your droopy tits. Also the guy with the big arms but who also has a massive gut or flabby stomach to go with it. Me and my friends love it because those "look good in a t-shirt" guys get exposed real fuckin quick. As do the women who look better in clothes.

Experiences with beach game: LOOKS LOOKS LOOKS x100.

You could be anyone from a doctor, to the guy who works the McDonald's drive-thru, to a ex-con. Status and money to a lesser extent mean dick shit at the beach. Car you drive doesn't matter. Face, body, height, and athleticism. It's all that matters there. There are a few other smaller aspects to it but this is the meat and potatoes. I added athelticism because you should see these bitches faces when me and my friends start throwing around the football. Some of them are ex-college athletes as well. It's a place where the most genetically beautiful can shine generally speaking. Also, bringing a football, cooler of beer and liquor, frisbee, volleyball, and music will make you and your pals the go to group if the requisite attraction is in place. Once that is established then it's a matter of logistics. Personal anecdote: just went to San Juan, PR and me and my main squeeze were probably the most fit couple on the beach. And let me tell you, EVERYONE takes notice....

In short, have a look in a bathing suit that makes women soaked just from looking at you. The rest will take care of itself....

Beach Game

Quote: (04-03-2019 05:35 PM)JoeSomebody Wrote:  

Also, bringing a football, cooler of beer and liquor, frisbee, volleyball, and music will make you and your pals the go to group if the requisite attraction is in place.

No. The beach sucks for picking up women. Stop, don't encourage this shit, you're ruining my secret!

[Image: banana.gif]

Okay, but seriously, look at the bold above. Many beaches do not allow liquor/beer/open containers on them. If you're going to do it, keep it REALLY low key. It's a secret, the women will like it, and the lifeguards/cops won't notice it. I'm talking cooler backpacks, cooler bags, not a bright red or blue cooler that is like a flashing neon sign that you're drinking. Also, coozies, plain cups (not obvious red party cups), or even better coffee mug/to go style containers are much much better.

Also, it helps even more at the beach to have a good body, but I've picked up girls while being a little soft with a t-shirt on but a cool hat/sunglasses, a decent tan, and that beach lifestyle attitude. Girls don't really get hit on at the beach like they do in nightclubs, it takes even more balls to approach especially if they're sitting down/suntanning.

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