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Men's cuddling group aims to redefine masculinity and heal trauma

Men's cuddling group aims to redefine masculinity and heal trauma

I think this is an interesting article:



Twice a month, half a dozen men gather in Plymouth.
Meeting to help each other work through past traumas.

Their chosen method of healing? Cuddles.


At a time when traditional ideas of manhood are facing scrutiny and such terms as toxic masculinity are becoming more widely known through the MeToo movement, the group aims to provide new ways for men to express themselves.

“So often, we’re taught that to be an emotional stoic is the mark of manhood,” said Scott Turner, a 46-year-old interior designer and cofounder of the group. “If you show any emotional weakness or vulnerability, that’s a failure to your title of a man.”

But “if we expect men to be emotionally sensitive to the needs of others, they first need to be able to build an emotional vocabulary,” he said.

Part of that involves learning that physical touch extends beyond aggression or sex. Platonic affection can be a doorway to emotional closeness.

[Image: eC8AuLE.png]

[Image: pcWhqUZ.png]

[Image: E7J3IKx.png]

Seems pretty alpha.

But do they have a point or is this taking it too far?

Men's cuddling group aims to redefine masculinity and heal trauma

Way too late for these guys to say "no homo."

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Men's cuddling group aims to redefine masculinity and heal trauma

I stopped reading when I saw the founder of this cuddle group is an interior designer.

Men's cuddling group aims to redefine masculinity and heal trauma

I feel physically ill. Fuck this gay earth.

Men's cuddling group aims to redefine masculinity and heal trauma

Just one word: [Image: gay.gif]

With God's help, I'll conquer this terrible affliction.

By way of deception, thou shalt game women.

Diaboli virtus in lumbar est -The Devil's virtue is in his loins.

Men's cuddling group aims to redefine masculinity and heal trauma

My image of Pennsylvania just turned from a big Liberty Bell into this.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Men's cuddling group aims to redefine masculinity and heal trauma

Would cuddle dude at top left - I think I would feel safe in his arms.

Men's cuddling group aims to redefine masculinity and heal trauma


The cuddling started with men pairing up to do “the motorcycle hold,” in which one man sits with his back against another man’s chest, as if they were riding together on a motorcycle. Some massaged their partner’s shoulders or hands, while others stroked the other person’s beard. Many closed their eyes as the room fell into silence. After 15 minutes, they switched to a new partner.

For the second half of the session, the men cuddled as one large group in what they call a “puppy pile.” Men lay with their heads in each other’s laps, chatted, and joked.

[Image: laugh2.gif]

Men's cuddling group aims to redefine masculinity and heal trauma

Soy, not even once

Men's cuddling group aims to redefine masculinity and heal trauma

I bet the guy on the left that doesn't have soyface is a chubby-chasing gay that started the meetup like how I'd start a meetup group to help empower large-breasted women by letting them compete to see who can do the best job at smothering me with their tits.

Men's cuddling group aims to redefine masculinity and heal trauma

This is a deliberate perversion of masculine friendship and comradery - something they do not want.

It would not be allowed if it were like the below. Look what happens when we try to meet up.

[Image: lkou4F3.jpg]

[Image: XTVDHli.jpg]

[Image: itJZ7tP.jpg]

Men's cuddling group aims to redefine masculinity and heal trauma

Does this lend credence to the theory that gays weren't hugged enough by dad?

Men's cuddling group aims to redefine masculinity and heal trauma

On behalf of all women, I'm very angry that this has been set up just for men. I can only imagine how many women out there would love to be a part of this.

That's not how we do things in Russia, comrade.


Men's cuddling group aims to redefine masculinity and heal trauma

I was on Pornhub (girlsdoporn) and I saw this advertisement for guys that can watch porn together online and wank at the same time.... seems similar.

Men's cuddling group aims to redefine masculinity and heal trauma

Repulsive. A couple of those queers have paedo-faces to boot.

Men's cuddling group aims to redefine masculinity and heal trauma

Worst. Lemonparty. Ever.

Bearforce1 have added a new member I see.


Men's cuddling group aims to redefine masculinity and heal trauma

Quote: (03-25-2019 03:05 PM)Sooth Wrote:  

This is a deliberate perversion of masculine friendship and comradery - something they do not want.

It would not be allowed if it were like the below. Look what happens when we try to meet up.

[Image: lkou4F3.jpg]

[Image: XTVDHli.jpg]

[Image: itJZ7tP.jpg]


Men have been "men in arms" for a million years. Men have defended each other, carried each other, sewn up each other's wounds, avenged each other, cared for their fellow's children and remarried the wives of their departed brothers.

I don't hate these "cuddle" guys. I understand totally why they get together and hug. I bet they go on camping trips and help each other build shelving in the garage. But I do hate society for trivializing and faggotizing it.

Men's cuddling group aims to redefine masculinity and heal trauma

Quote: (03-25-2019 04:37 PM)MrLemon Wrote:  

I bet they go on camping trips and help each other build shelving in the garage.
I'm sorry. I read this in another context and laughed enough to kick over my gallon of water. You owe me a new one.

Men's cuddling group aims to redefine masculinity and heal trauma

Quote: (03-25-2019 01:31 PM)CaptainCup Wrote:  

I stopped reading when I saw the founder of this cuddle group is an interior designer.

But he has killed sixteen Czechoslovakians.

Men's cuddling group aims to redefine masculinity and heal trauma

Roosh, please make the next meetup a hugging event. We'll all wear dresses and touch each other. I guarantee the feminists will leave us alone. And strangely enough, they won't want to join in and ruin it by making it a unisex event. The password is "Where can get poppers?"

That's not how we do things in Russia, comrade.


Men's cuddling group aims to redefine masculinity and heal trauma

Nothing wrong with some non-gay contact between you and your bros, like the ole angled handgrasp-into-a-bro-hug deal

(not sure how to embed as a gif)

This, however, reeks of faggotry. Do they bust out the body oil and play naked twister after they all get their cuds?

Men's cuddling group aims to redefine masculinity and heal trauma


Men's cuddling group aims to redefine masculinity and heal trauma

Is this what they really had in mind when they started MGTOW..?

Men's cuddling group aims to redefine masculinity and heal trauma

I don't want to even know what the fuck that they are doing. Here is some R. Lee Ermy Clips to get rid of the fag stench on this post:

And my personal favorite:

"Stop playing by 1950's rules when everyone else is playing by 1984."
- Leonard D Neubache

Men's cuddling group aims to redefine masculinity and heal trauma

Are there direct flights from Honolulu to his Plymouth place?


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